Tag: Dynasty Demons

Dynasty Mordians

Dynasty Mordians: Dynasty Mordians are like the head guards. They are skilled fighters, warriors, and strategists. They are responsible for training different guards to work together. They will create strategies and assign guards to various assignments. Mordians are all well-rounded and have different unique skills in survival and will teach the guards how to stay safe…
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Gjen Warriors (Dynasty Demons)

This is a unique rank among Dynasty demons for a highly trained group of warriors. They are trained to work solo and together in groups in a selective form of fighting style that is concealed in mysteries and shadows. A lot of what goes into becoming a Gjen warrior is secret if selected others will…
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Kiauah Warriors (Dynasty Demons)

Kiauah Warriors: Kiauah Warriors are unique to only the group of Dynasty demons Akelta conjures from as they are designed to protect and defend against specialized warriors from other Dynasty groups. The majority of Kiauah warriors are females but they do have some males among their ranks. They are exclusive to the Dynasty demons working…
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Dynasty Demons

Heralding high in the untamed regions of the outer spiritual realm we present to you the incredible Dynasty Demons.  These demons are huge on tradition and incredibly honorable and wise.  They believe in family and nurturing long lines of wisdom and tradition.  They often reject new ideas and new technologies because of their devotion to tradition, but that…
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Thieves (Demonic)

Dynasty Thieves: Dynasty thieves have a code of honor: they will not steal from their tribe, group, or empire. They will however steal secrets, resources, or items from other Dynasty groups. They will steal info, gems, things that will benefit not just them but the Dynasty group (specifically the one part of the core). Thieves…
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Spies (Demonic)

Demons Spies are incredible at uncovering information and navigating challenging situations.  They can sneak around and uncover information and deliver it to their companion.  They can also find out pieces of information that their companion should not know about.  They are in the business of information and they take that business very seriously. They know…
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Guards (Demonic)

Dynasty Guards: Dynasty guards are very skilled, trained warriors that protect and guard their empires. They are taught unique fighting techniques and are trained to have the ability to strategize and spot threats. Guards are excellent at detecting anything dangerous in the area and are highly regarded for their survival skills. They know how to handle…
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Assassins (Demonic)

Demon Assassins are the Dark Shadows who loom in the night, ready to strike.  They have special orders and to even be considered for them, the demon must show incredible skill and promise.  The Assassin Orders will not waste their time training an initiate who is unworthy.  The Assassin’s Orders began in the Chaos realm,…
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Conjuring a Dynasty Demon

Dynasty demons are moderate to Conjure. Their realm can make it difficult to make contact as it is very hard also to find them and make contact with them. They are in the higher realms and so their energies can be higher vibrational though they have a unique understanding of the corrosive darkness, it gives…
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