Category: F

Sombre Shade

Unique Spirits of the Dead from the Eternal Graveyard Realm connected to the Spooky Key Portal. Their Listing opens during the Halloween Season and can be found here… >>>Sombre Shade Listing<<< These shadows do not speak, and they travel through the endless graveyard, hovering through the various dimensions.  They act as incredible guides and know all…
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Fallen Siephfe

Fallen Siephfe The fallen Siephfe are a group of angels who after their fall rejected their angelic aspect in its entirety. They were fallen angels that found no peace or balance, they instead fully embraced their demonic side. While some angels found balance after their fall there wasn’t any resolution for this group. Fallen Siephfe’s…
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Fallen Angels

Fallen Angels are found in the inner spiritual worlds and the outer spiritual worlds and are actually found in many different inner spiritual worlds. Though the groups are not connected, and they all seem to have different stories and mythologies. The Fallen Angels that Satan and Sons conjures are the Fallen Angels of the Outer…
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