Category: B

Black Flame Demons

They have a few variations on their title. Demons of the Black Flame: Lords of the Black Flame, Masters of the Black Flame, Lords of the Black Sun, essentially a type of demon who specializes in working with the Black Flame. They are a type of demon that has embarked on a transformative journey through…
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Brigadier (Demonic Army)

Demon Brigadier The Demon Brigadiers assist the Commander and the Generals with organizing their troops and the tasks that they have to oversee.  They organize groups of legions and often can make decisions and take actions when they are away from their commanders or generals.  They have shown incredible skill and leadership.  They understand how…
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Black Seraph

Black Seraph Black Seraphs are a group that has pushed themselves into the darkness of their demonic lineage after their fall as angels. They fused themselves with the essence of the void also called the black void elixir, which is different from the black flame. The black void elixir is an essence in the void…
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Barons and Baronesses (Demonic)

Barons and Baronesses – The Demonic Barons and Baronesses of the outer spiritual world are responsible for a portion of land in a territory and are responsible for governing that land and making sure that everything runs smoothly within it.  The territories of the outer spiritual world are incredibly vast, and it does help at times to…
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Black Wraith

The Black Wraith Type: Spirit Class: Graveyard, Necromancy  Spiritual Layer: Inner Spiritual World, Realm: Eternal Graveyard Realm of the Dead, Realm of Black Death Black Wraiths are a type of spirit that are the twisted essence of souls of those who have passed violently.  Black wraiths have experienced great trauma and pain and as such, they…
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