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We offer spirit familiars and companions, mystical magickals, curious readings from the other side, and of course… Our Fantastic Demon Companions.
About Us
We are
Passionate and Committed to our Path
Here are Satan and Sons we embrace the Dark Side. We specialize in Demons, Conjures, Demonosophy, Black Magick, and all things Dark and Delightful.

Find who calls to you
Unique Demon Companion Conjures from the Demonic Divine
Come Check Out What Makes us Unique
At Satan and Sons we strive for customer satisfaction. We want you to experience the wonder of the spiritual world and when you enter this space, feel like you are family. Below you will find what sets us apart from others.
We offer a supportive community committed to helping you attain your spiritual goals and connect to your companions.
Our Demon Companions are life-changing and incredible! Come see what makes our companions unique and how they can help you!
We believe in education to help you walk this path. We are known as a resource of Demonic information and we share what we know!
JOIN OUR DISCORD COMMUNITYInspired Spells and Workings
Transformative Workings to boost your Practise and Empower your Life
Demons are a Humans Best Friend
Walking with Demons
Is an absolute joy
Demons are Amazing!
At the age of 6, Priestess Akelta became aware of a Dark Presence who walked with her, protected her, and guided her. This Dark Demon was her guardian, and he was the first of many Demon Companions to join her on this journey.

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What our Clients are saying
We have years of satisfied clients who have had life changing experiences with our amazing and incredible companions! Below you will find some of the kind words our clients have shared with us regarding our work.
~Elena A.
May 24th 2019
Verrine Elemental
“I received an elemental healing and was surprised how I was able to tell when it was taking place. At first I noticed that I was tired, what I’ve come to understand is a norm when experiencing a healing.
2nd I experience light energy and relief in the areas of my body. The healer was able to sense exactly where I was having problems without previous knowledge of the issues.
I gained helpful insight and increased self awareness. I’d recommend it to anyone. Thank you so much.”
Satanic Orb Spell
“”I had this spell cast on me on friday but I actually had satan visit me and saw a black ball of energy penetrate my third eye two days before the casting when akelta emailed me to say the spell was scheduled for the friday I told her about this which she said it was really good as satan sometimes prepares you before recieving it.
This is the second time ive purchased something from these ladies and been visited I had a divine demon queen conjured for me and I finshed work one night to go to bed only to be told to open up my dark eye and there were sevetal female demons looking at me I emailed akelta and she had just finished the conjure and sent her to me.
Never be in doubt as to the power of these ladies they do a wonderful service in getting this noticed. Thanks I will purchase again soon. Xxx”
~ Grey
Lady Hekate Psychic Eye Magickal
Took me a bit to get used to the magickal itself. However the energy is is very gentle. After a bit of carrying it with me and working with it. I did notice small things at first but there has been a noticable improvement in clairvoyance. I would highly recommend