Tag: Void Demons

Malum Void Demons

The Malum Void Demons have Hollow black eyes and Hollow mouths. They move through the layers of shade and shadow and they seek out prey to suck out the soul of ones very body. They slither and move in an unsettling manner through the darkness and they make sounds that will chill you to the…
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Stygian Void Demons

The Stygian Void Demons are the oldest group.  Formed at the cracking of The Void when Chaos and Divinity rose, though many say they were from before, they existed within a different state and always were.  They are complex in their Void essence and are empowered demons of raw darkness.   There is a layered complexity to…
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Obscura Void Demons

Void Demons who move through the shifting madness of the void. They change, they are shape-shifters. They bend their forms and change themselves. They offer up illusions to confuse those who stray too close to their den. They will lead them astray and lead them to the obscure shadows where they will be lost. They…
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Infernus Void Demons

Void Demons of Power and Rage, the aggressive aspects of The Void, and the power of vengeance and destruction. Like the Sepulchral Void Demons, They have a spectrum of emotional understanding that does not exist here.  The only emotion that we have in common ground with them is Anger and Rage.  They have power and…
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Sepulchral Void Demons

Void Demons who dwell in the darkness and the gloom.  There are places in The Void that make the states of depression feel like nothing by comparison.  These spaces rip all mental anguish from your soul and amplify it sending you to please of despair and anguish. The forgotten feelings and painful emotions that sleep…
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Ebon Void Demons

The Second oldest group of void demons and the ones from the black depth. The Black essence flows within them. They are often found around strange black energy pools that exist deep within The Void.  There is profound wisdom to them, and they command very sublime energy.  The currents of darkness are at their command…
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Diabol Void Demons

Coming Soon

Dread Void Demons

Coming Soon

Void Demons

Since doing my first post on Void Demons we have done a lot of research, and have made some incredible discoveries.  This post will incorporate elements of my old post but also will include updated information that we have uncovered from our journey to the void.  The void we are speaking of is the one in the…
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