Tag: Royalty

Ruling Core Demonic Royal Families

Ruling Royal Families – These are the ruling families of the Core Demons.  All heads of the ruling families sit on the Demonic Council These are the rulers of the Core Demonic realms;  The Hellborn Realm, the Noble Realm, The Lowborn Real, The Chaos Realm, the Arachne Realms, The Abyssal Realms, The Mutilation Realm, etc.  They…
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Princes and Princesses (Demonic)

Princes and Princesses – The Children of an appointed king and queen. This rank is one for those who are descended from a Demon King of Queen and have not been appointed the Rank of King of Queen to preside over their own realm, they always assist their parents with their duties and responsibilities. There are…
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Kings and Queens (Demonic)

Kings and Queens – Demon kings and queens are royal titles. These demons are from one of the royal families and they command and oversee their own realm.  They can and often are also Dark Lords and Ladies.   The Kings and the Queens Oversee realms, the core demons realms and the other demons realms can have different structures…
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High Princes and High Princesses (Demonic)

High Princes and High Princesses –  The Children of a High King and High Queen. This rank is one for those who are descended from a Demon High King of High Queen and are a member of one of the Core ruling families.  They often do have their own realms but have decided not to move to the…
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High Kings and High Queens (Demonic)

High Kings and High Queens – The ruling houses of the realm work with the Emperor of their realm to make sure that things are running smoothly and efficiently.  The ruling families of any realm usually all know each other and work closely to ensure that the entire realm runs smoothly.  They also coordinate the other Kings and…
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Emperors and Empresses (Demonic)

Emperors and Empresses – the heads of an entire demonic realm.  This title in the outer spiritual world is specifically reserved for one who is the head of their house and also the head of their realm.  There are very few Demonic Emperors and Empresses in the outer spiritual world. I cannot speak for the inner spiritual world…
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Royalty (Demonic)

Demon Royals are very high-ranking members of the core demonic society.  They are very powerful and influential and they command a lot of ability and a lot of respect.  Each member of the demon royalty is different, they have their own unique skills and abilities and the realms that they command are all very unique.…
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