What is a Custom Conjure?

What is a Custom Conjure?

A Custom Conjure is where we will look for a demon/entity/spirit that specializes in the area that you wish to work in. When we Custom Conjure it means that we are looking for a demon that is energetically in alignment with you and will match your energy to help you support your goals and your journey here.

This process can take some time depending on what you are looking for as we have to find a demon who not only matches what you are looking for, but also matches your energies and is a good fit. Whereas pre bounds are already screened and ready to go meet human companions, Custom Conjures we are starting from scratch and journeying to the spiritual world to find a companion who…

a) wants to work with a human companion as not all demons do

b) is a good fit energetically for working with their human companion

c) specializes in the areas that the human companion wishes to work on.

Category: Companions