Most Popular Frequently Asked Questions

This is a very good question. I appreciate those who has asked it and I am glad I get the chance to answer it.  The short answer is for the same reason that I pay my accountant to do my taxes instead of doing it myself,  But I will elaborate on that in this post as this is a very layered and a very, very good question.

There are many layers to conjuring.  It is a skill set that takes years to develop.  It also takes years to develop the connections to the different demonic realms.

What realm are you conjuring from?  Is it the outer spiritual world, an inner spiritual world?  Have you been there?  Have you negotiated with the demons? 

There are many places that one can get Demon Companions from. As conjurers we take years to develop the traveling skills and the techniques to screen the demons that we bring through.  We have the places where we have connections with the demons there to find them. It is something that we have spent our lives building up. This is a skill set that takes many years to master.  There is the element of uncovering the realms and learning about the demons and the different species that you are conjuring.  Then there is the element of learning about how best to bring the demon through into this realm.  How to create a link, how to create the bindings, how to screen them.

There are times when sludge beings come through instead and they try to imitate the demons that are coming through. I have had this happen and had to banish them and I have 5 – 35 safety rituals (depending on the demon species) to make sure that what I am bringing through is safe and won’t cause damage.  It’s a skill set in its own.

There is the personal element of walking the path, but as Lord Mammon always tells me you can either be the jack of all trades or you can surround yourself with people who are experts in their field.  Learning and developing a foundation and moving towards what you excel at is how I view this path. But that means that in pursuit of my path, I will need to have experts to help in areas that I am weak at.  In our 80 or so years it is impossible to learn everything and there are people who are naturally better at things than I am. Which is why I hire an accountant to do my taxes, a lawyer to handle my legal and an assistant to help keep me organized.  There is a huge skill set in learning to conjure and connect with demons. It is something that by all means you can pursue, but it is a skill set on its own that one must master.

You can approach the Dark Lords and ask them to grant you a familiar.  Sometimes they do grant you one, sometimes they don’t. It all depends on them. Then you have to screen it, you have to connect with it and you have to learn about it and what it does.  You still have to put in the work that a conjurer does so you will still have to develop the skills to make sure that you are getting the correct information.

Conjurers have a very specific skill set which they use, and they spend years building up connections and forming relationships with the beings and realms they wish to conjure from.   It takes time to not only form connections with the Dark Lords, but also with the perspective realms and regions where the demons reside.

I have been asked if the Demons will think less of you for buying a demon.  They would not think less of you.  I know Mammon rewards me when I learn how to delegate. It is something I myself have had trouble balancing and it is something that he has been working with me to learn to do.

Delegating and finding masters in their fields to compliment what you do raises your energies and it also raises the collective energies of the group.  Azazel especially I know believes in mastery of the self, but mastery usually means that you will excel in some areas and not others.  A World Class Gymnast would be a master gymnast, but they might not know how to balance their chequebook.  So it never hurts to surround yourself with people who are strong in areas that you are weak.

With conjures I even purchase conjures from different conjurers who I trust because we all have different energy vibrations and we are open to different realms.  Many of the conjurers that I buy from conjure from places that I am not connected to,  having their energies and expertise adds to my own path and helps me to grow.  My speciality is demons, they have always been and will always be my speciality, but that does not take away from the people who specialize in other areas. They offer amazing and incredible beings as well.  The diversity of skill is one thing that makes this community and this path so amazing.

At the end of the day I can try to do my taxes by myself, I can try to do my own bookkeeping. When I tried to do my bookkeeping myself it took me 6 weeks and I was so frustrated and it was taking away from my true path and my work,  It cost me $600 to get my bookkeeping done,  and then 20 minutes to put it all together and take it to my accountant.  The one time I tried to do my accounting on my own, well, that is a dark time of my life.  It costs me $700 to get my accountant to do it and he is amazing.  So yes I will spend the $1300 to save the time and help me focus on what I desire and my passion.  They have spent the time and the years to learn the skills to charge that price, and I appreciate and respect their skills and have no issues paying for it.  Raising your vibrations also means surrounding yourself with people who have skills in areas you are weak in. This gives you the time to embrace what you are passionate about.

That is from my experience with them. Your personal experience with this will be unique to you as that is also the nature of the path. Though we do say if you are drawn to a particular demon who has come through it never hurts to have a visit and see how you feel.  There is no commitment and you always have the right to say no.  Our main goal is to match clients with the demon that is perfect for them and their path. Sometimes that can take time and it should.

You should always make sure this is what is right for you.  People offer services in areas that they are masters in. Sometimes those services are right for you, sometimes they are not, but only you can make that call.

We are very happy and proud to offer the demons that we conjure, it is something that we take pride in and love doing. If you are drawn to it we will be happy to help you and if not, well we still would love to have you in our community.  It is all part of the diversity of walking on the Left Hand Path.

This is a question that we get a lot.  We do not cast love spells of this nature due to the fact that we do not know enough about the individual situation to know if this is just an influencing spell, or an actual spell that is akin to mind rape. 

Influencing spells where you influence the other means that love is already there and we are just giving it a little push,  the other kind though we are basically adding energy to change the will and inner desire of the individual. 

We have found that spells where one lover is forced to love another tend to require constant energy for any lasting effect. As time goes on it also gets harder and harder to keep the individual bound to you. This also does not produce a truly loving relationship as the individual that is forced to stay ends up growing resentful over time and more energy is needed to keep the spell going.  

We have items within our store that can help you find love though and can help you to let go of blocks and energies that are holding you back from finding love and really embracing it.  

For loving yourself and learning to value yourself and appreciate the amazing individual that you are we recommend our Solar Beauty Magickal.. Click here to view them!

We would also recommend our Rosier’s Exploration of Love as this magickal can help you to free and release the energies that are preventing you from attaining love.   Click Here to view them!

Or our Lord Rosier’s Burst of Passion – Divine Love Candle is another amazing tool for helping you to find and embrace love in your life. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Astarte and Asmodeus Ritual of Love and Soul Mates to shift your energies and bring to you a passionate soul mate and lover.  Click here to view the ritual!

Q: I want to be your apprentice, please mentor me!

A: Unfortunately we aren’t taking on one-on-one magickal apprentices at this time.  Though if you are interested from learning from us we do offer information, lessons and exercise on our online forum.  Satan and Suns. Membership is free to join! We like to offer community learning and growth and like to cultivate a positive and nurturing learning environment where anyone can grow and learn.  This is what we have found to be the most efficient and powerful method to teach people from and it is also a great way for people to share experiences and their own personal gnosis from their own path.  

In the future we will be offering online courses, books, and lessons down the road to continue to help people on their spiritual paths!  Our personal philosophy is that there is not just one path that is right, it is that all paths, and cultures and traditions have their place in their world. It is something that we feel strongly with that by sharing our paths and discussing things from a respectful place, we can all grow and learn.  

There are going to be things that we disagree on and this is ok! No one should have to compromise their values, but we can all respectfully disagree when we cross those bridges.  The sharing of information and wisdom though allows people to see through the eyes of others and to learn through our individual gnosis.  We have found this is one of the most powerful and incredible teaching methods and it is why we have chosen to teach from this platform.

We offer the various vessels for our demon and spirit companions which act as focal points for working with them.  Below you will find a list of the vessels types that we offer.  

Pendants: Our pendants are Sterling Silver with Various Gemstones embedded into them.  

Rings: Our rings are also sterling silver with Various gemstones embedded into them.  We have all sizes, if you would like a specific size please let us know.  

Bracelets: We have various bracelets that can be selected for a companion vessel.

Polished Gems: We have various polished gemstones that can be used for vessels.  We have a variety of Crystals in stock, you can let your companion select the one they prefer or you 

Beads: We have different beads and charms that can be used as vessels, if you would like one of these please select it from the option.  

Aura Link:  We also offer Aura linking where we create an energy link between you and your spirit companion to help attune you to their energies and connect with them.  Instead of creating the focal point in the vessel, we will create a focal point directly to you through your aura.

The notion of soul binding is creating an energy link between your auric energies and your companions auric energies. This is an incredible way to connect with your companion and to feel their energies while allowing them to feel your energies. While there are methods that essentially trap the companion within your body, these are not methods that we practise as they are both cruel and unsafe. People have suffered horrible fates having entities that are trapped within them, so we have developed our own ritual to ensure that the methods are both safe and humane.

Yes, we do our own version of a soul binding ritual.  It is our aura binding ritual as we create a link between your companions energies and the layers of your aura to enhance the connection between you and your companion. This ritual process links the layers of your aura to the layers of there’s to assist with connection and communication. It also helps you and your companion to get a feel for each other and work together in a closer manner.

A physical vessel acts as a physical focal point for working with your companion and having that physical link that helps you to connect with them. While both methods, physical vessel and aura binding, have their benefits, it comes down to the individual. Which method do you prefer and which one helps you connect. This is different for everyone so there is no right or wrong choice or better or worse choice. It all comes down to preference.

This process is safe as we ensure that when these energies are flexible and not restrictive. This means that there is no danger to your or your companion and you both will remain free while being connected. There is also no soul obligation or contract that must be fulfilled for this process, just the normal respect that we show to all our companions.

 There is the option to select Aura binding instead of Vessel binding on the purchase page 🙂 

Questions About Spirit Companions

This is a very good question. I appreciate those who has asked it and I am glad I get the chance to answer it.  The short answer is for the same reason that I pay my accountant to do my taxes instead of doing it myself,  But I will elaborate on that in this post as this is a very layered and a very, very good question.

There are many layers to conjuring.  It is a skill set that takes years to develop.  It also takes years to develop the connections to the different demonic realms.

What realm are you conjuring from?  Is it the outer spiritual world, an inner spiritual world?  Have you been there?  Have you negotiated with the demons? 

There are many places that one can get Demon Companions from. As conjurers we take years to develop the traveling skills and the techniques to screen the demons that we bring through.  We have the places where we have connections with the demons there to find them. It is something that we have spent our lives building up. This is a skill set that takes many years to master.  There is the element of uncovering the realms and learning about the demons and the different species that you are conjuring.  Then there is the element of learning about how best to bring the demon through into this realm.  How to create a link, how to create the bindings, how to screen them.

There are times when sludge beings come through instead and they try to imitate the demons that are coming through. I have had this happen and had to banish them and I have 5 – 35 safety rituals (depending on the demon species) to make sure that what I am bringing through is safe and won’t cause damage.  It’s a skill set in its own.

There is the personal element of walking the path, but as Lord Mammon always tells me you can either be the jack of all trades or you can surround yourself with people who are experts in their field.  Learning and developing a foundation and moving towards what you excel at is how I view this path. But that means that in pursuit of my path, I will need to have experts to help in areas that I am weak at.  In our 80 or so years it is impossible to learn everything and there are people who are naturally better at things than I am. Which is why I hire an accountant to do my taxes, a lawyer to handle my legal and an assistant to help keep me organized.  There is a huge skill set in learning to conjure and connect with demons. It is something that by all means you can pursue, but it is a skill set on its own that one must master.

You can approach the Dark Lords and ask them to grant you a familiar.  Sometimes they do grant you one, sometimes they don’t. It all depends on them. Then you have to screen it, you have to connect with it and you have to learn about it and what it does.  You still have to put in the work that a conjurer does so you will still have to develop the skills to make sure that you are getting the correct information.

Conjurers have a very specific skill set which they use, and they spend years building up connections and forming relationships with the beings and realms they wish to conjure from.   It takes time to not only form connections with the Dark Lords, but also with the perspective realms and regions where the demons reside.

I have been asked if the Demons will think less of you for buying a demon.  They would not think less of you.  I know Mammon rewards me when I learn how to delegate. It is something I myself have had trouble balancing and it is something that he has been working with me to learn to do.

Delegating and finding masters in their fields to compliment what you do raises your energies and it also raises the collective energies of the group.  Azazel especially I know believes in mastery of the self, but mastery usually means that you will excel in some areas and not others.  A World Class Gymnast would be a master gymnast, but they might not know how to balance their chequebook.  So it never hurts to surround yourself with people who are strong in areas that you are weak.

With conjures I even purchase conjures from different conjurers who I trust because we all have different energy vibrations and we are open to different realms.  Many of the conjurers that I buy from conjure from places that I am not connected to,  having their energies and expertise adds to my own path and helps me to grow.  My speciality is demons, they have always been and will always be my speciality, but that does not take away from the people who specialize in other areas. They offer amazing and incredible beings as well.  The diversity of skill is one thing that makes this community and this path so amazing.

At the end of the day I can try to do my taxes by myself, I can try to do my own bookkeeping. When I tried to do my bookkeeping myself it took me 6 weeks and I was so frustrated and it was taking away from my true path and my work,  It cost me $600 to get my bookkeeping done,  and then 20 minutes to put it all together and take it to my accountant.  The one time I tried to do my accounting on my own, well, that is a dark time of my life.  It costs me $700 to get my accountant to do it and he is amazing.  So yes I will spend the $1300 to save the time and help me focus on what I desire and my passion.  They have spent the time and the years to learn the skills to charge that price, and I appreciate and respect their skills and have no issues paying for it.  Raising your vibrations also means surrounding yourself with people who have skills in areas you are weak in. This gives you the time to embrace what you are passionate about.

That is from my experience with them. Your personal experience with this will be unique to you as that is also the nature of the path. Though we do say if you are drawn to a particular demon who has come through it never hurts to have a visit and see how you feel.  There is no commitment and you always have the right to say no.  Our main goal is to match clients with the demon that is perfect for them and their path. Sometimes that can take time and it should.

You should always make sure this is what is right for you.  People offer services in areas that they are masters in. Sometimes those services are right for you, sometimes they are not, but only you can make that call.

We are very happy and proud to offer the demons that we conjure, it is something that we take pride in and love doing. If you are drawn to it we will be happy to help you and if not, well we still would love to have you in our community.  It is all part of the diversity of walking on the Left Hand Path.

I have been asked this a few times.  People are confused why I work with demons and why I attribute my success to them.  They feel that my results are not from my work with demons but from my own efforts and dedication.

While it is true that I would not have gotten where I am without my own dedication and commitment to this work, it is not all on my efforts.  People will spend their entire life spinning their wheels and get nothing.  If hard work was the end all and be all, everyone who worked hard would get ahead.  In the end though, most people will spend their lives stuck, never accomplishing anything even if they worked hard.  What the demons bring is the opportunity, the amazing opportunities and the connections.  I say working with them is 50/50. You put in your 50% and they will put in 50%.  There are energies and vibrations which allow us to step out of these places and without being guided to what those energy vibrations are, we can essentially become stuck and unable to jump to the level of attainment that we wish to attain,

I believe that there are many gods and the when we connect to them and are aligned with the energies that we resonate with, that is when we can attain phenomenal results.  I do not believe there is one set path for everything, but I do believe that when an individual findz their path and finds the spiritual area they are passionate about, that is when they can attain incredible results.  Those who attain success have an alignment in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual vibrations and it is from that alignment that they are able to manifest. People get results from connecting with gods who they are aligned with whether that be Christianity, Hinduism or in our case Satanism.

I actually think success in itself is wonderful and that we should be celebrating success with those who attain it, no matter what spiritual path they are on.  It raises the energy vibrations for everyone.  My energies naturally align with demons and the dark lords, so this is the area where I will find success.

When I started working with demons a lot of things happened.  The second I started working with them I was given opportunities and was able to meet people who opened up some pretty powerful doors.  I heard Mammon, he told me things I had never heard before, introduced me to people who told me things that were incredible.

It was about 5 years after working with him that everything fell apart.  It fell apart because it was time, it was time for me to move on. It was time for me to expand beyond where I was and to step into my own vibrational layers.  I valued my time with these people but I knew it was time to spread my wings and fly if I was going to make it in the area I wanted to.    I believe that Mammon set up that situation to inundate me with those success energies.  Some people would say it was luck, but I believe it was them aligning me with what I needed, to learn the lessons to get where I wanted to go.

I have a dream life and everything I desire and it gets better every single day, so a better question is, why would I stop doing what works so well?  I find it so interesting that people challenge me on things, it is like they are uncomfortable with my beliefs but my beliefs are not for them to be comfortable with.  They are my beliefs and they come from my experiences, like everything in this world.

Can you pull money out of thin air?  I can and have.

Have you dined with billionaires and the elite? I have.

Have you traveled around the world and been to incredible places?  I have taken my children to Disneyland multiple times and stayed at top quality resorts and traveled to many corners of the world.

I mean, what I am doing is working… why would I change it? Just because other people don’t understand why I do things?  I never base my actions, thoughts or beliefs on what others think of me.  It is how I broke out of the chains that bound me.  I am living it to the fullest, and yes I have Mammon to thank for it and all the demons I work with.

I believe in my own inner power and that this power can rise from understanding the subconscious mind.  But I also believe that there are external forces as well, it is a combination and a mix of both of them.  I believe it is this understanding of this balance why some people rise to the top, and others spend their entire lives spinning their wheels, working hard, but never getting anywhere.

I walk with demons and learn from them and respect them as I would any human mentor. This is respect for one who understands more than I do and is educating me.   I find there is indoctrination when we are young that we have to do things ourself and never ask for help.   It actually is an interesting mindset that we do not need help.  I have found that those who surround themselves with brilliant minds and create teams and systems go further than those who try to go it alone.  There is a team effort in success and this is the next level beyond the inner world.  Control your inner world, embrace your outer world and know that there is so much more out there than you can even fathom.

Healthy respect and appreciation for someone who knows more than I do is very different than blind worship.  I do not think there is any harm in learning from those who know more than you, and the demons they know a lot more then I do, they are a lot wiser then I am, and it would be foolish of me to not thank them for everything that they have done for me.

So, thank you from the deepest part of my heart and soul, to all the demons that walk with me, guide me and support me on this journey <3

Can your spirits and entities work effectively with people of various religious backgrounds?

The demons that we screen are not bothered by other religions. In fact, many of them are curious about other religions and perspectives.  We also have sone demons we offer, such as the Devotion demons who enjoy learning about different religions.  Yes, you can take their vessels to your places of worship, that will not be a problem for the demon.

There is a lot of speculation about demons being incompatible with other faiths and peoples, but really demons are just a divine spiritual being. They are divine in essence and divine in their darkness.  While there are personal conflicts that can arise between various members of certain groups, when we are screening, we take care to make sure the demon that comes through for you is a match on all levels. That also means a match for any religious background that you have or that other members of your family have.

It is not uncommon for your demon to gently assist your elderly mother who is a devoted catholic in a discreet way, to make sure she is safe.  They see things beyond the scope of our human judgement, and their perception of the world is different than ours.  If you have a specific religious background and are still called to work with a demon, we can accommodate.  The only thing that is very important is to just treat your demon with respect. Don’t attack them, abuse them, curse at them or try to force them to do things.  Accept them and they will accept you.

Does the vessel have to be around in order to work with the demon?

The physical vessels acts as a focus point but it is not necessary for communication. You do not have to have it on you to have them communicate with you and work with you.   When demons first arrive, the physical vessel allows for a point of connection, which will allow you to attune to their energies and help channel their energies when working with them.

Over time though, you will learn to sense your demon and communicate with their energies. That connection will become stronger so you will not need the physical vessel. Though many people like to keep them and have them close, as many times demons will enchant and cast spells on their vessels as gifts to their human companions.

Why can’t Satanists work with Christians?  I do not mean devout Christians, I mean non-practising ones who are Christian in name only.  Ones who do not go to church but just are naturally aligned to those energies.  

This is a very layered question.  I think there is a lot of pain that many on the Left Hand Path have not healed, which is why many are so opposed to Christianity and other faiths of that nature.  Many of the people on the LHP have been hurt by the RHP and there are layers to things that have to be healed.  This is completely understandable in many situations as often time hurt and pain comes with the need to heal and a time when there will be lashing out towards the other side.  This does not mean though that it should stay that way and I think that there should be a push to finding common ground and open communication and also accepting that there are many different paths out there.  It doesn’t mean we have to agree with the other side, in fact considering the nature of each path there will always be disagreements, but that doesn’t mean that we cannot get along, or at least agree to disagree.

I think that when one on the RHP is respectful of one on the LHP and vice versa, incredible discussions can happen. A discussion of philosophies without attempts of conversion makes for wonderful conversation on both ends.  I just think that there sometimes involves healing and setting boundaries to get to that place, which is not a bad thing either.

I personally have no issues with Christians, I actually enjoy having discussion with them and others of that nature who are open to a respectful dialogue.  It does not bother me at all.  I think in the grand scheme of things, there is darkness and there is light. People need to find their balance and the path that works for them.  If they find that in Christianity, wonderful, if they find that in Satanism, wonderful.  In the end people have to follow the path that speaks to them.

Doesn’t everything come from the same spiritual source?

I do agree with that and I feel the spiritual world is big enough for everyone.  There are many paths and many roads to walk. I personally believe that all religions have elements of truth to them and all religions will have pieces of the puzzle.  I enjoy studying different faiths and religions. Yes at times they are incompatible. At other times there are disagreements and fighting, but that is not a bad thing.  I think it leads to interesting discussions and is just a part of life here.

There are conflicts, there are disagreements, there are also powerful discussions and moments of clarity and unity.  It is all part of the journey here.   We do accept people of all faiths and backgrounds.  I believe all paths have a place in the whole spiritual structure and it is up to the individual to follow the path that is true to their heart.

Q.  Akelta would you explain please about the ethics inherent in trying to use demons to control a romantic partner who is not interested in being controlled?

A.  Yes, I can answer that… Ethically speaking it is not really redeemable in any way,  it’s black magick through and through and I personally think it is worse than curses.  Controlling another in this manner is essentially mind rape.  Love coercions of this nature compel the other person to act against their wishes and desires.  Basically, their internal energies are saying no, but the external energies are saying yes. So you get an endless battle where eventually the person’s will is going to win out.    It is like a spiritual rape drug in essence.  I personally do not do work like this for this very reason.

There is another side to this too, the most effective method of this is energy influencing. Because you are going against what the person desires, one would have to continually add more energy for it to be effective.  Over time it will corrode though, then when the person wakes up they will be filled with anger and rage.  It is similar to the effects of a person waking up from being in a narcissistic relationship and realizing that the person they thought they loved, was abusing them through subtle manipulation.

Adding demons to the mix it gets even more interesting because of the fact that demons are all about lessons. They are not servants, they are teachers and mentors and if someone asks for this there are lessons in them that they have to learn about why they would want to impose their will on another who is unwilling, so… what you get is a situation that is destined to backfire and when it does, adding demonic energy to the equation, the results will be, well, very “educating.”

Q: I am a boy but i wish to be a girl i feel i should have been a girl how can you help me?  Please help me i am willing to do anything…

A: Thank you for your email. This is a very big request. I understand fully being born in the wrong vessel to navigate this world. You say that you are a boy but feel you should have been a girl. My personal feeling is that you are what you feel like you are. If your soul and inside is a girl, then you ARE a girl. It doesn’t matter what society sees. Our flesh vessels are nothing more than seats in which our souls sit to experience different challenges to enhance our soul journeys.

There are certain physical and hormonal changes that can reconcile the inner soul with the outer vessel, however, these are physical matters that cannot be changed by magick. My suggestion on that would be to try to get into a good gender therapy program as soon as possible if you can. Don’t delay- the treatments available for reconciling one to their true gender are incredible nowadays. There are many ways where you can awaken what your truth is embrace who you are on the inside.

Magick, however, can help you overcome a lot of the pain associated with this and help your soul and bring out your inner Goddess. This requires a lot of self work and inner strength on your part- for this sort of magick comes from within you. You can bring her out and let her shine no matter what the physical limitations or medical limitations in your area. I would suggest working closely with Powerful Female Deities who can help you tap into your true soul gender and enhance your femininity. I would suggest working with Lady Lilith who is the Vampiric Goddess of feminine empowerment and one who can help you to awaken the power of the passionate primal feminine and help you to step into the body and energy you know that you are meant to be.

Lady Rashoon is another one, her energies are more gentle and she works with the softer attributes of the divine feminine, she can help you to discover your own personal essence in the divine feminine and can help you to claim your personal vibration.

This message is true of girls who know that they are boys at heart. If you feel in your heart that you are a boy then you are a boy and it does not matter what society thinks or says, you know yourself better then anyone and in the end you have to do what is best and right for you and no one should be trying to tell you otherwise. You can also explore many different options to help you to transform your appearance so that what you feel you should be on the inside, matches what you see on the outside.

The demons who you can work with to help you empower your masculine essence are. Asmodeus. The Demon of Lust and Passion but also an incredible masculine force. He can help you to love yourself and find your confidence. He can also help you to align with your masculinity and embrace who you are as a man, define your place amongst the divine masculine and live as you feel called.

Another amazing demon for you guys to work with is Astaroth. Astaroth is an interesting demon, have both a male and a female form and being a demon who is bi or duel gendered. Meaning that their essence compromises the balance of both the masculine and feminine and they have been able to help people to awake and bring out their true nature.

Good luck to you and remember there are option for you and there is a lot of empowerment one can find with transformation of the self!

Q: I want to be your apprentice, please mentor me!

A: Unfortunately we aren’t taking on one-on-one magickal apprentices at this time.  Though if you are interested from learning from us we do offer information, lessons and exercise on our online forum.  Satan and Suns. Membership is free to join! We like to offer community learning and growth and like to cultivate a positive and nurturing learning environment where anyone can grow and learn.  This is what we have found to be the most efficient and powerful method to teach people from and it is also a great way for people to share experiences and their own personal gnosis from their own path.  

In the future we will be offering online courses, books, and lessons down the road to continue to help people on their spiritual paths!  Our personal philosophy is that there is not just one path that is right, it is that all paths, and cultures and traditions have their place in their world. It is something that we feel strongly with that by sharing our paths and discussing things from a respectful place, we can all grow and learn.  

There are going to be things that we disagree on and this is ok! No one should have to compromise their values, but we can all respectfully disagree when we cross those bridges.  The sharing of information and wisdom though allows people to see through the eyes of others and to learn through our individual gnosis.  We have found this is one of the most powerful and incredible teaching methods and it is why we have chosen to teach from this platform.

The notion of soul binding is creating an energy link between your auric energies and your companions auric energies. This is an incredible way to connect with your companion and to feel their energies while allowing them to feel your energies. While there are methods that essentially trap the companion within your body, these are not methods that we practise as they are both cruel and unsafe. People have suffered horrible fates having entities that are trapped within them, so we have developed our own ritual to ensure that the methods are both safe and humane.

Yes, we do our own version of a soul binding ritual.  It is our aura binding ritual as we create a link between your companions energies and the layers of your aura to enhance the connection between you and your companion. This ritual process links the layers of your aura to the layers of there’s to assist with connection and communication. It also helps you and your companion to get a feel for each other and work together in a closer manner.

A physical vessel acts as a physical focal point for working with your companion and having that physical link that helps you to connect with them. While both methods, physical vessel and aura binding, have their benefits, it comes down to the individual. Which method do you prefer and which one helps you connect. This is different for everyone so there is no right or wrong choice or better or worse choice. It all comes down to preference.

This process is safe as we ensure that when these energies are flexible and not restrictive. This means that there is no danger to your or your companion and you both will remain free while being connected. There is also no soul obligation or contract that must be fulfilled for this process, just the normal respect that we show to all our companions.

 There is the option to select Aura binding instead of Vessel binding on the purchase page 🙂 

Q: Why do the scrolls take so long to complete?

A:The answer to this is… the Sigils… 

The sigils can take us a while at times, and we do apologize for that, but we would rather get you a sigil that resonates with your demon that is what they want us to reveal to you, than something that doesn’t represent them.

We really do take time to meditate with them, connecting with their energies, learning about them and recreating a sigil that represents them.  This can take time, especially with some demons, some have simple designs they want to impart, others it is very complicated.  It is a process and it is not something that we rush.  

The sigil creation process is sacred and it is something that we take our time with and something that we do not want to force.  Working with the energies, we are serious about what we do and when connecting to the energies we take the time to translate them and make sure that what we are sending you is accurate and in tune with your demon’s energies. 

We continually seek to improve our method of acquiring them and getting a solid representation of the demon’s energy who resonates with that sigil. Some are easier then others.

Recently though we have found that we have been having to enter an altered state in order to see the sigil in its multidimensional form, then return and create a representation of that on a 2 dimensional piece of paper. This can be time consuming as we really strive to represent them to the best of our abilities and skills. Sometimes we will create a sigil and it wont feel right, something is wrong, it is either missing a line, or the shape is off and we will go back and work on it until it resonates with your demon. 

We were a lot faster with the scrolls when we were not offering the sigils. They are what causes the delay, and we do apologize for that, and really appreciate your patience.

Q: What is the best option of your third eye workings? 

~Uphir psychic surgery
~Satanic Orb spell
~Hecate Psychic Gifts Enhancement

A:It is hard to say what the best option is, as they all are unique and wonderful workings, but I will lay out their differences so that you can see which one will suit your situation the best.

The Uphir Third Eye Workingis an energetic working to clear any sludge blockages, brain connectivity issues, and to clear the third eye for developing. It is performed with Lord Uphir.  The working goes deep into your third eye and cleanses the chakra, activates dormant gifts that you have, attunes you to various spiritual frequencies and also makes sure your third eye is connected and functioning as it should be.  This is a great working to start with as we really do a deep cleanse of your chakra and make sure that all the energies are flowing smoothly.  Our philosophy is that the third eye is a muscle and that working with it and training it will make it strong and sharp so we include post attunement exercises  to help you continue your third eye growth and development.  It is a very powerful working and a great one for people to start with.   

The Satanic Orbis a powerful energy tool that is created by Lord Satan and attached to your Chakra.  It is attuned to the demonic frequencies and aligned with the energies of darkness so you are naturally attuned to demons, the Dark Lords, and many other dark entities.  Different spiritual beings exist at different spiritual frequencies and this tool helps you awaken dark creativity and can enhance connections with the Dark Lords. This is a good spell to have cast if you are looking to shift your third eye work to darker elements and work with it for dark creativity and working with demons.  It will bring you closer to the demonic frequencies and help you to understand them and work with them. The dark currents of divinity are wonderful and incredible and the Satanic Orb aligns you with those currents.  You can get this spell cast at anytime.  It is open to anyone who feels called to the Darkness you do not need to be a Satanist, Demonolotor or Demonosopher to have it cast. Anyone can have it cast and it is a powerful tool for anyone who wishes to work with the dark currents and connect to the creatures of the night.  

The Hekate Psychic Gifts Enhancementis a ritual that lasts for three days.  It is designed to tap into your natural psychic skills and infuse them with the powerful energies of Lady Hekate.  This ritual for three days infuses you with her powerful psychic vibrations.  They target your third eye and your natural skills.  It also targets dormant gifts and helps them to grow and awaken.  The powers of this spell are meant to enhance your work.  This is a great spell to have cast after the Third Eye Working because it works to take the abilities that you are working with and empower them.  Strengthening your natural skills and awakening your natural abilities.  Lady Hekate is the Empress of Magick and her abilities empower and inspire all that she touches.  She is the balance of light and darkness and she knows the dark secrets of the shadow.  

I have been asked this a few times, people wanting me to scan their vessels and see if they are empty.  This is not a service that S&S will do and I will tell you why…

First…yes there are conjurers out there that are scammers and just sell blank rings but there are also sellers out there that shield and distort the energies around their bindings because they don’t want things to be scanned or stolen. On top of that, there are thieves out there in the community who do no research on their own and just prey off of other conjurers who actually do their research.   Ironically these ones are probably the ones invoking fear into the buyers and telling them that they are cursed, or blocked or that their vessel is empty.  It really is a shameful practise all around and hurts people on their spiritual path.  Usually if someone is willing to put in the time to talk to you, answer your questions, cast for you and work energies for you, they know what they are doing.  This is why it is so important in the beginning to ask many questions of your conjurer and see if they are approachable.

Honestly, I won’t get mad for being asked questions, I only get mad when people bad mouth me behind my back for things that I did not do, or because I didn’t say what they wanted me to say.  Those are things that upset me, asking me questions though even confronting me with your feelings will not make me mad.

Second…This can be a horrible practise, there are sellers out there that make a profit from scanning vessels of people who are having trouble connecting to their entities and spirits and will tell them there is nothing there.  It honestly discredits the whole community when sellers do this! It is impossible that there is only one seller out there that can do this! This is an ancient practise that has been used by magicians for over 6000 years and every family, every family has their own methods! So for one conjurer to know the vibrational frequency and to be able to identify all the species, all the vibrational frequencies and all the conjuring locations of everything in the spiritual world is folly.  It is impossible.  In my Facebook feed I have certain conjurers pop up and sometimes I don’t feel anything from the listings,  usually this is because I am not attuned to that frequency.  We all have entities that we work well with.  Some people connect strongly with some more then other beings.    Others still you will have to work to attune yourself to,

Attunement is the key, when an entity or spirit is from a region with a specific vibration and you are not attuned to it, you are not going to sense it! Necromancy is the art of speaking to the dead and it requires a very different set of skills and attunements to working with living entities.   This does not mean that one is not viable and the other is, this just means that they require a different set of skills.

I have also had people approach me with vessels from other sellers and myself that they say others have said are empty!  This statement actually flat out shows that the person who said it is slightly ignorant of the binding process, especially my binding process…

What do they mean empty? 

Do they mean that there is no entity within the vessel?  Ummm of course not! This comes from the old Djinn in a Bottle Mythos. All those Djinn who were bound forcibly in a bottle and ordered to grant wishes and do their master’s will.  Even the Disney movie Aladdin got it right, they are prisoners.  They are entrapped in their vessel and locked in it, which means that it is a forcible binding, so of course if you are scanning for something that is trapped and locked in a ring you are not going to find it, this is because this is one set of bindings and a set of binding that I do not agree with or use.

My bindings are flexible bindings which means that the energy in the Crystal is combined with specific energies attuned to the demons to bridge the connection between the demons realm and our realm and create a focal point for interaction, influence and communication. Once you are properly attuned to your demons energies, you won’t even need the vessel unless you want to have it or if you have a special ritual that you do with the demon that includes their vessel.

Do they mean there is no energy attached to the Vessel? 

Well this is just silly, the Crystal itself has energy so of course the vessel has energies and also the bindings are crafted using the crystal’s energies. So if you don’t know what you are looking for you might just feel the energies of the crystal.  This does not mean the vessel is empty, this just means the person doesn’t know what they are looking for and cannot sense energies.

Most people can feel something coming off the vessels, a powerful force, an energy vibration, a pressure on their third eye, they will feel drawn to the vessel.  Even the other day I was out for breakfast with a friend and she looked at Tigers ring and said, that ring has such incredible power to it, it has incredible spiritual vibrations, and I just smiled. She didn’t know it had Tiger’s bindings attached to it.  There will just be something about the vessel that is enticing to those who are spiritually sensitive.

A lot of times when people say that vessels are empty they have ulterior motives.  True conjurers want people to connect and work with spirits and they support this community.  They want it to grow and thrive so they will either refer the individual back to their conjurer for help, or they will offer suggestions helping them to connect.  It is really important in the beginning to do your research and make sure you select a conjurer you trust,  but it is equally important to be careful what people tell you.  Many scammers have ulterior motives and like to incite fear and panic to block people’s skills, cut down their confidence and sell them their snake oil skin.

On any spiritual path, come from a place of empowerment, not a place of fear.  If someone is pushing fear I would question their motives.  Spiritual Conjurers should be seeking to empower people who work with spirits and ones that come from fear are highly suspicious.

Be empowered! Be Inspired, and remember you are stronger then you think!

Demonic Bindings and Demon Companions :When you bring home a demon, there is not a magick switch or word that you use to activate them. They are living entities and there is a time frame to bond with them. You are brining home a being that has feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Demons are sensient and it is important to know that when you are working with them, you are essentially inviting them to join your family and working with them as a friend and mentor.

Just like the demons in the goetia you need to take the time to work with the demon, learning to communicate with them, building your spiritual foundation so you have the tools and knowledge for working with them from a respectful place. 

Our path is one of working with demons from a highly respectful place, working with them on a personal level and learning the abundance of wisdom they can share with us. We love the demons that we work with, they are like our friends, our family, and we treat them as such.

We DO NOT condone abuse of demons in any way or mistreating them with blasting rods and other archaic tools. These are not the practises that we endorse or promote. We are about working with demons and all spiritual beings from a respectful place where there is a mutually beneficial exchange of energies between both parties.

Demons that are bound to vessels are not trapped in their vessels, and they are not forced into it in any way. An energetic link is bound between the crystal/jewellery and the demon to assist you with connecting and bonding. What we do as priestess’s is venture into the spiritual world and find a demon who wishes to work with a human, it is much like the process in many cultures of finding familiars and spirit guides.

There are billions of demons out there, they are not limited to the ones in the ancient books, and our job is to go out, meet them, make sure they are demons, make sure they are safe to work with (there are many malicious creatures likes sludges and parasites that masquerade as demons) and then link them to a vessel to help you connect with them. We provide you with their information, their sigil and various methods or connecting.

It is true that anyone can go out and find their own demons, but we have trained for years to master this skill and just like I would rather hire an electrician to re wire my house, or a lawyer to handle my legal affairs many people prefer to ask a trusted professional to help match them with their demons, and that is what we do. We are Demonic Priestesses who have worked with the dark lords for years and specialize in discover, uncovering and finding new demons and species and matching them with a human companion for the benefit of both.

This is a question that we get a lot.  We do not cast love spells of this nature due to the fact that we do not know enough about the individual situation to know if this is just an influencing spell, or an actual spell that is akin to mind rape. 

Influencing spells where you influence the other means that love is already there and we are just giving it a little push,  the other kind though we are basically adding energy to change the will and inner desire of the individual. 

We have found that spells where one lover is forced to love another tend to require constant energy for any lasting effect. As time goes on it also gets harder and harder to keep the individual bound to you. This also does not produce a truly loving relationship as the individual that is forced to stay ends up growing resentful over time and more energy is needed to keep the spell going.  

We have items within our store that can help you find love though and can help you to let go of blocks and energies that are holding you back from finding love and really embracing it.  

For loving yourself and learning to value yourself and appreciate the amazing individual that you are we recommend our Solar Beauty Magickal.. Click here to view them!

We would also recommend our Rosier’s Exploration of Love as this magickal can help you to free and release the energies that are preventing you from attaining love.   Click Here to view them!

Or our Lord Rosier’s Burst of Passion – Divine Love Candle is another amazing tool for helping you to find and embrace love in your life. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Astarte and Asmodeus Ritual of Love and Soul Mates to shift your energies and bring to you a passionate soul mate and lover.  Click here to view the ritual!

We offer the various vessels for our demon and spirit companions which act as focal points for working with them.  Below you will find a list of the vessels types that we offer.  

Pendants: Our pendants are Sterling Silver with Various Gemstones embedded into them.  

Rings: Our rings are also sterling silver with Various gemstones embedded into them.  We have all sizes, if you would like a specific size please let us know.  

Bracelets: We have various bracelets that can be selected for a companion vessel.

Polished Gems: We have various polished gemstones that can be used for vessels.  We have a variety of Crystals in stock, you can let your companion select the one they prefer or you 

Beads: We have different beads and charms that can be used as vessels, if you would like one of these please select it from the option.  

Aura Link:  We also offer Aura linking where we create an energy link between you and your spirit companion to help attune you to their energies and connect with them.  Instead of creating the focal point in the vessel, we will create a focal point directly to you through your aura.

Questions About our Order Process

This is a very good question. I appreciate those who has asked it and I am glad I get the chance to answer it.  The short answer is for the same reason that I pay my accountant to do my taxes instead of doing it myself,  But I will elaborate on that in this post as this is a very layered and a very, very good question.

There are many layers to conjuring.  It is a skill set that takes years to develop.  It also takes years to develop the connections to the different demonic realms.

What realm are you conjuring from?  Is it the outer spiritual world, an inner spiritual world?  Have you been there?  Have you negotiated with the demons? 

There are many places that one can get Demon Companions from. As conjurers we take years to develop the traveling skills and the techniques to screen the demons that we bring through.  We have the places where we have connections with the demons there to find them. It is something that we have spent our lives building up. This is a skill set that takes many years to master.  There is the element of uncovering the realms and learning about the demons and the different species that you are conjuring.  Then there is the element of learning about how best to bring the demon through into this realm.  How to create a link, how to create the bindings, how to screen them.

There are times when sludge beings come through instead and they try to imitate the demons that are coming through. I have had this happen and had to banish them and I have 5 – 35 safety rituals (depending on the demon species) to make sure that what I am bringing through is safe and won’t cause damage.  It’s a skill set in its own.

There is the personal element of walking the path, but as Lord Mammon always tells me you can either be the jack of all trades or you can surround yourself with people who are experts in their field.  Learning and developing a foundation and moving towards what you excel at is how I view this path. But that means that in pursuit of my path, I will need to have experts to help in areas that I am weak at.  In our 80 or so years it is impossible to learn everything and there are people who are naturally better at things than I am. Which is why I hire an accountant to do my taxes, a lawyer to handle my legal and an assistant to help keep me organized.  There is a huge skill set in learning to conjure and connect with demons. It is something that by all means you can pursue, but it is a skill set on its own that one must master.

You can approach the Dark Lords and ask them to grant you a familiar.  Sometimes they do grant you one, sometimes they don’t. It all depends on them. Then you have to screen it, you have to connect with it and you have to learn about it and what it does.  You still have to put in the work that a conjurer does so you will still have to develop the skills to make sure that you are getting the correct information.

Conjurers have a very specific skill set which they use, and they spend years building up connections and forming relationships with the beings and realms they wish to conjure from.   It takes time to not only form connections with the Dark Lords, but also with the perspective realms and regions where the demons reside.

I have been asked if the Demons will think less of you for buying a demon.  They would not think less of you.  I know Mammon rewards me when I learn how to delegate. It is something I myself have had trouble balancing and it is something that he has been working with me to learn to do.

Delegating and finding masters in their fields to compliment what you do raises your energies and it also raises the collective energies of the group.  Azazel especially I know believes in mastery of the self, but mastery usually means that you will excel in some areas and not others.  A World Class Gymnast would be a master gymnast, but they might not know how to balance their chequebook.  So it never hurts to surround yourself with people who are strong in areas that you are weak.

With conjures I even purchase conjures from different conjurers who I trust because we all have different energy vibrations and we are open to different realms.  Many of the conjurers that I buy from conjure from places that I am not connected to,  having their energies and expertise adds to my own path and helps me to grow.  My speciality is demons, they have always been and will always be my speciality, but that does not take away from the people who specialize in other areas. They offer amazing and incredible beings as well.  The diversity of skill is one thing that makes this community and this path so amazing.

At the end of the day I can try to do my taxes by myself, I can try to do my own bookkeeping. When I tried to do my bookkeeping myself it took me 6 weeks and I was so frustrated and it was taking away from my true path and my work,  It cost me $600 to get my bookkeeping done,  and then 20 minutes to put it all together and take it to my accountant.  The one time I tried to do my accounting on my own, well, that is a dark time of my life.  It costs me $700 to get my accountant to do it and he is amazing.  So yes I will spend the $1300 to save the time and help me focus on what I desire and my passion.  They have spent the time and the years to learn the skills to charge that price, and I appreciate and respect their skills and have no issues paying for it.  Raising your vibrations also means surrounding yourself with people who have skills in areas you are weak in. This gives you the time to embrace what you are passionate about.

That is from my experience with them. Your personal experience with this will be unique to you as that is also the nature of the path. Though we do say if you are drawn to a particular demon who has come through it never hurts to have a visit and see how you feel.  There is no commitment and you always have the right to say no.  Our main goal is to match clients with the demon that is perfect for them and their path. Sometimes that can take time and it should.

You should always make sure this is what is right for you.  People offer services in areas that they are masters in. Sometimes those services are right for you, sometimes they are not, but only you can make that call.

We are very happy and proud to offer the demons that we conjure, it is something that we take pride in and love doing. If you are drawn to it we will be happy to help you and if not, well we still would love to have you in our community.  It is all part of the diversity of walking on the Left Hand Path.

I have been asked this a few times.  People are confused why I work with demons and why I attribute my success to them.  They feel that my results are not from my work with demons but from my own efforts and dedication.

While it is true that I would not have gotten where I am without my own dedication and commitment to this work, it is not all on my efforts.  People will spend their entire life spinning their wheels and get nothing.  If hard work was the end all and be all, everyone who worked hard would get ahead.  In the end though, most people will spend their lives stuck, never accomplishing anything even if they worked hard.  What the demons bring is the opportunity, the amazing opportunities and the connections.  I say working with them is 50/50. You put in your 50% and they will put in 50%.  There are energies and vibrations which allow us to step out of these places and without being guided to what those energy vibrations are, we can essentially become stuck and unable to jump to the level of attainment that we wish to attain,

I believe that there are many gods and the when we connect to them and are aligned with the energies that we resonate with, that is when we can attain phenomenal results.  I do not believe there is one set path for everything, but I do believe that when an individual findz their path and finds the spiritual area they are passionate about, that is when they can attain incredible results.  Those who attain success have an alignment in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual vibrations and it is from that alignment that they are able to manifest. People get results from connecting with gods who they are aligned with whether that be Christianity, Hinduism or in our case Satanism.

I actually think success in itself is wonderful and that we should be celebrating success with those who attain it, no matter what spiritual path they are on.  It raises the energy vibrations for everyone.  My energies naturally align with demons and the dark lords, so this is the area where I will find success.

When I started working with demons a lot of things happened.  The second I started working with them I was given opportunities and was able to meet people who opened up some pretty powerful doors.  I heard Mammon, he told me things I had never heard before, introduced me to people who told me things that were incredible.

It was about 5 years after working with him that everything fell apart.  It fell apart because it was time, it was time for me to move on. It was time for me to expand beyond where I was and to step into my own vibrational layers.  I valued my time with these people but I knew it was time to spread my wings and fly if I was going to make it in the area I wanted to.    I believe that Mammon set up that situation to inundate me with those success energies.  Some people would say it was luck, but I believe it was them aligning me with what I needed, to learn the lessons to get where I wanted to go.

I have a dream life and everything I desire and it gets better every single day, so a better question is, why would I stop doing what works so well?  I find it so interesting that people challenge me on things, it is like they are uncomfortable with my beliefs but my beliefs are not for them to be comfortable with.  They are my beliefs and they come from my experiences, like everything in this world.

Can you pull money out of thin air?  I can and have.

Have you dined with billionaires and the elite? I have.

Have you traveled around the world and been to incredible places?  I have taken my children to Disneyland multiple times and stayed at top quality resorts and traveled to many corners of the world.

I mean, what I am doing is working… why would I change it? Just because other people don’t understand why I do things?  I never base my actions, thoughts or beliefs on what others think of me.  It is how I broke out of the chains that bound me.  I am living it to the fullest, and yes I have Mammon to thank for it and all the demons I work with.

I believe in my own inner power and that this power can rise from understanding the subconscious mind.  But I also believe that there are external forces as well, it is a combination and a mix of both of them.  I believe it is this understanding of this balance why some people rise to the top, and others spend their entire lives spinning their wheels, working hard, but never getting anywhere.

I walk with demons and learn from them and respect them as I would any human mentor. This is respect for one who understands more than I do and is educating me.   I find there is indoctrination when we are young that we have to do things ourself and never ask for help.   It actually is an interesting mindset that we do not need help.  I have found that those who surround themselves with brilliant minds and create teams and systems go further than those who try to go it alone.  There is a team effort in success and this is the next level beyond the inner world.  Control your inner world, embrace your outer world and know that there is so much more out there than you can even fathom.

Healthy respect and appreciation for someone who knows more than I do is very different than blind worship.  I do not think there is any harm in learning from those who know more than you, and the demons they know a lot more then I do, they are a lot wiser then I am, and it would be foolish of me to not thank them for everything that they have done for me.

So, thank you from the deepest part of my heart and soul, to all the demons that walk with me, guide me and support me on this journey <3

Can your spirits and entities work effectively with people of various religious backgrounds?

The demons that we screen are not bothered by other religions. In fact, many of them are curious about other religions and perspectives.  We also have sone demons we offer, such as the Devotion demons who enjoy learning about different religions.  Yes, you can take their vessels to your places of worship, that will not be a problem for the demon.

There is a lot of speculation about demons being incompatible with other faiths and peoples, but really demons are just a divine spiritual being. They are divine in essence and divine in their darkness.  While there are personal conflicts that can arise between various members of certain groups, when we are screening, we take care to make sure the demon that comes through for you is a match on all levels. That also means a match for any religious background that you have or that other members of your family have.

It is not uncommon for your demon to gently assist your elderly mother who is a devoted catholic in a discreet way, to make sure she is safe.  They see things beyond the scope of our human judgement, and their perception of the world is different than ours.  If you have a specific religious background and are still called to work with a demon, we can accommodate.  The only thing that is very important is to just treat your demon with respect. Don’t attack them, abuse them, curse at them or try to force them to do things.  Accept them and they will accept you.

Does the vessel have to be around in order to work with the demon?

The physical vessels acts as a focus point but it is not necessary for communication. You do not have to have it on you to have them communicate with you and work with you.   When demons first arrive, the physical vessel allows for a point of connection, which will allow you to attune to their energies and help channel their energies when working with them.

Over time though, you will learn to sense your demon and communicate with their energies. That connection will become stronger so you will not need the physical vessel. Though many people like to keep them and have them close, as many times demons will enchant and cast spells on their vessels as gifts to their human companions.

Why can’t Satanists work with Christians?  I do not mean devout Christians, I mean non-practising ones who are Christian in name only.  Ones who do not go to church but just are naturally aligned to those energies.  

This is a very layered question.  I think there is a lot of pain that many on the Left Hand Path have not healed, which is why many are so opposed to Christianity and other faiths of that nature.  Many of the people on the LHP have been hurt by the RHP and there are layers to things that have to be healed.  This is completely understandable in many situations as often time hurt and pain comes with the need to heal and a time when there will be lashing out towards the other side.  This does not mean though that it should stay that way and I think that there should be a push to finding common ground and open communication and also accepting that there are many different paths out there.  It doesn’t mean we have to agree with the other side, in fact considering the nature of each path there will always be disagreements, but that doesn’t mean that we cannot get along, or at least agree to disagree.

I think that when one on the RHP is respectful of one on the LHP and vice versa, incredible discussions can happen. A discussion of philosophies without attempts of conversion makes for wonderful conversation on both ends.  I just think that there sometimes involves healing and setting boundaries to get to that place, which is not a bad thing either.

I personally have no issues with Christians, I actually enjoy having discussion with them and others of that nature who are open to a respectful dialogue.  It does not bother me at all.  I think in the grand scheme of things, there is darkness and there is light. People need to find their balance and the path that works for them.  If they find that in Christianity, wonderful, if they find that in Satanism, wonderful.  In the end people have to follow the path that speaks to them.

Doesn’t everything come from the same spiritual source?

I do agree with that and I feel the spiritual world is big enough for everyone.  There are many paths and many roads to walk. I personally believe that all religions have elements of truth to them and all religions will have pieces of the puzzle.  I enjoy studying different faiths and religions. Yes at times they are incompatible. At other times there are disagreements and fighting, but that is not a bad thing.  I think it leads to interesting discussions and is just a part of life here.

There are conflicts, there are disagreements, there are also powerful discussions and moments of clarity and unity.  It is all part of the journey here.   We do accept people of all faiths and backgrounds.  I believe all paths have a place in the whole spiritual structure and it is up to the individual to follow the path that is true to their heart.

Q.  Akelta would you explain please about the ethics inherent in trying to use demons to control a romantic partner who is not interested in being controlled?

A.  Yes, I can answer that… Ethically speaking it is not really redeemable in any way,  it’s black magick through and through and I personally think it is worse than curses.  Controlling another in this manner is essentially mind rape.  Love coercions of this nature compel the other person to act against their wishes and desires.  Basically, their internal energies are saying no, but the external energies are saying yes. So you get an endless battle where eventually the person’s will is going to win out.    It is like a spiritual rape drug in essence.  I personally do not do work like this for this very reason.

There is another side to this too, the most effective method of this is energy influencing. Because you are going against what the person desires, one would have to continually add more energy for it to be effective.  Over time it will corrode though, then when the person wakes up they will be filled with anger and rage.  It is similar to the effects of a person waking up from being in a narcissistic relationship and realizing that the person they thought they loved, was abusing them through subtle manipulation.

Adding demons to the mix it gets even more interesting because of the fact that demons are all about lessons. They are not servants, they are teachers and mentors and if someone asks for this there are lessons in them that they have to learn about why they would want to impose their will on another who is unwilling, so… what you get is a situation that is destined to backfire and when it does, adding demonic energy to the equation, the results will be, well, very “educating.”

Q: I am a boy but i wish to be a girl i feel i should have been a girl how can you help me?  Please help me i am willing to do anything…

A: Thank you for your email. This is a very big request. I understand fully being born in the wrong vessel to navigate this world. You say that you are a boy but feel you should have been a girl. My personal feeling is that you are what you feel like you are. If your soul and inside is a girl, then you ARE a girl. It doesn’t matter what society sees. Our flesh vessels are nothing more than seats in which our souls sit to experience different challenges to enhance our soul journeys.

There are certain physical and hormonal changes that can reconcile the inner soul with the outer vessel, however, these are physical matters that cannot be changed by magick. My suggestion on that would be to try to get into a good gender therapy program as soon as possible if you can. Don’t delay- the treatments available for reconciling one to their true gender are incredible nowadays. There are many ways where you can awaken what your truth is embrace who you are on the inside.

Magick, however, can help you overcome a lot of the pain associated with this and help your soul and bring out your inner Goddess. This requires a lot of self work and inner strength on your part- for this sort of magick comes from within you. You can bring her out and let her shine no matter what the physical limitations or medical limitations in your area. I would suggest working closely with Powerful Female Deities who can help you tap into your true soul gender and enhance your femininity. I would suggest working with Lady Lilith who is the Vampiric Goddess of feminine empowerment and one who can help you to awaken the power of the passionate primal feminine and help you to step into the body and energy you know that you are meant to be.

Lady Rashoon is another one, her energies are more gentle and she works with the softer attributes of the divine feminine, she can help you to discover your own personal essence in the divine feminine and can help you to claim your personal vibration.

This message is true of girls who know that they are boys at heart. If you feel in your heart that you are a boy then you are a boy and it does not matter what society thinks or says, you know yourself better then anyone and in the end you have to do what is best and right for you and no one should be trying to tell you otherwise. You can also explore many different options to help you to transform your appearance so that what you feel you should be on the inside, matches what you see on the outside.

The demons who you can work with to help you empower your masculine essence are. Asmodeus. The Demon of Lust and Passion but also an incredible masculine force. He can help you to love yourself and find your confidence. He can also help you to align with your masculinity and embrace who you are as a man, define your place amongst the divine masculine and live as you feel called.

Another amazing demon for you guys to work with is Astaroth. Astaroth is an interesting demon, have both a male and a female form and being a demon who is bi or duel gendered. Meaning that their essence compromises the balance of both the masculine and feminine and they have been able to help people to awake and bring out their true nature.

Good luck to you and remember there are option for you and there is a lot of empowerment one can find with transformation of the self!

Q: I want to be your apprentice, please mentor me!

A: Unfortunately we aren’t taking on one-on-one magickal apprentices at this time.  Though if you are interested from learning from us we do offer information, lessons and exercise on our online forum.  Satan and Suns. Membership is free to join! We like to offer community learning and growth and like to cultivate a positive and nurturing learning environment where anyone can grow and learn.  This is what we have found to be the most efficient and powerful method to teach people from and it is also a great way for people to share experiences and their own personal gnosis from their own path.  

In the future we will be offering online courses, books, and lessons down the road to continue to help people on their spiritual paths!  Our personal philosophy is that there is not just one path that is right, it is that all paths, and cultures and traditions have their place in their world. It is something that we feel strongly with that by sharing our paths and discussing things from a respectful place, we can all grow and learn.  

There are going to be things that we disagree on and this is ok! No one should have to compromise their values, but we can all respectfully disagree when we cross those bridges.  The sharing of information and wisdom though allows people to see through the eyes of others and to learn through our individual gnosis.  We have found this is one of the most powerful and incredible teaching methods and it is why we have chosen to teach from this platform.

The notion of soul binding is creating an energy link between your auric energies and your companions auric energies. This is an incredible way to connect with your companion and to feel their energies while allowing them to feel your energies. While there are methods that essentially trap the companion within your body, these are not methods that we practise as they are both cruel and unsafe. People have suffered horrible fates having entities that are trapped within them, so we have developed our own ritual to ensure that the methods are both safe and humane.

Yes, we do our own version of a soul binding ritual.  It is our aura binding ritual as we create a link between your companions energies and the layers of your aura to enhance the connection between you and your companion. This ritual process links the layers of your aura to the layers of there’s to assist with connection and communication. It also helps you and your companion to get a feel for each other and work together in a closer manner.

A physical vessel acts as a physical focal point for working with your companion and having that physical link that helps you to connect with them. While both methods, physical vessel and aura binding, have their benefits, it comes down to the individual. Which method do you prefer and which one helps you connect. This is different for everyone so there is no right or wrong choice or better or worse choice. It all comes down to preference.

This process is safe as we ensure that when these energies are flexible and not restrictive. This means that there is no danger to your or your companion and you both will remain free while being connected. There is also no soul obligation or contract that must be fulfilled for this process, just the normal respect that we show to all our companions.

 There is the option to select Aura binding instead of Vessel binding on the purchase page 🙂 

Q: Why do the scrolls take so long to complete?

A:The answer to this is… the Sigils… 

The sigils can take us a while at times, and we do apologize for that, but we would rather get you a sigil that resonates with your demon that is what they want us to reveal to you, than something that doesn’t represent them.

We really do take time to meditate with them, connecting with their energies, learning about them and recreating a sigil that represents them.  This can take time, especially with some demons, some have simple designs they want to impart, others it is very complicated.  It is a process and it is not something that we rush.  

The sigil creation process is sacred and it is something that we take our time with and something that we do not want to force.  Working with the energies, we are serious about what we do and when connecting to the energies we take the time to translate them and make sure that what we are sending you is accurate and in tune with your demon’s energies. 

We continually seek to improve our method of acquiring them and getting a solid representation of the demon’s energy who resonates with that sigil. Some are easier then others.

Recently though we have found that we have been having to enter an altered state in order to see the sigil in its multidimensional form, then return and create a representation of that on a 2 dimensional piece of paper. This can be time consuming as we really strive to represent them to the best of our abilities and skills. Sometimes we will create a sigil and it wont feel right, something is wrong, it is either missing a line, or the shape is off and we will go back and work on it until it resonates with your demon. 

We were a lot faster with the scrolls when we were not offering the sigils. They are what causes the delay, and we do apologize for that, and really appreciate your patience.

Q: What is the best option of your third eye workings? 

~Uphir psychic surgery
~Satanic Orb spell
~Hecate Psychic Gifts Enhancement

A:It is hard to say what the best option is, as they all are unique and wonderful workings, but I will lay out their differences so that you can see which one will suit your situation the best.

The Uphir Third Eye Workingis an energetic working to clear any sludge blockages, brain connectivity issues, and to clear the third eye for developing. It is performed with Lord Uphir.  The working goes deep into your third eye and cleanses the chakra, activates dormant gifts that you have, attunes you to various spiritual frequencies and also makes sure your third eye is connected and functioning as it should be.  This is a great working to start with as we really do a deep cleanse of your chakra and make sure that all the energies are flowing smoothly.  Our philosophy is that the third eye is a muscle and that working with it and training it will make it strong and sharp so we include post attunement exercises  to help you continue your third eye growth and development.  It is a very powerful working and a great one for people to start with.   

The Satanic Orbis a powerful energy tool that is created by Lord Satan and attached to your Chakra.  It is attuned to the demonic frequencies and aligned with the energies of darkness so you are naturally attuned to demons, the Dark Lords, and many other dark entities.  Different spiritual beings exist at different spiritual frequencies and this tool helps you awaken dark creativity and can enhance connections with the Dark Lords. This is a good spell to have cast if you are looking to shift your third eye work to darker elements and work with it for dark creativity and working with demons.  It will bring you closer to the demonic frequencies and help you to understand them and work with them. The dark currents of divinity are wonderful and incredible and the Satanic Orb aligns you with those currents.  You can get this spell cast at anytime.  It is open to anyone who feels called to the Darkness you do not need to be a Satanist, Demonolotor or Demonosopher to have it cast. Anyone can have it cast and it is a powerful tool for anyone who wishes to work with the dark currents and connect to the creatures of the night.  

The Hekate Psychic Gifts Enhancementis a ritual that lasts for three days.  It is designed to tap into your natural psychic skills and infuse them with the powerful energies of Lady Hekate.  This ritual for three days infuses you with her powerful psychic vibrations.  They target your third eye and your natural skills.  It also targets dormant gifts and helps them to grow and awaken.  The powers of this spell are meant to enhance your work.  This is a great spell to have cast after the Third Eye Working because it works to take the abilities that you are working with and empower them.  Strengthening your natural skills and awakening your natural abilities.  Lady Hekate is the Empress of Magick and her abilities empower and inspire all that she touches.  She is the balance of light and darkness and she knows the dark secrets of the shadow.  

I have been asked this a few times, people wanting me to scan their vessels and see if they are empty.  This is not a service that S&S will do and I will tell you why…

First…yes there are conjurers out there that are scammers and just sell blank rings but there are also sellers out there that shield and distort the energies around their bindings because they don’t want things to be scanned or stolen. On top of that, there are thieves out there in the community who do no research on their own and just prey off of other conjurers who actually do their research.   Ironically these ones are probably the ones invoking fear into the buyers and telling them that they are cursed, or blocked or that their vessel is empty.  It really is a shameful practise all around and hurts people on their spiritual path.  Usually if someone is willing to put in the time to talk to you, answer your questions, cast for you and work energies for you, they know what they are doing.  This is why it is so important in the beginning to ask many questions of your conjurer and see if they are approachable.

Honestly, I won’t get mad for being asked questions, I only get mad when people bad mouth me behind my back for things that I did not do, or because I didn’t say what they wanted me to say.  Those are things that upset me, asking me questions though even confronting me with your feelings will not make me mad.

Second…This can be a horrible practise, there are sellers out there that make a profit from scanning vessels of people who are having trouble connecting to their entities and spirits and will tell them there is nothing there.  It honestly discredits the whole community when sellers do this! It is impossible that there is only one seller out there that can do this! This is an ancient practise that has been used by magicians for over 6000 years and every family, every family has their own methods! So for one conjurer to know the vibrational frequency and to be able to identify all the species, all the vibrational frequencies and all the conjuring locations of everything in the spiritual world is folly.  It is impossible.  In my Facebook feed I have certain conjurers pop up and sometimes I don’t feel anything from the listings,  usually this is because I am not attuned to that frequency.  We all have entities that we work well with.  Some people connect strongly with some more then other beings.    Others still you will have to work to attune yourself to,

Attunement is the key, when an entity or spirit is from a region with a specific vibration and you are not attuned to it, you are not going to sense it! Necromancy is the art of speaking to the dead and it requires a very different set of skills and attunements to working with living entities.   This does not mean that one is not viable and the other is, this just means that they require a different set of skills.

I have also had people approach me with vessels from other sellers and myself that they say others have said are empty!  This statement actually flat out shows that the person who said it is slightly ignorant of the binding process, especially my binding process…

What do they mean empty? 

Do they mean that there is no entity within the vessel?  Ummm of course not! This comes from the old Djinn in a Bottle Mythos. All those Djinn who were bound forcibly in a bottle and ordered to grant wishes and do their master’s will.  Even the Disney movie Aladdin got it right, they are prisoners.  They are entrapped in their vessel and locked in it, which means that it is a forcible binding, so of course if you are scanning for something that is trapped and locked in a ring you are not going to find it, this is because this is one set of bindings and a set of binding that I do not agree with or use.

My bindings are flexible bindings which means that the energy in the Crystal is combined with specific energies attuned to the demons to bridge the connection between the demons realm and our realm and create a focal point for interaction, influence and communication. Once you are properly attuned to your demons energies, you won’t even need the vessel unless you want to have it or if you have a special ritual that you do with the demon that includes their vessel.

Do they mean there is no energy attached to the Vessel? 

Well this is just silly, the Crystal itself has energy so of course the vessel has energies and also the bindings are crafted using the crystal’s energies. So if you don’t know what you are looking for you might just feel the energies of the crystal.  This does not mean the vessel is empty, this just means the person doesn’t know what they are looking for and cannot sense energies.

Most people can feel something coming off the vessels, a powerful force, an energy vibration, a pressure on their third eye, they will feel drawn to the vessel.  Even the other day I was out for breakfast with a friend and she looked at Tigers ring and said, that ring has such incredible power to it, it has incredible spiritual vibrations, and I just smiled. She didn’t know it had Tiger’s bindings attached to it.  There will just be something about the vessel that is enticing to those who are spiritually sensitive.

A lot of times when people say that vessels are empty they have ulterior motives.  True conjurers want people to connect and work with spirits and they support this community.  They want it to grow and thrive so they will either refer the individual back to their conjurer for help, or they will offer suggestions helping them to connect.  It is really important in the beginning to do your research and make sure you select a conjurer you trust,  but it is equally important to be careful what people tell you.  Many scammers have ulterior motives and like to incite fear and panic to block people’s skills, cut down their confidence and sell them their snake oil skin.

On any spiritual path, come from a place of empowerment, not a place of fear.  If someone is pushing fear I would question their motives.  Spiritual Conjurers should be seeking to empower people who work with spirits and ones that come from fear are highly suspicious.

Be empowered! Be Inspired, and remember you are stronger then you think!

Demonic Bindings and Demon Companions :When you bring home a demon, there is not a magick switch or word that you use to activate them. They are living entities and there is a time frame to bond with them. You are brining home a being that has feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Demons are sensient and it is important to know that when you are working with them, you are essentially inviting them to join your family and working with them as a friend and mentor.

Just like the demons in the goetia you need to take the time to work with the demon, learning to communicate with them, building your spiritual foundation so you have the tools and knowledge for working with them from a respectful place. 

Our path is one of working with demons from a highly respectful place, working with them on a personal level and learning the abundance of wisdom they can share with us. We love the demons that we work with, they are like our friends, our family, and we treat them as such.

We DO NOT condone abuse of demons in any way or mistreating them with blasting rods and other archaic tools. These are not the practises that we endorse or promote. We are about working with demons and all spiritual beings from a respectful place where there is a mutually beneficial exchange of energies between both parties.

Demons that are bound to vessels are not trapped in their vessels, and they are not forced into it in any way. An energetic link is bound between the crystal/jewellery and the demon to assist you with connecting and bonding. What we do as priestess’s is venture into the spiritual world and find a demon who wishes to work with a human, it is much like the process in many cultures of finding familiars and spirit guides.

There are billions of demons out there, they are not limited to the ones in the ancient books, and our job is to go out, meet them, make sure they are demons, make sure they are safe to work with (there are many malicious creatures likes sludges and parasites that masquerade as demons) and then link them to a vessel to help you connect with them. We provide you with their information, their sigil and various methods or connecting.

It is true that anyone can go out and find their own demons, but we have trained for years to master this skill and just like I would rather hire an electrician to re wire my house, or a lawyer to handle my legal affairs many people prefer to ask a trusted professional to help match them with their demons, and that is what we do. We are Demonic Priestesses who have worked with the dark lords for years and specialize in discover, uncovering and finding new demons and species and matching them with a human companion for the benefit of both.

This is a question that we get a lot.  We do not cast love spells of this nature due to the fact that we do not know enough about the individual situation to know if this is just an influencing spell, or an actual spell that is akin to mind rape. 

Influencing spells where you influence the other means that love is already there and we are just giving it a little push,  the other kind though we are basically adding energy to change the will and inner desire of the individual. 

We have found that spells where one lover is forced to love another tend to require constant energy for any lasting effect. As time goes on it also gets harder and harder to keep the individual bound to you. This also does not produce a truly loving relationship as the individual that is forced to stay ends up growing resentful over time and more energy is needed to keep the spell going.  

We have items within our store that can help you find love though and can help you to let go of blocks and energies that are holding you back from finding love and really embracing it.  

For loving yourself and learning to value yourself and appreciate the amazing individual that you are we recommend our Solar Beauty Magickal.. Click here to view them!

We would also recommend our Rosier’s Exploration of Love as this magickal can help you to free and release the energies that are preventing you from attaining love.   Click Here to view them!

Or our Lord Rosier’s Burst of Passion – Divine Love Candle is another amazing tool for helping you to find and embrace love in your life. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Astarte and Asmodeus Ritual of Love and Soul Mates to shift your energies and bring to you a passionate soul mate and lover.  Click here to view the ritual!

We offer the various vessels for our demon and spirit companions which act as focal points for working with them.  Below you will find a list of the vessels types that we offer.  

Pendants: Our pendants are Sterling Silver with Various Gemstones embedded into them.  

Rings: Our rings are also sterling silver with Various gemstones embedded into them.  We have all sizes, if you would like a specific size please let us know.  

Bracelets: We have various bracelets that can be selected for a companion vessel.

Polished Gems: We have various polished gemstones that can be used for vessels.  We have a variety of Crystals in stock, you can let your companion select the one they prefer or you 

Beads: We have different beads and charms that can be used as vessels, if you would like one of these please select it from the option.  

Aura Link:  We also offer Aura linking where we create an energy link between you and your spirit companion to help attune you to their energies and connect with them.  Instead of creating the focal point in the vessel, we will create a focal point directly to you through your aura.

Questions About Shipping

This is a very good question. I appreciate those who has asked it and I am glad I get the chance to answer it.  The short answer is for the same reason that I pay my accountant to do my taxes instead of doing it myself,  But I will elaborate on that in this post as this is a very layered and a very, very good question.

There are many layers to conjuring.  It is a skill set that takes years to develop.  It also takes years to develop the connections to the different demonic realms.

What realm are you conjuring from?  Is it the outer spiritual world, an inner spiritual world?  Have you been there?  Have you negotiated with the demons? 

There are many places that one can get Demon Companions from. As conjurers we take years to develop the traveling skills and the techniques to screen the demons that we bring through.  We have the places where we have connections with the demons there to find them. It is something that we have spent our lives building up. This is a skill set that takes many years to master.  There is the element of uncovering the realms and learning about the demons and the different species that you are conjuring.  Then there is the element of learning about how best to bring the demon through into this realm.  How to create a link, how to create the bindings, how to screen them.

There are times when sludge beings come through instead and they try to imitate the demons that are coming through. I have had this happen and had to banish them and I have 5 – 35 safety rituals (depending on the demon species) to make sure that what I am bringing through is safe and won’t cause damage.  It’s a skill set in its own.

There is the personal element of walking the path, but as Lord Mammon always tells me you can either be the jack of all trades or you can surround yourself with people who are experts in their field.  Learning and developing a foundation and moving towards what you excel at is how I view this path. But that means that in pursuit of my path, I will need to have experts to help in areas that I am weak at.  In our 80 or so years it is impossible to learn everything and there are people who are naturally better at things than I am. Which is why I hire an accountant to do my taxes, a lawyer to handle my legal and an assistant to help keep me organized.  There is a huge skill set in learning to conjure and connect with demons. It is something that by all means you can pursue, but it is a skill set on its own that one must master.

You can approach the Dark Lords and ask them to grant you a familiar.  Sometimes they do grant you one, sometimes they don’t. It all depends on them. Then you have to screen it, you have to connect with it and you have to learn about it and what it does.  You still have to put in the work that a conjurer does so you will still have to develop the skills to make sure that you are getting the correct information.

Conjurers have a very specific skill set which they use, and they spend years building up connections and forming relationships with the beings and realms they wish to conjure from.   It takes time to not only form connections with the Dark Lords, but also with the perspective realms and regions where the demons reside.

I have been asked if the Demons will think less of you for buying a demon.  They would not think less of you.  I know Mammon rewards me when I learn how to delegate. It is something I myself have had trouble balancing and it is something that he has been working with me to learn to do.

Delegating and finding masters in their fields to compliment what you do raises your energies and it also raises the collective energies of the group.  Azazel especially I know believes in mastery of the self, but mastery usually means that you will excel in some areas and not others.  A World Class Gymnast would be a master gymnast, but they might not know how to balance their chequebook.  So it never hurts to surround yourself with people who are strong in areas that you are weak.

With conjures I even purchase conjures from different conjurers who I trust because we all have different energy vibrations and we are open to different realms.  Many of the conjurers that I buy from conjure from places that I am not connected to,  having their energies and expertise adds to my own path and helps me to grow.  My speciality is demons, they have always been and will always be my speciality, but that does not take away from the people who specialize in other areas. They offer amazing and incredible beings as well.  The diversity of skill is one thing that makes this community and this path so amazing.

At the end of the day I can try to do my taxes by myself, I can try to do my own bookkeeping. When I tried to do my bookkeeping myself it took me 6 weeks and I was so frustrated and it was taking away from my true path and my work,  It cost me $600 to get my bookkeeping done,  and then 20 minutes to put it all together and take it to my accountant.  The one time I tried to do my accounting on my own, well, that is a dark time of my life.  It costs me $700 to get my accountant to do it and he is amazing.  So yes I will spend the $1300 to save the time and help me focus on what I desire and my passion.  They have spent the time and the years to learn the skills to charge that price, and I appreciate and respect their skills and have no issues paying for it.  Raising your vibrations also means surrounding yourself with people who have skills in areas you are weak in. This gives you the time to embrace what you are passionate about.

That is from my experience with them. Your personal experience with this will be unique to you as that is also the nature of the path. Though we do say if you are drawn to a particular demon who has come through it never hurts to have a visit and see how you feel.  There is no commitment and you always have the right to say no.  Our main goal is to match clients with the demon that is perfect for them and their path. Sometimes that can take time and it should.

You should always make sure this is what is right for you.  People offer services in areas that they are masters in. Sometimes those services are right for you, sometimes they are not, but only you can make that call.

We are very happy and proud to offer the demons that we conjure, it is something that we take pride in and love doing. If you are drawn to it we will be happy to help you and if not, well we still would love to have you in our community.  It is all part of the diversity of walking on the Left Hand Path.

I have been asked this a few times.  People are confused why I work with demons and why I attribute my success to them.  They feel that my results are not from my work with demons but from my own efforts and dedication.

While it is true that I would not have gotten where I am without my own dedication and commitment to this work, it is not all on my efforts.  People will spend their entire life spinning their wheels and get nothing.  If hard work was the end all and be all, everyone who worked hard would get ahead.  In the end though, most people will spend their lives stuck, never accomplishing anything even if they worked hard.  What the demons bring is the opportunity, the amazing opportunities and the connections.  I say working with them is 50/50. You put in your 50% and they will put in 50%.  There are energies and vibrations which allow us to step out of these places and without being guided to what those energy vibrations are, we can essentially become stuck and unable to jump to the level of attainment that we wish to attain,

I believe that there are many gods and the when we connect to them and are aligned with the energies that we resonate with, that is when we can attain phenomenal results.  I do not believe there is one set path for everything, but I do believe that when an individual findz their path and finds the spiritual area they are passionate about, that is when they can attain incredible results.  Those who attain success have an alignment in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual vibrations and it is from that alignment that they are able to manifest. People get results from connecting with gods who they are aligned with whether that be Christianity, Hinduism or in our case Satanism.

I actually think success in itself is wonderful and that we should be celebrating success with those who attain it, no matter what spiritual path they are on.  It raises the energy vibrations for everyone.  My energies naturally align with demons and the dark lords, so this is the area where I will find success.

When I started working with demons a lot of things happened.  The second I started working with them I was given opportunities and was able to meet people who opened up some pretty powerful doors.  I heard Mammon, he told me things I had never heard before, introduced me to people who told me things that were incredible.

It was about 5 years after working with him that everything fell apart.  It fell apart because it was time, it was time for me to move on. It was time for me to expand beyond where I was and to step into my own vibrational layers.  I valued my time with these people but I knew it was time to spread my wings and fly if I was going to make it in the area I wanted to.    I believe that Mammon set up that situation to inundate me with those success energies.  Some people would say it was luck, but I believe it was them aligning me with what I needed, to learn the lessons to get where I wanted to go.

I have a dream life and everything I desire and it gets better every single day, so a better question is, why would I stop doing what works so well?  I find it so interesting that people challenge me on things, it is like they are uncomfortable with my beliefs but my beliefs are not for them to be comfortable with.  They are my beliefs and they come from my experiences, like everything in this world.

Can you pull money out of thin air?  I can and have.

Have you dined with billionaires and the elite? I have.

Have you traveled around the world and been to incredible places?  I have taken my children to Disneyland multiple times and stayed at top quality resorts and traveled to many corners of the world.

I mean, what I am doing is working… why would I change it? Just because other people don’t understand why I do things?  I never base my actions, thoughts or beliefs on what others think of me.  It is how I broke out of the chains that bound me.  I am living it to the fullest, and yes I have Mammon to thank for it and all the demons I work with.

I believe in my own inner power and that this power can rise from understanding the subconscious mind.  But I also believe that there are external forces as well, it is a combination and a mix of both of them.  I believe it is this understanding of this balance why some people rise to the top, and others spend their entire lives spinning their wheels, working hard, but never getting anywhere.

I walk with demons and learn from them and respect them as I would any human mentor. This is respect for one who understands more than I do and is educating me.   I find there is indoctrination when we are young that we have to do things ourself and never ask for help.   It actually is an interesting mindset that we do not need help.  I have found that those who surround themselves with brilliant minds and create teams and systems go further than those who try to go it alone.  There is a team effort in success and this is the next level beyond the inner world.  Control your inner world, embrace your outer world and know that there is so much more out there than you can even fathom.

Healthy respect and appreciation for someone who knows more than I do is very different than blind worship.  I do not think there is any harm in learning from those who know more than you, and the demons they know a lot more then I do, they are a lot wiser then I am, and it would be foolish of me to not thank them for everything that they have done for me.

So, thank you from the deepest part of my heart and soul, to all the demons that walk with me, guide me and support me on this journey <3

Can your spirits and entities work effectively with people of various religious backgrounds?

The demons that we screen are not bothered by other religions. In fact, many of them are curious about other religions and perspectives.  We also have sone demons we offer, such as the Devotion demons who enjoy learning about different religions.  Yes, you can take their vessels to your places of worship, that will not be a problem for the demon.

There is a lot of speculation about demons being incompatible with other faiths and peoples, but really demons are just a divine spiritual being. They are divine in essence and divine in their darkness.  While there are personal conflicts that can arise between various members of certain groups, when we are screening, we take care to make sure the demon that comes through for you is a match on all levels. That also means a match for any religious background that you have or that other members of your family have.

It is not uncommon for your demon to gently assist your elderly mother who is a devoted catholic in a discreet way, to make sure she is safe.  They see things beyond the scope of our human judgement, and their perception of the world is different than ours.  If you have a specific religious background and are still called to work with a demon, we can accommodate.  The only thing that is very important is to just treat your demon with respect. Don’t attack them, abuse them, curse at them or try to force them to do things.  Accept them and they will accept you.

Does the vessel have to be around in order to work with the demon?

The physical vessels acts as a focus point but it is not necessary for communication. You do not have to have it on you to have them communicate with you and work with you.   When demons first arrive, the physical vessel allows for a point of connection, which will allow you to attune to their energies and help channel their energies when working with them.

Over time though, you will learn to sense your demon and communicate with their energies. That connection will become stronger so you will not need the physical vessel. Though many people like to keep them and have them close, as many times demons will enchant and cast spells on their vessels as gifts to their human companions.

Why can’t Satanists work with Christians?  I do not mean devout Christians, I mean non-practising ones who are Christian in name only.  Ones who do not go to church but just are naturally aligned to those energies.  

This is a very layered question.  I think there is a lot of pain that many on the Left Hand Path have not healed, which is why many are so opposed to Christianity and other faiths of that nature.  Many of the people on the LHP have been hurt by the RHP and there are layers to things that have to be healed.  This is completely understandable in many situations as often time hurt and pain comes with the need to heal and a time when there will be lashing out towards the other side.  This does not mean though that it should stay that way and I think that there should be a push to finding common ground and open communication and also accepting that there are many different paths out there.  It doesn’t mean we have to agree with the other side, in fact considering the nature of each path there will always be disagreements, but that doesn’t mean that we cannot get along, or at least agree to disagree.

I think that when one on the RHP is respectful of one on the LHP and vice versa, incredible discussions can happen. A discussion of philosophies without attempts of conversion makes for wonderful conversation on both ends.  I just think that there sometimes involves healing and setting boundaries to get to that place, which is not a bad thing either.

I personally have no issues with Christians, I actually enjoy having discussion with them and others of that nature who are open to a respectful dialogue.  It does not bother me at all.  I think in the grand scheme of things, there is darkness and there is light. People need to find their balance and the path that works for them.  If they find that in Christianity, wonderful, if they find that in Satanism, wonderful.  In the end people have to follow the path that speaks to them.

Doesn’t everything come from the same spiritual source?

I do agree with that and I feel the spiritual world is big enough for everyone.  There are many paths and many roads to walk. I personally believe that all religions have elements of truth to them and all religions will have pieces of the puzzle.  I enjoy studying different faiths and religions. Yes at times they are incompatible. At other times there are disagreements and fighting, but that is not a bad thing.  I think it leads to interesting discussions and is just a part of life here.

There are conflicts, there are disagreements, there are also powerful discussions and moments of clarity and unity.  It is all part of the journey here.   We do accept people of all faiths and backgrounds.  I believe all paths have a place in the whole spiritual structure and it is up to the individual to follow the path that is true to their heart.

Q.  Akelta would you explain please about the ethics inherent in trying to use demons to control a romantic partner who is not interested in being controlled?

A.  Yes, I can answer that… Ethically speaking it is not really redeemable in any way,  it’s black magick through and through and I personally think it is worse than curses.  Controlling another in this manner is essentially mind rape.  Love coercions of this nature compel the other person to act against their wishes and desires.  Basically, their internal energies are saying no, but the external energies are saying yes. So you get an endless battle where eventually the person’s will is going to win out.    It is like a spiritual rape drug in essence.  I personally do not do work like this for this very reason.

There is another side to this too, the most effective method of this is energy influencing. Because you are going against what the person desires, one would have to continually add more energy for it to be effective.  Over time it will corrode though, then when the person wakes up they will be filled with anger and rage.  It is similar to the effects of a person waking up from being in a narcissistic relationship and realizing that the person they thought they loved, was abusing them through subtle manipulation.

Adding demons to the mix it gets even more interesting because of the fact that demons are all about lessons. They are not servants, they are teachers and mentors and if someone asks for this there are lessons in them that they have to learn about why they would want to impose their will on another who is unwilling, so… what you get is a situation that is destined to backfire and when it does, adding demonic energy to the equation, the results will be, well, very “educating.”

Q: I am a boy but i wish to be a girl i feel i should have been a girl how can you help me?  Please help me i am willing to do anything…

A: Thank you for your email. This is a very big request. I understand fully being born in the wrong vessel to navigate this world. You say that you are a boy but feel you should have been a girl. My personal feeling is that you are what you feel like you are. If your soul and inside is a girl, then you ARE a girl. It doesn’t matter what society sees. Our flesh vessels are nothing more than seats in which our souls sit to experience different challenges to enhance our soul journeys.

There are certain physical and hormonal changes that can reconcile the inner soul with the outer vessel, however, these are physical matters that cannot be changed by magick. My suggestion on that would be to try to get into a good gender therapy program as soon as possible if you can. Don’t delay- the treatments available for reconciling one to their true gender are incredible nowadays. There are many ways where you can awaken what your truth is embrace who you are on the inside.

Magick, however, can help you overcome a lot of the pain associated with this and help your soul and bring out your inner Goddess. This requires a lot of self work and inner strength on your part- for this sort of magick comes from within you. You can bring her out and let her shine no matter what the physical limitations or medical limitations in your area. I would suggest working closely with Powerful Female Deities who can help you tap into your true soul gender and enhance your femininity. I would suggest working with Lady Lilith who is the Vampiric Goddess of feminine empowerment and one who can help you to awaken the power of the passionate primal feminine and help you to step into the body and energy you know that you are meant to be.

Lady Rashoon is another one, her energies are more gentle and she works with the softer attributes of the divine feminine, she can help you to discover your own personal essence in the divine feminine and can help you to claim your personal vibration.

This message is true of girls who know that they are boys at heart. If you feel in your heart that you are a boy then you are a boy and it does not matter what society thinks or says, you know yourself better then anyone and in the end you have to do what is best and right for you and no one should be trying to tell you otherwise. You can also explore many different options to help you to transform your appearance so that what you feel you should be on the inside, matches what you see on the outside.

The demons who you can work with to help you empower your masculine essence are. Asmodeus. The Demon of Lust and Passion but also an incredible masculine force. He can help you to love yourself and find your confidence. He can also help you to align with your masculinity and embrace who you are as a man, define your place amongst the divine masculine and live as you feel called.

Another amazing demon for you guys to work with is Astaroth. Astaroth is an interesting demon, have both a male and a female form and being a demon who is bi or duel gendered. Meaning that their essence compromises the balance of both the masculine and feminine and they have been able to help people to awake and bring out their true nature.

Good luck to you and remember there are option for you and there is a lot of empowerment one can find with transformation of the self!

Q: I want to be your apprentice, please mentor me!

A: Unfortunately we aren’t taking on one-on-one magickal apprentices at this time.  Though if you are interested from learning from us we do offer information, lessons and exercise on our online forum.  Satan and Suns. Membership is free to join! We like to offer community learning and growth and like to cultivate a positive and nurturing learning environment where anyone can grow and learn.  This is what we have found to be the most efficient and powerful method to teach people from and it is also a great way for people to share experiences and their own personal gnosis from their own path.  

In the future we will be offering online courses, books, and lessons down the road to continue to help people on their spiritual paths!  Our personal philosophy is that there is not just one path that is right, it is that all paths, and cultures and traditions have their place in their world. It is something that we feel strongly with that by sharing our paths and discussing things from a respectful place, we can all grow and learn.  

There are going to be things that we disagree on and this is ok! No one should have to compromise their values, but we can all respectfully disagree when we cross those bridges.  The sharing of information and wisdom though allows people to see through the eyes of others and to learn through our individual gnosis.  We have found this is one of the most powerful and incredible teaching methods and it is why we have chosen to teach from this platform.

The notion of soul binding is creating an energy link between your auric energies and your companions auric energies. This is an incredible way to connect with your companion and to feel their energies while allowing them to feel your energies. While there are methods that essentially trap the companion within your body, these are not methods that we practise as they are both cruel and unsafe. People have suffered horrible fates having entities that are trapped within them, so we have developed our own ritual to ensure that the methods are both safe and humane.

Yes, we do our own version of a soul binding ritual.  It is our aura binding ritual as we create a link between your companions energies and the layers of your aura to enhance the connection between you and your companion. This ritual process links the layers of your aura to the layers of there’s to assist with connection and communication. It also helps you and your companion to get a feel for each other and work together in a closer manner.

A physical vessel acts as a physical focal point for working with your companion and having that physical link that helps you to connect with them. While both methods, physical vessel and aura binding, have their benefits, it comes down to the individual. Which method do you prefer and which one helps you connect. This is different for everyone so there is no right or wrong choice or better or worse choice. It all comes down to preference.

This process is safe as we ensure that when these energies are flexible and not restrictive. This means that there is no danger to your or your companion and you both will remain free while being connected. There is also no soul obligation or contract that must be fulfilled for this process, just the normal respect that we show to all our companions.

 There is the option to select Aura binding instead of Vessel binding on the purchase page 🙂 

Q: Why do the scrolls take so long to complete?

A:The answer to this is… the Sigils… 

The sigils can take us a while at times, and we do apologize for that, but we would rather get you a sigil that resonates with your demon that is what they want us to reveal to you, than something that doesn’t represent them.

We really do take time to meditate with them, connecting with their energies, learning about them and recreating a sigil that represents them.  This can take time, especially with some demons, some have simple designs they want to impart, others it is very complicated.  It is a process and it is not something that we rush.  

The sigil creation process is sacred and it is something that we take our time with and something that we do not want to force.  Working with the energies, we are serious about what we do and when connecting to the energies we take the time to translate them and make sure that what we are sending you is accurate and in tune with your demon’s energies. 

We continually seek to improve our method of acquiring them and getting a solid representation of the demon’s energy who resonates with that sigil. Some are easier then others.

Recently though we have found that we have been having to enter an altered state in order to see the sigil in its multidimensional form, then return and create a representation of that on a 2 dimensional piece of paper. This can be time consuming as we really strive to represent them to the best of our abilities and skills. Sometimes we will create a sigil and it wont feel right, something is wrong, it is either missing a line, or the shape is off and we will go back and work on it until it resonates with your demon. 

We were a lot faster with the scrolls when we were not offering the sigils. They are what causes the delay, and we do apologize for that, and really appreciate your patience.

Q: What is the best option of your third eye workings? 

~Uphir psychic surgery
~Satanic Orb spell
~Hecate Psychic Gifts Enhancement

A:It is hard to say what the best option is, as they all are unique and wonderful workings, but I will lay out their differences so that you can see which one will suit your situation the best.

The Uphir Third Eye Workingis an energetic working to clear any sludge blockages, brain connectivity issues, and to clear the third eye for developing. It is performed with Lord Uphir.  The working goes deep into your third eye and cleanses the chakra, activates dormant gifts that you have, attunes you to various spiritual frequencies and also makes sure your third eye is connected and functioning as it should be.  This is a great working to start with as we really do a deep cleanse of your chakra and make sure that all the energies are flowing smoothly.  Our philosophy is that the third eye is a muscle and that working with it and training it will make it strong and sharp so we include post attunement exercises  to help you continue your third eye growth and development.  It is a very powerful working and a great one for people to start with.   

The Satanic Orbis a powerful energy tool that is created by Lord Satan and attached to your Chakra.  It is attuned to the demonic frequencies and aligned with the energies of darkness so you are naturally attuned to demons, the Dark Lords, and many other dark entities.  Different spiritual beings exist at different spiritual frequencies and this tool helps you awaken dark creativity and can enhance connections with the Dark Lords. This is a good spell to have cast if you are looking to shift your third eye work to darker elements and work with it for dark creativity and working with demons.  It will bring you closer to the demonic frequencies and help you to understand them and work with them. The dark currents of divinity are wonderful and incredible and the Satanic Orb aligns you with those currents.  You can get this spell cast at anytime.  It is open to anyone who feels called to the Darkness you do not need to be a Satanist, Demonolotor or Demonosopher to have it cast. Anyone can have it cast and it is a powerful tool for anyone who wishes to work with the dark currents and connect to the creatures of the night.  

The Hekate Psychic Gifts Enhancementis a ritual that lasts for three days.  It is designed to tap into your natural psychic skills and infuse them with the powerful energies of Lady Hekate.  This ritual for three days infuses you with her powerful psychic vibrations.  They target your third eye and your natural skills.  It also targets dormant gifts and helps them to grow and awaken.  The powers of this spell are meant to enhance your work.  This is a great spell to have cast after the Third Eye Working because it works to take the abilities that you are working with and empower them.  Strengthening your natural skills and awakening your natural abilities.  Lady Hekate is the Empress of Magick and her abilities empower and inspire all that she touches.  She is the balance of light and darkness and she knows the dark secrets of the shadow.  

I have been asked this a few times, people wanting me to scan their vessels and see if they are empty.  This is not a service that S&S will do and I will tell you why…

First…yes there are conjurers out there that are scammers and just sell blank rings but there are also sellers out there that shield and distort the energies around their bindings because they don’t want things to be scanned or stolen. On top of that, there are thieves out there in the community who do no research on their own and just prey off of other conjurers who actually do their research.   Ironically these ones are probably the ones invoking fear into the buyers and telling them that they are cursed, or blocked or that their vessel is empty.  It really is a shameful practise all around and hurts people on their spiritual path.  Usually if someone is willing to put in the time to talk to you, answer your questions, cast for you and work energies for you, they know what they are doing.  This is why it is so important in the beginning to ask many questions of your conjurer and see if they are approachable.

Honestly, I won’t get mad for being asked questions, I only get mad when people bad mouth me behind my back for things that I did not do, or because I didn’t say what they wanted me to say.  Those are things that upset me, asking me questions though even confronting me with your feelings will not make me mad.

Second…This can be a horrible practise, there are sellers out there that make a profit from scanning vessels of people who are having trouble connecting to their entities and spirits and will tell them there is nothing there.  It honestly discredits the whole community when sellers do this! It is impossible that there is only one seller out there that can do this! This is an ancient practise that has been used by magicians for over 6000 years and every family, every family has their own methods! So for one conjurer to know the vibrational frequency and to be able to identify all the species, all the vibrational frequencies and all the conjuring locations of everything in the spiritual world is folly.  It is impossible.  In my Facebook feed I have certain conjurers pop up and sometimes I don’t feel anything from the listings,  usually this is because I am not attuned to that frequency.  We all have entities that we work well with.  Some people connect strongly with some more then other beings.    Others still you will have to work to attune yourself to,

Attunement is the key, when an entity or spirit is from a region with a specific vibration and you are not attuned to it, you are not going to sense it! Necromancy is the art of speaking to the dead and it requires a very different set of skills and attunements to working with living entities.   This does not mean that one is not viable and the other is, this just means that they require a different set of skills.

I have also had people approach me with vessels from other sellers and myself that they say others have said are empty!  This statement actually flat out shows that the person who said it is slightly ignorant of the binding process, especially my binding process…

What do they mean empty? 

Do they mean that there is no entity within the vessel?  Ummm of course not! This comes from the old Djinn in a Bottle Mythos. All those Djinn who were bound forcibly in a bottle and ordered to grant wishes and do their master’s will.  Even the Disney movie Aladdin got it right, they are prisoners.  They are entrapped in their vessel and locked in it, which means that it is a forcible binding, so of course if you are scanning for something that is trapped and locked in a ring you are not going to find it, this is because this is one set of bindings and a set of binding that I do not agree with or use.

My bindings are flexible bindings which means that the energy in the Crystal is combined with specific energies attuned to the demons to bridge the connection between the demons realm and our realm and create a focal point for interaction, influence and communication. Once you are properly attuned to your demons energies, you won’t even need the vessel unless you want to have it or if you have a special ritual that you do with the demon that includes their vessel.

Do they mean there is no energy attached to the Vessel? 

Well this is just silly, the Crystal itself has energy so of course the vessel has energies and also the bindings are crafted using the crystal’s energies. So if you don’t know what you are looking for you might just feel the energies of the crystal.  This does not mean the vessel is empty, this just means the person doesn’t know what they are looking for and cannot sense energies.

Most people can feel something coming off the vessels, a powerful force, an energy vibration, a pressure on their third eye, they will feel drawn to the vessel.  Even the other day I was out for breakfast with a friend and she looked at Tigers ring and said, that ring has such incredible power to it, it has incredible spiritual vibrations, and I just smiled. She didn’t know it had Tiger’s bindings attached to it.  There will just be something about the vessel that is enticing to those who are spiritually sensitive.

A lot of times when people say that vessels are empty they have ulterior motives.  True conjurers want people to connect and work with spirits and they support this community.  They want it to grow and thrive so they will either refer the individual back to their conjurer for help, or they will offer suggestions helping them to connect.  It is really important in the beginning to do your research and make sure you select a conjurer you trust,  but it is equally important to be careful what people tell you.  Many scammers have ulterior motives and like to incite fear and panic to block people’s skills, cut down their confidence and sell them their snake oil skin.

On any spiritual path, come from a place of empowerment, not a place of fear.  If someone is pushing fear I would question their motives.  Spiritual Conjurers should be seeking to empower people who work with spirits and ones that come from fear are highly suspicious.

Be empowered! Be Inspired, and remember you are stronger then you think!

Demonic Bindings and Demon Companions :When you bring home a demon, there is not a magick switch or word that you use to activate them. They are living entities and there is a time frame to bond with them. You are brining home a being that has feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Demons are sensient and it is important to know that when you are working with them, you are essentially inviting them to join your family and working with them as a friend and mentor.

Just like the demons in the goetia you need to take the time to work with the demon, learning to communicate with them, building your spiritual foundation so you have the tools and knowledge for working with them from a respectful place. 

Our path is one of working with demons from a highly respectful place, working with them on a personal level and learning the abundance of wisdom they can share with us. We love the demons that we work with, they are like our friends, our family, and we treat them as such.

We DO NOT condone abuse of demons in any way or mistreating them with blasting rods and other archaic tools. These are not the practises that we endorse or promote. We are about working with demons and all spiritual beings from a respectful place where there is a mutually beneficial exchange of energies between both parties.

Demons that are bound to vessels are not trapped in their vessels, and they are not forced into it in any way. An energetic link is bound between the crystal/jewellery and the demon to assist you with connecting and bonding. What we do as priestess’s is venture into the spiritual world and find a demon who wishes to work with a human, it is much like the process in many cultures of finding familiars and spirit guides.

There are billions of demons out there, they are not limited to the ones in the ancient books, and our job is to go out, meet them, make sure they are demons, make sure they are safe to work with (there are many malicious creatures likes sludges and parasites that masquerade as demons) and then link them to a vessel to help you connect with them. We provide you with their information, their sigil and various methods or connecting.

It is true that anyone can go out and find their own demons, but we have trained for years to master this skill and just like I would rather hire an electrician to re wire my house, or a lawyer to handle my legal affairs many people prefer to ask a trusted professional to help match them with their demons, and that is what we do. We are Demonic Priestesses who have worked with the dark lords for years and specialize in discover, uncovering and finding new demons and species and matching them with a human companion for the benefit of both.

This is a question that we get a lot.  We do not cast love spells of this nature due to the fact that we do not know enough about the individual situation to know if this is just an influencing spell, or an actual spell that is akin to mind rape. 

Influencing spells where you influence the other means that love is already there and we are just giving it a little push,  the other kind though we are basically adding energy to change the will and inner desire of the individual. 

We have found that spells where one lover is forced to love another tend to require constant energy for any lasting effect. As time goes on it also gets harder and harder to keep the individual bound to you. This also does not produce a truly loving relationship as the individual that is forced to stay ends up growing resentful over time and more energy is needed to keep the spell going.  

We have items within our store that can help you find love though and can help you to let go of blocks and energies that are holding you back from finding love and really embracing it.  

For loving yourself and learning to value yourself and appreciate the amazing individual that you are we recommend our Solar Beauty Magickal.. Click here to view them!

We would also recommend our Rosier’s Exploration of Love as this magickal can help you to free and release the energies that are preventing you from attaining love.   Click Here to view them!

Or our Lord Rosier’s Burst of Passion – Divine Love Candle is another amazing tool for helping you to find and embrace love in your life. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Astarte and Asmodeus Ritual of Love and Soul Mates to shift your energies and bring to you a passionate soul mate and lover.  Click here to view the ritual!

We offer the various vessels for our demon and spirit companions which act as focal points for working with them.  Below you will find a list of the vessels types that we offer.  

Pendants: Our pendants are Sterling Silver with Various Gemstones embedded into them.  

Rings: Our rings are also sterling silver with Various gemstones embedded into them.  We have all sizes, if you would like a specific size please let us know.  

Bracelets: We have various bracelets that can be selected for a companion vessel.

Polished Gems: We have various polished gemstones that can be used for vessels.  We have a variety of Crystals in stock, you can let your companion select the one they prefer or you 

Beads: We have different beads and charms that can be used as vessels, if you would like one of these please select it from the option.  

Aura Link:  We also offer Aura linking where we create an energy link between you and your spirit companion to help attune you to their energies and connect with them.  Instead of creating the focal point in the vessel, we will create a focal point directly to you through your aura.

Questions About Layaways

This is a very good question. I appreciate those who has asked it and I am glad I get the chance to answer it.  The short answer is for the same reason that I pay my accountant to do my taxes instead of doing it myself,  But I will elaborate on that in this post as this is a very layered and a very, very good question.

There are many layers to conjuring.  It is a skill set that takes years to develop.  It also takes years to develop the connections to the different demonic realms.

What realm are you conjuring from?  Is it the outer spiritual world, an inner spiritual world?  Have you been there?  Have you negotiated with the demons? 

There are many places that one can get Demon Companions from. As conjurers we take years to develop the traveling skills and the techniques to screen the demons that we bring through.  We have the places where we have connections with the demons there to find them. It is something that we have spent our lives building up. This is a skill set that takes many years to master.  There is the element of uncovering the realms and learning about the demons and the different species that you are conjuring.  Then there is the element of learning about how best to bring the demon through into this realm.  How to create a link, how to create the bindings, how to screen them.

There are times when sludge beings come through instead and they try to imitate the demons that are coming through. I have had this happen and had to banish them and I have 5 – 35 safety rituals (depending on the demon species) to make sure that what I am bringing through is safe and won’t cause damage.  It’s a skill set in its own.

There is the personal element of walking the path, but as Lord Mammon always tells me you can either be the jack of all trades or you can surround yourself with people who are experts in their field.  Learning and developing a foundation and moving towards what you excel at is how I view this path. But that means that in pursuit of my path, I will need to have experts to help in areas that I am weak at.  In our 80 or so years it is impossible to learn everything and there are people who are naturally better at things than I am. Which is why I hire an accountant to do my taxes, a lawyer to handle my legal and an assistant to help keep me organized.  There is a huge skill set in learning to conjure and connect with demons. It is something that by all means you can pursue, but it is a skill set on its own that one must master.

You can approach the Dark Lords and ask them to grant you a familiar.  Sometimes they do grant you one, sometimes they don’t. It all depends on them. Then you have to screen it, you have to connect with it and you have to learn about it and what it does.  You still have to put in the work that a conjurer does so you will still have to develop the skills to make sure that you are getting the correct information.

Conjurers have a very specific skill set which they use, and they spend years building up connections and forming relationships with the beings and realms they wish to conjure from.   It takes time to not only form connections with the Dark Lords, but also with the perspective realms and regions where the demons reside.

I have been asked if the Demons will think less of you for buying a demon.  They would not think less of you.  I know Mammon rewards me when I learn how to delegate. It is something I myself have had trouble balancing and it is something that he has been working with me to learn to do.

Delegating and finding masters in their fields to compliment what you do raises your energies and it also raises the collective energies of the group.  Azazel especially I know believes in mastery of the self, but mastery usually means that you will excel in some areas and not others.  A World Class Gymnast would be a master gymnast, but they might not know how to balance their chequebook.  So it never hurts to surround yourself with people who are strong in areas that you are weak.

With conjures I even purchase conjures from different conjurers who I trust because we all have different energy vibrations and we are open to different realms.  Many of the conjurers that I buy from conjure from places that I am not connected to,  having their energies and expertise adds to my own path and helps me to grow.  My speciality is demons, they have always been and will always be my speciality, but that does not take away from the people who specialize in other areas. They offer amazing and incredible beings as well.  The diversity of skill is one thing that makes this community and this path so amazing.

At the end of the day I can try to do my taxes by myself, I can try to do my own bookkeeping. When I tried to do my bookkeeping myself it took me 6 weeks and I was so frustrated and it was taking away from my true path and my work,  It cost me $600 to get my bookkeeping done,  and then 20 minutes to put it all together and take it to my accountant.  The one time I tried to do my accounting on my own, well, that is a dark time of my life.  It costs me $700 to get my accountant to do it and he is amazing.  So yes I will spend the $1300 to save the time and help me focus on what I desire and my passion.  They have spent the time and the years to learn the skills to charge that price, and I appreciate and respect their skills and have no issues paying for it.  Raising your vibrations also means surrounding yourself with people who have skills in areas you are weak in. This gives you the time to embrace what you are passionate about.

That is from my experience with them. Your personal experience with this will be unique to you as that is also the nature of the path. Though we do say if you are drawn to a particular demon who has come through it never hurts to have a visit and see how you feel.  There is no commitment and you always have the right to say no.  Our main goal is to match clients with the demon that is perfect for them and their path. Sometimes that can take time and it should.

You should always make sure this is what is right for you.  People offer services in areas that they are masters in. Sometimes those services are right for you, sometimes they are not, but only you can make that call.

We are very happy and proud to offer the demons that we conjure, it is something that we take pride in and love doing. If you are drawn to it we will be happy to help you and if not, well we still would love to have you in our community.  It is all part of the diversity of walking on the Left Hand Path.

I have been asked this a few times.  People are confused why I work with demons and why I attribute my success to them.  They feel that my results are not from my work with demons but from my own efforts and dedication.

While it is true that I would not have gotten where I am without my own dedication and commitment to this work, it is not all on my efforts.  People will spend their entire life spinning their wheels and get nothing.  If hard work was the end all and be all, everyone who worked hard would get ahead.  In the end though, most people will spend their lives stuck, never accomplishing anything even if they worked hard.  What the demons bring is the opportunity, the amazing opportunities and the connections.  I say working with them is 50/50. You put in your 50% and they will put in 50%.  There are energies and vibrations which allow us to step out of these places and without being guided to what those energy vibrations are, we can essentially become stuck and unable to jump to the level of attainment that we wish to attain,

I believe that there are many gods and the when we connect to them and are aligned with the energies that we resonate with, that is when we can attain phenomenal results.  I do not believe there is one set path for everything, but I do believe that when an individual findz their path and finds the spiritual area they are passionate about, that is when they can attain incredible results.  Those who attain success have an alignment in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual vibrations and it is from that alignment that they are able to manifest. People get results from connecting with gods who they are aligned with whether that be Christianity, Hinduism or in our case Satanism.

I actually think success in itself is wonderful and that we should be celebrating success with those who attain it, no matter what spiritual path they are on.  It raises the energy vibrations for everyone.  My energies naturally align with demons and the dark lords, so this is the area where I will find success.

When I started working with demons a lot of things happened.  The second I started working with them I was given opportunities and was able to meet people who opened up some pretty powerful doors.  I heard Mammon, he told me things I had never heard before, introduced me to people who told me things that were incredible.

It was about 5 years after working with him that everything fell apart.  It fell apart because it was time, it was time for me to move on. It was time for me to expand beyond where I was and to step into my own vibrational layers.  I valued my time with these people but I knew it was time to spread my wings and fly if I was going to make it in the area I wanted to.    I believe that Mammon set up that situation to inundate me with those success energies.  Some people would say it was luck, but I believe it was them aligning me with what I needed, to learn the lessons to get where I wanted to go.

I have a dream life and everything I desire and it gets better every single day, so a better question is, why would I stop doing what works so well?  I find it so interesting that people challenge me on things, it is like they are uncomfortable with my beliefs but my beliefs are not for them to be comfortable with.  They are my beliefs and they come from my experiences, like everything in this world.

Can you pull money out of thin air?  I can and have.

Have you dined with billionaires and the elite? I have.

Have you traveled around the world and been to incredible places?  I have taken my children to Disneyland multiple times and stayed at top quality resorts and traveled to many corners of the world.

I mean, what I am doing is working… why would I change it? Just because other people don’t understand why I do things?  I never base my actions, thoughts or beliefs on what others think of me.  It is how I broke out of the chains that bound me.  I am living it to the fullest, and yes I have Mammon to thank for it and all the demons I work with.

I believe in my own inner power and that this power can rise from understanding the subconscious mind.  But I also believe that there are external forces as well, it is a combination and a mix of both of them.  I believe it is this understanding of this balance why some people rise to the top, and others spend their entire lives spinning their wheels, working hard, but never getting anywhere.

I walk with demons and learn from them and respect them as I would any human mentor. This is respect for one who understands more than I do and is educating me.   I find there is indoctrination when we are young that we have to do things ourself and never ask for help.   It actually is an interesting mindset that we do not need help.  I have found that those who surround themselves with brilliant minds and create teams and systems go further than those who try to go it alone.  There is a team effort in success and this is the next level beyond the inner world.  Control your inner world, embrace your outer world and know that there is so much more out there than you can even fathom.

Healthy respect and appreciation for someone who knows more than I do is very different than blind worship.  I do not think there is any harm in learning from those who know more than you, and the demons they know a lot more then I do, they are a lot wiser then I am, and it would be foolish of me to not thank them for everything that they have done for me.

So, thank you from the deepest part of my heart and soul, to all the demons that walk with me, guide me and support me on this journey <3

Can your spirits and entities work effectively with people of various religious backgrounds?

The demons that we screen are not bothered by other religions. In fact, many of them are curious about other religions and perspectives.  We also have sone demons we offer, such as the Devotion demons who enjoy learning about different religions.  Yes, you can take their vessels to your places of worship, that will not be a problem for the demon.

There is a lot of speculation about demons being incompatible with other faiths and peoples, but really demons are just a divine spiritual being. They are divine in essence and divine in their darkness.  While there are personal conflicts that can arise between various members of certain groups, when we are screening, we take care to make sure the demon that comes through for you is a match on all levels. That also means a match for any religious background that you have or that other members of your family have.

It is not uncommon for your demon to gently assist your elderly mother who is a devoted catholic in a discreet way, to make sure she is safe.  They see things beyond the scope of our human judgement, and their perception of the world is different than ours.  If you have a specific religious background and are still called to work with a demon, we can accommodate.  The only thing that is very important is to just treat your demon with respect. Don’t attack them, abuse them, curse at them or try to force them to do things.  Accept them and they will accept you.

Does the vessel have to be around in order to work with the demon?

The physical vessels acts as a focus point but it is not necessary for communication. You do not have to have it on you to have them communicate with you and work with you.   When demons first arrive, the physical vessel allows for a point of connection, which will allow you to attune to their energies and help channel their energies when working with them.

Over time though, you will learn to sense your demon and communicate with their energies. That connection will become stronger so you will not need the physical vessel. Though many people like to keep them and have them close, as many times demons will enchant and cast spells on their vessels as gifts to their human companions.

Why can’t Satanists work with Christians?  I do not mean devout Christians, I mean non-practising ones who are Christian in name only.  Ones who do not go to church but just are naturally aligned to those energies.  

This is a very layered question.  I think there is a lot of pain that many on the Left Hand Path have not healed, which is why many are so opposed to Christianity and other faiths of that nature.  Many of the people on the LHP have been hurt by the RHP and there are layers to things that have to be healed.  This is completely understandable in many situations as often time hurt and pain comes with the need to heal and a time when there will be lashing out towards the other side.  This does not mean though that it should stay that way and I think that there should be a push to finding common ground and open communication and also accepting that there are many different paths out there.  It doesn’t mean we have to agree with the other side, in fact considering the nature of each path there will always be disagreements, but that doesn’t mean that we cannot get along, or at least agree to disagree.

I think that when one on the RHP is respectful of one on the LHP and vice versa, incredible discussions can happen. A discussion of philosophies without attempts of conversion makes for wonderful conversation on both ends.  I just think that there sometimes involves healing and setting boundaries to get to that place, which is not a bad thing either.

I personally have no issues with Christians, I actually enjoy having discussion with them and others of that nature who are open to a respectful dialogue.  It does not bother me at all.  I think in the grand scheme of things, there is darkness and there is light. People need to find their balance and the path that works for them.  If they find that in Christianity, wonderful, if they find that in Satanism, wonderful.  In the end people have to follow the path that speaks to them.

Doesn’t everything come from the same spiritual source?

I do agree with that and I feel the spiritual world is big enough for everyone.  There are many paths and many roads to walk. I personally believe that all religions have elements of truth to them and all religions will have pieces of the puzzle.  I enjoy studying different faiths and religions. Yes at times they are incompatible. At other times there are disagreements and fighting, but that is not a bad thing.  I think it leads to interesting discussions and is just a part of life here.

There are conflicts, there are disagreements, there are also powerful discussions and moments of clarity and unity.  It is all part of the journey here.   We do accept people of all faiths and backgrounds.  I believe all paths have a place in the whole spiritual structure and it is up to the individual to follow the path that is true to their heart.

Q.  Akelta would you explain please about the ethics inherent in trying to use demons to control a romantic partner who is not interested in being controlled?

A.  Yes, I can answer that… Ethically speaking it is not really redeemable in any way,  it’s black magick through and through and I personally think it is worse than curses.  Controlling another in this manner is essentially mind rape.  Love coercions of this nature compel the other person to act against their wishes and desires.  Basically, their internal energies are saying no, but the external energies are saying yes. So you get an endless battle where eventually the person’s will is going to win out.    It is like a spiritual rape drug in essence.  I personally do not do work like this for this very reason.

There is another side to this too, the most effective method of this is energy influencing. Because you are going against what the person desires, one would have to continually add more energy for it to be effective.  Over time it will corrode though, then when the person wakes up they will be filled with anger and rage.  It is similar to the effects of a person waking up from being in a narcissistic relationship and realizing that the person they thought they loved, was abusing them through subtle manipulation.

Adding demons to the mix it gets even more interesting because of the fact that demons are all about lessons. They are not servants, they are teachers and mentors and if someone asks for this there are lessons in them that they have to learn about why they would want to impose their will on another who is unwilling, so… what you get is a situation that is destined to backfire and when it does, adding demonic energy to the equation, the results will be, well, very “educating.”

Q: I am a boy but i wish to be a girl i feel i should have been a girl how can you help me?  Please help me i am willing to do anything…

A: Thank you for your email. This is a very big request. I understand fully being born in the wrong vessel to navigate this world. You say that you are a boy but feel you should have been a girl. My personal feeling is that you are what you feel like you are. If your soul and inside is a girl, then you ARE a girl. It doesn’t matter what society sees. Our flesh vessels are nothing more than seats in which our souls sit to experience different challenges to enhance our soul journeys.

There are certain physical and hormonal changes that can reconcile the inner soul with the outer vessel, however, these are physical matters that cannot be changed by magick. My suggestion on that would be to try to get into a good gender therapy program as soon as possible if you can. Don’t delay- the treatments available for reconciling one to their true gender are incredible nowadays. There are many ways where you can awaken what your truth is embrace who you are on the inside.

Magick, however, can help you overcome a lot of the pain associated with this and help your soul and bring out your inner Goddess. This requires a lot of self work and inner strength on your part- for this sort of magick comes from within you. You can bring her out and let her shine no matter what the physical limitations or medical limitations in your area. I would suggest working closely with Powerful Female Deities who can help you tap into your true soul gender and enhance your femininity. I would suggest working with Lady Lilith who is the Vampiric Goddess of feminine empowerment and one who can help you to awaken the power of the passionate primal feminine and help you to step into the body and energy you know that you are meant to be.

Lady Rashoon is another one, her energies are more gentle and she works with the softer attributes of the divine feminine, she can help you to discover your own personal essence in the divine feminine and can help you to claim your personal vibration.

This message is true of girls who know that they are boys at heart. If you feel in your heart that you are a boy then you are a boy and it does not matter what society thinks or says, you know yourself better then anyone and in the end you have to do what is best and right for you and no one should be trying to tell you otherwise. You can also explore many different options to help you to transform your appearance so that what you feel you should be on the inside, matches what you see on the outside.

The demons who you can work with to help you empower your masculine essence are. Asmodeus. The Demon of Lust and Passion but also an incredible masculine force. He can help you to love yourself and find your confidence. He can also help you to align with your masculinity and embrace who you are as a man, define your place amongst the divine masculine and live as you feel called.

Another amazing demon for you guys to work with is Astaroth. Astaroth is an interesting demon, have both a male and a female form and being a demon who is bi or duel gendered. Meaning that their essence compromises the balance of both the masculine and feminine and they have been able to help people to awake and bring out their true nature.

Good luck to you and remember there are option for you and there is a lot of empowerment one can find with transformation of the self!

Q: I want to be your apprentice, please mentor me!

A: Unfortunately we aren’t taking on one-on-one magickal apprentices at this time.  Though if you are interested from learning from us we do offer information, lessons and exercise on our online forum.  Satan and Suns. Membership is free to join! We like to offer community learning and growth and like to cultivate a positive and nurturing learning environment where anyone can grow and learn.  This is what we have found to be the most efficient and powerful method to teach people from and it is also a great way for people to share experiences and their own personal gnosis from their own path.  

In the future we will be offering online courses, books, and lessons down the road to continue to help people on their spiritual paths!  Our personal philosophy is that there is not just one path that is right, it is that all paths, and cultures and traditions have their place in their world. It is something that we feel strongly with that by sharing our paths and discussing things from a respectful place, we can all grow and learn.  

There are going to be things that we disagree on and this is ok! No one should have to compromise their values, but we can all respectfully disagree when we cross those bridges.  The sharing of information and wisdom though allows people to see through the eyes of others and to learn through our individual gnosis.  We have found this is one of the most powerful and incredible teaching methods and it is why we have chosen to teach from this platform.

The notion of soul binding is creating an energy link between your auric energies and your companions auric energies. This is an incredible way to connect with your companion and to feel their energies while allowing them to feel your energies. While there are methods that essentially trap the companion within your body, these are not methods that we practise as they are both cruel and unsafe. People have suffered horrible fates having entities that are trapped within them, so we have developed our own ritual to ensure that the methods are both safe and humane.

Yes, we do our own version of a soul binding ritual.  It is our aura binding ritual as we create a link between your companions energies and the layers of your aura to enhance the connection between you and your companion. This ritual process links the layers of your aura to the layers of there’s to assist with connection and communication. It also helps you and your companion to get a feel for each other and work together in a closer manner.

A physical vessel acts as a physical focal point for working with your companion and having that physical link that helps you to connect with them. While both methods, physical vessel and aura binding, have their benefits, it comes down to the individual. Which method do you prefer and which one helps you connect. This is different for everyone so there is no right or wrong choice or better or worse choice. It all comes down to preference.

This process is safe as we ensure that when these energies are flexible and not restrictive. This means that there is no danger to your or your companion and you both will remain free while being connected. There is also no soul obligation or contract that must be fulfilled for this process, just the normal respect that we show to all our companions.

 There is the option to select Aura binding instead of Vessel binding on the purchase page 🙂 

Q: Why do the scrolls take so long to complete?

A:The answer to this is… the Sigils… 

The sigils can take us a while at times, and we do apologize for that, but we would rather get you a sigil that resonates with your demon that is what they want us to reveal to you, than something that doesn’t represent them.

We really do take time to meditate with them, connecting with their energies, learning about them and recreating a sigil that represents them.  This can take time, especially with some demons, some have simple designs they want to impart, others it is very complicated.  It is a process and it is not something that we rush.  

The sigil creation process is sacred and it is something that we take our time with and something that we do not want to force.  Working with the energies, we are serious about what we do and when connecting to the energies we take the time to translate them and make sure that what we are sending you is accurate and in tune with your demon’s energies. 

We continually seek to improve our method of acquiring them and getting a solid representation of the demon’s energy who resonates with that sigil. Some are easier then others.

Recently though we have found that we have been having to enter an altered state in order to see the sigil in its multidimensional form, then return and create a representation of that on a 2 dimensional piece of paper. This can be time consuming as we really strive to represent them to the best of our abilities and skills. Sometimes we will create a sigil and it wont feel right, something is wrong, it is either missing a line, or the shape is off and we will go back and work on it until it resonates with your demon. 

We were a lot faster with the scrolls when we were not offering the sigils. They are what causes the delay, and we do apologize for that, and really appreciate your patience.

Q: What is the best option of your third eye workings? 

~Uphir psychic surgery
~Satanic Orb spell
~Hecate Psychic Gifts Enhancement

A:It is hard to say what the best option is, as they all are unique and wonderful workings, but I will lay out their differences so that you can see which one will suit your situation the best.

The Uphir Third Eye Workingis an energetic working to clear any sludge blockages, brain connectivity issues, and to clear the third eye for developing. It is performed with Lord Uphir.  The working goes deep into your third eye and cleanses the chakra, activates dormant gifts that you have, attunes you to various spiritual frequencies and also makes sure your third eye is connected and functioning as it should be.  This is a great working to start with as we really do a deep cleanse of your chakra and make sure that all the energies are flowing smoothly.  Our philosophy is that the third eye is a muscle and that working with it and training it will make it strong and sharp so we include post attunement exercises  to help you continue your third eye growth and development.  It is a very powerful working and a great one for people to start with.   

The Satanic Orbis a powerful energy tool that is created by Lord Satan and attached to your Chakra.  It is attuned to the demonic frequencies and aligned with the energies of darkness so you are naturally attuned to demons, the Dark Lords, and many other dark entities.  Different spiritual beings exist at different spiritual frequencies and this tool helps you awaken dark creativity and can enhance connections with the Dark Lords. This is a good spell to have cast if you are looking to shift your third eye work to darker elements and work with it for dark creativity and working with demons.  It will bring you closer to the demonic frequencies and help you to understand them and work with them. The dark currents of divinity are wonderful and incredible and the Satanic Orb aligns you with those currents.  You can get this spell cast at anytime.  It is open to anyone who feels called to the Darkness you do not need to be a Satanist, Demonolotor or Demonosopher to have it cast. Anyone can have it cast and it is a powerful tool for anyone who wishes to work with the dark currents and connect to the creatures of the night.  

The Hekate Psychic Gifts Enhancementis a ritual that lasts for three days.  It is designed to tap into your natural psychic skills and infuse them with the powerful energies of Lady Hekate.  This ritual for three days infuses you with her powerful psychic vibrations.  They target your third eye and your natural skills.  It also targets dormant gifts and helps them to grow and awaken.  The powers of this spell are meant to enhance your work.  This is a great spell to have cast after the Third Eye Working because it works to take the abilities that you are working with and empower them.  Strengthening your natural skills and awakening your natural abilities.  Lady Hekate is the Empress of Magick and her abilities empower and inspire all that she touches.  She is the balance of light and darkness and she knows the dark secrets of the shadow.  

I have been asked this a few times, people wanting me to scan their vessels and see if they are empty.  This is not a service that S&S will do and I will tell you why…

First…yes there are conjurers out there that are scammers and just sell blank rings but there are also sellers out there that shield and distort the energies around their bindings because they don’t want things to be scanned or stolen. On top of that, there are thieves out there in the community who do no research on their own and just prey off of other conjurers who actually do their research.   Ironically these ones are probably the ones invoking fear into the buyers and telling them that they are cursed, or blocked or that their vessel is empty.  It really is a shameful practise all around and hurts people on their spiritual path.  Usually if someone is willing to put in the time to talk to you, answer your questions, cast for you and work energies for you, they know what they are doing.  This is why it is so important in the beginning to ask many questions of your conjurer and see if they are approachable.

Honestly, I won’t get mad for being asked questions, I only get mad when people bad mouth me behind my back for things that I did not do, or because I didn’t say what they wanted me to say.  Those are things that upset me, asking me questions though even confronting me with your feelings will not make me mad.

Second…This can be a horrible practise, there are sellers out there that make a profit from scanning vessels of people who are having trouble connecting to their entities and spirits and will tell them there is nothing there.  It honestly discredits the whole community when sellers do this! It is impossible that there is only one seller out there that can do this! This is an ancient practise that has been used by magicians for over 6000 years and every family, every family has their own methods! So for one conjurer to know the vibrational frequency and to be able to identify all the species, all the vibrational frequencies and all the conjuring locations of everything in the spiritual world is folly.  It is impossible.  In my Facebook feed I have certain conjurers pop up and sometimes I don’t feel anything from the listings,  usually this is because I am not attuned to that frequency.  We all have entities that we work well with.  Some people connect strongly with some more then other beings.    Others still you will have to work to attune yourself to,

Attunement is the key, when an entity or spirit is from a region with a specific vibration and you are not attuned to it, you are not going to sense it! Necromancy is the art of speaking to the dead and it requires a very different set of skills and attunements to working with living entities.   This does not mean that one is not viable and the other is, this just means that they require a different set of skills.

I have also had people approach me with vessels from other sellers and myself that they say others have said are empty!  This statement actually flat out shows that the person who said it is slightly ignorant of the binding process, especially my binding process…

What do they mean empty? 

Do they mean that there is no entity within the vessel?  Ummm of course not! This comes from the old Djinn in a Bottle Mythos. All those Djinn who were bound forcibly in a bottle and ordered to grant wishes and do their master’s will.  Even the Disney movie Aladdin got it right, they are prisoners.  They are entrapped in their vessel and locked in it, which means that it is a forcible binding, so of course if you are scanning for something that is trapped and locked in a ring you are not going to find it, this is because this is one set of bindings and a set of binding that I do not agree with or use.

My bindings are flexible bindings which means that the energy in the Crystal is combined with specific energies attuned to the demons to bridge the connection between the demons realm and our realm and create a focal point for interaction, influence and communication. Once you are properly attuned to your demons energies, you won’t even need the vessel unless you want to have it or if you have a special ritual that you do with the demon that includes their vessel.

Do they mean there is no energy attached to the Vessel? 

Well this is just silly, the Crystal itself has energy so of course the vessel has energies and also the bindings are crafted using the crystal’s energies. So if you don’t know what you are looking for you might just feel the energies of the crystal.  This does not mean the vessel is empty, this just means the person doesn’t know what they are looking for and cannot sense energies.

Most people can feel something coming off the vessels, a powerful force, an energy vibration, a pressure on their third eye, they will feel drawn to the vessel.  Even the other day I was out for breakfast with a friend and she looked at Tigers ring and said, that ring has such incredible power to it, it has incredible spiritual vibrations, and I just smiled. She didn’t know it had Tiger’s bindings attached to it.  There will just be something about the vessel that is enticing to those who are spiritually sensitive.

A lot of times when people say that vessels are empty they have ulterior motives.  True conjurers want people to connect and work with spirits and they support this community.  They want it to grow and thrive so they will either refer the individual back to their conjurer for help, or they will offer suggestions helping them to connect.  It is really important in the beginning to do your research and make sure you select a conjurer you trust,  but it is equally important to be careful what people tell you.  Many scammers have ulterior motives and like to incite fear and panic to block people’s skills, cut down their confidence and sell them their snake oil skin.

On any spiritual path, come from a place of empowerment, not a place of fear.  If someone is pushing fear I would question their motives.  Spiritual Conjurers should be seeking to empower people who work with spirits and ones that come from fear are highly suspicious.

Be empowered! Be Inspired, and remember you are stronger then you think!

Demonic Bindings and Demon Companions :When you bring home a demon, there is not a magick switch or word that you use to activate them. They are living entities and there is a time frame to bond with them. You are brining home a being that has feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Demons are sensient and it is important to know that when you are working with them, you are essentially inviting them to join your family and working with them as a friend and mentor.

Just like the demons in the goetia you need to take the time to work with the demon, learning to communicate with them, building your spiritual foundation so you have the tools and knowledge for working with them from a respectful place. 

Our path is one of working with demons from a highly respectful place, working with them on a personal level and learning the abundance of wisdom they can share with us. We love the demons that we work with, they are like our friends, our family, and we treat them as such.

We DO NOT condone abuse of demons in any way or mistreating them with blasting rods and other archaic tools. These are not the practises that we endorse or promote. We are about working with demons and all spiritual beings from a respectful place where there is a mutually beneficial exchange of energies between both parties.

Demons that are bound to vessels are not trapped in their vessels, and they are not forced into it in any way. An energetic link is bound between the crystal/jewellery and the demon to assist you with connecting and bonding. What we do as priestess’s is venture into the spiritual world and find a demon who wishes to work with a human, it is much like the process in many cultures of finding familiars and spirit guides.

There are billions of demons out there, they are not limited to the ones in the ancient books, and our job is to go out, meet them, make sure they are demons, make sure they are safe to work with (there are many malicious creatures likes sludges and parasites that masquerade as demons) and then link them to a vessel to help you connect with them. We provide you with their information, their sigil and various methods or connecting.

It is true that anyone can go out and find their own demons, but we have trained for years to master this skill and just like I would rather hire an electrician to re wire my house, or a lawyer to handle my legal affairs many people prefer to ask a trusted professional to help match them with their demons, and that is what we do. We are Demonic Priestesses who have worked with the dark lords for years and specialize in discover, uncovering and finding new demons and species and matching them with a human companion for the benefit of both.

This is a question that we get a lot.  We do not cast love spells of this nature due to the fact that we do not know enough about the individual situation to know if this is just an influencing spell, or an actual spell that is akin to mind rape. 

Influencing spells where you influence the other means that love is already there and we are just giving it a little push,  the other kind though we are basically adding energy to change the will and inner desire of the individual. 

We have found that spells where one lover is forced to love another tend to require constant energy for any lasting effect. As time goes on it also gets harder and harder to keep the individual bound to you. This also does not produce a truly loving relationship as the individual that is forced to stay ends up growing resentful over time and more energy is needed to keep the spell going.  

We have items within our store that can help you find love though and can help you to let go of blocks and energies that are holding you back from finding love and really embracing it.  

For loving yourself and learning to value yourself and appreciate the amazing individual that you are we recommend our Solar Beauty Magickal.. Click here to view them!

We would also recommend our Rosier’s Exploration of Love as this magickal can help you to free and release the energies that are preventing you from attaining love.   Click Here to view them!

Or our Lord Rosier’s Burst of Passion – Divine Love Candle is another amazing tool for helping you to find and embrace love in your life. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Astarte and Asmodeus Ritual of Love and Soul Mates to shift your energies and bring to you a passionate soul mate and lover.  Click here to view the ritual!

We offer the various vessels for our demon and spirit companions which act as focal points for working with them.  Below you will find a list of the vessels types that we offer.  

Pendants: Our pendants are Sterling Silver with Various Gemstones embedded into them.  

Rings: Our rings are also sterling silver with Various gemstones embedded into them.  We have all sizes, if you would like a specific size please let us know.  

Bracelets: We have various bracelets that can be selected for a companion vessel.

Polished Gems: We have various polished gemstones that can be used for vessels.  We have a variety of Crystals in stock, you can let your companion select the one they prefer or you 

Beads: We have different beads and charms that can be used as vessels, if you would like one of these please select it from the option.  

Aura Link:  We also offer Aura linking where we create an energy link between you and your spirit companion to help attune you to their energies and connect with them.  Instead of creating the focal point in the vessel, we will create a focal point directly to you through your aura.

Questions About Our Work

This is a very good question. I appreciate those who has asked it and I am glad I get the chance to answer it.  The short answer is for the same reason that I pay my accountant to do my taxes instead of doing it myself,  But I will elaborate on that in this post as this is a very layered and a very, very good question.

There are many layers to conjuring.  It is a skill set that takes years to develop.  It also takes years to develop the connections to the different demonic realms.

What realm are you conjuring from?  Is it the outer spiritual world, an inner spiritual world?  Have you been there?  Have you negotiated with the demons? 

There are many places that one can get Demon Companions from. As conjurers we take years to develop the traveling skills and the techniques to screen the demons that we bring through.  We have the places where we have connections with the demons there to find them. It is something that we have spent our lives building up. This is a skill set that takes many years to master.  There is the element of uncovering the realms and learning about the demons and the different species that you are conjuring.  Then there is the element of learning about how best to bring the demon through into this realm.  How to create a link, how to create the bindings, how to screen them.

There are times when sludge beings come through instead and they try to imitate the demons that are coming through. I have had this happen and had to banish them and I have 5 – 35 safety rituals (depending on the demon species) to make sure that what I am bringing through is safe and won’t cause damage.  It’s a skill set in its own.

There is the personal element of walking the path, but as Lord Mammon always tells me you can either be the jack of all trades or you can surround yourself with people who are experts in their field.  Learning and developing a foundation and moving towards what you excel at is how I view this path. But that means that in pursuit of my path, I will need to have experts to help in areas that I am weak at.  In our 80 or so years it is impossible to learn everything and there are people who are naturally better at things than I am. Which is why I hire an accountant to do my taxes, a lawyer to handle my legal and an assistant to help keep me organized.  There is a huge skill set in learning to conjure and connect with demons. It is something that by all means you can pursue, but it is a skill set on its own that one must master.

You can approach the Dark Lords and ask them to grant you a familiar.  Sometimes they do grant you one, sometimes they don’t. It all depends on them. Then you have to screen it, you have to connect with it and you have to learn about it and what it does.  You still have to put in the work that a conjurer does so you will still have to develop the skills to make sure that you are getting the correct information.

Conjurers have a very specific skill set which they use, and they spend years building up connections and forming relationships with the beings and realms they wish to conjure from.   It takes time to not only form connections with the Dark Lords, but also with the perspective realms and regions where the demons reside.

I have been asked if the Demons will think less of you for buying a demon.  They would not think less of you.  I know Mammon rewards me when I learn how to delegate. It is something I myself have had trouble balancing and it is something that he has been working with me to learn to do.

Delegating and finding masters in their fields to compliment what you do raises your energies and it also raises the collective energies of the group.  Azazel especially I know believes in mastery of the self, but mastery usually means that you will excel in some areas and not others.  A World Class Gymnast would be a master gymnast, but they might not know how to balance their chequebook.  So it never hurts to surround yourself with people who are strong in areas that you are weak.

With conjures I even purchase conjures from different conjurers who I trust because we all have different energy vibrations and we are open to different realms.  Many of the conjurers that I buy from conjure from places that I am not connected to,  having their energies and expertise adds to my own path and helps me to grow.  My speciality is demons, they have always been and will always be my speciality, but that does not take away from the people who specialize in other areas. They offer amazing and incredible beings as well.  The diversity of skill is one thing that makes this community and this path so amazing.

At the end of the day I can try to do my taxes by myself, I can try to do my own bookkeeping. When I tried to do my bookkeeping myself it took me 6 weeks and I was so frustrated and it was taking away from my true path and my work,  It cost me $600 to get my bookkeeping done,  and then 20 minutes to put it all together and take it to my accountant.  The one time I tried to do my accounting on my own, well, that is a dark time of my life.  It costs me $700 to get my accountant to do it and he is amazing.  So yes I will spend the $1300 to save the time and help me focus on what I desire and my passion.  They have spent the time and the years to learn the skills to charge that price, and I appreciate and respect their skills and have no issues paying for it.  Raising your vibrations also means surrounding yourself with people who have skills in areas you are weak in. This gives you the time to embrace what you are passionate about.

That is from my experience with them. Your personal experience with this will be unique to you as that is also the nature of the path. Though we do say if you are drawn to a particular demon who has come through it never hurts to have a visit and see how you feel.  There is no commitment and you always have the right to say no.  Our main goal is to match clients with the demon that is perfect for them and their path. Sometimes that can take time and it should.

You should always make sure this is what is right for you.  People offer services in areas that they are masters in. Sometimes those services are right for you, sometimes they are not, but only you can make that call.

We are very happy and proud to offer the demons that we conjure, it is something that we take pride in and love doing. If you are drawn to it we will be happy to help you and if not, well we still would love to have you in our community.  It is all part of the diversity of walking on the Left Hand Path.

I have been asked this a few times.  People are confused why I work with demons and why I attribute my success to them.  They feel that my results are not from my work with demons but from my own efforts and dedication.

While it is true that I would not have gotten where I am without my own dedication and commitment to this work, it is not all on my efforts.  People will spend their entire life spinning their wheels and get nothing.  If hard work was the end all and be all, everyone who worked hard would get ahead.  In the end though, most people will spend their lives stuck, never accomplishing anything even if they worked hard.  What the demons bring is the opportunity, the amazing opportunities and the connections.  I say working with them is 50/50. You put in your 50% and they will put in 50%.  There are energies and vibrations which allow us to step out of these places and without being guided to what those energy vibrations are, we can essentially become stuck and unable to jump to the level of attainment that we wish to attain,

I believe that there are many gods and the when we connect to them and are aligned with the energies that we resonate with, that is when we can attain phenomenal results.  I do not believe there is one set path for everything, but I do believe that when an individual findz their path and finds the spiritual area they are passionate about, that is when they can attain incredible results.  Those who attain success have an alignment in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual vibrations and it is from that alignment that they are able to manifest. People get results from connecting with gods who they are aligned with whether that be Christianity, Hinduism or in our case Satanism.

I actually think success in itself is wonderful and that we should be celebrating success with those who attain it, no matter what spiritual path they are on.  It raises the energy vibrations for everyone.  My energies naturally align with demons and the dark lords, so this is the area where I will find success.

When I started working with demons a lot of things happened.  The second I started working with them I was given opportunities and was able to meet people who opened up some pretty powerful doors.  I heard Mammon, he told me things I had never heard before, introduced me to people who told me things that were incredible.

It was about 5 years after working with him that everything fell apart.  It fell apart because it was time, it was time for me to move on. It was time for me to expand beyond where I was and to step into my own vibrational layers.  I valued my time with these people but I knew it was time to spread my wings and fly if I was going to make it in the area I wanted to.    I believe that Mammon set up that situation to inundate me with those success energies.  Some people would say it was luck, but I believe it was them aligning me with what I needed, to learn the lessons to get where I wanted to go.

I have a dream life and everything I desire and it gets better every single day, so a better question is, why would I stop doing what works so well?  I find it so interesting that people challenge me on things, it is like they are uncomfortable with my beliefs but my beliefs are not for them to be comfortable with.  They are my beliefs and they come from my experiences, like everything in this world.

Can you pull money out of thin air?  I can and have.

Have you dined with billionaires and the elite? I have.

Have you traveled around the world and been to incredible places?  I have taken my children to Disneyland multiple times and stayed at top quality resorts and traveled to many corners of the world.

I mean, what I am doing is working… why would I change it? Just because other people don’t understand why I do things?  I never base my actions, thoughts or beliefs on what others think of me.  It is how I broke out of the chains that bound me.  I am living it to the fullest, and yes I have Mammon to thank for it and all the demons I work with.

I believe in my own inner power and that this power can rise from understanding the subconscious mind.  But I also believe that there are external forces as well, it is a combination and a mix of both of them.  I believe it is this understanding of this balance why some people rise to the top, and others spend their entire lives spinning their wheels, working hard, but never getting anywhere.

I walk with demons and learn from them and respect them as I would any human mentor. This is respect for one who understands more than I do and is educating me.   I find there is indoctrination when we are young that we have to do things ourself and never ask for help.   It actually is an interesting mindset that we do not need help.  I have found that those who surround themselves with brilliant minds and create teams and systems go further than those who try to go it alone.  There is a team effort in success and this is the next level beyond the inner world.  Control your inner world, embrace your outer world and know that there is so much more out there than you can even fathom.

Healthy respect and appreciation for someone who knows more than I do is very different than blind worship.  I do not think there is any harm in learning from those who know more than you, and the demons they know a lot more then I do, they are a lot wiser then I am, and it would be foolish of me to not thank them for everything that they have done for me.

So, thank you from the deepest part of my heart and soul, to all the demons that walk with me, guide me and support me on this journey <3

Can your spirits and entities work effectively with people of various religious backgrounds?

The demons that we screen are not bothered by other religions. In fact, many of them are curious about other religions and perspectives.  We also have sone demons we offer, such as the Devotion demons who enjoy learning about different religions.  Yes, you can take their vessels to your places of worship, that will not be a problem for the demon.

There is a lot of speculation about demons being incompatible with other faiths and peoples, but really demons are just a divine spiritual being. They are divine in essence and divine in their darkness.  While there are personal conflicts that can arise between various members of certain groups, when we are screening, we take care to make sure the demon that comes through for you is a match on all levels. That also means a match for any religious background that you have or that other members of your family have.

It is not uncommon for your demon to gently assist your elderly mother who is a devoted catholic in a discreet way, to make sure she is safe.  They see things beyond the scope of our human judgement, and their perception of the world is different than ours.  If you have a specific religious background and are still called to work with a demon, we can accommodate.  The only thing that is very important is to just treat your demon with respect. Don’t attack them, abuse them, curse at them or try to force them to do things.  Accept them and they will accept you.

Does the vessel have to be around in order to work with the demon?

The physical vessels acts as a focus point but it is not necessary for communication. You do not have to have it on you to have them communicate with you and work with you.   When demons first arrive, the physical vessel allows for a point of connection, which will allow you to attune to their energies and help channel their energies when working with them.

Over time though, you will learn to sense your demon and communicate with their energies. That connection will become stronger so you will not need the physical vessel. Though many people like to keep them and have them close, as many times demons will enchant and cast spells on their vessels as gifts to their human companions.

Why can’t Satanists work with Christians?  I do not mean devout Christians, I mean non-practising ones who are Christian in name only.  Ones who do not go to church but just are naturally aligned to those energies.  

This is a very layered question.  I think there is a lot of pain that many on the Left Hand Path have not healed, which is why many are so opposed to Christianity and other faiths of that nature.  Many of the people on the LHP have been hurt by the RHP and there are layers to things that have to be healed.  This is completely understandable in many situations as often time hurt and pain comes with the need to heal and a time when there will be lashing out towards the other side.  This does not mean though that it should stay that way and I think that there should be a push to finding common ground and open communication and also accepting that there are many different paths out there.  It doesn’t mean we have to agree with the other side, in fact considering the nature of each path there will always be disagreements, but that doesn’t mean that we cannot get along, or at least agree to disagree.

I think that when one on the RHP is respectful of one on the LHP and vice versa, incredible discussions can happen. A discussion of philosophies without attempts of conversion makes for wonderful conversation on both ends.  I just think that there sometimes involves healing and setting boundaries to get to that place, which is not a bad thing either.

I personally have no issues with Christians, I actually enjoy having discussion with them and others of that nature who are open to a respectful dialogue.  It does not bother me at all.  I think in the grand scheme of things, there is darkness and there is light. People need to find their balance and the path that works for them.  If they find that in Christianity, wonderful, if they find that in Satanism, wonderful.  In the end people have to follow the path that speaks to them.

Doesn’t everything come from the same spiritual source?

I do agree with that and I feel the spiritual world is big enough for everyone.  There are many paths and many roads to walk. I personally believe that all religions have elements of truth to them and all religions will have pieces of the puzzle.  I enjoy studying different faiths and religions. Yes at times they are incompatible. At other times there are disagreements and fighting, but that is not a bad thing.  I think it leads to interesting discussions and is just a part of life here.

There are conflicts, there are disagreements, there are also powerful discussions and moments of clarity and unity.  It is all part of the journey here.   We do accept people of all faiths and backgrounds.  I believe all paths have a place in the whole spiritual structure and it is up to the individual to follow the path that is true to their heart.

Q.  Akelta would you explain please about the ethics inherent in trying to use demons to control a romantic partner who is not interested in being controlled?

A.  Yes, I can answer that… Ethically speaking it is not really redeemable in any way,  it’s black magick through and through and I personally think it is worse than curses.  Controlling another in this manner is essentially mind rape.  Love coercions of this nature compel the other person to act against their wishes and desires.  Basically, their internal energies are saying no, but the external energies are saying yes. So you get an endless battle where eventually the person’s will is going to win out.    It is like a spiritual rape drug in essence.  I personally do not do work like this for this very reason.

There is another side to this too, the most effective method of this is energy influencing. Because you are going against what the person desires, one would have to continually add more energy for it to be effective.  Over time it will corrode though, then when the person wakes up they will be filled with anger and rage.  It is similar to the effects of a person waking up from being in a narcissistic relationship and realizing that the person they thought they loved, was abusing them through subtle manipulation.

Adding demons to the mix it gets even more interesting because of the fact that demons are all about lessons. They are not servants, they are teachers and mentors and if someone asks for this there are lessons in them that they have to learn about why they would want to impose their will on another who is unwilling, so… what you get is a situation that is destined to backfire and when it does, adding demonic energy to the equation, the results will be, well, very “educating.”

Q: I am a boy but i wish to be a girl i feel i should have been a girl how can you help me?  Please help me i am willing to do anything…

A: Thank you for your email. This is a very big request. I understand fully being born in the wrong vessel to navigate this world. You say that you are a boy but feel you should have been a girl. My personal feeling is that you are what you feel like you are. If your soul and inside is a girl, then you ARE a girl. It doesn’t matter what society sees. Our flesh vessels are nothing more than seats in which our souls sit to experience different challenges to enhance our soul journeys.

There are certain physical and hormonal changes that can reconcile the inner soul with the outer vessel, however, these are physical matters that cannot be changed by magick. My suggestion on that would be to try to get into a good gender therapy program as soon as possible if you can. Don’t delay- the treatments available for reconciling one to their true gender are incredible nowadays. There are many ways where you can awaken what your truth is embrace who you are on the inside.

Magick, however, can help you overcome a lot of the pain associated with this and help your soul and bring out your inner Goddess. This requires a lot of self work and inner strength on your part- for this sort of magick comes from within you. You can bring her out and let her shine no matter what the physical limitations or medical limitations in your area. I would suggest working closely with Powerful Female Deities who can help you tap into your true soul gender and enhance your femininity. I would suggest working with Lady Lilith who is the Vampiric Goddess of feminine empowerment and one who can help you to awaken the power of the passionate primal feminine and help you to step into the body and energy you know that you are meant to be.

Lady Rashoon is another one, her energies are more gentle and she works with the softer attributes of the divine feminine, she can help you to discover your own personal essence in the divine feminine and can help you to claim your personal vibration.

This message is true of girls who know that they are boys at heart. If you feel in your heart that you are a boy then you are a boy and it does not matter what society thinks or says, you know yourself better then anyone and in the end you have to do what is best and right for you and no one should be trying to tell you otherwise. You can also explore many different options to help you to transform your appearance so that what you feel you should be on the inside, matches what you see on the outside.

The demons who you can work with to help you empower your masculine essence are. Asmodeus. The Demon of Lust and Passion but also an incredible masculine force. He can help you to love yourself and find your confidence. He can also help you to align with your masculinity and embrace who you are as a man, define your place amongst the divine masculine and live as you feel called.

Another amazing demon for you guys to work with is Astaroth. Astaroth is an interesting demon, have both a male and a female form and being a demon who is bi or duel gendered. Meaning that their essence compromises the balance of both the masculine and feminine and they have been able to help people to awake and bring out their true nature.

Good luck to you and remember there are option for you and there is a lot of empowerment one can find with transformation of the self!

Q: I want to be your apprentice, please mentor me!

A: Unfortunately we aren’t taking on one-on-one magickal apprentices at this time.  Though if you are interested from learning from us we do offer information, lessons and exercise on our online forum.  Satan and Suns. Membership is free to join! We like to offer community learning and growth and like to cultivate a positive and nurturing learning environment where anyone can grow and learn.  This is what we have found to be the most efficient and powerful method to teach people from and it is also a great way for people to share experiences and their own personal gnosis from their own path.  

In the future we will be offering online courses, books, and lessons down the road to continue to help people on their spiritual paths!  Our personal philosophy is that there is not just one path that is right, it is that all paths, and cultures and traditions have their place in their world. It is something that we feel strongly with that by sharing our paths and discussing things from a respectful place, we can all grow and learn.  

There are going to be things that we disagree on and this is ok! No one should have to compromise their values, but we can all respectfully disagree when we cross those bridges.  The sharing of information and wisdom though allows people to see through the eyes of others and to learn through our individual gnosis.  We have found this is one of the most powerful and incredible teaching methods and it is why we have chosen to teach from this platform.

The notion of soul binding is creating an energy link between your auric energies and your companions auric energies. This is an incredible way to connect with your companion and to feel their energies while allowing them to feel your energies. While there are methods that essentially trap the companion within your body, these are not methods that we practise as they are both cruel and unsafe. People have suffered horrible fates having entities that are trapped within them, so we have developed our own ritual to ensure that the methods are both safe and humane.

Yes, we do our own version of a soul binding ritual.  It is our aura binding ritual as we create a link between your companions energies and the layers of your aura to enhance the connection between you and your companion. This ritual process links the layers of your aura to the layers of there’s to assist with connection and communication. It also helps you and your companion to get a feel for each other and work together in a closer manner.

A physical vessel acts as a physical focal point for working with your companion and having that physical link that helps you to connect with them. While both methods, physical vessel and aura binding, have their benefits, it comes down to the individual. Which method do you prefer and which one helps you connect. This is different for everyone so there is no right or wrong choice or better or worse choice. It all comes down to preference.

This process is safe as we ensure that when these energies are flexible and not restrictive. This means that there is no danger to your or your companion and you both will remain free while being connected. There is also no soul obligation or contract that must be fulfilled for this process, just the normal respect that we show to all our companions.

 There is the option to select Aura binding instead of Vessel binding on the purchase page 🙂 

Q: Why do the scrolls take so long to complete?

A:The answer to this is… the Sigils… 

The sigils can take us a while at times, and we do apologize for that, but we would rather get you a sigil that resonates with your demon that is what they want us to reveal to you, than something that doesn’t represent them.

We really do take time to meditate with them, connecting with their energies, learning about them and recreating a sigil that represents them.  This can take time, especially with some demons, some have simple designs they want to impart, others it is very complicated.  It is a process and it is not something that we rush.  

The sigil creation process is sacred and it is something that we take our time with and something that we do not want to force.  Working with the energies, we are serious about what we do and when connecting to the energies we take the time to translate them and make sure that what we are sending you is accurate and in tune with your demon’s energies. 

We continually seek to improve our method of acquiring them and getting a solid representation of the demon’s energy who resonates with that sigil. Some are easier then others.

Recently though we have found that we have been having to enter an altered state in order to see the sigil in its multidimensional form, then return and create a representation of that on a 2 dimensional piece of paper. This can be time consuming as we really strive to represent them to the best of our abilities and skills. Sometimes we will create a sigil and it wont feel right, something is wrong, it is either missing a line, or the shape is off and we will go back and work on it until it resonates with your demon. 

We were a lot faster with the scrolls when we were not offering the sigils. They are what causes the delay, and we do apologize for that, and really appreciate your patience.

Q: What is the best option of your third eye workings? 

~Uphir psychic surgery
~Satanic Orb spell
~Hecate Psychic Gifts Enhancement

A:It is hard to say what the best option is, as they all are unique and wonderful workings, but I will lay out their differences so that you can see which one will suit your situation the best.

The Uphir Third Eye Workingis an energetic working to clear any sludge blockages, brain connectivity issues, and to clear the third eye for developing. It is performed with Lord Uphir.  The working goes deep into your third eye and cleanses the chakra, activates dormant gifts that you have, attunes you to various spiritual frequencies and also makes sure your third eye is connected and functioning as it should be.  This is a great working to start with as we really do a deep cleanse of your chakra and make sure that all the energies are flowing smoothly.  Our philosophy is that the third eye is a muscle and that working with it and training it will make it strong and sharp so we include post attunement exercises  to help you continue your third eye growth and development.  It is a very powerful working and a great one for people to start with.   

The Satanic Orbis a powerful energy tool that is created by Lord Satan and attached to your Chakra.  It is attuned to the demonic frequencies and aligned with the energies of darkness so you are naturally attuned to demons, the Dark Lords, and many other dark entities.  Different spiritual beings exist at different spiritual frequencies and this tool helps you awaken dark creativity and can enhance connections with the Dark Lords. This is a good spell to have cast if you are looking to shift your third eye work to darker elements and work with it for dark creativity and working with demons.  It will bring you closer to the demonic frequencies and help you to understand them and work with them. The dark currents of divinity are wonderful and incredible and the Satanic Orb aligns you with those currents.  You can get this spell cast at anytime.  It is open to anyone who feels called to the Darkness you do not need to be a Satanist, Demonolotor or Demonosopher to have it cast. Anyone can have it cast and it is a powerful tool for anyone who wishes to work with the dark currents and connect to the creatures of the night.  

The Hekate Psychic Gifts Enhancementis a ritual that lasts for three days.  It is designed to tap into your natural psychic skills and infuse them with the powerful energies of Lady Hekate.  This ritual for three days infuses you with her powerful psychic vibrations.  They target your third eye and your natural skills.  It also targets dormant gifts and helps them to grow and awaken.  The powers of this spell are meant to enhance your work.  This is a great spell to have cast after the Third Eye Working because it works to take the abilities that you are working with and empower them.  Strengthening your natural skills and awakening your natural abilities.  Lady Hekate is the Empress of Magick and her abilities empower and inspire all that she touches.  She is the balance of light and darkness and she knows the dark secrets of the shadow.  

I have been asked this a few times, people wanting me to scan their vessels and see if they are empty.  This is not a service that S&S will do and I will tell you why…

First…yes there are conjurers out there that are scammers and just sell blank rings but there are also sellers out there that shield and distort the energies around their bindings because they don’t want things to be scanned or stolen. On top of that, there are thieves out there in the community who do no research on their own and just prey off of other conjurers who actually do their research.   Ironically these ones are probably the ones invoking fear into the buyers and telling them that they are cursed, or blocked or that their vessel is empty.  It really is a shameful practise all around and hurts people on their spiritual path.  Usually if someone is willing to put in the time to talk to you, answer your questions, cast for you and work energies for you, they know what they are doing.  This is why it is so important in the beginning to ask many questions of your conjurer and see if they are approachable.

Honestly, I won’t get mad for being asked questions, I only get mad when people bad mouth me behind my back for things that I did not do, or because I didn’t say what they wanted me to say.  Those are things that upset me, asking me questions though even confronting me with your feelings will not make me mad.

Second…This can be a horrible practise, there are sellers out there that make a profit from scanning vessels of people who are having trouble connecting to their entities and spirits and will tell them there is nothing there.  It honestly discredits the whole community when sellers do this! It is impossible that there is only one seller out there that can do this! This is an ancient practise that has been used by magicians for over 6000 years and every family, every family has their own methods! So for one conjurer to know the vibrational frequency and to be able to identify all the species, all the vibrational frequencies and all the conjuring locations of everything in the spiritual world is folly.  It is impossible.  In my Facebook feed I have certain conjurers pop up and sometimes I don’t feel anything from the listings,  usually this is because I am not attuned to that frequency.  We all have entities that we work well with.  Some people connect strongly with some more then other beings.    Others still you will have to work to attune yourself to,

Attunement is the key, when an entity or spirit is from a region with a specific vibration and you are not attuned to it, you are not going to sense it! Necromancy is the art of speaking to the dead and it requires a very different set of skills and attunements to working with living entities.   This does not mean that one is not viable and the other is, this just means that they require a different set of skills.

I have also had people approach me with vessels from other sellers and myself that they say others have said are empty!  This statement actually flat out shows that the person who said it is slightly ignorant of the binding process, especially my binding process…

What do they mean empty? 

Do they mean that there is no entity within the vessel?  Ummm of course not! This comes from the old Djinn in a Bottle Mythos. All those Djinn who were bound forcibly in a bottle and ordered to grant wishes and do their master’s will.  Even the Disney movie Aladdin got it right, they are prisoners.  They are entrapped in their vessel and locked in it, which means that it is a forcible binding, so of course if you are scanning for something that is trapped and locked in a ring you are not going to find it, this is because this is one set of bindings and a set of binding that I do not agree with or use.

My bindings are flexible bindings which means that the energy in the Crystal is combined with specific energies attuned to the demons to bridge the connection between the demons realm and our realm and create a focal point for interaction, influence and communication. Once you are properly attuned to your demons energies, you won’t even need the vessel unless you want to have it or if you have a special ritual that you do with the demon that includes their vessel.

Do they mean there is no energy attached to the Vessel? 

Well this is just silly, the Crystal itself has energy so of course the vessel has energies and also the bindings are crafted using the crystal’s energies. So if you don’t know what you are looking for you might just feel the energies of the crystal.  This does not mean the vessel is empty, this just means the person doesn’t know what they are looking for and cannot sense energies.

Most people can feel something coming off the vessels, a powerful force, an energy vibration, a pressure on their third eye, they will feel drawn to the vessel.  Even the other day I was out for breakfast with a friend and she looked at Tigers ring and said, that ring has such incredible power to it, it has incredible spiritual vibrations, and I just smiled. She didn’t know it had Tiger’s bindings attached to it.  There will just be something about the vessel that is enticing to those who are spiritually sensitive.

A lot of times when people say that vessels are empty they have ulterior motives.  True conjurers want people to connect and work with spirits and they support this community.  They want it to grow and thrive so they will either refer the individual back to their conjurer for help, or they will offer suggestions helping them to connect.  It is really important in the beginning to do your research and make sure you select a conjurer you trust,  but it is equally important to be careful what people tell you.  Many scammers have ulterior motives and like to incite fear and panic to block people’s skills, cut down their confidence and sell them their snake oil skin.

On any spiritual path, come from a place of empowerment, not a place of fear.  If someone is pushing fear I would question their motives.  Spiritual Conjurers should be seeking to empower people who work with spirits and ones that come from fear are highly suspicious.

Be empowered! Be Inspired, and remember you are stronger then you think!

Demonic Bindings and Demon Companions :When you bring home a demon, there is not a magick switch or word that you use to activate them. They are living entities and there is a time frame to bond with them. You are brining home a being that has feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Demons are sensient and it is important to know that when you are working with them, you are essentially inviting them to join your family and working with them as a friend and mentor.

Just like the demons in the goetia you need to take the time to work with the demon, learning to communicate with them, building your spiritual foundation so you have the tools and knowledge for working with them from a respectful place. 

Our path is one of working with demons from a highly respectful place, working with them on a personal level and learning the abundance of wisdom they can share with us. We love the demons that we work with, they are like our friends, our family, and we treat them as such.

We DO NOT condone abuse of demons in any way or mistreating them with blasting rods and other archaic tools. These are not the practises that we endorse or promote. We are about working with demons and all spiritual beings from a respectful place where there is a mutually beneficial exchange of energies between both parties.

Demons that are bound to vessels are not trapped in their vessels, and they are not forced into it in any way. An energetic link is bound between the crystal/jewellery and the demon to assist you with connecting and bonding. What we do as priestess’s is venture into the spiritual world and find a demon who wishes to work with a human, it is much like the process in many cultures of finding familiars and spirit guides.

There are billions of demons out there, they are not limited to the ones in the ancient books, and our job is to go out, meet them, make sure they are demons, make sure they are safe to work with (there are many malicious creatures likes sludges and parasites that masquerade as demons) and then link them to a vessel to help you connect with them. We provide you with their information, their sigil and various methods or connecting.

It is true that anyone can go out and find their own demons, but we have trained for years to master this skill and just like I would rather hire an electrician to re wire my house, or a lawyer to handle my legal affairs many people prefer to ask a trusted professional to help match them with their demons, and that is what we do. We are Demonic Priestesses who have worked with the dark lords for years and specialize in discover, uncovering and finding new demons and species and matching them with a human companion for the benefit of both.

This is a question that we get a lot.  We do not cast love spells of this nature due to the fact that we do not know enough about the individual situation to know if this is just an influencing spell, or an actual spell that is akin to mind rape. 

Influencing spells where you influence the other means that love is already there and we are just giving it a little push,  the other kind though we are basically adding energy to change the will and inner desire of the individual. 

We have found that spells where one lover is forced to love another tend to require constant energy for any lasting effect. As time goes on it also gets harder and harder to keep the individual bound to you. This also does not produce a truly loving relationship as the individual that is forced to stay ends up growing resentful over time and more energy is needed to keep the spell going.  

We have items within our store that can help you find love though and can help you to let go of blocks and energies that are holding you back from finding love and really embracing it.  

For loving yourself and learning to value yourself and appreciate the amazing individual that you are we recommend our Solar Beauty Magickal.. Click here to view them!

We would also recommend our Rosier’s Exploration of Love as this magickal can help you to free and release the energies that are preventing you from attaining love.   Click Here to view them!

Or our Lord Rosier’s Burst of Passion – Divine Love Candle is another amazing tool for helping you to find and embrace love in your life. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Astarte and Asmodeus Ritual of Love and Soul Mates to shift your energies and bring to you a passionate soul mate and lover.  Click here to view the ritual!

We offer the various vessels for our demon and spirit companions which act as focal points for working with them.  Below you will find a list of the vessels types that we offer.  

Pendants: Our pendants are Sterling Silver with Various Gemstones embedded into them.  

Rings: Our rings are also sterling silver with Various gemstones embedded into them.  We have all sizes, if you would like a specific size please let us know.  

Bracelets: We have various bracelets that can be selected for a companion vessel.

Polished Gems: We have various polished gemstones that can be used for vessels.  We have a variety of Crystals in stock, you can let your companion select the one they prefer or you 

Beads: We have different beads and charms that can be used as vessels, if you would like one of these please select it from the option.  

Aura Link:  We also offer Aura linking where we create an energy link between you and your spirit companion to help attune you to their energies and connect with them.  Instead of creating the focal point in the vessel, we will create a focal point directly to you through your aura.

Questions about Our Spells and Workings 

This is a very good question. I appreciate those who has asked it and I am glad I get the chance to answer it.  The short answer is for the same reason that I pay my accountant to do my taxes instead of doing it myself,  But I will elaborate on that in this post as this is a very layered and a very, very good question.

There are many layers to conjuring.  It is a skill set that takes years to develop.  It also takes years to develop the connections to the different demonic realms.

What realm are you conjuring from?  Is it the outer spiritual world, an inner spiritual world?  Have you been there?  Have you negotiated with the demons? 

There are many places that one can get Demon Companions from. As conjurers we take years to develop the traveling skills and the techniques to screen the demons that we bring through.  We have the places where we have connections with the demons there to find them. It is something that we have spent our lives building up. This is a skill set that takes many years to master.  There is the element of uncovering the realms and learning about the demons and the different species that you are conjuring.  Then there is the element of learning about how best to bring the demon through into this realm.  How to create a link, how to create the bindings, how to screen them.

There are times when sludge beings come through instead and they try to imitate the demons that are coming through. I have had this happen and had to banish them and I have 5 – 35 safety rituals (depending on the demon species) to make sure that what I am bringing through is safe and won’t cause damage.  It’s a skill set in its own.

There is the personal element of walking the path, but as Lord Mammon always tells me you can either be the jack of all trades or you can surround yourself with people who are experts in their field.  Learning and developing a foundation and moving towards what you excel at is how I view this path. But that means that in pursuit of my path, I will need to have experts to help in areas that I am weak at.  In our 80 or so years it is impossible to learn everything and there are people who are naturally better at things than I am. Which is why I hire an accountant to do my taxes, a lawyer to handle my legal and an assistant to help keep me organized.  There is a huge skill set in learning to conjure and connect with demons. It is something that by all means you can pursue, but it is a skill set on its own that one must master.

You can approach the Dark Lords and ask them to grant you a familiar.  Sometimes they do grant you one, sometimes they don’t. It all depends on them. Then you have to screen it, you have to connect with it and you have to learn about it and what it does.  You still have to put in the work that a conjurer does so you will still have to develop the skills to make sure that you are getting the correct information.

Conjurers have a very specific skill set which they use, and they spend years building up connections and forming relationships with the beings and realms they wish to conjure from.   It takes time to not only form connections with the Dark Lords, but also with the perspective realms and regions where the demons reside.

I have been asked if the Demons will think less of you for buying a demon.  They would not think less of you.  I know Mammon rewards me when I learn how to delegate. It is something I myself have had trouble balancing and it is something that he has been working with me to learn to do.

Delegating and finding masters in their fields to compliment what you do raises your energies and it also raises the collective energies of the group.  Azazel especially I know believes in mastery of the self, but mastery usually means that you will excel in some areas and not others.  A World Class Gymnast would be a master gymnast, but they might not know how to balance their chequebook.  So it never hurts to surround yourself with people who are strong in areas that you are weak.

With conjures I even purchase conjures from different conjurers who I trust because we all have different energy vibrations and we are open to different realms.  Many of the conjurers that I buy from conjure from places that I am not connected to,  having their energies and expertise adds to my own path and helps me to grow.  My speciality is demons, they have always been and will always be my speciality, but that does not take away from the people who specialize in other areas. They offer amazing and incredible beings as well.  The diversity of skill is one thing that makes this community and this path so amazing.

At the end of the day I can try to do my taxes by myself, I can try to do my own bookkeeping. When I tried to do my bookkeeping myself it took me 6 weeks and I was so frustrated and it was taking away from my true path and my work,  It cost me $600 to get my bookkeeping done,  and then 20 minutes to put it all together and take it to my accountant.  The one time I tried to do my accounting on my own, well, that is a dark time of my life.  It costs me $700 to get my accountant to do it and he is amazing.  So yes I will spend the $1300 to save the time and help me focus on what I desire and my passion.  They have spent the time and the years to learn the skills to charge that price, and I appreciate and respect their skills and have no issues paying for it.  Raising your vibrations also means surrounding yourself with people who have skills in areas you are weak in. This gives you the time to embrace what you are passionate about.

That is from my experience with them. Your personal experience with this will be unique to you as that is also the nature of the path. Though we do say if you are drawn to a particular demon who has come through it never hurts to have a visit and see how you feel.  There is no commitment and you always have the right to say no.  Our main goal is to match clients with the demon that is perfect for them and their path. Sometimes that can take time and it should.

You should always make sure this is what is right for you.  People offer services in areas that they are masters in. Sometimes those services are right for you, sometimes they are not, but only you can make that call.

We are very happy and proud to offer the demons that we conjure, it is something that we take pride in and love doing. If you are drawn to it we will be happy to help you and if not, well we still would love to have you in our community.  It is all part of the diversity of walking on the Left Hand Path.

I have been asked this a few times.  People are confused why I work with demons and why I attribute my success to them.  They feel that my results are not from my work with demons but from my own efforts and dedication.

While it is true that I would not have gotten where I am without my own dedication and commitment to this work, it is not all on my efforts.  People will spend their entire life spinning their wheels and get nothing.  If hard work was the end all and be all, everyone who worked hard would get ahead.  In the end though, most people will spend their lives stuck, never accomplishing anything even if they worked hard.  What the demons bring is the opportunity, the amazing opportunities and the connections.  I say working with them is 50/50. You put in your 50% and they will put in 50%.  There are energies and vibrations which allow us to step out of these places and without being guided to what those energy vibrations are, we can essentially become stuck and unable to jump to the level of attainment that we wish to attain,

I believe that there are many gods and the when we connect to them and are aligned with the energies that we resonate with, that is when we can attain phenomenal results.  I do not believe there is one set path for everything, but I do believe that when an individual findz their path and finds the spiritual area they are passionate about, that is when they can attain incredible results.  Those who attain success have an alignment in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual vibrations and it is from that alignment that they are able to manifest. People get results from connecting with gods who they are aligned with whether that be Christianity, Hinduism or in our case Satanism.

I actually think success in itself is wonderful and that we should be celebrating success with those who attain it, no matter what spiritual path they are on.  It raises the energy vibrations for everyone.  My energies naturally align with demons and the dark lords, so this is the area where I will find success.

When I started working with demons a lot of things happened.  The second I started working with them I was given opportunities and was able to meet people who opened up some pretty powerful doors.  I heard Mammon, he told me things I had never heard before, introduced me to people who told me things that were incredible.

It was about 5 years after working with him that everything fell apart.  It fell apart because it was time, it was time for me to move on. It was time for me to expand beyond where I was and to step into my own vibrational layers.  I valued my time with these people but I knew it was time to spread my wings and fly if I was going to make it in the area I wanted to.    I believe that Mammon set up that situation to inundate me with those success energies.  Some people would say it was luck, but I believe it was them aligning me with what I needed, to learn the lessons to get where I wanted to go.

I have a dream life and everything I desire and it gets better every single day, so a better question is, why would I stop doing what works so well?  I find it so interesting that people challenge me on things, it is like they are uncomfortable with my beliefs but my beliefs are not for them to be comfortable with.  They are my beliefs and they come from my experiences, like everything in this world.

Can you pull money out of thin air?  I can and have.

Have you dined with billionaires and the elite? I have.

Have you traveled around the world and been to incredible places?  I have taken my children to Disneyland multiple times and stayed at top quality resorts and traveled to many corners of the world.

I mean, what I am doing is working… why would I change it? Just because other people don’t understand why I do things?  I never base my actions, thoughts or beliefs on what others think of me.  It is how I broke out of the chains that bound me.  I am living it to the fullest, and yes I have Mammon to thank for it and all the demons I work with.

I believe in my own inner power and that this power can rise from understanding the subconscious mind.  But I also believe that there are external forces as well, it is a combination and a mix of both of them.  I believe it is this understanding of this balance why some people rise to the top, and others spend their entire lives spinning their wheels, working hard, but never getting anywhere.

I walk with demons and learn from them and respect them as I would any human mentor. This is respect for one who understands more than I do and is educating me.   I find there is indoctrination when we are young that we have to do things ourself and never ask for help.   It actually is an interesting mindset that we do not need help.  I have found that those who surround themselves with brilliant minds and create teams and systems go further than those who try to go it alone.  There is a team effort in success and this is the next level beyond the inner world.  Control your inner world, embrace your outer world and know that there is so much more out there than you can even fathom.

Healthy respect and appreciation for someone who knows more than I do is very different than blind worship.  I do not think there is any harm in learning from those who know more than you, and the demons they know a lot more then I do, they are a lot wiser then I am, and it would be foolish of me to not thank them for everything that they have done for me.

So, thank you from the deepest part of my heart and soul, to all the demons that walk with me, guide me and support me on this journey <3

Can your spirits and entities work effectively with people of various religious backgrounds?

The demons that we screen are not bothered by other religions. In fact, many of them are curious about other religions and perspectives.  We also have sone demons we offer, such as the Devotion demons who enjoy learning about different religions.  Yes, you can take their vessels to your places of worship, that will not be a problem for the demon.

There is a lot of speculation about demons being incompatible with other faiths and peoples, but really demons are just a divine spiritual being. They are divine in essence and divine in their darkness.  While there are personal conflicts that can arise between various members of certain groups, when we are screening, we take care to make sure the demon that comes through for you is a match on all levels. That also means a match for any religious background that you have or that other members of your family have.

It is not uncommon for your demon to gently assist your elderly mother who is a devoted catholic in a discreet way, to make sure she is safe.  They see things beyond the scope of our human judgement, and their perception of the world is different than ours.  If you have a specific religious background and are still called to work with a demon, we can accommodate.  The only thing that is very important is to just treat your demon with respect. Don’t attack them, abuse them, curse at them or try to force them to do things.  Accept them and they will accept you.

Does the vessel have to be around in order to work with the demon?

The physical vessels acts as a focus point but it is not necessary for communication. You do not have to have it on you to have them communicate with you and work with you.   When demons first arrive, the physical vessel allows for a point of connection, which will allow you to attune to their energies and help channel their energies when working with them.

Over time though, you will learn to sense your demon and communicate with their energies. That connection will become stronger so you will not need the physical vessel. Though many people like to keep them and have them close, as many times demons will enchant and cast spells on their vessels as gifts to their human companions.

Why can’t Satanists work with Christians?  I do not mean devout Christians, I mean non-practising ones who are Christian in name only.  Ones who do not go to church but just are naturally aligned to those energies.  

This is a very layered question.  I think there is a lot of pain that many on the Left Hand Path have not healed, which is why many are so opposed to Christianity and other faiths of that nature.  Many of the people on the LHP have been hurt by the RHP and there are layers to things that have to be healed.  This is completely understandable in many situations as often time hurt and pain comes with the need to heal and a time when there will be lashing out towards the other side.  This does not mean though that it should stay that way and I think that there should be a push to finding common ground and open communication and also accepting that there are many different paths out there.  It doesn’t mean we have to agree with the other side, in fact considering the nature of each path there will always be disagreements, but that doesn’t mean that we cannot get along, or at least agree to disagree.

I think that when one on the RHP is respectful of one on the LHP and vice versa, incredible discussions can happen. A discussion of philosophies without attempts of conversion makes for wonderful conversation on both ends.  I just think that there sometimes involves healing and setting boundaries to get to that place, which is not a bad thing either.

I personally have no issues with Christians, I actually enjoy having discussion with them and others of that nature who are open to a respectful dialogue.  It does not bother me at all.  I think in the grand scheme of things, there is darkness and there is light. People need to find their balance and the path that works for them.  If they find that in Christianity, wonderful, if they find that in Satanism, wonderful.  In the end people have to follow the path that speaks to them.

Doesn’t everything come from the same spiritual source?

I do agree with that and I feel the spiritual world is big enough for everyone.  There are many paths and many roads to walk. I personally believe that all religions have elements of truth to them and all religions will have pieces of the puzzle.  I enjoy studying different faiths and religions. Yes at times they are incompatible. At other times there are disagreements and fighting, but that is not a bad thing.  I think it leads to interesting discussions and is just a part of life here.

There are conflicts, there are disagreements, there are also powerful discussions and moments of clarity and unity.  It is all part of the journey here.   We do accept people of all faiths and backgrounds.  I believe all paths have a place in the whole spiritual structure and it is up to the individual to follow the path that is true to their heart.

Q.  Akelta would you explain please about the ethics inherent in trying to use demons to control a romantic partner who is not interested in being controlled?

A.  Yes, I can answer that… Ethically speaking it is not really redeemable in any way,  it’s black magick through and through and I personally think it is worse than curses.  Controlling another in this manner is essentially mind rape.  Love coercions of this nature compel the other person to act against their wishes and desires.  Basically, their internal energies are saying no, but the external energies are saying yes. So you get an endless battle where eventually the person’s will is going to win out.    It is like a spiritual rape drug in essence.  I personally do not do work like this for this very reason.

There is another side to this too, the most effective method of this is energy influencing. Because you are going against what the person desires, one would have to continually add more energy for it to be effective.  Over time it will corrode though, then when the person wakes up they will be filled with anger and rage.  It is similar to the effects of a person waking up from being in a narcissistic relationship and realizing that the person they thought they loved, was abusing them through subtle manipulation.

Adding demons to the mix it gets even more interesting because of the fact that demons are all about lessons. They are not servants, they are teachers and mentors and if someone asks for this there are lessons in them that they have to learn about why they would want to impose their will on another who is unwilling, so… what you get is a situation that is destined to backfire and when it does, adding demonic energy to the equation, the results will be, well, very “educating.”

Q: I am a boy but i wish to be a girl i feel i should have been a girl how can you help me?  Please help me i am willing to do anything…

A: Thank you for your email. This is a very big request. I understand fully being born in the wrong vessel to navigate this world. You say that you are a boy but feel you should have been a girl. My personal feeling is that you are what you feel like you are. If your soul and inside is a girl, then you ARE a girl. It doesn’t matter what society sees. Our flesh vessels are nothing more than seats in which our souls sit to experience different challenges to enhance our soul journeys.

There are certain physical and hormonal changes that can reconcile the inner soul with the outer vessel, however, these are physical matters that cannot be changed by magick. My suggestion on that would be to try to get into a good gender therapy program as soon as possible if you can. Don’t delay- the treatments available for reconciling one to their true gender are incredible nowadays. There are many ways where you can awaken what your truth is embrace who you are on the inside.

Magick, however, can help you overcome a lot of the pain associated with this and help your soul and bring out your inner Goddess. This requires a lot of self work and inner strength on your part- for this sort of magick comes from within you. You can bring her out and let her shine no matter what the physical limitations or medical limitations in your area. I would suggest working closely with Powerful Female Deities who can help you tap into your true soul gender and enhance your femininity. I would suggest working with Lady Lilith who is the Vampiric Goddess of feminine empowerment and one who can help you to awaken the power of the passionate primal feminine and help you to step into the body and energy you know that you are meant to be.

Lady Rashoon is another one, her energies are more gentle and she works with the softer attributes of the divine feminine, she can help you to discover your own personal essence in the divine feminine and can help you to claim your personal vibration.

This message is true of girls who know that they are boys at heart. If you feel in your heart that you are a boy then you are a boy and it does not matter what society thinks or says, you know yourself better then anyone and in the end you have to do what is best and right for you and no one should be trying to tell you otherwise. You can also explore many different options to help you to transform your appearance so that what you feel you should be on the inside, matches what you see on the outside.

The demons who you can work with to help you empower your masculine essence are. Asmodeus. The Demon of Lust and Passion but also an incredible masculine force. He can help you to love yourself and find your confidence. He can also help you to align with your masculinity and embrace who you are as a man, define your place amongst the divine masculine and live as you feel called.

Another amazing demon for you guys to work with is Astaroth. Astaroth is an interesting demon, have both a male and a female form and being a demon who is bi or duel gendered. Meaning that their essence compromises the balance of both the masculine and feminine and they have been able to help people to awake and bring out their true nature.

Good luck to you and remember there are option for you and there is a lot of empowerment one can find with transformation of the self!

Q: I want to be your apprentice, please mentor me!

A: Unfortunately we aren’t taking on one-on-one magickal apprentices at this time.  Though if you are interested from learning from us we do offer information, lessons and exercise on our online forum.  Satan and Suns. Membership is free to join! We like to offer community learning and growth and like to cultivate a positive and nurturing learning environment where anyone can grow and learn.  This is what we have found to be the most efficient and powerful method to teach people from and it is also a great way for people to share experiences and their own personal gnosis from their own path.  

In the future we will be offering online courses, books, and lessons down the road to continue to help people on their spiritual paths!  Our personal philosophy is that there is not just one path that is right, it is that all paths, and cultures and traditions have their place in their world. It is something that we feel strongly with that by sharing our paths and discussing things from a respectful place, we can all grow and learn.  

There are going to be things that we disagree on and this is ok! No one should have to compromise their values, but we can all respectfully disagree when we cross those bridges.  The sharing of information and wisdom though allows people to see through the eyes of others and to learn through our individual gnosis.  We have found this is one of the most powerful and incredible teaching methods and it is why we have chosen to teach from this platform.

The notion of soul binding is creating an energy link between your auric energies and your companions auric energies. This is an incredible way to connect with your companion and to feel their energies while allowing them to feel your energies. While there are methods that essentially trap the companion within your body, these are not methods that we practise as they are both cruel and unsafe. People have suffered horrible fates having entities that are trapped within them, so we have developed our own ritual to ensure that the methods are both safe and humane.

Yes, we do our own version of a soul binding ritual.  It is our aura binding ritual as we create a link between your companions energies and the layers of your aura to enhance the connection between you and your companion. This ritual process links the layers of your aura to the layers of there’s to assist with connection and communication. It also helps you and your companion to get a feel for each other and work together in a closer manner.

A physical vessel acts as a physical focal point for working with your companion and having that physical link that helps you to connect with them. While both methods, physical vessel and aura binding, have their benefits, it comes down to the individual. Which method do you prefer and which one helps you connect. This is different for everyone so there is no right or wrong choice or better or worse choice. It all comes down to preference.

This process is safe as we ensure that when these energies are flexible and not restrictive. This means that there is no danger to your or your companion and you both will remain free while being connected. There is also no soul obligation or contract that must be fulfilled for this process, just the normal respect that we show to all our companions.

 There is the option to select Aura binding instead of Vessel binding on the purchase page 🙂 

Q: Why do the scrolls take so long to complete?

A:The answer to this is… the Sigils… 

The sigils can take us a while at times, and we do apologize for that, but we would rather get you a sigil that resonates with your demon that is what they want us to reveal to you, than something that doesn’t represent them.

We really do take time to meditate with them, connecting with their energies, learning about them and recreating a sigil that represents them.  This can take time, especially with some demons, some have simple designs they want to impart, others it is very complicated.  It is a process and it is not something that we rush.  

The sigil creation process is sacred and it is something that we take our time with and something that we do not want to force.  Working with the energies, we are serious about what we do and when connecting to the energies we take the time to translate them and make sure that what we are sending you is accurate and in tune with your demon’s energies. 

We continually seek to improve our method of acquiring them and getting a solid representation of the demon’s energy who resonates with that sigil. Some are easier then others.

Recently though we have found that we have been having to enter an altered state in order to see the sigil in its multidimensional form, then return and create a representation of that on a 2 dimensional piece of paper. This can be time consuming as we really strive to represent them to the best of our abilities and skills. Sometimes we will create a sigil and it wont feel right, something is wrong, it is either missing a line, or the shape is off and we will go back and work on it until it resonates with your demon. 

We were a lot faster with the scrolls when we were not offering the sigils. They are what causes the delay, and we do apologize for that, and really appreciate your patience.

Q: What is the best option of your third eye workings? 

~Uphir psychic surgery
~Satanic Orb spell
~Hecate Psychic Gifts Enhancement

A:It is hard to say what the best option is, as they all are unique and wonderful workings, but I will lay out their differences so that you can see which one will suit your situation the best.

The Uphir Third Eye Workingis an energetic working to clear any sludge blockages, brain connectivity issues, and to clear the third eye for developing. It is performed with Lord Uphir.  The working goes deep into your third eye and cleanses the chakra, activates dormant gifts that you have, attunes you to various spiritual frequencies and also makes sure your third eye is connected and functioning as it should be.  This is a great working to start with as we really do a deep cleanse of your chakra and make sure that all the energies are flowing smoothly.  Our philosophy is that the third eye is a muscle and that working with it and training it will make it strong and sharp so we include post attunement exercises  to help you continue your third eye growth and development.  It is a very powerful working and a great one for people to start with.   

The Satanic Orbis a powerful energy tool that is created by Lord Satan and attached to your Chakra.  It is attuned to the demonic frequencies and aligned with the energies of darkness so you are naturally attuned to demons, the Dark Lords, and many other dark entities.  Different spiritual beings exist at different spiritual frequencies and this tool helps you awaken dark creativity and can enhance connections with the Dark Lords. This is a good spell to have cast if you are looking to shift your third eye work to darker elements and work with it for dark creativity and working with demons.  It will bring you closer to the demonic frequencies and help you to understand them and work with them. The dark currents of divinity are wonderful and incredible and the Satanic Orb aligns you with those currents.  You can get this spell cast at anytime.  It is open to anyone who feels called to the Darkness you do not need to be a Satanist, Demonolotor or Demonosopher to have it cast. Anyone can have it cast and it is a powerful tool for anyone who wishes to work with the dark currents and connect to the creatures of the night.  

The Hekate Psychic Gifts Enhancementis a ritual that lasts for three days.  It is designed to tap into your natural psychic skills and infuse them with the powerful energies of Lady Hekate.  This ritual for three days infuses you with her powerful psychic vibrations.  They target your third eye and your natural skills.  It also targets dormant gifts and helps them to grow and awaken.  The powers of this spell are meant to enhance your work.  This is a great spell to have cast after the Third Eye Working because it works to take the abilities that you are working with and empower them.  Strengthening your natural skills and awakening your natural abilities.  Lady Hekate is the Empress of Magick and her abilities empower and inspire all that she touches.  She is the balance of light and darkness and she knows the dark secrets of the shadow.  

I have been asked this a few times, people wanting me to scan their vessels and see if they are empty.  This is not a service that S&S will do and I will tell you why…

First…yes there are conjurers out there that are scammers and just sell blank rings but there are also sellers out there that shield and distort the energies around their bindings because they don’t want things to be scanned or stolen. On top of that, there are thieves out there in the community who do no research on their own and just prey off of other conjurers who actually do their research.   Ironically these ones are probably the ones invoking fear into the buyers and telling them that they are cursed, or blocked or that their vessel is empty.  It really is a shameful practise all around and hurts people on their spiritual path.  Usually if someone is willing to put in the time to talk to you, answer your questions, cast for you and work energies for you, they know what they are doing.  This is why it is so important in the beginning to ask many questions of your conjurer and see if they are approachable.

Honestly, I won’t get mad for being asked questions, I only get mad when people bad mouth me behind my back for things that I did not do, or because I didn’t say what they wanted me to say.  Those are things that upset me, asking me questions though even confronting me with your feelings will not make me mad.

Second…This can be a horrible practise, there are sellers out there that make a profit from scanning vessels of people who are having trouble connecting to their entities and spirits and will tell them there is nothing there.  It honestly discredits the whole community when sellers do this! It is impossible that there is only one seller out there that can do this! This is an ancient practise that has been used by magicians for over 6000 years and every family, every family has their own methods! So for one conjurer to know the vibrational frequency and to be able to identify all the species, all the vibrational frequencies and all the conjuring locations of everything in the spiritual world is folly.  It is impossible.  In my Facebook feed I have certain conjurers pop up and sometimes I don’t feel anything from the listings,  usually this is because I am not attuned to that frequency.  We all have entities that we work well with.  Some people connect strongly with some more then other beings.    Others still you will have to work to attune yourself to,

Attunement is the key, when an entity or spirit is from a region with a specific vibration and you are not attuned to it, you are not going to sense it! Necromancy is the art of speaking to the dead and it requires a very different set of skills and attunements to working with living entities.   This does not mean that one is not viable and the other is, this just means that they require a different set of skills.

I have also had people approach me with vessels from other sellers and myself that they say others have said are empty!  This statement actually flat out shows that the person who said it is slightly ignorant of the binding process, especially my binding process…

What do they mean empty? 

Do they mean that there is no entity within the vessel?  Ummm of course not! This comes from the old Djinn in a Bottle Mythos. All those Djinn who were bound forcibly in a bottle and ordered to grant wishes and do their master’s will.  Even the Disney movie Aladdin got it right, they are prisoners.  They are entrapped in their vessel and locked in it, which means that it is a forcible binding, so of course if you are scanning for something that is trapped and locked in a ring you are not going to find it, this is because this is one set of bindings and a set of binding that I do not agree with or use.

My bindings are flexible bindings which means that the energy in the Crystal is combined with specific energies attuned to the demons to bridge the connection between the demons realm and our realm and create a focal point for interaction, influence and communication. Once you are properly attuned to your demons energies, you won’t even need the vessel unless you want to have it or if you have a special ritual that you do with the demon that includes their vessel.

Do they mean there is no energy attached to the Vessel? 

Well this is just silly, the Crystal itself has energy so of course the vessel has energies and also the bindings are crafted using the crystal’s energies. So if you don’t know what you are looking for you might just feel the energies of the crystal.  This does not mean the vessel is empty, this just means the person doesn’t know what they are looking for and cannot sense energies.

Most people can feel something coming off the vessels, a powerful force, an energy vibration, a pressure on their third eye, they will feel drawn to the vessel.  Even the other day I was out for breakfast with a friend and she looked at Tigers ring and said, that ring has such incredible power to it, it has incredible spiritual vibrations, and I just smiled. She didn’t know it had Tiger’s bindings attached to it.  There will just be something about the vessel that is enticing to those who are spiritually sensitive.

A lot of times when people say that vessels are empty they have ulterior motives.  True conjurers want people to connect and work with spirits and they support this community.  They want it to grow and thrive so they will either refer the individual back to their conjurer for help, or they will offer suggestions helping them to connect.  It is really important in the beginning to do your research and make sure you select a conjurer you trust,  but it is equally important to be careful what people tell you.  Many scammers have ulterior motives and like to incite fear and panic to block people’s skills, cut down their confidence and sell them their snake oil skin.

On any spiritual path, come from a place of empowerment, not a place of fear.  If someone is pushing fear I would question their motives.  Spiritual Conjurers should be seeking to empower people who work with spirits and ones that come from fear are highly suspicious.

Be empowered! Be Inspired, and remember you are stronger then you think!

Demonic Bindings and Demon Companions :When you bring home a demon, there is not a magick switch or word that you use to activate them. They are living entities and there is a time frame to bond with them. You are brining home a being that has feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Demons are sensient and it is important to know that when you are working with them, you are essentially inviting them to join your family and working with them as a friend and mentor.

Just like the demons in the goetia you need to take the time to work with the demon, learning to communicate with them, building your spiritual foundation so you have the tools and knowledge for working with them from a respectful place. 

Our path is one of working with demons from a highly respectful place, working with them on a personal level and learning the abundance of wisdom they can share with us. We love the demons that we work with, they are like our friends, our family, and we treat them as such.

We DO NOT condone abuse of demons in any way or mistreating them with blasting rods and other archaic tools. These are not the practises that we endorse or promote. We are about working with demons and all spiritual beings from a respectful place where there is a mutually beneficial exchange of energies between both parties.

Demons that are bound to vessels are not trapped in their vessels, and they are not forced into it in any way. An energetic link is bound between the crystal/jewellery and the demon to assist you with connecting and bonding. What we do as priestess’s is venture into the spiritual world and find a demon who wishes to work with a human, it is much like the process in many cultures of finding familiars and spirit guides.

There are billions of demons out there, they are not limited to the ones in the ancient books, and our job is to go out, meet them, make sure they are demons, make sure they are safe to work with (there are many malicious creatures likes sludges and parasites that masquerade as demons) and then link them to a vessel to help you connect with them. We provide you with their information, their sigil and various methods or connecting.

It is true that anyone can go out and find their own demons, but we have trained for years to master this skill and just like I would rather hire an electrician to re wire my house, or a lawyer to handle my legal affairs many people prefer to ask a trusted professional to help match them with their demons, and that is what we do. We are Demonic Priestesses who have worked with the dark lords for years and specialize in discover, uncovering and finding new demons and species and matching them with a human companion for the benefit of both.

This is a question that we get a lot.  We do not cast love spells of this nature due to the fact that we do not know enough about the individual situation to know if this is just an influencing spell, or an actual spell that is akin to mind rape. 

Influencing spells where you influence the other means that love is already there and we are just giving it a little push,  the other kind though we are basically adding energy to change the will and inner desire of the individual. 

We have found that spells where one lover is forced to love another tend to require constant energy for any lasting effect. As time goes on it also gets harder and harder to keep the individual bound to you. This also does not produce a truly loving relationship as the individual that is forced to stay ends up growing resentful over time and more energy is needed to keep the spell going.  

We have items within our store that can help you find love though and can help you to let go of blocks and energies that are holding you back from finding love and really embracing it.  

For loving yourself and learning to value yourself and appreciate the amazing individual that you are we recommend our Solar Beauty Magickal.. Click here to view them!

We would also recommend our Rosier’s Exploration of Love as this magickal can help you to free and release the energies that are preventing you from attaining love.   Click Here to view them!

Or our Lord Rosier’s Burst of Passion – Divine Love Candle is another amazing tool for helping you to find and embrace love in your life. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Astarte and Asmodeus Ritual of Love and Soul Mates to shift your energies and bring to you a passionate soul mate and lover.  Click here to view the ritual!

We offer the various vessels for our demon and spirit companions which act as focal points for working with them.  Below you will find a list of the vessels types that we offer.  

Pendants: Our pendants are Sterling Silver with Various Gemstones embedded into them.  

Rings: Our rings are also sterling silver with Various gemstones embedded into them.  We have all sizes, if you would like a specific size please let us know.  

Bracelets: We have various bracelets that can be selected for a companion vessel.

Polished Gems: We have various polished gemstones that can be used for vessels.  We have a variety of Crystals in stock, you can let your companion select the one they prefer or you 

Beads: We have different beads and charms that can be used as vessels, if you would like one of these please select it from the option.  

Aura Link:  We also offer Aura linking where we create an energy link between you and your spirit companion to help attune you to their energies and connect with them.  Instead of creating the focal point in the vessel, we will create a focal point directly to you through your aura.

Questions about Our Magickals and Enchanted Items

This is a very good question. I appreciate those who has asked it and I am glad I get the chance to answer it.  The short answer is for the same reason that I pay my accountant to do my taxes instead of doing it myself,  But I will elaborate on that in this post as this is a very layered and a very, very good question.

There are many layers to conjuring.  It is a skill set that takes years to develop.  It also takes years to develop the connections to the different demonic realms.

What realm are you conjuring from?  Is it the outer spiritual world, an inner spiritual world?  Have you been there?  Have you negotiated with the demons? 

There are many places that one can get Demon Companions from. As conjurers we take years to develop the traveling skills and the techniques to screen the demons that we bring through.  We have the places where we have connections with the demons there to find them. It is something that we have spent our lives building up. This is a skill set that takes many years to master.  There is the element of uncovering the realms and learning about the demons and the different species that you are conjuring.  Then there is the element of learning about how best to bring the demon through into this realm.  How to create a link, how to create the bindings, how to screen them.

There are times when sludge beings come through instead and they try to imitate the demons that are coming through. I have had this happen and had to banish them and I have 5 – 35 safety rituals (depending on the demon species) to make sure that what I am bringing through is safe and won’t cause damage.  It’s a skill set in its own.

There is the personal element of walking the path, but as Lord Mammon always tells me you can either be the jack of all trades or you can surround yourself with people who are experts in their field.  Learning and developing a foundation and moving towards what you excel at is how I view this path. But that means that in pursuit of my path, I will need to have experts to help in areas that I am weak at.  In our 80 or so years it is impossible to learn everything and there are people who are naturally better at things than I am. Which is why I hire an accountant to do my taxes, a lawyer to handle my legal and an assistant to help keep me organized.  There is a huge skill set in learning to conjure and connect with demons. It is something that by all means you can pursue, but it is a skill set on its own that one must master.

You can approach the Dark Lords and ask them to grant you a familiar.  Sometimes they do grant you one, sometimes they don’t. It all depends on them. Then you have to screen it, you have to connect with it and you have to learn about it and what it does.  You still have to put in the work that a conjurer does so you will still have to develop the skills to make sure that you are getting the correct information.

Conjurers have a very specific skill set which they use, and they spend years building up connections and forming relationships with the beings and realms they wish to conjure from.   It takes time to not only form connections with the Dark Lords, but also with the perspective realms and regions where the demons reside.

I have been asked if the Demons will think less of you for buying a demon.  They would not think less of you.  I know Mammon rewards me when I learn how to delegate. It is something I myself have had trouble balancing and it is something that he has been working with me to learn to do.

Delegating and finding masters in their fields to compliment what you do raises your energies and it also raises the collective energies of the group.  Azazel especially I know believes in mastery of the self, but mastery usually means that you will excel in some areas and not others.  A World Class Gymnast would be a master gymnast, but they might not know how to balance their chequebook.  So it never hurts to surround yourself with people who are strong in areas that you are weak.

With conjures I even purchase conjures from different conjurers who I trust because we all have different energy vibrations and we are open to different realms.  Many of the conjurers that I buy from conjure from places that I am not connected to,  having their energies and expertise adds to my own path and helps me to grow.  My speciality is demons, they have always been and will always be my speciality, but that does not take away from the people who specialize in other areas. They offer amazing and incredible beings as well.  The diversity of skill is one thing that makes this community and this path so amazing.

At the end of the day I can try to do my taxes by myself, I can try to do my own bookkeeping. When I tried to do my bookkeeping myself it took me 6 weeks and I was so frustrated and it was taking away from my true path and my work,  It cost me $600 to get my bookkeeping done,  and then 20 minutes to put it all together and take it to my accountant.  The one time I tried to do my accounting on my own, well, that is a dark time of my life.  It costs me $700 to get my accountant to do it and he is amazing.  So yes I will spend the $1300 to save the time and help me focus on what I desire and my passion.  They have spent the time and the years to learn the skills to charge that price, and I appreciate and respect their skills and have no issues paying for it.  Raising your vibrations also means surrounding yourself with people who have skills in areas you are weak in. This gives you the time to embrace what you are passionate about.

That is from my experience with them. Your personal experience with this will be unique to you as that is also the nature of the path. Though we do say if you are drawn to a particular demon who has come through it never hurts to have a visit and see how you feel.  There is no commitment and you always have the right to say no.  Our main goal is to match clients with the demon that is perfect for them and their path. Sometimes that can take time and it should.

You should always make sure this is what is right for you.  People offer services in areas that they are masters in. Sometimes those services are right for you, sometimes they are not, but only you can make that call.

We are very happy and proud to offer the demons that we conjure, it is something that we take pride in and love doing. If you are drawn to it we will be happy to help you and if not, well we still would love to have you in our community.  It is all part of the diversity of walking on the Left Hand Path.

I have been asked this a few times.  People are confused why I work with demons and why I attribute my success to them.  They feel that my results are not from my work with demons but from my own efforts and dedication.

While it is true that I would not have gotten where I am without my own dedication and commitment to this work, it is not all on my efforts.  People will spend their entire life spinning their wheels and get nothing.  If hard work was the end all and be all, everyone who worked hard would get ahead.  In the end though, most people will spend their lives stuck, never accomplishing anything even if they worked hard.  What the demons bring is the opportunity, the amazing opportunities and the connections.  I say working with them is 50/50. You put in your 50% and they will put in 50%.  There are energies and vibrations which allow us to step out of these places and without being guided to what those energy vibrations are, we can essentially become stuck and unable to jump to the level of attainment that we wish to attain,

I believe that there are many gods and the when we connect to them and are aligned with the energies that we resonate with, that is when we can attain phenomenal results.  I do not believe there is one set path for everything, but I do believe that when an individual findz their path and finds the spiritual area they are passionate about, that is when they can attain incredible results.  Those who attain success have an alignment in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual vibrations and it is from that alignment that they are able to manifest. People get results from connecting with gods who they are aligned with whether that be Christianity, Hinduism or in our case Satanism.

I actually think success in itself is wonderful and that we should be celebrating success with those who attain it, no matter what spiritual path they are on.  It raises the energy vibrations for everyone.  My energies naturally align with demons and the dark lords, so this is the area where I will find success.

When I started working with demons a lot of things happened.  The second I started working with them I was given opportunities and was able to meet people who opened up some pretty powerful doors.  I heard Mammon, he told me things I had never heard before, introduced me to people who told me things that were incredible.

It was about 5 years after working with him that everything fell apart.  It fell apart because it was time, it was time for me to move on. It was time for me to expand beyond where I was and to step into my own vibrational layers.  I valued my time with these people but I knew it was time to spread my wings and fly if I was going to make it in the area I wanted to.    I believe that Mammon set up that situation to inundate me with those success energies.  Some people would say it was luck, but I believe it was them aligning me with what I needed, to learn the lessons to get where I wanted to go.

I have a dream life and everything I desire and it gets better every single day, so a better question is, why would I stop doing what works so well?  I find it so interesting that people challenge me on things, it is like they are uncomfortable with my beliefs but my beliefs are not for them to be comfortable with.  They are my beliefs and they come from my experiences, like everything in this world.

Can you pull money out of thin air?  I can and have.

Have you dined with billionaires and the elite? I have.

Have you traveled around the world and been to incredible places?  I have taken my children to Disneyland multiple times and stayed at top quality resorts and traveled to many corners of the world.

I mean, what I am doing is working… why would I change it? Just because other people don’t understand why I do things?  I never base my actions, thoughts or beliefs on what others think of me.  It is how I broke out of the chains that bound me.  I am living it to the fullest, and yes I have Mammon to thank for it and all the demons I work with.

I believe in my own inner power and that this power can rise from understanding the subconscious mind.  But I also believe that there are external forces as well, it is a combination and a mix of both of them.  I believe it is this understanding of this balance why some people rise to the top, and others spend their entire lives spinning their wheels, working hard, but never getting anywhere.

I walk with demons and learn from them and respect them as I would any human mentor. This is respect for one who understands more than I do and is educating me.   I find there is indoctrination when we are young that we have to do things ourself and never ask for help.   It actually is an interesting mindset that we do not need help.  I have found that those who surround themselves with brilliant minds and create teams and systems go further than those who try to go it alone.  There is a team effort in success and this is the next level beyond the inner world.  Control your inner world, embrace your outer world and know that there is so much more out there than you can even fathom.

Healthy respect and appreciation for someone who knows more than I do is very different than blind worship.  I do not think there is any harm in learning from those who know more than you, and the demons they know a lot more then I do, they are a lot wiser then I am, and it would be foolish of me to not thank them for everything that they have done for me.

So, thank you from the deepest part of my heart and soul, to all the demons that walk with me, guide me and support me on this journey <3

Can your spirits and entities work effectively with people of various religious backgrounds?

The demons that we screen are not bothered by other religions. In fact, many of them are curious about other religions and perspectives.  We also have sone demons we offer, such as the Devotion demons who enjoy learning about different religions.  Yes, you can take their vessels to your places of worship, that will not be a problem for the demon.

There is a lot of speculation about demons being incompatible with other faiths and peoples, but really demons are just a divine spiritual being. They are divine in essence and divine in their darkness.  While there are personal conflicts that can arise between various members of certain groups, when we are screening, we take care to make sure the demon that comes through for you is a match on all levels. That also means a match for any religious background that you have or that other members of your family have.

It is not uncommon for your demon to gently assist your elderly mother who is a devoted catholic in a discreet way, to make sure she is safe.  They see things beyond the scope of our human judgement, and their perception of the world is different than ours.  If you have a specific religious background and are still called to work with a demon, we can accommodate.  The only thing that is very important is to just treat your demon with respect. Don’t attack them, abuse them, curse at them or try to force them to do things.  Accept them and they will accept you.

Does the vessel have to be around in order to work with the demon?

The physical vessels acts as a focus point but it is not necessary for communication. You do not have to have it on you to have them communicate with you and work with you.   When demons first arrive, the physical vessel allows for a point of connection, which will allow you to attune to their energies and help channel their energies when working with them.

Over time though, you will learn to sense your demon and communicate with their energies. That connection will become stronger so you will not need the physical vessel. Though many people like to keep them and have them close, as many times demons will enchant and cast spells on their vessels as gifts to their human companions.

Why can’t Satanists work with Christians?  I do not mean devout Christians, I mean non-practising ones who are Christian in name only.  Ones who do not go to church but just are naturally aligned to those energies.  

This is a very layered question.  I think there is a lot of pain that many on the Left Hand Path have not healed, which is why many are so opposed to Christianity and other faiths of that nature.  Many of the people on the LHP have been hurt by the RHP and there are layers to things that have to be healed.  This is completely understandable in many situations as often time hurt and pain comes with the need to heal and a time when there will be lashing out towards the other side.  This does not mean though that it should stay that way and I think that there should be a push to finding common ground and open communication and also accepting that there are many different paths out there.  It doesn’t mean we have to agree with the other side, in fact considering the nature of each path there will always be disagreements, but that doesn’t mean that we cannot get along, or at least agree to disagree.

I think that when one on the RHP is respectful of one on the LHP and vice versa, incredible discussions can happen. A discussion of philosophies without attempts of conversion makes for wonderful conversation on both ends.  I just think that there sometimes involves healing and setting boundaries to get to that place, which is not a bad thing either.

I personally have no issues with Christians, I actually enjoy having discussion with them and others of that nature who are open to a respectful dialogue.  It does not bother me at all.  I think in the grand scheme of things, there is darkness and there is light. People need to find their balance and the path that works for them.  If they find that in Christianity, wonderful, if they find that in Satanism, wonderful.  In the end people have to follow the path that speaks to them.

Doesn’t everything come from the same spiritual source?

I do agree with that and I feel the spiritual world is big enough for everyone.  There are many paths and many roads to walk. I personally believe that all religions have elements of truth to them and all religions will have pieces of the puzzle.  I enjoy studying different faiths and religions. Yes at times they are incompatible. At other times there are disagreements and fighting, but that is not a bad thing.  I think it leads to interesting discussions and is just a part of life here.

There are conflicts, there are disagreements, there are also powerful discussions and moments of clarity and unity.  It is all part of the journey here.   We do accept people of all faiths and backgrounds.  I believe all paths have a place in the whole spiritual structure and it is up to the individual to follow the path that is true to their heart.

Q.  Akelta would you explain please about the ethics inherent in trying to use demons to control a romantic partner who is not interested in being controlled?

A.  Yes, I can answer that… Ethically speaking it is not really redeemable in any way,  it’s black magick through and through and I personally think it is worse than curses.  Controlling another in this manner is essentially mind rape.  Love coercions of this nature compel the other person to act against their wishes and desires.  Basically, their internal energies are saying no, but the external energies are saying yes. So you get an endless battle where eventually the person’s will is going to win out.    It is like a spiritual rape drug in essence.  I personally do not do work like this for this very reason.

There is another side to this too, the most effective method of this is energy influencing. Because you are going against what the person desires, one would have to continually add more energy for it to be effective.  Over time it will corrode though, then when the person wakes up they will be filled with anger and rage.  It is similar to the effects of a person waking up from being in a narcissistic relationship and realizing that the person they thought they loved, was abusing them through subtle manipulation.

Adding demons to the mix it gets even more interesting because of the fact that demons are all about lessons. They are not servants, they are teachers and mentors and if someone asks for this there are lessons in them that they have to learn about why they would want to impose their will on another who is unwilling, so… what you get is a situation that is destined to backfire and when it does, adding demonic energy to the equation, the results will be, well, very “educating.”

Q: I am a boy but i wish to be a girl i feel i should have been a girl how can you help me?  Please help me i am willing to do anything…

A: Thank you for your email. This is a very big request. I understand fully being born in the wrong vessel to navigate this world. You say that you are a boy but feel you should have been a girl. My personal feeling is that you are what you feel like you are. If your soul and inside is a girl, then you ARE a girl. It doesn’t matter what society sees. Our flesh vessels are nothing more than seats in which our souls sit to experience different challenges to enhance our soul journeys.

There are certain physical and hormonal changes that can reconcile the inner soul with the outer vessel, however, these are physical matters that cannot be changed by magick. My suggestion on that would be to try to get into a good gender therapy program as soon as possible if you can. Don’t delay- the treatments available for reconciling one to their true gender are incredible nowadays. There are many ways where you can awaken what your truth is embrace who you are on the inside.

Magick, however, can help you overcome a lot of the pain associated with this and help your soul and bring out your inner Goddess. This requires a lot of self work and inner strength on your part- for this sort of magick comes from within you. You can bring her out and let her shine no matter what the physical limitations or medical limitations in your area. I would suggest working closely with Powerful Female Deities who can help you tap into your true soul gender and enhance your femininity. I would suggest working with Lady Lilith who is the Vampiric Goddess of feminine empowerment and one who can help you to awaken the power of the passionate primal feminine and help you to step into the body and energy you know that you are meant to be.

Lady Rashoon is another one, her energies are more gentle and she works with the softer attributes of the divine feminine, she can help you to discover your own personal essence in the divine feminine and can help you to claim your personal vibration.

This message is true of girls who know that they are boys at heart. If you feel in your heart that you are a boy then you are a boy and it does not matter what society thinks or says, you know yourself better then anyone and in the end you have to do what is best and right for you and no one should be trying to tell you otherwise. You can also explore many different options to help you to transform your appearance so that what you feel you should be on the inside, matches what you see on the outside.

The demons who you can work with to help you empower your masculine essence are. Asmodeus. The Demon of Lust and Passion but also an incredible masculine force. He can help you to love yourself and find your confidence. He can also help you to align with your masculinity and embrace who you are as a man, define your place amongst the divine masculine and live as you feel called.

Another amazing demon for you guys to work with is Astaroth. Astaroth is an interesting demon, have both a male and a female form and being a demon who is bi or duel gendered. Meaning that their essence compromises the balance of both the masculine and feminine and they have been able to help people to awake and bring out their true nature.

Good luck to you and remember there are option for you and there is a lot of empowerment one can find with transformation of the self!

Q: I want to be your apprentice, please mentor me!

A: Unfortunately we aren’t taking on one-on-one magickal apprentices at this time.  Though if you are interested from learning from us we do offer information, lessons and exercise on our online forum.  Satan and Suns. Membership is free to join! We like to offer community learning and growth and like to cultivate a positive and nurturing learning environment where anyone can grow and learn.  This is what we have found to be the most efficient and powerful method to teach people from and it is also a great way for people to share experiences and their own personal gnosis from their own path.  

In the future we will be offering online courses, books, and lessons down the road to continue to help people on their spiritual paths!  Our personal philosophy is that there is not just one path that is right, it is that all paths, and cultures and traditions have their place in their world. It is something that we feel strongly with that by sharing our paths and discussing things from a respectful place, we can all grow and learn.  

There are going to be things that we disagree on and this is ok! No one should have to compromise their values, but we can all respectfully disagree when we cross those bridges.  The sharing of information and wisdom though allows people to see through the eyes of others and to learn through our individual gnosis.  We have found this is one of the most powerful and incredible teaching methods and it is why we have chosen to teach from this platform.

The notion of soul binding is creating an energy link between your auric energies and your companions auric energies. This is an incredible way to connect with your companion and to feel their energies while allowing them to feel your energies. While there are methods that essentially trap the companion within your body, these are not methods that we practise as they are both cruel and unsafe. People have suffered horrible fates having entities that are trapped within them, so we have developed our own ritual to ensure that the methods are both safe and humane.

Yes, we do our own version of a soul binding ritual.  It is our aura binding ritual as we create a link between your companions energies and the layers of your aura to enhance the connection between you and your companion. This ritual process links the layers of your aura to the layers of there’s to assist with connection and communication. It also helps you and your companion to get a feel for each other and work together in a closer manner.

A physical vessel acts as a physical focal point for working with your companion and having that physical link that helps you to connect with them. While both methods, physical vessel and aura binding, have their benefits, it comes down to the individual. Which method do you prefer and which one helps you connect. This is different for everyone so there is no right or wrong choice or better or worse choice. It all comes down to preference.

This process is safe as we ensure that when these energies are flexible and not restrictive. This means that there is no danger to your or your companion and you both will remain free while being connected. There is also no soul obligation or contract that must be fulfilled for this process, just the normal respect that we show to all our companions.

 There is the option to select Aura binding instead of Vessel binding on the purchase page 🙂 

Q: Why do the scrolls take so long to complete?

A:The answer to this is… the Sigils… 

The sigils can take us a while at times, and we do apologize for that, but we would rather get you a sigil that resonates with your demon that is what they want us to reveal to you, than something that doesn’t represent them.

We really do take time to meditate with them, connecting with their energies, learning about them and recreating a sigil that represents them.  This can take time, especially with some demons, some have simple designs they want to impart, others it is very complicated.  It is a process and it is not something that we rush.  

The sigil creation process is sacred and it is something that we take our time with and something that we do not want to force.  Working with the energies, we are serious about what we do and when connecting to the energies we take the time to translate them and make sure that what we are sending you is accurate and in tune with your demon’s energies. 

We continually seek to improve our method of acquiring them and getting a solid representation of the demon’s energy who resonates with that sigil. Some are easier then others.

Recently though we have found that we have been having to enter an altered state in order to see the sigil in its multidimensional form, then return and create a representation of that on a 2 dimensional piece of paper. This can be time consuming as we really strive to represent them to the best of our abilities and skills. Sometimes we will create a sigil and it wont feel right, something is wrong, it is either missing a line, or the shape is off and we will go back and work on it until it resonates with your demon. 

We were a lot faster with the scrolls when we were not offering the sigils. They are what causes the delay, and we do apologize for that, and really appreciate your patience.

Q: What is the best option of your third eye workings? 

~Uphir psychic surgery
~Satanic Orb spell
~Hecate Psychic Gifts Enhancement

A:It is hard to say what the best option is, as they all are unique and wonderful workings, but I will lay out their differences so that you can see which one will suit your situation the best.

The Uphir Third Eye Workingis an energetic working to clear any sludge blockages, brain connectivity issues, and to clear the third eye for developing. It is performed with Lord Uphir.  The working goes deep into your third eye and cleanses the chakra, activates dormant gifts that you have, attunes you to various spiritual frequencies and also makes sure your third eye is connected and functioning as it should be.  This is a great working to start with as we really do a deep cleanse of your chakra and make sure that all the energies are flowing smoothly.  Our philosophy is that the third eye is a muscle and that working with it and training it will make it strong and sharp so we include post attunement exercises  to help you continue your third eye growth and development.  It is a very powerful working and a great one for people to start with.   

The Satanic Orbis a powerful energy tool that is created by Lord Satan and attached to your Chakra.  It is attuned to the demonic frequencies and aligned with the energies of darkness so you are naturally attuned to demons, the Dark Lords, and many other dark entities.  Different spiritual beings exist at different spiritual frequencies and this tool helps you awaken dark creativity and can enhance connections with the Dark Lords. This is a good spell to have cast if you are looking to shift your third eye work to darker elements and work with it for dark creativity and working with demons.  It will bring you closer to the demonic frequencies and help you to understand them and work with them. The dark currents of divinity are wonderful and incredible and the Satanic Orb aligns you with those currents.  You can get this spell cast at anytime.  It is open to anyone who feels called to the Darkness you do not need to be a Satanist, Demonolotor or Demonosopher to have it cast. Anyone can have it cast and it is a powerful tool for anyone who wishes to work with the dark currents and connect to the creatures of the night.  

The Hekate Psychic Gifts Enhancementis a ritual that lasts for three days.  It is designed to tap into your natural psychic skills and infuse them with the powerful energies of Lady Hekate.  This ritual for three days infuses you with her powerful psychic vibrations.  They target your third eye and your natural skills.  It also targets dormant gifts and helps them to grow and awaken.  The powers of this spell are meant to enhance your work.  This is a great spell to have cast after the Third Eye Working because it works to take the abilities that you are working with and empower them.  Strengthening your natural skills and awakening your natural abilities.  Lady Hekate is the Empress of Magick and her abilities empower and inspire all that she touches.  She is the balance of light and darkness and she knows the dark secrets of the shadow.  

I have been asked this a few times, people wanting me to scan their vessels and see if they are empty.  This is not a service that S&S will do and I will tell you why…

First…yes there are conjurers out there that are scammers and just sell blank rings but there are also sellers out there that shield and distort the energies around their bindings because they don’t want things to be scanned or stolen. On top of that, there are thieves out there in the community who do no research on their own and just prey off of other conjurers who actually do their research.   Ironically these ones are probably the ones invoking fear into the buyers and telling them that they are cursed, or blocked or that their vessel is empty.  It really is a shameful practise all around and hurts people on their spiritual path.  Usually if someone is willing to put in the time to talk to you, answer your questions, cast for you and work energies for you, they know what they are doing.  This is why it is so important in the beginning to ask many questions of your conjurer and see if they are approachable.

Honestly, I won’t get mad for being asked questions, I only get mad when people bad mouth me behind my back for things that I did not do, or because I didn’t say what they wanted me to say.  Those are things that upset me, asking me questions though even confronting me with your feelings will not make me mad.

Second…This can be a horrible practise, there are sellers out there that make a profit from scanning vessels of people who are having trouble connecting to their entities and spirits and will tell them there is nothing there.  It honestly discredits the whole community when sellers do this! It is impossible that there is only one seller out there that can do this! This is an ancient practise that has been used by magicians for over 6000 years and every family, every family has their own methods! So for one conjurer to know the vibrational frequency and to be able to identify all the species, all the vibrational frequencies and all the conjuring locations of everything in the spiritual world is folly.  It is impossible.  In my Facebook feed I have certain conjurers pop up and sometimes I don’t feel anything from the listings,  usually this is because I am not attuned to that frequency.  We all have entities that we work well with.  Some people connect strongly with some more then other beings.    Others still you will have to work to attune yourself to,

Attunement is the key, when an entity or spirit is from a region with a specific vibration and you are not attuned to it, you are not going to sense it! Necromancy is the art of speaking to the dead and it requires a very different set of skills and attunements to working with living entities.   This does not mean that one is not viable and the other is, this just means that they require a different set of skills.

I have also had people approach me with vessels from other sellers and myself that they say others have said are empty!  This statement actually flat out shows that the person who said it is slightly ignorant of the binding process, especially my binding process…

What do they mean empty? 

Do they mean that there is no entity within the vessel?  Ummm of course not! This comes from the old Djinn in a Bottle Mythos. All those Djinn who were bound forcibly in a bottle and ordered to grant wishes and do their master’s will.  Even the Disney movie Aladdin got it right, they are prisoners.  They are entrapped in their vessel and locked in it, which means that it is a forcible binding, so of course if you are scanning for something that is trapped and locked in a ring you are not going to find it, this is because this is one set of bindings and a set of binding that I do not agree with or use.

My bindings are flexible bindings which means that the energy in the Crystal is combined with specific energies attuned to the demons to bridge the connection between the demons realm and our realm and create a focal point for interaction, influence and communication. Once you are properly attuned to your demons energies, you won’t even need the vessel unless you want to have it or if you have a special ritual that you do with the demon that includes their vessel.

Do they mean there is no energy attached to the Vessel? 

Well this is just silly, the Crystal itself has energy so of course the vessel has energies and also the bindings are crafted using the crystal’s energies. So if you don’t know what you are looking for you might just feel the energies of the crystal.  This does not mean the vessel is empty, this just means the person doesn’t know what they are looking for and cannot sense energies.

Most people can feel something coming off the vessels, a powerful force, an energy vibration, a pressure on their third eye, they will feel drawn to the vessel.  Even the other day I was out for breakfast with a friend and she looked at Tigers ring and said, that ring has such incredible power to it, it has incredible spiritual vibrations, and I just smiled. She didn’t know it had Tiger’s bindings attached to it.  There will just be something about the vessel that is enticing to those who are spiritually sensitive.

A lot of times when people say that vessels are empty they have ulterior motives.  True conjurers want people to connect and work with spirits and they support this community.  They want it to grow and thrive so they will either refer the individual back to their conjurer for help, or they will offer suggestions helping them to connect.  It is really important in the beginning to do your research and make sure you select a conjurer you trust,  but it is equally important to be careful what people tell you.  Many scammers have ulterior motives and like to incite fear and panic to block people’s skills, cut down their confidence and sell them their snake oil skin.

On any spiritual path, come from a place of empowerment, not a place of fear.  If someone is pushing fear I would question their motives.  Spiritual Conjurers should be seeking to empower people who work with spirits and ones that come from fear are highly suspicious.

Be empowered! Be Inspired, and remember you are stronger then you think!

Demonic Bindings and Demon Companions :When you bring home a demon, there is not a magick switch or word that you use to activate them. They are living entities and there is a time frame to bond with them. You are brining home a being that has feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Demons are sensient and it is important to know that when you are working with them, you are essentially inviting them to join your family and working with them as a friend and mentor.

Just like the demons in the goetia you need to take the time to work with the demon, learning to communicate with them, building your spiritual foundation so you have the tools and knowledge for working with them from a respectful place. 

Our path is one of working with demons from a highly respectful place, working with them on a personal level and learning the abundance of wisdom they can share with us. We love the demons that we work with, they are like our friends, our family, and we treat them as such.

We DO NOT condone abuse of demons in any way or mistreating them with blasting rods and other archaic tools. These are not the practises that we endorse or promote. We are about working with demons and all spiritual beings from a respectful place where there is a mutually beneficial exchange of energies between both parties.

Demons that are bound to vessels are not trapped in their vessels, and they are not forced into it in any way. An energetic link is bound between the crystal/jewellery and the demon to assist you with connecting and bonding. What we do as priestess’s is venture into the spiritual world and find a demon who wishes to work with a human, it is much like the process in many cultures of finding familiars and spirit guides.

There are billions of demons out there, they are not limited to the ones in the ancient books, and our job is to go out, meet them, make sure they are demons, make sure they are safe to work with (there are many malicious creatures likes sludges and parasites that masquerade as demons) and then link them to a vessel to help you connect with them. We provide you with their information, their sigil and various methods or connecting.

It is true that anyone can go out and find their own demons, but we have trained for years to master this skill and just like I would rather hire an electrician to re wire my house, or a lawyer to handle my legal affairs many people prefer to ask a trusted professional to help match them with their demons, and that is what we do. We are Demonic Priestesses who have worked with the dark lords for years and specialize in discover, uncovering and finding new demons and species and matching them with a human companion for the benefit of both.

This is a question that we get a lot.  We do not cast love spells of this nature due to the fact that we do not know enough about the individual situation to know if this is just an influencing spell, or an actual spell that is akin to mind rape. 

Influencing spells where you influence the other means that love is already there and we are just giving it a little push,  the other kind though we are basically adding energy to change the will and inner desire of the individual. 

We have found that spells where one lover is forced to love another tend to require constant energy for any lasting effect. As time goes on it also gets harder and harder to keep the individual bound to you. This also does not produce a truly loving relationship as the individual that is forced to stay ends up growing resentful over time and more energy is needed to keep the spell going.  

We have items within our store that can help you find love though and can help you to let go of blocks and energies that are holding you back from finding love and really embracing it.  

For loving yourself and learning to value yourself and appreciate the amazing individual that you are we recommend our Solar Beauty Magickal.. Click here to view them!

We would also recommend our Rosier’s Exploration of Love as this magickal can help you to free and release the energies that are preventing you from attaining love.   Click Here to view them!

Or our Lord Rosier’s Burst of Passion – Divine Love Candle is another amazing tool for helping you to find and embrace love in your life. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Astarte and Asmodeus Ritual of Love and Soul Mates to shift your energies and bring to you a passionate soul mate and lover.  Click here to view the ritual!

We offer the various vessels for our demon and spirit companions which act as focal points for working with them.  Below you will find a list of the vessels types that we offer.  

Pendants: Our pendants are Sterling Silver with Various Gemstones embedded into them.  

Rings: Our rings are also sterling silver with Various gemstones embedded into them.  We have all sizes, if you would like a specific size please let us know.  

Bracelets: We have various bracelets that can be selected for a companion vessel.

Polished Gems: We have various polished gemstones that can be used for vessels.  We have a variety of Crystals in stock, you can let your companion select the one they prefer or you 

Beads: We have different beads and charms that can be used as vessels, if you would like one of these please select it from the option.  

Aura Link:  We also offer Aura linking where we create an energy link between you and your spirit companion to help attune you to their energies and connect with them.  Instead of creating the focal point in the vessel, we will create a focal point directly to you through your aura.

Questions about working with the Dark Lords

This is a very good question. I appreciate those who has asked it and I am glad I get the chance to answer it.  The short answer is for the same reason that I pay my accountant to do my taxes instead of doing it myself,  But I will elaborate on that in this post as this is a very layered and a very, very good question.

There are many layers to conjuring.  It is a skill set that takes years to develop.  It also takes years to develop the connections to the different demonic realms.

What realm are you conjuring from?  Is it the outer spiritual world, an inner spiritual world?  Have you been there?  Have you negotiated with the demons? 

There are many places that one can get Demon Companions from. As conjurers we take years to develop the traveling skills and the techniques to screen the demons that we bring through.  We have the places where we have connections with the demons there to find them. It is something that we have spent our lives building up. This is a skill set that takes many years to master.  There is the element of uncovering the realms and learning about the demons and the different species that you are conjuring.  Then there is the element of learning about how best to bring the demon through into this realm.  How to create a link, how to create the bindings, how to screen them.

There are times when sludge beings come through instead and they try to imitate the demons that are coming through. I have had this happen and had to banish them and I have 5 – 35 safety rituals (depending on the demon species) to make sure that what I am bringing through is safe and won’t cause damage.  It’s a skill set in its own.

There is the personal element of walking the path, but as Lord Mammon always tells me you can either be the jack of all trades or you can surround yourself with people who are experts in their field.  Learning and developing a foundation and moving towards what you excel at is how I view this path. But that means that in pursuit of my path, I will need to have experts to help in areas that I am weak at.  In our 80 or so years it is impossible to learn everything and there are people who are naturally better at things than I am. Which is why I hire an accountant to do my taxes, a lawyer to handle my legal and an assistant to help keep me organized.  There is a huge skill set in learning to conjure and connect with demons. It is something that by all means you can pursue, but it is a skill set on its own that one must master.

You can approach the Dark Lords and ask them to grant you a familiar.  Sometimes they do grant you one, sometimes they don’t. It all depends on them. Then you have to screen it, you have to connect with it and you have to learn about it and what it does.  You still have to put in the work that a conjurer does so you will still have to develop the skills to make sure that you are getting the correct information.

Conjurers have a very specific skill set which they use, and they spend years building up connections and forming relationships with the beings and realms they wish to conjure from.   It takes time to not only form connections with the Dark Lords, but also with the perspective realms and regions where the demons reside.

I have been asked if the Demons will think less of you for buying a demon.  They would not think less of you.  I know Mammon rewards me when I learn how to delegate. It is something I myself have had trouble balancing and it is something that he has been working with me to learn to do.

Delegating and finding masters in their fields to compliment what you do raises your energies and it also raises the collective energies of the group.  Azazel especially I know believes in mastery of the self, but mastery usually means that you will excel in some areas and not others.  A World Class Gymnast would be a master gymnast, but they might not know how to balance their chequebook.  So it never hurts to surround yourself with people who are strong in areas that you are weak.

With conjures I even purchase conjures from different conjurers who I trust because we all have different energy vibrations and we are open to different realms.  Many of the conjurers that I buy from conjure from places that I am not connected to,  having their energies and expertise adds to my own path and helps me to grow.  My speciality is demons, they have always been and will always be my speciality, but that does not take away from the people who specialize in other areas. They offer amazing and incredible beings as well.  The diversity of skill is one thing that makes this community and this path so amazing.

At the end of the day I can try to do my taxes by myself, I can try to do my own bookkeeping. When I tried to do my bookkeeping myself it took me 6 weeks and I was so frustrated and it was taking away from my true path and my work,  It cost me $600 to get my bookkeeping done,  and then 20 minutes to put it all together and take it to my accountant.  The one time I tried to do my accounting on my own, well, that is a dark time of my life.  It costs me $700 to get my accountant to do it and he is amazing.  So yes I will spend the $1300 to save the time and help me focus on what I desire and my passion.  They have spent the time and the years to learn the skills to charge that price, and I appreciate and respect their skills and have no issues paying for it.  Raising your vibrations also means surrounding yourself with people who have skills in areas you are weak in. This gives you the time to embrace what you are passionate about.

That is from my experience with them. Your personal experience with this will be unique to you as that is also the nature of the path. Though we do say if you are drawn to a particular demon who has come through it never hurts to have a visit and see how you feel.  There is no commitment and you always have the right to say no.  Our main goal is to match clients with the demon that is perfect for them and their path. Sometimes that can take time and it should.

You should always make sure this is what is right for you.  People offer services in areas that they are masters in. Sometimes those services are right for you, sometimes they are not, but only you can make that call.

We are very happy and proud to offer the demons that we conjure, it is something that we take pride in and love doing. If you are drawn to it we will be happy to help you and if not, well we still would love to have you in our community.  It is all part of the diversity of walking on the Left Hand Path.

I have been asked this a few times.  People are confused why I work with demons and why I attribute my success to them.  They feel that my results are not from my work with demons but from my own efforts and dedication.

While it is true that I would not have gotten where I am without my own dedication and commitment to this work, it is not all on my efforts.  People will spend their entire life spinning their wheels and get nothing.  If hard work was the end all and be all, everyone who worked hard would get ahead.  In the end though, most people will spend their lives stuck, never accomplishing anything even if they worked hard.  What the demons bring is the opportunity, the amazing opportunities and the connections.  I say working with them is 50/50. You put in your 50% and they will put in 50%.  There are energies and vibrations which allow us to step out of these places and without being guided to what those energy vibrations are, we can essentially become stuck and unable to jump to the level of attainment that we wish to attain,

I believe that there are many gods and the when we connect to them and are aligned with the energies that we resonate with, that is when we can attain phenomenal results.  I do not believe there is one set path for everything, but I do believe that when an individual findz their path and finds the spiritual area they are passionate about, that is when they can attain incredible results.  Those who attain success have an alignment in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual vibrations and it is from that alignment that they are able to manifest. People get results from connecting with gods who they are aligned with whether that be Christianity, Hinduism or in our case Satanism.

I actually think success in itself is wonderful and that we should be celebrating success with those who attain it, no matter what spiritual path they are on.  It raises the energy vibrations for everyone.  My energies naturally align with demons and the dark lords, so this is the area where I will find success.

When I started working with demons a lot of things happened.  The second I started working with them I was given opportunities and was able to meet people who opened up some pretty powerful doors.  I heard Mammon, he told me things I had never heard before, introduced me to people who told me things that were incredible.

It was about 5 years after working with him that everything fell apart.  It fell apart because it was time, it was time for me to move on. It was time for me to expand beyond where I was and to step into my own vibrational layers.  I valued my time with these people but I knew it was time to spread my wings and fly if I was going to make it in the area I wanted to.    I believe that Mammon set up that situation to inundate me with those success energies.  Some people would say it was luck, but I believe it was them aligning me with what I needed, to learn the lessons to get where I wanted to go.

I have a dream life and everything I desire and it gets better every single day, so a better question is, why would I stop doing what works so well?  I find it so interesting that people challenge me on things, it is like they are uncomfortable with my beliefs but my beliefs are not for them to be comfortable with.  They are my beliefs and they come from my experiences, like everything in this world.

Can you pull money out of thin air?  I can and have.

Have you dined with billionaires and the elite? I have.

Have you traveled around the world and been to incredible places?  I have taken my children to Disneyland multiple times and stayed at top quality resorts and traveled to many corners of the world.

I mean, what I am doing is working… why would I change it? Just because other people don’t understand why I do things?  I never base my actions, thoughts or beliefs on what others think of me.  It is how I broke out of the chains that bound me.  I am living it to the fullest, and yes I have Mammon to thank for it and all the demons I work with.

I believe in my own inner power and that this power can rise from understanding the subconscious mind.  But I also believe that there are external forces as well, it is a combination and a mix of both of them.  I believe it is this understanding of this balance why some people rise to the top, and others spend their entire lives spinning their wheels, working hard, but never getting anywhere.

I walk with demons and learn from them and respect them as I would any human mentor. This is respect for one who understands more than I do and is educating me.   I find there is indoctrination when we are young that we have to do things ourself and never ask for help.   It actually is an interesting mindset that we do not need help.  I have found that those who surround themselves with brilliant minds and create teams and systems go further than those who try to go it alone.  There is a team effort in success and this is the next level beyond the inner world.  Control your inner world, embrace your outer world and know that there is so much more out there than you can even fathom.

Healthy respect and appreciation for someone who knows more than I do is very different than blind worship.  I do not think there is any harm in learning from those who know more than you, and the demons they know a lot more then I do, they are a lot wiser then I am, and it would be foolish of me to not thank them for everything that they have done for me.

So, thank you from the deepest part of my heart and soul, to all the demons that walk with me, guide me and support me on this journey <3

Can your spirits and entities work effectively with people of various religious backgrounds?

The demons that we screen are not bothered by other religions. In fact, many of them are curious about other religions and perspectives.  We also have sone demons we offer, such as the Devotion demons who enjoy learning about different religions.  Yes, you can take their vessels to your places of worship, that will not be a problem for the demon.

There is a lot of speculation about demons being incompatible with other faiths and peoples, but really demons are just a divine spiritual being. They are divine in essence and divine in their darkness.  While there are personal conflicts that can arise between various members of certain groups, when we are screening, we take care to make sure the demon that comes through for you is a match on all levels. That also means a match for any religious background that you have or that other members of your family have.

It is not uncommon for your demon to gently assist your elderly mother who is a devoted catholic in a discreet way, to make sure she is safe.  They see things beyond the scope of our human judgement, and their perception of the world is different than ours.  If you have a specific religious background and are still called to work with a demon, we can accommodate.  The only thing that is very important is to just treat your demon with respect. Don’t attack them, abuse them, curse at them or try to force them to do things.  Accept them and they will accept you.

Does the vessel have to be around in order to work with the demon?

The physical vessels acts as a focus point but it is not necessary for communication. You do not have to have it on you to have them communicate with you and work with you.   When demons first arrive, the physical vessel allows for a point of connection, which will allow you to attune to their energies and help channel their energies when working with them.

Over time though, you will learn to sense your demon and communicate with their energies. That connection will become stronger so you will not need the physical vessel. Though many people like to keep them and have them close, as many times demons will enchant and cast spells on their vessels as gifts to their human companions.

Why can’t Satanists work with Christians?  I do not mean devout Christians, I mean non-practising ones who are Christian in name only.  Ones who do not go to church but just are naturally aligned to those energies.  

This is a very layered question.  I think there is a lot of pain that many on the Left Hand Path have not healed, which is why many are so opposed to Christianity and other faiths of that nature.  Many of the people on the LHP have been hurt by the RHP and there are layers to things that have to be healed.  This is completely understandable in many situations as often time hurt and pain comes with the need to heal and a time when there will be lashing out towards the other side.  This does not mean though that it should stay that way and I think that there should be a push to finding common ground and open communication and also accepting that there are many different paths out there.  It doesn’t mean we have to agree with the other side, in fact considering the nature of each path there will always be disagreements, but that doesn’t mean that we cannot get along, or at least agree to disagree.

I think that when one on the RHP is respectful of one on the LHP and vice versa, incredible discussions can happen. A discussion of philosophies without attempts of conversion makes for wonderful conversation on both ends.  I just think that there sometimes involves healing and setting boundaries to get to that place, which is not a bad thing either.

I personally have no issues with Christians, I actually enjoy having discussion with them and others of that nature who are open to a respectful dialogue.  It does not bother me at all.  I think in the grand scheme of things, there is darkness and there is light. People need to find their balance and the path that works for them.  If they find that in Christianity, wonderful, if they find that in Satanism, wonderful.  In the end people have to follow the path that speaks to them.

Doesn’t everything come from the same spiritual source?

I do agree with that and I feel the spiritual world is big enough for everyone.  There are many paths and many roads to walk. I personally believe that all religions have elements of truth to them and all religions will have pieces of the puzzle.  I enjoy studying different faiths and religions. Yes at times they are incompatible. At other times there are disagreements and fighting, but that is not a bad thing.  I think it leads to interesting discussions and is just a part of life here.

There are conflicts, there are disagreements, there are also powerful discussions and moments of clarity and unity.  It is all part of the journey here.   We do accept people of all faiths and backgrounds.  I believe all paths have a place in the whole spiritual structure and it is up to the individual to follow the path that is true to their heart.

Q.  Akelta would you explain please about the ethics inherent in trying to use demons to control a romantic partner who is not interested in being controlled?

A.  Yes, I can answer that… Ethically speaking it is not really redeemable in any way,  it’s black magick through and through and I personally think it is worse than curses.  Controlling another in this manner is essentially mind rape.  Love coercions of this nature compel the other person to act against their wishes and desires.  Basically, their internal energies are saying no, but the external energies are saying yes. So you get an endless battle where eventually the person’s will is going to win out.    It is like a spiritual rape drug in essence.  I personally do not do work like this for this very reason.

There is another side to this too, the most effective method of this is energy influencing. Because you are going against what the person desires, one would have to continually add more energy for it to be effective.  Over time it will corrode though, then when the person wakes up they will be filled with anger and rage.  It is similar to the effects of a person waking up from being in a narcissistic relationship and realizing that the person they thought they loved, was abusing them through subtle manipulation.

Adding demons to the mix it gets even more interesting because of the fact that demons are all about lessons. They are not servants, they are teachers and mentors and if someone asks for this there are lessons in them that they have to learn about why they would want to impose their will on another who is unwilling, so… what you get is a situation that is destined to backfire and when it does, adding demonic energy to the equation, the results will be, well, very “educating.”

Q: I am a boy but i wish to be a girl i feel i should have been a girl how can you help me?  Please help me i am willing to do anything…

A: Thank you for your email. This is a very big request. I understand fully being born in the wrong vessel to navigate this world. You say that you are a boy but feel you should have been a girl. My personal feeling is that you are what you feel like you are. If your soul and inside is a girl, then you ARE a girl. It doesn’t matter what society sees. Our flesh vessels are nothing more than seats in which our souls sit to experience different challenges to enhance our soul journeys.

There are certain physical and hormonal changes that can reconcile the inner soul with the outer vessel, however, these are physical matters that cannot be changed by magick. My suggestion on that would be to try to get into a good gender therapy program as soon as possible if you can. Don’t delay- the treatments available for reconciling one to their true gender are incredible nowadays. There are many ways where you can awaken what your truth is embrace who you are on the inside.

Magick, however, can help you overcome a lot of the pain associated with this and help your soul and bring out your inner Goddess. This requires a lot of self work and inner strength on your part- for this sort of magick comes from within you. You can bring her out and let her shine no matter what the physical limitations or medical limitations in your area. I would suggest working closely with Powerful Female Deities who can help you tap into your true soul gender and enhance your femininity. I would suggest working with Lady Lilith who is the Vampiric Goddess of feminine empowerment and one who can help you to awaken the power of the passionate primal feminine and help you to step into the body and energy you know that you are meant to be.

Lady Rashoon is another one, her energies are more gentle and she works with the softer attributes of the divine feminine, she can help you to discover your own personal essence in the divine feminine and can help you to claim your personal vibration.

This message is true of girls who know that they are boys at heart. If you feel in your heart that you are a boy then you are a boy and it does not matter what society thinks or says, you know yourself better then anyone and in the end you have to do what is best and right for you and no one should be trying to tell you otherwise. You can also explore many different options to help you to transform your appearance so that what you feel you should be on the inside, matches what you see on the outside.

The demons who you can work with to help you empower your masculine essence are. Asmodeus. The Demon of Lust and Passion but also an incredible masculine force. He can help you to love yourself and find your confidence. He can also help you to align with your masculinity and embrace who you are as a man, define your place amongst the divine masculine and live as you feel called.

Another amazing demon for you guys to work with is Astaroth. Astaroth is an interesting demon, have both a male and a female form and being a demon who is bi or duel gendered. Meaning that their essence compromises the balance of both the masculine and feminine and they have been able to help people to awake and bring out their true nature.

Good luck to you and remember there are option for you and there is a lot of empowerment one can find with transformation of the self!

Q: I want to be your apprentice, please mentor me!

A: Unfortunately we aren’t taking on one-on-one magickal apprentices at this time.  Though if you are interested from learning from us we do offer information, lessons and exercise on our online forum.  Satan and Suns. Membership is free to join! We like to offer community learning and growth and like to cultivate a positive and nurturing learning environment where anyone can grow and learn.  This is what we have found to be the most efficient and powerful method to teach people from and it is also a great way for people to share experiences and their own personal gnosis from their own path.  

In the future we will be offering online courses, books, and lessons down the road to continue to help people on their spiritual paths!  Our personal philosophy is that there is not just one path that is right, it is that all paths, and cultures and traditions have their place in their world. It is something that we feel strongly with that by sharing our paths and discussing things from a respectful place, we can all grow and learn.  

There are going to be things that we disagree on and this is ok! No one should have to compromise their values, but we can all respectfully disagree when we cross those bridges.  The sharing of information and wisdom though allows people to see through the eyes of others and to learn through our individual gnosis.  We have found this is one of the most powerful and incredible teaching methods and it is why we have chosen to teach from this platform.

The notion of soul binding is creating an energy link between your auric energies and your companions auric energies. This is an incredible way to connect with your companion and to feel their energies while allowing them to feel your energies. While there are methods that essentially trap the companion within your body, these are not methods that we practise as they are both cruel and unsafe. People have suffered horrible fates having entities that are trapped within them, so we have developed our own ritual to ensure that the methods are both safe and humane.

Yes, we do our own version of a soul binding ritual.  It is our aura binding ritual as we create a link between your companions energies and the layers of your aura to enhance the connection between you and your companion. This ritual process links the layers of your aura to the layers of there’s to assist with connection and communication. It also helps you and your companion to get a feel for each other and work together in a closer manner.

A physical vessel acts as a physical focal point for working with your companion and having that physical link that helps you to connect with them. While both methods, physical vessel and aura binding, have their benefits, it comes down to the individual. Which method do you prefer and which one helps you connect. This is different for everyone so there is no right or wrong choice or better or worse choice. It all comes down to preference.

This process is safe as we ensure that when these energies are flexible and not restrictive. This means that there is no danger to your or your companion and you both will remain free while being connected. There is also no soul obligation or contract that must be fulfilled for this process, just the normal respect that we show to all our companions.

 There is the option to select Aura binding instead of Vessel binding on the purchase page 🙂 

Q: Why do the scrolls take so long to complete?

A:The answer to this is… the Sigils… 

The sigils can take us a while at times, and we do apologize for that, but we would rather get you a sigil that resonates with your demon that is what they want us to reveal to you, than something that doesn’t represent them.

We really do take time to meditate with them, connecting with their energies, learning about them and recreating a sigil that represents them.  This can take time, especially with some demons, some have simple designs they want to impart, others it is very complicated.  It is a process and it is not something that we rush.  

The sigil creation process is sacred and it is something that we take our time with and something that we do not want to force.  Working with the energies, we are serious about what we do and when connecting to the energies we take the time to translate them and make sure that what we are sending you is accurate and in tune with your demon’s energies. 

We continually seek to improve our method of acquiring them and getting a solid representation of the demon’s energy who resonates with that sigil. Some are easier then others.

Recently though we have found that we have been having to enter an altered state in order to see the sigil in its multidimensional form, then return and create a representation of that on a 2 dimensional piece of paper. This can be time consuming as we really strive to represent them to the best of our abilities and skills. Sometimes we will create a sigil and it wont feel right, something is wrong, it is either missing a line, or the shape is off and we will go back and work on it until it resonates with your demon. 

We were a lot faster with the scrolls when we were not offering the sigils. They are what causes the delay, and we do apologize for that, and really appreciate your patience.

Q: What is the best option of your third eye workings? 

~Uphir psychic surgery
~Satanic Orb spell
~Hecate Psychic Gifts Enhancement

A:It is hard to say what the best option is, as they all are unique and wonderful workings, but I will lay out their differences so that you can see which one will suit your situation the best.

The Uphir Third Eye Workingis an energetic working to clear any sludge blockages, brain connectivity issues, and to clear the third eye for developing. It is performed with Lord Uphir.  The working goes deep into your third eye and cleanses the chakra, activates dormant gifts that you have, attunes you to various spiritual frequencies and also makes sure your third eye is connected and functioning as it should be.  This is a great working to start with as we really do a deep cleanse of your chakra and make sure that all the energies are flowing smoothly.  Our philosophy is that the third eye is a muscle and that working with it and training it will make it strong and sharp so we include post attunement exercises  to help you continue your third eye growth and development.  It is a very powerful working and a great one for people to start with.   

The Satanic Orbis a powerful energy tool that is created by Lord Satan and attached to your Chakra.  It is attuned to the demonic frequencies and aligned with the energies of darkness so you are naturally attuned to demons, the Dark Lords, and many other dark entities.  Different spiritual beings exist at different spiritual frequencies and this tool helps you awaken dark creativity and can enhance connections with the Dark Lords. This is a good spell to have cast if you are looking to shift your third eye work to darker elements and work with it for dark creativity and working with demons.  It will bring you closer to the demonic frequencies and help you to understand them and work with them. The dark currents of divinity are wonderful and incredible and the Satanic Orb aligns you with those currents.  You can get this spell cast at anytime.  It is open to anyone who feels called to the Darkness you do not need to be a Satanist, Demonolotor or Demonosopher to have it cast. Anyone can have it cast and it is a powerful tool for anyone who wishes to work with the dark currents and connect to the creatures of the night.  

The Hekate Psychic Gifts Enhancementis a ritual that lasts for three days.  It is designed to tap into your natural psychic skills and infuse them with the powerful energies of Lady Hekate.  This ritual for three days infuses you with her powerful psychic vibrations.  They target your third eye and your natural skills.  It also targets dormant gifts and helps them to grow and awaken.  The powers of this spell are meant to enhance your work.  This is a great spell to have cast after the Third Eye Working because it works to take the abilities that you are working with and empower them.  Strengthening your natural skills and awakening your natural abilities.  Lady Hekate is the Empress of Magick and her abilities empower and inspire all that she touches.  She is the balance of light and darkness and she knows the dark secrets of the shadow.  

I have been asked this a few times, people wanting me to scan their vessels and see if they are empty.  This is not a service that S&S will do and I will tell you why…

First…yes there are conjurers out there that are scammers and just sell blank rings but there are also sellers out there that shield and distort the energies around their bindings because they don’t want things to be scanned or stolen. On top of that, there are thieves out there in the community who do no research on their own and just prey off of other conjurers who actually do their research.   Ironically these ones are probably the ones invoking fear into the buyers and telling them that they are cursed, or blocked or that their vessel is empty.  It really is a shameful practise all around and hurts people on their spiritual path.  Usually if someone is willing to put in the time to talk to you, answer your questions, cast for you and work energies for you, they know what they are doing.  This is why it is so important in the beginning to ask many questions of your conjurer and see if they are approachable.

Honestly, I won’t get mad for being asked questions, I only get mad when people bad mouth me behind my back for things that I did not do, or because I didn’t say what they wanted me to say.  Those are things that upset me, asking me questions though even confronting me with your feelings will not make me mad.

Second…This can be a horrible practise, there are sellers out there that make a profit from scanning vessels of people who are having trouble connecting to their entities and spirits and will tell them there is nothing there.  It honestly discredits the whole community when sellers do this! It is impossible that there is only one seller out there that can do this! This is an ancient practise that has been used by magicians for over 6000 years and every family, every family has their own methods! So for one conjurer to know the vibrational frequency and to be able to identify all the species, all the vibrational frequencies and all the conjuring locations of everything in the spiritual world is folly.  It is impossible.  In my Facebook feed I have certain conjurers pop up and sometimes I don’t feel anything from the listings,  usually this is because I am not attuned to that frequency.  We all have entities that we work well with.  Some people connect strongly with some more then other beings.    Others still you will have to work to attune yourself to,

Attunement is the key, when an entity or spirit is from a region with a specific vibration and you are not attuned to it, you are not going to sense it! Necromancy is the art of speaking to the dead and it requires a very different set of skills and attunements to working with living entities.   This does not mean that one is not viable and the other is, this just means that they require a different set of skills.

I have also had people approach me with vessels from other sellers and myself that they say others have said are empty!  This statement actually flat out shows that the person who said it is slightly ignorant of the binding process, especially my binding process…

What do they mean empty? 

Do they mean that there is no entity within the vessel?  Ummm of course not! This comes from the old Djinn in a Bottle Mythos. All those Djinn who were bound forcibly in a bottle and ordered to grant wishes and do their master’s will.  Even the Disney movie Aladdin got it right, they are prisoners.  They are entrapped in their vessel and locked in it, which means that it is a forcible binding, so of course if you are scanning for something that is trapped and locked in a ring you are not going to find it, this is because this is one set of bindings and a set of binding that I do not agree with or use.

My bindings are flexible bindings which means that the energy in the Crystal is combined with specific energies attuned to the demons to bridge the connection between the demons realm and our realm and create a focal point for interaction, influence and communication. Once you are properly attuned to your demons energies, you won’t even need the vessel unless you want to have it or if you have a special ritual that you do with the demon that includes their vessel.

Do they mean there is no energy attached to the Vessel? 

Well this is just silly, the Crystal itself has energy so of course the vessel has energies and also the bindings are crafted using the crystal’s energies. So if you don’t know what you are looking for you might just feel the energies of the crystal.  This does not mean the vessel is empty, this just means the person doesn’t know what they are looking for and cannot sense energies.

Most people can feel something coming off the vessels, a powerful force, an energy vibration, a pressure on their third eye, they will feel drawn to the vessel.  Even the other day I was out for breakfast with a friend and she looked at Tigers ring and said, that ring has such incredible power to it, it has incredible spiritual vibrations, and I just smiled. She didn’t know it had Tiger’s bindings attached to it.  There will just be something about the vessel that is enticing to those who are spiritually sensitive.

A lot of times when people say that vessels are empty they have ulterior motives.  True conjurers want people to connect and work with spirits and they support this community.  They want it to grow and thrive so they will either refer the individual back to their conjurer for help, or they will offer suggestions helping them to connect.  It is really important in the beginning to do your research and make sure you select a conjurer you trust,  but it is equally important to be careful what people tell you.  Many scammers have ulterior motives and like to incite fear and panic to block people’s skills, cut down their confidence and sell them their snake oil skin.

On any spiritual path, come from a place of empowerment, not a place of fear.  If someone is pushing fear I would question their motives.  Spiritual Conjurers should be seeking to empower people who work with spirits and ones that come from fear are highly suspicious.

Be empowered! Be Inspired, and remember you are stronger then you think!

Demonic Bindings and Demon Companions :When you bring home a demon, there is not a magick switch or word that you use to activate them. They are living entities and there is a time frame to bond with them. You are brining home a being that has feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Demons are sensient and it is important to know that when you are working with them, you are essentially inviting them to join your family and working with them as a friend and mentor.

Just like the demons in the goetia you need to take the time to work with the demon, learning to communicate with them, building your spiritual foundation so you have the tools and knowledge for working with them from a respectful place. 

Our path is one of working with demons from a highly respectful place, working with them on a personal level and learning the abundance of wisdom they can share with us. We love the demons that we work with, they are like our friends, our family, and we treat them as such.

We DO NOT condone abuse of demons in any way or mistreating them with blasting rods and other archaic tools. These are not the practises that we endorse or promote. We are about working with demons and all spiritual beings from a respectful place where there is a mutually beneficial exchange of energies between both parties.

Demons that are bound to vessels are not trapped in their vessels, and they are not forced into it in any way. An energetic link is bound between the crystal/jewellery and the demon to assist you with connecting and bonding. What we do as priestess’s is venture into the spiritual world and find a demon who wishes to work with a human, it is much like the process in many cultures of finding familiars and spirit guides.

There are billions of demons out there, they are not limited to the ones in the ancient books, and our job is to go out, meet them, make sure they are demons, make sure they are safe to work with (there are many malicious creatures likes sludges and parasites that masquerade as demons) and then link them to a vessel to help you connect with them. We provide you with their information, their sigil and various methods or connecting.

It is true that anyone can go out and find their own demons, but we have trained for years to master this skill and just like I would rather hire an electrician to re wire my house, or a lawyer to handle my legal affairs many people prefer to ask a trusted professional to help match them with their demons, and that is what we do. We are Demonic Priestesses who have worked with the dark lords for years and specialize in discover, uncovering and finding new demons and species and matching them with a human companion for the benefit of both.

This is a question that we get a lot.  We do not cast love spells of this nature due to the fact that we do not know enough about the individual situation to know if this is just an influencing spell, or an actual spell that is akin to mind rape. 

Influencing spells where you influence the other means that love is already there and we are just giving it a little push,  the other kind though we are basically adding energy to change the will and inner desire of the individual. 

We have found that spells where one lover is forced to love another tend to require constant energy for any lasting effect. As time goes on it also gets harder and harder to keep the individual bound to you. This also does not produce a truly loving relationship as the individual that is forced to stay ends up growing resentful over time and more energy is needed to keep the spell going.  

We have items within our store that can help you find love though and can help you to let go of blocks and energies that are holding you back from finding love and really embracing it.  

For loving yourself and learning to value yourself and appreciate the amazing individual that you are we recommend our Solar Beauty Magickal.. Click here to view them!

We would also recommend our Rosier’s Exploration of Love as this magickal can help you to free and release the energies that are preventing you from attaining love.   Click Here to view them!

Or our Lord Rosier’s Burst of Passion – Divine Love Candle is another amazing tool for helping you to find and embrace love in your life. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Astarte and Asmodeus Ritual of Love and Soul Mates to shift your energies and bring to you a passionate soul mate and lover.  Click here to view the ritual!

We offer the various vessels for our demon and spirit companions which act as focal points for working with them.  Below you will find a list of the vessels types that we offer.  

Pendants: Our pendants are Sterling Silver with Various Gemstones embedded into them.  

Rings: Our rings are also sterling silver with Various gemstones embedded into them.  We have all sizes, if you would like a specific size please let us know.  

Bracelets: We have various bracelets that can be selected for a companion vessel.

Polished Gems: We have various polished gemstones that can be used for vessels.  We have a variety of Crystals in stock, you can let your companion select the one they prefer or you 

Beads: We have different beads and charms that can be used as vessels, if you would like one of these please select it from the option.  

Aura Link:  We also offer Aura linking where we create an energy link between you and your spirit companion to help attune you to their energies and connect with them.  Instead of creating the focal point in the vessel, we will create a focal point directly to you through your aura.

Questions about Spiritual Foundation and Development

This is a very good question. I appreciate those who has asked it and I am glad I get the chance to answer it.  The short answer is for the same reason that I pay my accountant to do my taxes instead of doing it myself,  But I will elaborate on that in this post as this is a very layered and a very, very good question.

There are many layers to conjuring.  It is a skill set that takes years to develop.  It also takes years to develop the connections to the different demonic realms.

What realm are you conjuring from?  Is it the outer spiritual world, an inner spiritual world?  Have you been there?  Have you negotiated with the demons? 

There are many places that one can get Demon Companions from. As conjurers we take years to develop the traveling skills and the techniques to screen the demons that we bring through.  We have the places where we have connections with the demons there to find them. It is something that we have spent our lives building up. This is a skill set that takes many years to master.  There is the element of uncovering the realms and learning about the demons and the different species that you are conjuring.  Then there is the element of learning about how best to bring the demon through into this realm.  How to create a link, how to create the bindings, how to screen them.

There are times when sludge beings come through instead and they try to imitate the demons that are coming through. I have had this happen and had to banish them and I have 5 – 35 safety rituals (depending on the demon species) to make sure that what I am bringing through is safe and won’t cause damage.  It’s a skill set in its own.

There is the personal element of walking the path, but as Lord Mammon always tells me you can either be the jack of all trades or you can surround yourself with people who are experts in their field.  Learning and developing a foundation and moving towards what you excel at is how I view this path. But that means that in pursuit of my path, I will need to have experts to help in areas that I am weak at.  In our 80 or so years it is impossible to learn everything and there are people who are naturally better at things than I am. Which is why I hire an accountant to do my taxes, a lawyer to handle my legal and an assistant to help keep me organized.  There is a huge skill set in learning to conjure and connect with demons. It is something that by all means you can pursue, but it is a skill set on its own that one must master.

You can approach the Dark Lords and ask them to grant you a familiar.  Sometimes they do grant you one, sometimes they don’t. It all depends on them. Then you have to screen it, you have to connect with it and you have to learn about it and what it does.  You still have to put in the work that a conjurer does so you will still have to develop the skills to make sure that you are getting the correct information.

Conjurers have a very specific skill set which they use, and they spend years building up connections and forming relationships with the beings and realms they wish to conjure from.   It takes time to not only form connections with the Dark Lords, but also with the perspective realms and regions where the demons reside.

I have been asked if the Demons will think less of you for buying a demon.  They would not think less of you.  I know Mammon rewards me when I learn how to delegate. It is something I myself have had trouble balancing and it is something that he has been working with me to learn to do.

Delegating and finding masters in their fields to compliment what you do raises your energies and it also raises the collective energies of the group.  Azazel especially I know believes in mastery of the self, but mastery usually means that you will excel in some areas and not others.  A World Class Gymnast would be a master gymnast, but they might not know how to balance their chequebook.  So it never hurts to surround yourself with people who are strong in areas that you are weak.

With conjures I even purchase conjures from different conjurers who I trust because we all have different energy vibrations and we are open to different realms.  Many of the conjurers that I buy from conjure from places that I am not connected to,  having their energies and expertise adds to my own path and helps me to grow.  My speciality is demons, they have always been and will always be my speciality, but that does not take away from the people who specialize in other areas. They offer amazing and incredible beings as well.  The diversity of skill is one thing that makes this community and this path so amazing.

At the end of the day I can try to do my taxes by myself, I can try to do my own bookkeeping. When I tried to do my bookkeeping myself it took me 6 weeks and I was so frustrated and it was taking away from my true path and my work,  It cost me $600 to get my bookkeeping done,  and then 20 minutes to put it all together and take it to my accountant.  The one time I tried to do my accounting on my own, well, that is a dark time of my life.  It costs me $700 to get my accountant to do it and he is amazing.  So yes I will spend the $1300 to save the time and help me focus on what I desire and my passion.  They have spent the time and the years to learn the skills to charge that price, and I appreciate and respect their skills and have no issues paying for it.  Raising your vibrations also means surrounding yourself with people who have skills in areas you are weak in. This gives you the time to embrace what you are passionate about.

That is from my experience with them. Your personal experience with this will be unique to you as that is also the nature of the path. Though we do say if you are drawn to a particular demon who has come through it never hurts to have a visit and see how you feel.  There is no commitment and you always have the right to say no.  Our main goal is to match clients with the demon that is perfect for them and their path. Sometimes that can take time and it should.

You should always make sure this is what is right for you.  People offer services in areas that they are masters in. Sometimes those services are right for you, sometimes they are not, but only you can make that call.

We are very happy and proud to offer the demons that we conjure, it is something that we take pride in and love doing. If you are drawn to it we will be happy to help you and if not, well we still would love to have you in our community.  It is all part of the diversity of walking on the Left Hand Path.

I have been asked this a few times.  People are confused why I work with demons and why I attribute my success to them.  They feel that my results are not from my work with demons but from my own efforts and dedication.

While it is true that I would not have gotten where I am without my own dedication and commitment to this work, it is not all on my efforts.  People will spend their entire life spinning their wheels and get nothing.  If hard work was the end all and be all, everyone who worked hard would get ahead.  In the end though, most people will spend their lives stuck, never accomplishing anything even if they worked hard.  What the demons bring is the opportunity, the amazing opportunities and the connections.  I say working with them is 50/50. You put in your 50% and they will put in 50%.  There are energies and vibrations which allow us to step out of these places and without being guided to what those energy vibrations are, we can essentially become stuck and unable to jump to the level of attainment that we wish to attain,

I believe that there are many gods and the when we connect to them and are aligned with the energies that we resonate with, that is when we can attain phenomenal results.  I do not believe there is one set path for everything, but I do believe that when an individual findz their path and finds the spiritual area they are passionate about, that is when they can attain incredible results.  Those who attain success have an alignment in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual vibrations and it is from that alignment that they are able to manifest. People get results from connecting with gods who they are aligned with whether that be Christianity, Hinduism or in our case Satanism.

I actually think success in itself is wonderful and that we should be celebrating success with those who attain it, no matter what spiritual path they are on.  It raises the energy vibrations for everyone.  My energies naturally align with demons and the dark lords, so this is the area where I will find success.

When I started working with demons a lot of things happened.  The second I started working with them I was given opportunities and was able to meet people who opened up some pretty powerful doors.  I heard Mammon, he told me things I had never heard before, introduced me to people who told me things that were incredible.

It was about 5 years after working with him that everything fell apart.  It fell apart because it was time, it was time for me to move on. It was time for me to expand beyond where I was and to step into my own vibrational layers.  I valued my time with these people but I knew it was time to spread my wings and fly if I was going to make it in the area I wanted to.    I believe that Mammon set up that situation to inundate me with those success energies.  Some people would say it was luck, but I believe it was them aligning me with what I needed, to learn the lessons to get where I wanted to go.

I have a dream life and everything I desire and it gets better every single day, so a better question is, why would I stop doing what works so well?  I find it so interesting that people challenge me on things, it is like they are uncomfortable with my beliefs but my beliefs are not for them to be comfortable with.  They are my beliefs and they come from my experiences, like everything in this world.

Can you pull money out of thin air?  I can and have.

Have you dined with billionaires and the elite? I have.

Have you traveled around the world and been to incredible places?  I have taken my children to Disneyland multiple times and stayed at top quality resorts and traveled to many corners of the world.

I mean, what I am doing is working… why would I change it? Just because other people don’t understand why I do things?  I never base my actions, thoughts or beliefs on what others think of me.  It is how I broke out of the chains that bound me.  I am living it to the fullest, and yes I have Mammon to thank for it and all the demons I work with.

I believe in my own inner power and that this power can rise from understanding the subconscious mind.  But I also believe that there are external forces as well, it is a combination and a mix of both of them.  I believe it is this understanding of this balance why some people rise to the top, and others spend their entire lives spinning their wheels, working hard, but never getting anywhere.

I walk with demons and learn from them and respect them as I would any human mentor. This is respect for one who understands more than I do and is educating me.   I find there is indoctrination when we are young that we have to do things ourself and never ask for help.   It actually is an interesting mindset that we do not need help.  I have found that those who surround themselves with brilliant minds and create teams and systems go further than those who try to go it alone.  There is a team effort in success and this is the next level beyond the inner world.  Control your inner world, embrace your outer world and know that there is so much more out there than you can even fathom.

Healthy respect and appreciation for someone who knows more than I do is very different than blind worship.  I do not think there is any harm in learning from those who know more than you, and the demons they know a lot more then I do, they are a lot wiser then I am, and it would be foolish of me to not thank them for everything that they have done for me.

So, thank you from the deepest part of my heart and soul, to all the demons that walk with me, guide me and support me on this journey <3

Can your spirits and entities work effectively with people of various religious backgrounds?

The demons that we screen are not bothered by other religions. In fact, many of them are curious about other religions and perspectives.  We also have sone demons we offer, such as the Devotion demons who enjoy learning about different religions.  Yes, you can take their vessels to your places of worship, that will not be a problem for the demon.

There is a lot of speculation about demons being incompatible with other faiths and peoples, but really demons are just a divine spiritual being. They are divine in essence and divine in their darkness.  While there are personal conflicts that can arise between various members of certain groups, when we are screening, we take care to make sure the demon that comes through for you is a match on all levels. That also means a match for any religious background that you have or that other members of your family have.

It is not uncommon for your demon to gently assist your elderly mother who is a devoted catholic in a discreet way, to make sure she is safe.  They see things beyond the scope of our human judgement, and their perception of the world is different than ours.  If you have a specific religious background and are still called to work with a demon, we can accommodate.  The only thing that is very important is to just treat your demon with respect. Don’t attack them, abuse them, curse at them or try to force them to do things.  Accept them and they will accept you.

Does the vessel have to be around in order to work with the demon?

The physical vessels acts as a focus point but it is not necessary for communication. You do not have to have it on you to have them communicate with you and work with you.   When demons first arrive, the physical vessel allows for a point of connection, which will allow you to attune to their energies and help channel their energies when working with them.

Over time though, you will learn to sense your demon and communicate with their energies. That connection will become stronger so you will not need the physical vessel. Though many people like to keep them and have them close, as many times demons will enchant and cast spells on their vessels as gifts to their human companions.

Why can’t Satanists work with Christians?  I do not mean devout Christians, I mean non-practising ones who are Christian in name only.  Ones who do not go to church but just are naturally aligned to those energies.  

This is a very layered question.  I think there is a lot of pain that many on the Left Hand Path have not healed, which is why many are so opposed to Christianity and other faiths of that nature.  Many of the people on the LHP have been hurt by the RHP and there are layers to things that have to be healed.  This is completely understandable in many situations as often time hurt and pain comes with the need to heal and a time when there will be lashing out towards the other side.  This does not mean though that it should stay that way and I think that there should be a push to finding common ground and open communication and also accepting that there are many different paths out there.  It doesn’t mean we have to agree with the other side, in fact considering the nature of each path there will always be disagreements, but that doesn’t mean that we cannot get along, or at least agree to disagree.

I think that when one on the RHP is respectful of one on the LHP and vice versa, incredible discussions can happen. A discussion of philosophies without attempts of conversion makes for wonderful conversation on both ends.  I just think that there sometimes involves healing and setting boundaries to get to that place, which is not a bad thing either.

I personally have no issues with Christians, I actually enjoy having discussion with them and others of that nature who are open to a respectful dialogue.  It does not bother me at all.  I think in the grand scheme of things, there is darkness and there is light. People need to find their balance and the path that works for them.  If they find that in Christianity, wonderful, if they find that in Satanism, wonderful.  In the end people have to follow the path that speaks to them.

Doesn’t everything come from the same spiritual source?

I do agree with that and I feel the spiritual world is big enough for everyone.  There are many paths and many roads to walk. I personally believe that all religions have elements of truth to them and all religions will have pieces of the puzzle.  I enjoy studying different faiths and religions. Yes at times they are incompatible. At other times there are disagreements and fighting, but that is not a bad thing.  I think it leads to interesting discussions and is just a part of life here.

There are conflicts, there are disagreements, there are also powerful discussions and moments of clarity and unity.  It is all part of the journey here.   We do accept people of all faiths and backgrounds.  I believe all paths have a place in the whole spiritual structure and it is up to the individual to follow the path that is true to their heart.

Q.  Akelta would you explain please about the ethics inherent in trying to use demons to control a romantic partner who is not interested in being controlled?

A.  Yes, I can answer that… Ethically speaking it is not really redeemable in any way,  it’s black magick through and through and I personally think it is worse than curses.  Controlling another in this manner is essentially mind rape.  Love coercions of this nature compel the other person to act against their wishes and desires.  Basically, their internal energies are saying no, but the external energies are saying yes. So you get an endless battle where eventually the person’s will is going to win out.    It is like a spiritual rape drug in essence.  I personally do not do work like this for this very reason.

There is another side to this too, the most effective method of this is energy influencing. Because you are going against what the person desires, one would have to continually add more energy for it to be effective.  Over time it will corrode though, then when the person wakes up they will be filled with anger and rage.  It is similar to the effects of a person waking up from being in a narcissistic relationship and realizing that the person they thought they loved, was abusing them through subtle manipulation.

Adding demons to the mix it gets even more interesting because of the fact that demons are all about lessons. They are not servants, they are teachers and mentors and if someone asks for this there are lessons in them that they have to learn about why they would want to impose their will on another who is unwilling, so… what you get is a situation that is destined to backfire and when it does, adding demonic energy to the equation, the results will be, well, very “educating.”

Q: I am a boy but i wish to be a girl i feel i should have been a girl how can you help me?  Please help me i am willing to do anything…

A: Thank you for your email. This is a very big request. I understand fully being born in the wrong vessel to navigate this world. You say that you are a boy but feel you should have been a girl. My personal feeling is that you are what you feel like you are. If your soul and inside is a girl, then you ARE a girl. It doesn’t matter what society sees. Our flesh vessels are nothing more than seats in which our souls sit to experience different challenges to enhance our soul journeys.

There are certain physical and hormonal changes that can reconcile the inner soul with the outer vessel, however, these are physical matters that cannot be changed by magick. My suggestion on that would be to try to get into a good gender therapy program as soon as possible if you can. Don’t delay- the treatments available for reconciling one to their true gender are incredible nowadays. There are many ways where you can awaken what your truth is embrace who you are on the inside.

Magick, however, can help you overcome a lot of the pain associated with this and help your soul and bring out your inner Goddess. This requires a lot of self work and inner strength on your part- for this sort of magick comes from within you. You can bring her out and let her shine no matter what the physical limitations or medical limitations in your area. I would suggest working closely with Powerful Female Deities who can help you tap into your true soul gender and enhance your femininity. I would suggest working with Lady Lilith who is the Vampiric Goddess of feminine empowerment and one who can help you to awaken the power of the passionate primal feminine and help you to step into the body and energy you know that you are meant to be.

Lady Rashoon is another one, her energies are more gentle and she works with the softer attributes of the divine feminine, she can help you to discover your own personal essence in the divine feminine and can help you to claim your personal vibration.

This message is true of girls who know that they are boys at heart. If you feel in your heart that you are a boy then you are a boy and it does not matter what society thinks or says, you know yourself better then anyone and in the end you have to do what is best and right for you and no one should be trying to tell you otherwise. You can also explore many different options to help you to transform your appearance so that what you feel you should be on the inside, matches what you see on the outside.

The demons who you can work with to help you empower your masculine essence are. Asmodeus. The Demon of Lust and Passion but also an incredible masculine force. He can help you to love yourself and find your confidence. He can also help you to align with your masculinity and embrace who you are as a man, define your place amongst the divine masculine and live as you feel called.

Another amazing demon for you guys to work with is Astaroth. Astaroth is an interesting demon, have both a male and a female form and being a demon who is bi or duel gendered. Meaning that their essence compromises the balance of both the masculine and feminine and they have been able to help people to awake and bring out their true nature.

Good luck to you and remember there are option for you and there is a lot of empowerment one can find with transformation of the self!

Q: I want to be your apprentice, please mentor me!

A: Unfortunately we aren’t taking on one-on-one magickal apprentices at this time.  Though if you are interested from learning from us we do offer information, lessons and exercise on our online forum.  Satan and Suns. Membership is free to join! We like to offer community learning and growth and like to cultivate a positive and nurturing learning environment where anyone can grow and learn.  This is what we have found to be the most efficient and powerful method to teach people from and it is also a great way for people to share experiences and their own personal gnosis from their own path.  

In the future we will be offering online courses, books, and lessons down the road to continue to help people on their spiritual paths!  Our personal philosophy is that there is not just one path that is right, it is that all paths, and cultures and traditions have their place in their world. It is something that we feel strongly with that by sharing our paths and discussing things from a respectful place, we can all grow and learn.  

There are going to be things that we disagree on and this is ok! No one should have to compromise their values, but we can all respectfully disagree when we cross those bridges.  The sharing of information and wisdom though allows people to see through the eyes of others and to learn through our individual gnosis.  We have found this is one of the most powerful and incredible teaching methods and it is why we have chosen to teach from this platform.

The notion of soul binding is creating an energy link between your auric energies and your companions auric energies. This is an incredible way to connect with your companion and to feel their energies while allowing them to feel your energies. While there are methods that essentially trap the companion within your body, these are not methods that we practise as they are both cruel and unsafe. People have suffered horrible fates having entities that are trapped within them, so we have developed our own ritual to ensure that the methods are both safe and humane.

Yes, we do our own version of a soul binding ritual.  It is our aura binding ritual as we create a link between your companions energies and the layers of your aura to enhance the connection between you and your companion. This ritual process links the layers of your aura to the layers of there’s to assist with connection and communication. It also helps you and your companion to get a feel for each other and work together in a closer manner.

A physical vessel acts as a physical focal point for working with your companion and having that physical link that helps you to connect with them. While both methods, physical vessel and aura binding, have their benefits, it comes down to the individual. Which method do you prefer and which one helps you connect. This is different for everyone so there is no right or wrong choice or better or worse choice. It all comes down to preference.

This process is safe as we ensure that when these energies are flexible and not restrictive. This means that there is no danger to your or your companion and you both will remain free while being connected. There is also no soul obligation or contract that must be fulfilled for this process, just the normal respect that we show to all our companions.

 There is the option to select Aura binding instead of Vessel binding on the purchase page 🙂 

Q: Why do the scrolls take so long to complete?

A:The answer to this is… the Sigils… 

The sigils can take us a while at times, and we do apologize for that, but we would rather get you a sigil that resonates with your demon that is what they want us to reveal to you, than something that doesn’t represent them.

We really do take time to meditate with them, connecting with their energies, learning about them and recreating a sigil that represents them.  This can take time, especially with some demons, some have simple designs they want to impart, others it is very complicated.  It is a process and it is not something that we rush.  

The sigil creation process is sacred and it is something that we take our time with and something that we do not want to force.  Working with the energies, we are serious about what we do and when connecting to the energies we take the time to translate them and make sure that what we are sending you is accurate and in tune with your demon’s energies. 

We continually seek to improve our method of acquiring them and getting a solid representation of the demon’s energy who resonates with that sigil. Some are easier then others.

Recently though we have found that we have been having to enter an altered state in order to see the sigil in its multidimensional form, then return and create a representation of that on a 2 dimensional piece of paper. This can be time consuming as we really strive to represent them to the best of our abilities and skills. Sometimes we will create a sigil and it wont feel right, something is wrong, it is either missing a line, or the shape is off and we will go back and work on it until it resonates with your demon. 

We were a lot faster with the scrolls when we were not offering the sigils. They are what causes the delay, and we do apologize for that, and really appreciate your patience.

Q: What is the best option of your third eye workings? 

~Uphir psychic surgery
~Satanic Orb spell
~Hecate Psychic Gifts Enhancement

A:It is hard to say what the best option is, as they all are unique and wonderful workings, but I will lay out their differences so that you can see which one will suit your situation the best.

The Uphir Third Eye Workingis an energetic working to clear any sludge blockages, brain connectivity issues, and to clear the third eye for developing. It is performed with Lord Uphir.  The working goes deep into your third eye and cleanses the chakra, activates dormant gifts that you have, attunes you to various spiritual frequencies and also makes sure your third eye is connected and functioning as it should be.  This is a great working to start with as we really do a deep cleanse of your chakra and make sure that all the energies are flowing smoothly.  Our philosophy is that the third eye is a muscle and that working with it and training it will make it strong and sharp so we include post attunement exercises  to help you continue your third eye growth and development.  It is a very powerful working and a great one for people to start with.   

The Satanic Orbis a powerful energy tool that is created by Lord Satan and attached to your Chakra.  It is attuned to the demonic frequencies and aligned with the energies of darkness so you are naturally attuned to demons, the Dark Lords, and many other dark entities.  Different spiritual beings exist at different spiritual frequencies and this tool helps you awaken dark creativity and can enhance connections with the Dark Lords. This is a good spell to have cast if you are looking to shift your third eye work to darker elements and work with it for dark creativity and working with demons.  It will bring you closer to the demonic frequencies and help you to understand them and work with them. The dark currents of divinity are wonderful and incredible and the Satanic Orb aligns you with those currents.  You can get this spell cast at anytime.  It is open to anyone who feels called to the Darkness you do not need to be a Satanist, Demonolotor or Demonosopher to have it cast. Anyone can have it cast and it is a powerful tool for anyone who wishes to work with the dark currents and connect to the creatures of the night.  

The Hekate Psychic Gifts Enhancementis a ritual that lasts for three days.  It is designed to tap into your natural psychic skills and infuse them with the powerful energies of Lady Hekate.  This ritual for three days infuses you with her powerful psychic vibrations.  They target your third eye and your natural skills.  It also targets dormant gifts and helps them to grow and awaken.  The powers of this spell are meant to enhance your work.  This is a great spell to have cast after the Third Eye Working because it works to take the abilities that you are working with and empower them.  Strengthening your natural skills and awakening your natural abilities.  Lady Hekate is the Empress of Magick and her abilities empower and inspire all that she touches.  She is the balance of light and darkness and she knows the dark secrets of the shadow.  

I have been asked this a few times, people wanting me to scan their vessels and see if they are empty.  This is not a service that S&S will do and I will tell you why…

First…yes there are conjurers out there that are scammers and just sell blank rings but there are also sellers out there that shield and distort the energies around their bindings because they don’t want things to be scanned or stolen. On top of that, there are thieves out there in the community who do no research on their own and just prey off of other conjurers who actually do their research.   Ironically these ones are probably the ones invoking fear into the buyers and telling them that they are cursed, or blocked or that their vessel is empty.  It really is a shameful practise all around and hurts people on their spiritual path.  Usually if someone is willing to put in the time to talk to you, answer your questions, cast for you and work energies for you, they know what they are doing.  This is why it is so important in the beginning to ask many questions of your conjurer and see if they are approachable.

Honestly, I won’t get mad for being asked questions, I only get mad when people bad mouth me behind my back for things that I did not do, or because I didn’t say what they wanted me to say.  Those are things that upset me, asking me questions though even confronting me with your feelings will not make me mad.

Second…This can be a horrible practise, there are sellers out there that make a profit from scanning vessels of people who are having trouble connecting to their entities and spirits and will tell them there is nothing there.  It honestly discredits the whole community when sellers do this! It is impossible that there is only one seller out there that can do this! This is an ancient practise that has been used by magicians for over 6000 years and every family, every family has their own methods! So for one conjurer to know the vibrational frequency and to be able to identify all the species, all the vibrational frequencies and all the conjuring locations of everything in the spiritual world is folly.  It is impossible.  In my Facebook feed I have certain conjurers pop up and sometimes I don’t feel anything from the listings,  usually this is because I am not attuned to that frequency.  We all have entities that we work well with.  Some people connect strongly with some more then other beings.    Others still you will have to work to attune yourself to,

Attunement is the key, when an entity or spirit is from a region with a specific vibration and you are not attuned to it, you are not going to sense it! Necromancy is the art of speaking to the dead and it requires a very different set of skills and attunements to working with living entities.   This does not mean that one is not viable and the other is, this just means that they require a different set of skills.

I have also had people approach me with vessels from other sellers and myself that they say others have said are empty!  This statement actually flat out shows that the person who said it is slightly ignorant of the binding process, especially my binding process…

What do they mean empty? 

Do they mean that there is no entity within the vessel?  Ummm of course not! This comes from the old Djinn in a Bottle Mythos. All those Djinn who were bound forcibly in a bottle and ordered to grant wishes and do their master’s will.  Even the Disney movie Aladdin got it right, they are prisoners.  They are entrapped in their vessel and locked in it, which means that it is a forcible binding, so of course if you are scanning for something that is trapped and locked in a ring you are not going to find it, this is because this is one set of bindings and a set of binding that I do not agree with or use.

My bindings are flexible bindings which means that the energy in the Crystal is combined with specific energies attuned to the demons to bridge the connection between the demons realm and our realm and create a focal point for interaction, influence and communication. Once you are properly attuned to your demons energies, you won’t even need the vessel unless you want to have it or if you have a special ritual that you do with the demon that includes their vessel.

Do they mean there is no energy attached to the Vessel? 

Well this is just silly, the Crystal itself has energy so of course the vessel has energies and also the bindings are crafted using the crystal’s energies. So if you don’t know what you are looking for you might just feel the energies of the crystal.  This does not mean the vessel is empty, this just means the person doesn’t know what they are looking for and cannot sense energies.

Most people can feel something coming off the vessels, a powerful force, an energy vibration, a pressure on their third eye, they will feel drawn to the vessel.  Even the other day I was out for breakfast with a friend and she looked at Tigers ring and said, that ring has such incredible power to it, it has incredible spiritual vibrations, and I just smiled. She didn’t know it had Tiger’s bindings attached to it.  There will just be something about the vessel that is enticing to those who are spiritually sensitive.

A lot of times when people say that vessels are empty they have ulterior motives.  True conjurers want people to connect and work with spirits and they support this community.  They want it to grow and thrive so they will either refer the individual back to their conjurer for help, or they will offer suggestions helping them to connect.  It is really important in the beginning to do your research and make sure you select a conjurer you trust,  but it is equally important to be careful what people tell you.  Many scammers have ulterior motives and like to incite fear and panic to block people’s skills, cut down their confidence and sell them their snake oil skin.

On any spiritual path, come from a place of empowerment, not a place of fear.  If someone is pushing fear I would question their motives.  Spiritual Conjurers should be seeking to empower people who work with spirits and ones that come from fear are highly suspicious.

Be empowered! Be Inspired, and remember you are stronger then you think!

Demonic Bindings and Demon Companions :When you bring home a demon, there is not a magick switch or word that you use to activate them. They are living entities and there is a time frame to bond with them. You are brining home a being that has feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Demons are sensient and it is important to know that when you are working with them, you are essentially inviting them to join your family and working with them as a friend and mentor.

Just like the demons in the goetia you need to take the time to work with the demon, learning to communicate with them, building your spiritual foundation so you have the tools and knowledge for working with them from a respectful place. 

Our path is one of working with demons from a highly respectful place, working with them on a personal level and learning the abundance of wisdom they can share with us. We love the demons that we work with, they are like our friends, our family, and we treat them as such.

We DO NOT condone abuse of demons in any way or mistreating them with blasting rods and other archaic tools. These are not the practises that we endorse or promote. We are about working with demons and all spiritual beings from a respectful place where there is a mutually beneficial exchange of energies between both parties.

Demons that are bound to vessels are not trapped in their vessels, and they are not forced into it in any way. An energetic link is bound between the crystal/jewellery and the demon to assist you with connecting and bonding. What we do as priestess’s is venture into the spiritual world and find a demon who wishes to work with a human, it is much like the process in many cultures of finding familiars and spirit guides.

There are billions of demons out there, they are not limited to the ones in the ancient books, and our job is to go out, meet them, make sure they are demons, make sure they are safe to work with (there are many malicious creatures likes sludges and parasites that masquerade as demons) and then link them to a vessel to help you connect with them. We provide you with their information, their sigil and various methods or connecting.

It is true that anyone can go out and find their own demons, but we have trained for years to master this skill and just like I would rather hire an electrician to re wire my house, or a lawyer to handle my legal affairs many people prefer to ask a trusted professional to help match them with their demons, and that is what we do. We are Demonic Priestesses who have worked with the dark lords for years and specialize in discover, uncovering and finding new demons and species and matching them with a human companion for the benefit of both.

This is a question that we get a lot.  We do not cast love spells of this nature due to the fact that we do not know enough about the individual situation to know if this is just an influencing spell, or an actual spell that is akin to mind rape. 

Influencing spells where you influence the other means that love is already there and we are just giving it a little push,  the other kind though we are basically adding energy to change the will and inner desire of the individual. 

We have found that spells where one lover is forced to love another tend to require constant energy for any lasting effect. As time goes on it also gets harder and harder to keep the individual bound to you. This also does not produce a truly loving relationship as the individual that is forced to stay ends up growing resentful over time and more energy is needed to keep the spell going.  

We have items within our store that can help you find love though and can help you to let go of blocks and energies that are holding you back from finding love and really embracing it.  

For loving yourself and learning to value yourself and appreciate the amazing individual that you are we recommend our Solar Beauty Magickal.. Click here to view them!

We would also recommend our Rosier’s Exploration of Love as this magickal can help you to free and release the energies that are preventing you from attaining love.   Click Here to view them!

Or our Lord Rosier’s Burst of Passion – Divine Love Candle is another amazing tool for helping you to find and embrace love in your life. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Astarte and Asmodeus Ritual of Love and Soul Mates to shift your energies and bring to you a passionate soul mate and lover.  Click here to view the ritual!

We offer the various vessels for our demon and spirit companions which act as focal points for working with them.  Below you will find a list of the vessels types that we offer.  

Pendants: Our pendants are Sterling Silver with Various Gemstones embedded into them.  

Rings: Our rings are also sterling silver with Various gemstones embedded into them.  We have all sizes, if you would like a specific size please let us know.  

Bracelets: We have various bracelets that can be selected for a companion vessel.

Polished Gems: We have various polished gemstones that can be used for vessels.  We have a variety of Crystals in stock, you can let your companion select the one they prefer or you 

Beads: We have different beads and charms that can be used as vessels, if you would like one of these please select it from the option.  

Aura Link:  We also offer Aura linking where we create an energy link between you and your spirit companion to help attune you to their energies and connect with them.  Instead of creating the focal point in the vessel, we will create a focal point directly to you through your aura.