Most Popular Frequently Asked Questions

No,  there are no negative side effects of having a demon companion when they are conjured correctly. We have a very careful screening process to make sure that you are getting a genuine outer spiritual world demon who wishes to work with you and help you on this journey. Spirit guides are a natural part of our journey here. We have spirit guides and companions around us already, they are apart of our existence here and they help us on this journey.

Demon companion are very powerful spirit guides who come into your life to help you as a friend and mentor. They are not here to hurt you, possess you, or try to damage you in any way. With our screening, they will not even shift the world around you if they know it is going to damage you or those close to you. Unlike some spirits who will take the path of least resistance, Demon Companions from S&S will actually weight the options and will take the fastest route in a way that does not brings harm to you. They are powerful and sentient beings and so long as you treat them with respect you will be fine.

People who have not worked with demons before or for who this is their first time might experience a slight headache, or feel energy shifts from adjustments within them. This is completely normal and nothing to be alarmed at. Demonic frequencies are something that not everyone has been exposed to and like anything new there will be an adjustment phase. Make sure you are grounding and cleansing and just give your energy the time it need to adjust to your new friend. These symptoms usually subside within a week of meeting your companion and beginning your work with them.

They are incredible but like most things we only recommend you bring a companion home if you feel called to them and if you feel that you can handle their energies. Demon companions are not for everyone, it is important to make sure that you are connecting with one for the right reasons.

Category: Companions

What Are Demon Companions?

People have asked me many times what demons are, and it is a very good question, everything that is dark seems to get categorized as a demon when really there are thousands of different dark creatures and entities out there, some that are incredibly dangerous and destructive, and they are not demons.

A demon has a specific type of black energy. It is not an evil energy (though it can be used that way) it is a beautiful black energy that is very powerful. Hellborns and Lowborns have it, Fallen Angels have it, Imps have it, Succubi and Incubi have it, and all those I would class as Demons because they all carry this energy. It is a very beautiful pure black energy which is dark, can be evil, and is powerful. This black energy even exists in the auras of some humans. I categorize it as Demonic Black energy. This energy is in all demons. 

Demon are their own species, they are darker and some are very evil and capable of dark acts, but they also can be very loving and capable of kindness and love, they are incredible beings and are very diverse in personality and energy spectrums. They have been given a bad name and labeled but that is changing and in the past there have been lots of things that have been labeled negative and nefarious when really it was just misunderstood, and demons are one of those species that are very misunderstood!

I find working with demons, they shine a light in the areas I don’t always want to look, they show me things about myself I don’t always want to accept, they help me to accept all of me for me, even the parts of myself that this world tells me are wrong and bad.  They help me find true balance and look deep into my core self, embracing myself for who I am completely.  Working with them has been a journey of healing and embracing who I am at the core level, never surrendering of bowing down to another’s expectations of myself.  That is why demons are shunned and hated in this world, they accept the sides of yourself that we are told to repress, they bring you face to face with things that are uncomfortable and scary, but through that journey they guide you to your core strength and show you who you are without limits, without reservations and how powerful you truly are.

Demon Companions in History

The concept of a Demon Companion is not new. For centuries witches and those who walked on various spiritual paths have worked with spirit companions and demon companions, walking side by side with them working on their magickal practised. They are known to those of the magical ways and act as spiritual guides and familiars.

Even in the Goetia, Lord Paimon is known for granting familiars “He giveth good Familiars, and such as can teach all Arts.” It is a concept that is ages old. One of humans working with Demons and Demon Companions.

Demon Companions are empowering and incredible, bestowing amazing gifts upon those who work with them. When we walk with Demon Companions they become a deep part of our lives and can guide us, helping us to manifest what it is that we need and desire.

Demons have taught me that the greatest lessons are usually when we stumble and they give us little

moments of connection and clarity that can make life so amazing and fill it with such meaning and wonder. What is good and what is bad, it is all perspective, sometimes the most disastrous moments, cause lead to the most beautiful realizations and profound lessons. Life should not be perfect, it should be clumsy, fun and spontaneous!

A walk with a Demon Companion…

And I was taken to a room, escourted by two demons, and there before me on a throne was my demon companion, he looked at me with those sharp incredible eyes and said “what would you like to embrace tonight?”

I looked back at him and said, “take me to the unknown realms and show me sights that I have never seen.”

He smiled at me and reached out his hand. Upon taking it he stated “I will show you sights no mortal has ever seen, take you places few have ever been and reveal to you the wisdom of the ancients.” 

With that we were off into the darkness.

Category: Companions

For those of us who have embraced having a familiar demon in our lives we have found such incredible and profound experiences really the benefits are numerous!

Quite often I am asked about working with the Goetic Demons and Other Dark Lords and how connecting with them is different from working with a Demon Familiar, or Demon Companion.  Well that question is very simple and easy to answer;

Working with the Goetic Demons or the Dark Lords is more like going and seeing a professional and asking them for help, yes relationships can be build with Demons over time, but there is a amazing benefit to having a familiar demon walk with you on this journey.

A Demon Companion is a familiar demon who works directly with you, they understand your situation, they talk with you, they walk this journey with you, they live with you and they have a deeper and a very intimate understanding of you and your situation.

Some of us have had familiar demons who have been with us since they time we were born.  They have protected us, nurtured us and guided us on this journey, helping to protect us in times of trouble and steer us away from dangerous people or situations.  Sometimes we have lessons that we need to learn, but overall a Demon Companion will do their best to personally make sure that we are safe and protected.

Some call them Guardian Demons, Demon Familiars or Demon Companions, though there are differences in the terms which we talk about more here.

Those of us who are born on the darker paths and resonate with the darker energies of the spiritual world will find that there may already be demon familiars around us, guiding us and helping us.

The notion of a Demon Familiar or Demon Companion, (as those of us who have found great friendships and mentors in demons call them) is not a new one.  For centuries witches have had familiars and guides assisting them, some claimed that these familiars were demons, though the reality is they could have been any number of different spiritual beings.  We all come from different paths and some people find familiars in nature spirits, fae, and other creatures while those who walk the darker paths have found familiars in demons.

Even among Demonology the notion of a Demon Familiar or Demon Companion is not uncommon.  Some of the Goetic Demons such as the Fallen Angels and Dark Lord Paimon, have been known to grant familiars to those who work with him.  There are other demons and Dark Lords who will grant familiar demons, guardian demons and demon companions to those who are walking with them, to guide them and assist them in their daily life.

There are many benefits to working with a familiar demon,  I will list a few of them here;

1) A Familiar Demon is one who lives with you and works exclusively with you, they know you, they understand you, they understand your moods and mannerisms and why you do the things you do.  They get to work intimately with you and so they have an deeper level of understanding as you as a person and therefor can greatly assist you in your walking around life and attaining the goals that you wish to attain.

2) A Familiar Demon becomes a personal friend and mentor.  Those of us who walk with demon companions from a respectful place understand that they are incredibly powerful and amazing spiritual beings who should be respected.

We invite Demon Companions into our lives and they become like a friend and mentor.  Sometimes we share sad moments together, sometimes funny moments, sometimes deep and powerful moments, but they are there for you and become someone that you can confide in and look for guidance in times of crisis.  They are very powerful and wise and can be comforting and nurturing.

It is very important when working with them to show them respect and treat them as you would want to be treated.  They are not malicious cruel creatures that many make them out to be, they are divine and powerful beings that can help guide you in the most profound ways.

3) A Familiar demon can greatly assist you in attaining your life goals.  They can be a mentor and collaborator.  They are one who has seen countless things and are wise beyond measure and they can assist us with goal planning and manifesting. They also have influence over the energies of the universe and they can help us to shift things so that we can manifest and get what we want in a faster time.  With Demons they do expect us to put in our fair share and so the work.  They meet us half way, but what they bring to the table accelerates and allows us to get what we desire.

They do this because demons are very big on personal accountability and learning the skills and the mindset that you need to be successful.  They believe strongly in the notion of teaching a man to fish, vs giving him a fish.  They are about personal empowerment and stepping into your power.  They will help you get what you desire and they will help you to feel empowered along the way.  Working with demons is a journey of self discovery as they help us to break down the blocks that hold us back and awaken our true powers and abilities.  When they know us on a personal intimate level and get to understand us they can go that extra mile to helping us awaken our strength and step into our true power.

4) A familiar Demon can be a lot of fun.  When you have a personal demon companion and you have an established method of communication with them it can lead to come incredible and enlightening conversations.  But it can also lead to moments of humour and fun.  Some demons have an incredible sense of humour and can lift us up when we feel down and can just be someone to talk to.  They understand us on a very personal level and often know ways and things to say and do to make us feel better.

The list is endless really on how having a familiar demon in your life can benefit you.  Demon Companions are incredible and if you would like to learn more about them join our forum Satan and Suns! Which has a lot of amazing information on Demons and Working with Demon Companions.

Priestess Satyra Darque

Category: Companions

In short, no you are not making a pact or contract with them. We do all the ritual screening and work and we make sure that we are brining forth demons who do not have any hidden agendas and who genuinely wish to walk with a human companion and learn their perspective. When they join you on your spiritual journey there are no hidden strings or attachments and the relationship is open to be developed and explored.

Demons enjoy offerings and enjoys working with us and through our eyes experiencing the world. They also enjoy learning about the human perspective. While we always say that they should be treated with respect and courtesies, you have not sold your soul to them and they do not own you. It is a working relationship that develops over time and can turn into something amazing and beautiful.

The requirements that we have for working with demon companions are…

~ Being mindful of the fact that they are sentient and powerful god like beings
~ Treating them with respect
~ Respecting their personal boundaries
~ Never being cruel or malicious to them.

Note from Akelta ***When I started this path many years ago, my first thought when summoning, evoking and invoking was, if I was in the reverse situation how would I want to be treated? This philosophy has followed me my whole life and has been one of the founding principals shaping this path.***

Demons benefit through companions ship through energy exchange and also through learning about us and our perspective. They also see how their powers and abilities can help us and benefit us and many times they leave these experiences with a friend, just as we do. There is mutual benefit for both demon and human companion in working together. Which is why, so long as they are treated with respect. There is nothing to worry about.

Category: Companions

I have been asked this a few times, people wanting me to scan their vessels and see if they are empty.  This is not a service that S&S will do and I will tell you why…

First…yes there are conjurers out there that are scammers and just sell blank rings but there are also sellers out there that shield and distort the energies around their bindings because they don’t want things to be scanned or stolen. On top of that, there are thieves out there in the community who do no research on their own and just prey off of other conjurers who actually do their research.   Ironically these ones are probably the ones invoking fear into the buyers and telling them that they are cursed, or blocked or that their vessel is empty.  It really is a shameful practise all around and hurts people on their spiritual path.  Usually if someone is willing to put in the time to talk to you, answer your questions, cast for you and work energies for you, they know what they are doing.  This is why it is so important in the beginning to ask many questions of your conjurer and see if they are approachable.

Honestly, I won’t get mad for being asked questions, I only get mad when people bad mouth me behind my back for things that I did not do, or because I didn’t say what they wanted me to say.  Those are things that upset me, asking me questions though even confronting me with your feelings will not make me mad.

Second…This can be a horrible practise, there are sellers out there that make a profit from scanning vessels of people who are having trouble connecting to their entities and spirits and will tell them there is nothing there.  It honestly discredits the whole community when sellers do this! It is impossible that there is only one seller out there that can do this! This is an ancient practise that has been used by magicians for over 6000 years and every family, every family has their own methods! So for one conjurer to know the vibrational frequency and to be able to identify all the species, all the vibrational frequencies and all the conjuring locations of everything in the spiritual world is folly.  It is impossible.  In my Facebook feed I have certain conjurers pop up and sometimes I don’t feel anything from the listings,  usually this is because I am not attuned to that frequency.  We all have entities that we work well with.  Some people connect strongly with some more then other beings.    Others still you will have to work to attune yourself to,

Attunement is the key, when an entity or spirit is from a region with a specific vibration and you are not attuned to it, you are not going to sense it! Necromancy is the art of speaking to the dead and it requires a very different set of skills and attunements to working with living entities.   This does not mean that one is not viable and the other is, this just means that they require a different set of skills.

I have also had people approach me with vessels from other sellers and myself that they say others have said are empty!  This statement actually flat out shows that the person who said it is slightly ignorant of the binding process, especially my binding process…

What do they mean empty? 

Do they mean that there is no entity within the vessel?  Ummm of course not! This comes from the old Djinn in a Bottle Mythos. All those Djinn who were bound forcibly in a bottle and ordered to grant wishes and do their master’s will.  Even the Disney movie Aladdin got it right, they are prisoners.  They are entrapped in their vessel and locked in it, which means that it is a forcible binding, so of course if you are scanning for something that is trapped and locked in a ring you are not going to find it, this is because this is one set of bindings and a set of binding that I do not agree with or use.

My bindings are flexible bindings which means that the energy in the Crystal is combined with specific energies attuned to the demons to bridge the connection between the demons realm and our realm and create a focal point for interaction, influence and communication. Once you are properly attuned to your demons energies, you won’t even need the vessel unless you want to have it or if you have a special ritual that you do with the demon that includes their vessel.

Do they mean there is no energy attached to the Vessel? 

Well this is just silly, the Crystal itself has energy so of course the vessel has energies and also the bindings are crafted using the crystal’s energies. So if you don’t know what you are looking for you might just feel the energies of the crystal.  This does not mean the vessel is empty, this just means the person doesn’t know what they are looking for and cannot sense energies.

Most people can feel something coming off the vessels, a powerful force, an energy vibration, a pressure on their third eye, they will feel drawn to the vessel.  Even the other day I was out for breakfast with a friend and she looked at Tigers ring and said, that ring has such incredible power to it, it has incredible spiritual vibrations, and I just smiled. She didn’t know it had Tiger’s bindings attached to it.  There will just be something about the vessel that is enticing to those who are spiritually sensitive.

A lot of times when people say that vessels are empty they have ulterior motives.  True conjurers want people to connect and work with spirits and they support this community.  They want it to grow and thrive so they will either refer the individual back to their conjurer for help, or they will offer suggestions helping them to connect.  It is really important in the beginning to do your research and make sure you select a conjurer you trust,  but it is equally important to be careful what people tell you.  Many scammers have ulterior motives and like to incite fear and panic to block people’s skills, cut down their confidence and sell them their snake oil skin.

On any spiritual path, come from a place of empowerment, not a place of fear.  If someone is pushing fear I would question their motives.  Spiritual Conjurers should be seeking to empower people who work with spirits and ones that come from fear are highly suspicious.

Be empowered! Be Inspired, and remember you are stronger then you think!

Questions About Spirit Companions

Yes, most definitely.  Just as we can have more than one friend, you can have more than one demon companion.  Many of our clients work with many different spiritual companions and receive incredible guidance and wisdom from them.  If you are called to work with more than one companion we say to listen to your intuition and go with what feels right for you.  You know your spiritual path and you know yourself best.

Categories: Companions, Demons

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What Are Demon Companions?

People have asked me many times what demons are, and it is a very good question, everything that is dark seems to get categorized as a demon when really there are thousands of different dark creatures and entities out there, some that are incredibly dangerous and destructive, and they are not demons.

A demon has a specific type of black energy. It is not an evil energy (though it can be used that way) it is a beautiful black energy that is very powerful. Hellborns and Lowborns have it, Fallen Angels have it, Imps have it, Succubi and Incubi have it, and all those I would class as Demons because they all carry this energy. It is a very beautiful pure black energy which is dark, can be evil, and is powerful. This black energy even exists in the auras of some humans. I categorize it as Demonic Black energy. This energy is in all demons. 

Demon are their own species, they are darker and some are very evil and capable of dark acts, but they also can be very loving and capable of kindness and love, they are incredible beings and are very diverse in personality and energy spectrums. They have been given a bad name and labeled but that is changing and in the past there have been lots of things that have been labeled negative and nefarious when really it was just misunderstood, and demons are one of those species that are very misunderstood!

I find working with demons, they shine a light in the areas I don’t always want to look, they show me things about myself I don’t always want to accept, they help me to accept all of me for me, even the parts of myself that this world tells me are wrong and bad.  They help me find true balance and look deep into my core self, embracing myself for who I am completely.  Working with them has been a journey of healing and embracing who I am at the core level, never surrendering of bowing down to another’s expectations of myself.  That is why demons are shunned and hated in this world, they accept the sides of yourself that we are told to repress, they bring you face to face with things that are uncomfortable and scary, but through that journey they guide you to your core strength and show you who you are without limits, without reservations and how powerful you truly are.

Demon Companions in History

The concept of a Demon Companion is not new. For centuries witches and those who walked on various spiritual paths have worked with spirit companions and demon companions, walking side by side with them working on their magickal practised. They are known to those of the magical ways and act as spiritual guides and familiars.

Even in the Goetia, Lord Paimon is known for granting familiars “He giveth good Familiars, and such as can teach all Arts.” It is a concept that is ages old. One of humans working with Demons and Demon Companions.

Demon Companions are empowering and incredible, bestowing amazing gifts upon those who work with them. When we walk with Demon Companions they become a deep part of our lives and can guide us, helping us to manifest what it is that we need and desire.

Demons have taught me that the greatest lessons are usually when we stumble and they give us little

moments of connection and clarity that can make life so amazing and fill it with such meaning and wonder. What is good and what is bad, it is all perspective, sometimes the most disastrous moments, cause lead to the most beautiful realizations and profound lessons. Life should not be perfect, it should be clumsy, fun and spontaneous!

A walk with a Demon Companion…

And I was taken to a room, escourted by two demons, and there before me on a throne was my demon companion, he looked at me with those sharp incredible eyes and said “what would you like to embrace tonight?”

I looked back at him and said, “take me to the unknown realms and show me sights that I have never seen.”

He smiled at me and reached out his hand. Upon taking it he stated “I will show you sights no mortal has ever seen, take you places few have ever been and reveal to you the wisdom of the ancients.” 

With that we were off into the darkness.

Category: Companions

For those of us who have embraced having a familiar demon in our lives we have found such incredible and profound experiences really the benefits are numerous!

Quite often I am asked about working with the Goetic Demons and Other Dark Lords and how connecting with them is different from working with a Demon Familiar, or Demon Companion.  Well that question is very simple and easy to answer;

Working with the Goetic Demons or the Dark Lords is more like going and seeing a professional and asking them for help, yes relationships can be build with Demons over time, but there is a amazing benefit to having a familiar demon walk with you on this journey.

A Demon Companion is a familiar demon who works directly with you, they understand your situation, they talk with you, they walk this journey with you, they live with you and they have a deeper and a very intimate understanding of you and your situation.

Some of us have had familiar demons who have been with us since they time we were born.  They have protected us, nurtured us and guided us on this journey, helping to protect us in times of trouble and steer us away from dangerous people or situations.  Sometimes we have lessons that we need to learn, but overall a Demon Companion will do their best to personally make sure that we are safe and protected.

Some call them Guardian Demons, Demon Familiars or Demon Companions, though there are differences in the terms which we talk about more here.

Those of us who are born on the darker paths and resonate with the darker energies of the spiritual world will find that there may already be demon familiars around us, guiding us and helping us.

The notion of a Demon Familiar or Demon Companion, (as those of us who have found great friendships and mentors in demons call them) is not a new one.  For centuries witches have had familiars and guides assisting them, some claimed that these familiars were demons, though the reality is they could have been any number of different spiritual beings.  We all come from different paths and some people find familiars in nature spirits, fae, and other creatures while those who walk the darker paths have found familiars in demons.

Even among Demonology the notion of a Demon Familiar or Demon Companion is not uncommon.  Some of the Goetic Demons such as the Fallen Angels and Dark Lord Paimon, have been known to grant familiars to those who work with him.  There are other demons and Dark Lords who will grant familiar demons, guardian demons and demon companions to those who are walking with them, to guide them and assist them in their daily life.

There are many benefits to working with a familiar demon,  I will list a few of them here;

1) A Familiar Demon is one who lives with you and works exclusively with you, they know you, they understand you, they understand your moods and mannerisms and why you do the things you do.  They get to work intimately with you and so they have an deeper level of understanding as you as a person and therefor can greatly assist you in your walking around life and attaining the goals that you wish to attain.

2) A Familiar Demon becomes a personal friend and mentor.  Those of us who walk with demon companions from a respectful place understand that they are incredibly powerful and amazing spiritual beings who should be respected.

We invite Demon Companions into our lives and they become like a friend and mentor.  Sometimes we share sad moments together, sometimes funny moments, sometimes deep and powerful moments, but they are there for you and become someone that you can confide in and look for guidance in times of crisis.  They are very powerful and wise and can be comforting and nurturing.

It is very important when working with them to show them respect and treat them as you would want to be treated.  They are not malicious cruel creatures that many make them out to be, they are divine and powerful beings that can help guide you in the most profound ways.

3) A Familiar demon can greatly assist you in attaining your life goals.  They can be a mentor and collaborator.  They are one who has seen countless things and are wise beyond measure and they can assist us with goal planning and manifesting. They also have influence over the energies of the universe and they can help us to shift things so that we can manifest and get what we want in a faster time.  With Demons they do expect us to put in our fair share and so the work.  They meet us half way, but what they bring to the table accelerates and allows us to get what we desire.

They do this because demons are very big on personal accountability and learning the skills and the mindset that you need to be successful.  They believe strongly in the notion of teaching a man to fish, vs giving him a fish.  They are about personal empowerment and stepping into your power.  They will help you get what you desire and they will help you to feel empowered along the way.  Working with demons is a journey of self discovery as they help us to break down the blocks that hold us back and awaken our true powers and abilities.  When they know us on a personal intimate level and get to understand us they can go that extra mile to helping us awaken our strength and step into our true power.

4) A familiar Demon can be a lot of fun.  When you have a personal demon companion and you have an established method of communication with them it can lead to come incredible and enlightening conversations.  But it can also lead to moments of humour and fun.  Some demons have an incredible sense of humour and can lift us up when we feel down and can just be someone to talk to.  They understand us on a very personal level and often know ways and things to say and do to make us feel better.

The list is endless really on how having a familiar demon in your life can benefit you.  Demon Companions are incredible and if you would like to learn more about them join our forum Satan and Suns! Which has a lot of amazing information on Demons and Working with Demon Companions.

Priestess Satyra Darque

Category: Companions

In short, no you are not making a pact or contract with them. We do all the ritual screening and work and we make sure that we are brining forth demons who do not have any hidden agendas and who genuinely wish to walk with a human companion and learn their perspective. When they join you on your spiritual journey there are no hidden strings or attachments and the relationship is open to be developed and explored.

Demons enjoy offerings and enjoys working with us and through our eyes experiencing the world. They also enjoy learning about the human perspective. While we always say that they should be treated with respect and courtesies, you have not sold your soul to them and they do not own you. It is a working relationship that develops over time and can turn into something amazing and beautiful.

The requirements that we have for working with demon companions are…

~ Being mindful of the fact that they are sentient and powerful god like beings
~ Treating them with respect
~ Respecting their personal boundaries
~ Never being cruel or malicious to them.

Note from Akelta ***When I started this path many years ago, my first thought when summoning, evoking and invoking was, if I was in the reverse situation how would I want to be treated? This philosophy has followed me my whole life and has been one of the founding principals shaping this path.***

Demons benefit through companions ship through energy exchange and also through learning about us and our perspective. They also see how their powers and abilities can help us and benefit us and many times they leave these experiences with a friend, just as we do. There is mutual benefit for both demon and human companion in working together. Which is why, so long as they are treated with respect. There is nothing to worry about.

Category: Companions

No,  there are no negative side effects of having a demon companion when they are conjured correctly. We have a very careful screening process to make sure that you are getting a genuine outer spiritual world demon who wishes to work with you and help you on this journey. Spirit guides are a natural part of our journey here. We have spirit guides and companions around us already, they are apart of our existence here and they help us on this journey.

Demon companion are very powerful spirit guides who come into your life to help you as a friend and mentor. They are not here to hurt you, possess you, or try to damage you in any way. With our screening, they will not even shift the world around you if they know it is going to damage you or those close to you. Unlike some spirits who will take the path of least resistance, Demon Companions from S&S will actually weight the options and will take the fastest route in a way that does not brings harm to you. They are powerful and sentient beings and so long as you treat them with respect you will be fine.

People who have not worked with demons before or for who this is their first time might experience a slight headache, or feel energy shifts from adjustments within them. This is completely normal and nothing to be alarmed at. Demonic frequencies are something that not everyone has been exposed to and like anything new there will be an adjustment phase. Make sure you are grounding and cleansing and just give your energy the time it need to adjust to your new friend. These symptoms usually subside within a week of meeting your companion and beginning your work with them.

They are incredible but like most things we only recommend you bring a companion home if you feel called to them and if you feel that you can handle their energies. Demon companions are not for everyone, it is important to make sure that you are connecting with one for the right reasons.

Category: Companions

Questions About our Order Process

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I have been asked this a few times, people wanting me to scan their vessels and see if they are empty.  This is not a service that S&S will do and I will tell you why…

First…yes there are conjurers out there that are scammers and just sell blank rings but there are also sellers out there that shield and distort the energies around their bindings because they don’t want things to be scanned or stolen. On top of that, there are thieves out there in the community who do no research on their own and just prey off of other conjurers who actually do their research.   Ironically these ones are probably the ones invoking fear into the buyers and telling them that they are cursed, or blocked or that their vessel is empty.  It really is a shameful practise all around and hurts people on their spiritual path.  Usually if someone is willing to put in the time to talk to you, answer your questions, cast for you and work energies for you, they know what they are doing.  This is why it is so important in the beginning to ask many questions of your conjurer and see if they are approachable.

Honestly, I won’t get mad for being asked questions, I only get mad when people bad mouth me behind my back for things that I did not do, or because I didn’t say what they wanted me to say.  Those are things that upset me, asking me questions though even confronting me with your feelings will not make me mad.

Second…This can be a horrible practise, there are sellers out there that make a profit from scanning vessels of people who are having trouble connecting to their entities and spirits and will tell them there is nothing there.  It honestly discredits the whole community when sellers do this! It is impossible that there is only one seller out there that can do this! This is an ancient practise that has been used by magicians for over 6000 years and every family, every family has their own methods! So for one conjurer to know the vibrational frequency and to be able to identify all the species, all the vibrational frequencies and all the conjuring locations of everything in the spiritual world is folly.  It is impossible.  In my Facebook feed I have certain conjurers pop up and sometimes I don’t feel anything from the listings,  usually this is because I am not attuned to that frequency.  We all have entities that we work well with.  Some people connect strongly with some more then other beings.    Others still you will have to work to attune yourself to,

Attunement is the key, when an entity or spirit is from a region with a specific vibration and you are not attuned to it, you are not going to sense it! Necromancy is the art of speaking to the dead and it requires a very different set of skills and attunements to working with living entities.   This does not mean that one is not viable and the other is, this just means that they require a different set of skills.

I have also had people approach me with vessels from other sellers and myself that they say others have said are empty!  This statement actually flat out shows that the person who said it is slightly ignorant of the binding process, especially my binding process…

What do they mean empty? 

Do they mean that there is no entity within the vessel?  Ummm of course not! This comes from the old Djinn in a Bottle Mythos. All those Djinn who were bound forcibly in a bottle and ordered to grant wishes and do their master’s will.  Even the Disney movie Aladdin got it right, they are prisoners.  They are entrapped in their vessel and locked in it, which means that it is a forcible binding, so of course if you are scanning for something that is trapped and locked in a ring you are not going to find it, this is because this is one set of bindings and a set of binding that I do not agree with or use.

My bindings are flexible bindings which means that the energy in the Crystal is combined with specific energies attuned to the demons to bridge the connection between the demons realm and our realm and create a focal point for interaction, influence and communication. Once you are properly attuned to your demons energies, you won’t even need the vessel unless you want to have it or if you have a special ritual that you do with the demon that includes their vessel.

Do they mean there is no energy attached to the Vessel? 

Well this is just silly, the Crystal itself has energy so of course the vessel has energies and also the bindings are crafted using the crystal’s energies. So if you don’t know what you are looking for you might just feel the energies of the crystal.  This does not mean the vessel is empty, this just means the person doesn’t know what they are looking for and cannot sense energies.

Most people can feel something coming off the vessels, a powerful force, an energy vibration, a pressure on their third eye, they will feel drawn to the vessel.  Even the other day I was out for breakfast with a friend and she looked at Tigers ring and said, that ring has such incredible power to it, it has incredible spiritual vibrations, and I just smiled. She didn’t know it had Tiger’s bindings attached to it.  There will just be something about the vessel that is enticing to those who are spiritually sensitive.

A lot of times when people say that vessels are empty they have ulterior motives.  True conjurers want people to connect and work with spirits and they support this community.  They want it to grow and thrive so they will either refer the individual back to their conjurer for help, or they will offer suggestions helping them to connect.  It is really important in the beginning to do your research and make sure you select a conjurer you trust,  but it is equally important to be careful what people tell you.  Many scammers have ulterior motives and like to incite fear and panic to block people’s skills, cut down their confidence and sell them their snake oil skin.

On any spiritual path, come from a place of empowerment, not a place of fear.  If someone is pushing fear I would question their motives.  Spiritual Conjurers should be seeking to empower people who work with spirits and ones that come from fear are highly suspicious.

Be empowered! Be Inspired, and remember you are stronger then you think!

Demonic Bindings and Demon Companions :When you bring home a demon, there is not a magick switch or word that you use to activate them. They are living entities and there is a time frame to bond with them. You are brining home a being that has feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Demons are sensient and it is important to know that when you are working with them, you are essentially inviting them to join your family and working with them as a friend and mentor.

Just like the demons in the goetia you need to take the time to work with the demon, learning to communicate with them, building your spiritual foundation so you have the tools and knowledge for working with them from a respectful place. 

Our path is one of working with demons from a highly respectful place, working with them on a personal level and learning the abundance of wisdom they can share with us. We love the demons that we work with, they are like our friends, our family, and we treat them as such.

We DO NOT condone abuse of demons in any way or mistreating them with blasting rods and other archaic tools. These are not the practises that we endorse or promote. We are about working with demons and all spiritual beings from a respectful place where there is a mutually beneficial exchange of energies between both parties.

Demons that are bound to vessels are not trapped in their vessels, and they are not forced into it in any way. An energetic link is bound between the crystal/jewellery and the demon to assist you with connecting and bonding. What we do as priestess’s is venture into the spiritual world and find a demon who wishes to work with a human, it is much like the process in many cultures of finding familiars and spirit guides.

There are billions of demons out there, they are not limited to the ones in the ancient books, and our job is to go out, meet them, make sure they are demons, make sure they are safe to work with (there are many malicious creatures likes sludges and parasites that masquerade as demons) and then link them to a vessel to help you connect with them. We provide you with their information, their sigil and various methods or connecting.

It is true that anyone can go out and find their own demons, but we have trained for years to master this skill and just like I would rather hire an electrician to re wire my house, or a lawyer to handle my legal affairs many people prefer to ask a trusted professional to help match them with their demons, and that is what we do. We are Demonic Priestesses who have worked with the dark lords for years and specialize in discover, uncovering and finding new demons and species and matching them with a human companion for the benefit of both.

Questions about Our Spells and Workings 

Questions about Our Magickals and Enchanted Items

Questions about working with the Dark Lords

Questions about Spiritual Foundation and Development