**Restocked – Lord Rosier’s Exploration of Love Magickal


**Restocked – Lord Rosier’s Exploration of Love Magickal

Original price was: $129.00.Current price is: $99.00.

4 in stock

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    Please select how you would like to receive your magickal.  

    Ship me the Magickal ^_^: You will receive the magickal shipped to your desired address and you will receive a detailed scroll for working with your magickal.  

    I would like an Aura Linking: Please send us a recent photo of yourself and we will select a date when the Linking Ritual will be performed.  You will NOT receive a physical piece shipped to you, you will instead receive the Linking Ritual performed by us, and a detailed scroll for working with the energies of the Magickal.  

    I would like a Distance Casting: Please send us a recent photo of the object in your possession that you would like to be infused with the energies and we will select a date when the Distance Casting Ritual will be performed.  You will NOT receive a physical piece shipped to you, you will instead receive the Distance Casting Ritual performed by us, and a detailed scroll for working with the energies of the Magickal.  

    *Please Confirm


This Magickal and its content is created by the priestesses of Satan and Suns/Sons ~ The Demon Temple. if you see these words listed on any other site it is a forgery. 

Lord Rosier’s Exploration of Love Magickal

Amor Vincit Omnia

A Magickal of Love and Passion abound 


Imagine Learning about the Sacred Art of Love from the Demon Lord of Love himself.

The energy of love is an incredible force.  When allowed to caress us and flow through us it awakens and empowers desires and abilities we never dreamed of. When we learn to awaken and harness the power of our sexual selves and our primal powers of creation, we take control of our lives and carve out our destiny with confidence and charisma.  

One who loves themselves and allows love energy to be a part of their world is inspired and blessed with divinity.  Divine energy that fuels the soul and touches the spirit.


From Lord Rosier


“I have loved many,  love comes in many forms,  the love of two people just beginning their journey,  the love of war,  the love of a child,  the love of a new baby,  they are filled with love, it is all they know,  we teach them to hate and fear,  our natural state is love.  Existing in that free flowing energy.  I study all of it,  the tragedy of losing love,  heartache, heartbreak, moments in our life,  romance,  kissing  the lips are powerful,  when you are present and focused you can seduce and stimulate many pleasure centers in the body.”


Love is everything,  without love you decay,  love of the self, love of who you are, appreciation for the self, learning to love and embrace yourself, right here, right now!  if you cannot love yourself in the now for who you are it will never come and you will allow the seeds of hate, bitterness and despair into your life which will grow and flourish in an environment void of love.  


When you love from a place of self loathing that love becomes a burden and a drain,  you give what you do not have and eventually you run out of credit and you feel cheated and betrayed.  That is then directed at those who you have been giving your love to.  It is not their fault but your own,  your own lack of self love lead to your depletion.  Only you can fill the tank,  love yourself fill yourself up allow love to free flow through you.

When you love yourself you can share and spread it to others, it will flow freely and without limit.  


This magickal is all about


~ Self Love

~ Sexual Awakening

~ Attraction and love of others


It will…


~ Activate your natural energies of love

~ Allow you to embrace yourself and love yourself

~ Radiate a gentle soothing energy to enhance your self

~ infuse you with attraction energies

~ Awaken seduction, a love loop that flows from one to the other growing stronger and more vigorous when activated

~ Awaken magnetism and the ability to bring others to you and excite them

~ Increasing sexual stimulus and awakening the sexual energy centers

~ Enhanced passion,

~ Balancing passion

~ Help you heal from heartache and heartbreak


Infused with the healing energy frequency of love, a powerful red energy crafted from Lord Rosier, to fill your heart with love, and remind you of your greatness when you forget.  


This magickals is all about working with and crafting passionate energies and working them in all areas of your life.  Infused within these beautiful rose quartz pendants are the powerful energies of love, appreciation, forgiveness and self acceptance infused from the loving hand of Lord Rosier himself.  


This is a gift of love! So you will always feel its power, feel it’s healing effects and move through life surrounded with love and acceptance.  The ultimate magickal for self healing and self acceptance.  Self love is the one thing so often overlooked in today’s world.


Most people would rather be harsh and cruel with themselves, and beat themselves up then embrace a passionate loving relationship with ourselves.  


~ Priestesses of Satan and Sons/Suns ~ The Demon Temple

Please note our magickals, listings and words are written and created by the priestess’s of Satan and Suns/Sons ~ The Demon Temple, if you see them written anywhere else they are forgeries and not authentic magickals, demons or workings from the Temple. 

Thank you so much to all our customers. You inspire us to serve and to create these wonderful magickals and offer these wonderful products and services.

None of this would happen without you and we are so very grateful.

We are Demonosophers. We walked this path before there was a common name for it. Our Senior Coven Priestesses have a combined 20+ years of Demon conjuring and casting experience using Demonic Magick. Demons are our passion, our way of life, and the core of our being. We walk daily with our lords and follow our path devoutly.


We work very hard to forge relationships with the Demonic for our own personal strength and advancement, as well as our love for the Demonic Divine, to live Demon Inspired lives and we pass that on to you.

We accept payment through paypal and are flexible with setting up payment plans. If something speaks to you and you would like to put together a plan, please feel free to contact us. Once your payment is received, You will receive an e–mail from us with the details of your order.

Thank you so much for shopping with us!

Shipping: All shipping is done on Thursday every week, though some orders take longer then others to process, please feel free to email us if you have any questions about your individual order. 



By purchasing items or services from Satan and Sons, the purchaser agrees that they have read this disclaimer and the terms and conditions contained herein. The purchaser agrees to accept any and all liability resulting from the product or service purchased from Satan and Sons. The purchaser further acknowledges that no guarantees or warranties (either express or implied) are made by purchasing products or services from Satan and Sons. This disclaimer apples to all products and services offered by Satan and Sons/Suns and its parent company Akelta Enterprises (hereinafter “SnS”) to include, but not limited to, items, magickals, spiritual and energetic workings, spiritual guidance/counseling, spiritual readings, and spiritual summoning/binding services.


All products and services offered by SnS are strictly for entertainment purposes only and should not be used in lieu of legal, medical or financial advice, or any other advice or service that requires specific credentials, education, knowledge, expertise, and/or experience.


If you have or believe you have any medical conditions or symptoms, to include any and all medical and/or behavioral health conditions or concerns, seek medical assistance from a qualified healthcare provider immediately. All products and services sold by SnS are spiritual in nature and meant to align you with your spiritual path for empowerment. No products or services sold by SnS will miraculously heal the purchaser or fix all worldly problems. We do not claim to offer medical, legal, or financial advice or services, or any other service other than spiritual guidance. We highly advise that if you are in need of medical, financial or legal assistance you consult an appropriately licensed expert.


Our readings are a summary of the purchaser’s spiritual energy. This summary is done from a purely spiritual perspective as perceived by the priestesses of SnS. Readings may indicate that a particular individual has a possible aptitude to succeed in one or more fields, or potentially has had such ability in the past. Any such reading does not guarantee success in such ventures. Additionally, a reading is not a substitute for the qualifications, knowledge, experience, accreditation, or educational requirements of that or any particular field; e.g. if a reading indicates that a person has an aptitude for law, the reading does not make that person an attorney or guarantee their success in pursuing, becoming, or practicing law, or any other endeavor. Likewise, a reading indicating that a person has been a doctor in a past life does not qualify and license that person as a doctor today. The two preceding statements are given as examples only. The same principles espoused above apply to any and all other fields and professions that require specific and specialized education, training, experience, and/or licensure/qualification. The purchaser assumes all liability and releases and holds harmless SnS, it’s priestesses, and associates for the results of the purchaser’s actions. All professions require proper education and licensing. Our products and services do not do that work for you.


By purchasing products or services from SnS, the purchaser assumes and accepts full and complete liability and responsibility for their actions and releases SnS, it’s priestesses, and associates from any and all legal liability. No guarantees or warranties are made by any product or service offered by SnS. The purchaser also assumes liability for compliance with their own local, state/territorial, and host nation laws. SnS does not guarantee that all products and services offered are permissible in all locales. Consequently, the purchaser assumes compliance with their own local, state, and national laws upon purchase. If the purchaser is unsure of the legality of any product or service offered by SnS, the consumer assumes the responsibility to determine the legality of the product(s)/service(s) from a competent and authorized authority prior to purchase. The consequences of purchasing a product or service in violation of the purchaser’s local, state, or national laws resides solely with the purchaser. By purchasing from SnS, the purchaser assumes liability and agrees to hold harmless and release from all legal liability SnS, it’s priestesses and associates.

All of our demons/Imp have a creative writing element to them and require written work that takes time to produce.  This is work that is created and will be emailed to you.  Once this is completed we offer no refunds as our time is vested into producing these writings they are all original and creative an they do take time for us to produce.  A great deal of times goes into creating the graphics, writings and information provided in your orders.  These orders are individually customized to you and do take our time.

©Satan and Sons/Suns ~ The Demon Temple



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