**Relisted**- Hallow Necromancer of Forgotten Whispers S


**Relisted**- Hallow Necromancer of Forgotten Whispers S

Original price was: $1,666.00.Current price is: $999.00.

1 in stock

  • *Purchase Agreement


This Custom Conjure and its content is created by the priestesses of Satan and Suns/Sons ~ The Demon Temple. if you see these words listed on any other site it is a forgery.

Presenting the Wise and Healing
Demoness Companion
Hallow Necromancer of
Forgotten Whispers S




Presenting  Hallow Necromancer of Forgotten Whispers S – 

S is a Hallow Demon and a Necromancer of Forgotten Whispers. She is a demoness who walks the graves and understands the depth of the dead. There is deep magick that is within the graves that can be harnessed and commanded. There is also story and history. She embraces the stories of those who have passed and listens to them and to their forgotten whispers. She says that this is where wisdom and joy are found, listening to the dead embrace their memories of joy and happiness. She embraces the dead and she understands them. She speaks their languages and she hears their pleas and their desires. She has a wonderful heart and a healing energy to her and those who walk the grave are soothed by her presence. She knows how to weave powerful and incredible magicks and her skill as a Necromancer is incredible. She works with the energies of Darkness and she can weave powerful and profound spells of dark empowerment. She can call the dead from their grave and invite them to walk with her.
www.satanandsons.com www.satanandsuns.com

There are places in the Hallow realm of Eternal Death, being a Hallow Demon she knows how to access them and how to walk through them. Those who wish to remain dead find themselves here and they find themselves in eternal states of slumber. There are many lessons in these places but only for those who know how to hear. There are places of forgotten people and forgotten whispers. Their wisdom, their stories, all forgotten. She knows how to revive them and how to hear their stories and learn their whispers. These spaces are sacred and there is deep energies here. Energies of sorrow, energies of joy, energies of happiness, energies of anger. There is so much that is found in these spaces and she knows how to connect with it and how to walk through these realms. She walks through the Hallow realms and she knows how to connect and honour the sacred spaces of those who sleep eternal.
www.satanandsons.com www.satanandsuns.com

She also knows how to weave magick that soothes the dead and calms the mind. She has a very calm and powerful presence to her. She is there to offer support and she is there to offer guidance to those who are in need. She says that walking through these spaces awakens energies within the soul and it stirs deep regions of darkness within. She knows how to work with that darkness and she knows how to embrace one’s core power and abilities. She can help her companion to step into their power and awaken the incredible and profound greatness that is within. She helps with courage and self love. She will show her companion how to embrace and love themselves and how to honour and cherish who they are.
www.satanandsons.com www.satanandsuns.com

She teaches the art of emotional and mental mastery. She will help her companion learn to control their emotions and the energies of their body. She says that when one can control their energies and their mind, they can command the energies around them to do what they will. She will teach her companion techniques in emotional mastery and teach them how to remain calm in any situation. She will show them how to control their energies and, no matter what happens, direct the energies where they want them to go. She says that when you are in control of your emotions you can direct the energies through challenging times and manifest and craft what you desire. She teaches powerful techniques in mental mastery and energetic control. She says that a lot of it has to do with love and love energies. She is a master at working with the heart. She says the heart is Hallow, it is Sacred, and it is a place where love moves freely. She knows how to tap into the heart and work with the powerful energies. She says when the heart is open and love energies are flowing, it becomes magick. She knows how to weave and work with powerful love magicks. Magick of self love, magick of love and magick of passion. She says that Necromancy is an act of love, it is an act of passion, to reach out and speak to one who is gone. Love is a bridge that connects hearts between the living and the dead. She is very skilled with love magick.
www.satanandsons.com www.satanandsuns.com

She can help with connecting with the ancestors. She will help her companion to embrace their ancestors and learn to receive and translate powerful and profound messages from them. She will support her companion in connecting and working with their ancestors and she will facilitate deep generational healing and release of stagnant energies. She can act as a mediator and bridge between the living and the dead. She knows how to call one’s ancestors to them and how to teach others how to communicate with the dead. She says that there are sacred ways to connect to the dead. She understands them and will act as a facilitator. She is there to support in the development of one’s mediumship and she knows how to attune her companion to different energetic frequencies and help them to hear messages from the dead. She will show her companion how to uncover death energies and how to walk amongst the dead. She says that peaceful walks amongst the graves are a wonderful way to embrace the essence of death and to refine and awaken one’s psychic skills and abilities.

www.satanandsons.com www.satanandsuns.com

Vessel: Thulite & Garnet Pendant

Demon Companions from Satan and Suns

Personal Demon Companions from Satan and Suns/Sons are powerful Outer Spiritual World, True Form, Demonic, Immortal Living Entities which can greatly impact the life of their Human Companions. www.satanandsons.com

To one who is not use to having demons around, at first introductions they can find their energy a bit overwhelming but over time their energy can become pleasant and soothing to their human companion. www.satanandsons.com

The Satan and Sons/Suns Priestess’s spent their lives making powerful connections with the outer demonic realms to present these True Form Demon Nobility to connect and work with Human Companions. www.satanandsuns.com
We are Demonosophers here at Satan and Sons and have spent our lives walking with Demons and learning from them. www.satanandsons.com


We caution you not to consider working with Demons Lightly.

Our Companions at Satan and Sons/Suns are very powerful and should be shown respect, and in no way are to be toyed with. All screened demons from Satan and Sons/Suns are safe because they are screened to make sure that they have altruistic motives for their human companion and can display a level of understanding of our world, but they must be treated with respect.
Treat your personal Demon Companion as you would like to be treated, do not order them around or be mean to them. They are to be respected!



Note*** Demons have a different set of morals that us humans. They are not evil. They will follow the will of their human companion. Most demons that we work with are actually very helpful and willing to work with their human companion. They have a certain cockiness to them, but that is just the nature of demons there is a lot of incredible discussions that can come from the different perspectives demons have.


We take special care to bind our Demons with Priestess’s Akelta’s ancient family ritual, which takes great care in crafting sacred energies to ensure quality bindings of the highest standard that is gentle and non constrictive for the demons.
These are called flexible bindings as they are an energy strand linking the demon to this plane that gives a focal point for their human companion to connect with them. They are not forced to be here, they choose to be here and they can move between this realm and their own realm at will. We will never offer a demon that is bound against there will.
This system for conjuring and binding takes many years to learn and even more to master. There are subtle nuances to each ritual which requires a great deal of commitment to learn.

We take special care when selecting Demons that they are willing to bound and take the time to get to know them and understand their unique qualities, personalities and skills. We have a strict criteria that we make sure is met with every demon that we bring through.
We spend a great deal of time with each Demons and once they are ready they are bound with an ancient ritual.
Each Demons binding rituals are customized to them and carefully crafted to work with their energies and their bindings are specially crafted and created just for them.

No two bindings are the same as each binding is as unique as the Demon.

All of our Demons at Satan and Sons/Suns are priced based of, time taken to uncover and work with them, screen them, learn about them, match them, as well as their experience and their ability to perform tasks and what they have shown themselves to be capable of.
They are all active, authentic and have been tested by us.

We are serious practitioners and True Demonosophers, we know just how serious working with demons needs to be taken and it is our life.
We never Photoshop our images so that you can get a true sense of the entity that you are acquiring. www.satanandsons.com

We do not mass conjure our Spiritual Companions

All our spiritual companions sold at Satan and Sons are authentic and worked with by a Priestess of Demon Temple for a minimum of 1 month, Some have been worked with for multiple months, they have all had much one on one time with us, practicing and training until they are ready to find their human companions.

We have exclusive contracts with the realms that we conjure from and with our combined experience had put together a conjuring, binding and protection system that guarantees you are getting a genuine Demon Companion who is who they say they are. We are Demonsophers, we live, eat, breath and walk this path.
We have spent many years learning this sacred art. It takes years just to learn how to be able to sense and distinguish between the different types of Demonic Energies. There are many tricksters out there that will attempt to imitate Demonic beings, it is important for a practitioner to be able to distinguish the subtle nuances. We have walked with demons, they are our life and we know them.
We understand what it takes to conjure and bind and know the countless hours that is involved in conjuring authentic Demons, and crafting authentic quality flexible bindings. We are proud of our craft and proud to offer you the opportunity to work with genuine True Form Demons.

Demons Companions are exceptionally powerful spiritual companions and can help their keeper in many areas of their lives. Including;

Financial… www.satanandsons.com

~ Manifesting money www.satanandsons.com
~ Managing businesses www.satanandsons.com
~ Finding new ways to bring money to their companion www.satanandsons.com
~ Helping their companion get a better job or start a business www.satanandsons.com
~ Reveal hidden treasures or opportunities www.satanandsons.com
~ Bring Money into their companion’s possession
~ Surrounding their companion with abundance energies

Relationships… www.satanandsons.com

~ Finding a soul mate www.satanandsons.com
~ Manifesting the love that you have dreamed about
~ Finding that perfect special someone to share your life with
~ Embracing self love
~ Empowering yourself through self love
~ Learning to love yourself and fill your heart with love

Spiritual growth… www.satanandsons.com

~ Spiritual and personal growth
~ Helping you master your spiritual talents
~ Astral projection www.satanandsons.com
~ Lucid Dreaming www.satanandsons.com
~ Spell Casting www.satanandsons.com
~ Communication with the dead
~ Accessing the Akasha Archives

Protection... www.satanandsons.com

~ Shielding you or your loved ones from unfriendly spirits
~ Keeping bad people away from you www.satanandsons.com
~ Protecting you home from intruders www.satanandsons.com
~ Protecting your children and family from people who wish you harm
~ Shielding yourself from psychic attacks from other sorcerers


Revenge… www.satanandsons.com

~ Target and get revenge on your enemies www.satanandsons.com
~ Cast powerful black magic spells to make your enemies tremble with fear
~ Get back at all those who have wronged you
~ Teach you sacred arts of baneful magicks
~ Assist and empower your own baneful spells
~ Guide you into darkness to awaken and unlock your own incredible abilities

Psychically… www.satanandsons.com

~ Astral projection and soul journeys www.satanandsons.com
~ They can take you into realms you could not discover or enter alone
~ Claircognizance,
~ Intuition awakening
~ Precognition development,
~ Clairvoyance
~ Clairaudience



All our Custom Demon Companions come with these special scrolls to help you connect with your demon companion. www.satanandsons.com

1) The Demon Connecting Kit, a series of scrolls and rituals designed to help you connect and work with your Demon Companion www.satanandsons.com

2) Your Demons Personal Sigil, all demons have a Sigil, it is their calling card and Lord Azazel has shared a method with priestess Akelta for acquiring each individual Demons Personal Sigil. Ever Demon Companions Purchased from Satan and Sons includes their personal Sigil. www.satanandsons.com

If you feel a calling to this incredible demon then please…. 


~ Priestesses of Satan and Sons/Suns ~ The Demon Temple

Please note our magickals, listings and words are written and created by the priestess’s of Satan and Suns/Sons ~ The Demon Temple, if you see them written anywhere else they are forgeries and not authentic magickals, demons or workings from the Temple. www.satanandsons.com

Thank you so much to all our customers. You inspire us to serve and to create these wonderful magickals and offer these wonderful products and services.

None of this would happen without you and we are so very grateful.

We are Demonosophers. We walked this path before there was a common name for it. Our Senior Coven Priestesses have a combined 20+ years of Demon conjuring and casting experience using Demonic Magick. Demons are our passion, our way of life, and the core of our being. We walk daily with our lords and follow our path devoutly.

We work very hard to forge relationships with the Demonic for our own personal strength and advancement, as well as our love for the Demonic Divine, to live Demon Inspired lives and we pass that on to you.

We accept payment through paypal and have payment plans available on request for applicable orders (does not include sales until after the wait period). You can email us for setting up these payment plans.

Thank you so much for shopping with us!

Shipping: All shipping is done on Thursday every week, though some orders take longer then others to process, please feel free to email us if you have any questions about your individual order.


By purchasing items or services from Satan and Sons, the purchaser agrees that they have read this disclaimer and the terms and conditions contained herein. The purchaser agrees to accept any and all liability resulting from the product or service purchased from Satan and Sons. The purchaser further acknowledges that no guarantees or warranties (either express or implied) are made by purchasing products or services from Satan and Sons. This disclaimer apples to all products and services offered by Satan and Sons/Suns and its parent company Akelta Enterprises (hereinafter “SnS”) to include, but not limited to, items, magickals, spiritual and energetic workings, spiritual guidance/counseling, spiritual readings, and spiritual summoning/binding services.

All products and services offered by SnS are strictly for entertainment purposes only and should not be used in lieu of legal, medical or financial advice, or any other advice or service that requires specific credentials, education, knowledge, expertise, and/or experience.

If you have or believe you have any medical conditions or symptoms, to include any and all medical and/or behavioral health conditions or concerns, seek medical assistance from a qualified healthcare provider immediately. All products and services sold by SnS are spiritual in nature and meant to align you with your spiritual path for empowerment. No products or services sold by SnS will miraculously heal the purchaser or fix all worldly problems. We do not claim to offer medical, legal, or financial advice or services, or any other service other than spiritual guidance. We highly advise that if you are in need of medical, financial or legal assistance you consult an appropriately licensed expert.

Our readings are a summary of the purchaser’s spiritual energy. This summary is done from a purely spiritual perspective as perceived by the priestesses of SnS. Readings may indicate that a particular individual has a possible aptitude to succeed in one or more fields, or potentially has had such ability in the past. Any such reading does not guarantee success in such ventures. Additionally, a reading is not a substitute for the qualifications, knowledge, experience, accreditation, or educational requirements of that or any particular field; e.g. if a reading indicates that a person has an aptitude for law, the reading does not make that person an attorney or guarantee their success in pursuing, becoming, or practicing law, or any other endeavor. Likewise, a reading indicating that a person has been a doctor in a past life does not qualify and license that person as a doctor today. The two preceding statements are given as examples only. The same principles espoused above apply to any and all other fields and professions that require specific and specialized education, training, experience, and/or licensure/qualification. The purchaser assumes all liability and releases and holds harmless SnS, it’s priestesses, and associates for the results of the purchaser’s actions. All professions require proper education and licensing. Our products and services do not do that work for you.

By purchasing products or services from SnS, the purchaser assumes and accepts full and complete liability and responsibility for their actions and releases SnS, it’s priestesses, and associates from any and all legal liability. No guarantees or warranties are made by any product or service offered by SnS. The purchaser also assumes liability for compliance with their own local, state/territorial, and host nation laws. SnS does not guarantee that all products and services offered are permissible in all locales. Consequently, the purchaser assumes compliance with their own local, state, and national laws upon purchase. If the purchaser is unsure of the legality of any product or service offered by SnS, the consumer assumes the responsibility to determine the legality of the product(s)/service(s) from a competent and authorized authority prior to purchase. The consequences of purchasing a product or service in violation of the purchaser’s local, state, or national laws resides solely with the purchaser. By purchasing from SnS, the purchaser assumes liability and agrees to hold harmless and release from all legal liability SnS, it’s priestesses and associates.

©Satan and Sons/Suns ~ The Demon Temple


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