Mammon and Rashoon’s Ritual of the Self

Mammon and Rashoon’s Ritual of the Self


  • *Purchase Agreement

  • Custom Selection

    To complete this Spell we require specific details from you in order to connect to the energies.  We will need the full name, and a recent photo, of the one whom this spell will be cast for.  

    Once payment is completed, please send us a recent photo of who this spell is for to our email

    *Preferred Name

    Please write out the Preferred Name of whom this spell will be cast for.

    *Date of Birth

    Please include the date of birth of the person for whom this spell is for.


This Listing and it’s content is created by the priestesses of Satan and Suns/Sons ~ The Demon Temple. if you see these words listed on any other site it is a forgery.

Mammon and Rashoon’s
Self love, Passion and Divine Awakening

Ritual of the Self.

We welcome you to have this incredible and amazing ritual, with the combined energies of Lord Mammon and Lady Rashoon

Lady Rashoon 

Sexual Solar Demoness of Confidence and Charisma and Wife of Lord Mammon.  She is a powerful and beautiful force of the demonic Divine.  A demoness of confidence and grace, a gentle but yet powerful feminine demoness who knows her power and knows how to use confidence and charisma to shift and change the world around her.  She is a demoness of feminine empowerment and understands the dark nature of the divine feminine and can show women how to realign and feel the divine power that naturally courses through them.  

She is beautiful and balanced and is a  powerful demon goddess. She offers her energies to this powerful ritual for awakening of the self, core empowerment and self blessings of the divine.  She is one who believes in honouring and loving the self and knows how to bring out the energies of seduction, passion and self- love.  She is an inspired and incredible demoness to work with.    

Lord Mammon 

Demon God of Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity and one who understands the high vibrational money making mindset. Lord Mammon is one demon who understands the art of wealth and wealth creation as well as teaching one to embrace the abundance mindset and  encompass their life with wealth and prosperity.  Mammon understands the mindset behind wealth and he knows how to help us to change our mindset and release ourselves from the blocks that prevent our growth.  He is a demon of the mind and understands perspective and how to see opportunity in the world around us.

Mammon and his Lovely Wife Rashoon have come together for this incredible and empowered spell of self love, passion, confidence, charisma, abundance, prosperity and high vibrational empowerment.  This is a powerful ritual and it is designed for you with your success in mind.  This demonic power couple combine the masculine and the feminine divine to create this beautiful and incredible ritual designed to elevate you to your very best and help you step into the life that you always dreamed of.  

Let this Ritual empower you and awaken your core essence.  This is a spell of you, your confidence, your power, your beauty. Let it shine, you are incredible and stunning and you deserve to shine and feel that empowerment. 

~ This is a ritual of the self.

~ To align you with your charisma

~ To help you step into your core power

~ To help you feel empowered

~ To help you feel alive 

~ To help you feel ready to take the world

~ To elevate your energies

~ To lift you up

~ To show you how to realize your dreams

~ To give you the drive and motivation to take your dreams


You are beautiful, you have talent, you are amazing! You have just been told your whole life to downplay your wonder and to your raw essence.  You were taught to be a lesser version of you.  Well now it is your time to remember who you are and remember all that is amazing and incredible about you.  Take back your power, reclaim your confidence and step into a whole new you.   

This ritual combines the confidence and charismatic feminine energies of Lady Rashoon with the High Vibrational, abundance and prosperous energies of Lord Mammon to help you awaken your greatness, remember your power and step into a charismatic you.  

The Feminine energies of Lady Rashoon we are stripped bare of our inhibitions and shame, we are shown compassion and strength and guided back to the power of our core self.  Our core selves are shut away and hidden but through her amazing energies one can unlock the door and embrace the empowered beautiful self who is ready to get out there and conquer the world.  Let your beauty and radiance shine through and let Rashoon show you how to walk with confidence and love for who you are.  This is a ritual of the self, to honour and heal the self and help you step out of your shell and shamelessly be you, all of you! 

The Masculine Energies of Lord Mammon bring a powerful and incredible boost to your ability to manifest, to get out there and conquer the world.  When you exist in high vibrational energies and know that you have powerful support behind you nothing can get you down. You know where you are going and you know how to get what it is that you desire.  His energies will surround you with golden radiance to raise you up and help you use your confidence and charisma to take the world, move forward on your dreams, realize what you want and that you deserve more in life, push forward  and attain what you desire.  Unify yourself, remember your power, take it back and allow yourself to grow and shine!

You deserve not to settle, you deserve to remember what an amazing, powerful, divine dreamer that you are, and you also deserve to have the power to take back what is yours and step into the divine being that you are! 

If you feel called to this amazing ritual please feel free to buy out the listing above!

~ Priestess’s of Satan and Suns/Sons ~ The Demon Temple

Please note our magickals, listings and words are written and created by the priestess’s of Satan and Suns/Sons ~ The Demon Temple, if you see them written anywhere else they are forgeries and not authentic magickals, demons or workings from the Temple.

Thank you so much to all our customs. You inspire us to serve and to create these wonderful magickals and offer these wonderful products and services.

None of this would happen without you and we are so very grateful.

We are Demonosophers. We walked this path before there was a common name for it. Our Senior Coven Priestesses have a combined 20+ years of Demon conjuring and casting experience using Demonic Magick. Demons are our passion, our way of life, and the core of our being. We walk daily with our lords and follow our path devoutly.


We work very hard to forge relationships with the Demonic for our own personal strength and advancement, as well as our love for the Demonic Divine, to live Demon Inspired lives and we pass that on to you.

We accept payment through paypal and are flexible with setting up payment plans. If something speaks to you and you would like to put together a plan, please feel free to contact us. Once your payment is received, You will receive an e–mail from us with the details of your order.

Thank you so much for shopping with us!

Shipping: All shipping is done on Thursday every week, though some orders take longer then others to process, please feel free to email us if you have any questions about your individual order. 



By purchasing items or services from Satan and Sons, the purchaser agrees that they have read this disclaimer and the terms and conditions contained herein. The purchaser agrees to accept any and all liability resulting from the product or service purchased from Satan and Sons. The purchaser further acknowledges that no guarantees or warranties (either express or implied) are made by purchasing products or services from Satan and Sons. This disclaimer apples to all products and services offered by Satan and Sons/Suns and its parent company Akelta Enterprises (hereinafter “SnS”) to include, but not limited to, items, magickals, spiritual and energetic workings, spiritual guidance/counseling, spiritual readings, and spiritual summoning/binding services.


All products and services offered by SnS are strictly for entertainment purposes only and should not be used in lieu of legal, medical or financial advice, or any other advice or service that requires specific credentials, education, knowledge, expertise, and/or experience.


If you have or believe you have any medical conditions or symptoms, to include any and all medical and/or behavioral health conditions or concerns, seek medical assistance from a qualified healthcare provider immediately. All products and services sold by SnS are spiritual in nature and meant to align you with your spiritual path for empowerment. No products or services sold by SnS will miraculously heal the purchaser or fix all worldly problems. We do not claim to offer medical, legal, or financial advice or services, or any other service other than spiritual guidance. We highly advise that if you are in need of medical, financial or legal assistance you consult an appropriately licensed expert.


Our readings are a summary of the purchaser’s spiritual energy. This summary is done from a purely spiritual perspective as perceived by the priestesses of SnS. Readings may indicate that a particular individual has a possible aptitude to succeed in one or more fields, or potentially has had such ability in the past. Any such reading does not guarantee success in such ventures. Additionally, a reading is not a substitute for the qualifications, knowledge, experience, accreditation, or educational requirements of that or any particular field; e.g. if a reading indicates that a person has an aptitude for law, the reading does not make that person an attorney or guarantee their success in pursuing, becoming, or practicing law, or any other endeavor. Likewise, a reading indicating that a person has been a doctor in a past life does not qualify and license that person as a doctor today. The two preceding statements are given as examples only. The same principles espoused above apply to any and all other fields and professions that require specific and specialized education, training, experience, and/or licensure/qualification. The purchaser assumes all liability and releases and holds harmless SnS, it’s priestesses, and associates for the results of the purchaser’s actions. All professions require proper education and licensing. Our products and services do not do that work for you.


By purchasing products or services from SnS, the purchaser assumes and accepts full and complete liability and responsibility for their actions and releases SnS, it’s priestesses, and associates from any and all legal liability. No guarantees or warranties are made by any product or service offered by SnS. The purchaser also assumes liability for compliance with their own local, state/territorial, and host nation laws. SnS does not guarantee that all products and services offered are permissible in all locales. Consequently, the purchaser assumes compliance with their own local, state, and national laws upon purchase. If the purchaser is unsure of the legality of any product or service offered by SnS, the consumer assumes the responsibility to determine the legality of the product(s)/service(s) from a competent and authorized authority prior to purchase. The consequences of purchasing a product or service in violation of the purchaser’s local, state, or national laws resides solely with the purchaser. By purchasing from SnS, the purchaser assumes liability and agrees to hold harmless and release from all legal liability SnS, it’s priestesses and associates.

All of our demons/Imp have a creative writing element to them and require written work that takes time to produce.  This is work that is created and will be emailed to you.  Once this is completed we offer no refunds as our time is vested into producing these writings they are all original and creative an they do take time for us to produce.  A great deal of times goes into creating the graphics, writings and information provided in your orders.  These orders are individually customized to you and do take our time.

©Satan and Sons/Suns ~ The Demon Temple


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