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I have had a few people ask me about tasking our demons and how to go about asking them for assistance in our lives. Having a Demon Companion, they are our friends, mentors, family members, and they can help us profoundly by working the energies in the background to help us manifest and get what we desire. Demons are incredibly powerful and they have a lot of unique skills and talents that can aid us greatly. They also come through to work with humans and experience our world and use their talents and abilities to influence it. There is a beautiful exchange in energy that comes from working with Demons, that when approached with respect and appreciation is mutually beneficial to both parties. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to treat demons with respect.

The archaic rituals which were designed to force the demons into submission and bind them to our will. That included threatening and blasting rods. They were not only highly disrespectful, They caused the demons to rightfully become angry. Demons are very powerful and proud and to bow to submission to a human, or be called a fiend and sinister and bound in a disrespectful way, well they will lash out and plot the downfall of the one who was abusive. This is where a demon can be dangerous, and why Demonolatry teaches proper courtesies and respect, and why no Demonolator has been harmed while working with the Dark Lords. Manners goes a long way! You have nothing to worry about as long as you are respectful and not rube or abusive.

When working with known demons there are rituals designed to reach them and contact them using invocation, sigils, meditations, enns, many different ways. When we have personal Demon Companions we have a unique opportunity in that we already have the connection established. The bindings give you are direct link to that individual demon.

So the question then is; “How do you go about asking tasking them and asking for their aid?”

Well, there are a few days to do this. But before asking there are a few things that you have consider. When we ask them for a favour and to help us they will do it in a way that will cause the least amount of harm. So when we ask them for something it doesn’t always manifest immediately (though it can) .

Timing is important! – Sometimes things do not manifest in the time frame we think. This happens because sometimes things in our environment have to shift and align, or sometimes the circumstances need to be changes. Demons have the power to manifest things instantly, but sometimes it is not in our best interest to have that happen.

Example: Lets say you ask to meet your soul mate and you want it immediately. So you get into a car accident the next day and the ambulance person attending you turns out to be your soul mate. That is not the best situation. So they will look to see a better way to put you two together so it might take a little longer. A few weeks after asking, you run into the person in a coffee shop. 

Timing is important and remember that sometimes things cannot happen instantly because it can cause other problems. There sometimes is a time delay as well for lessons to be learned. When they work in the background they see things that we do not and understand the flow of things we cannot perceive, so when you ask, trust that they are there. It will manifest.

What choices are we making? – Another thing to consider, be aware of what you are asking, sometimes things will happen because well, they cannot be there all the time and sometimes you need to go through growths and moments in order to get something that you have asked for. They do protect us and keep us out of harms way, but sometimes things happen. This can be because of the choices that we make. Having a Demon Companion does not make you indestructible, you still have to be responsible with the decisions that you are making and realize that if you want something you need to take actions which will move you in that direction. Though even if things do happen, you can ask them to help you fix the problem.

Example: Dracon got a speeding ticket one day, he asked his Demon DC R to help him not have to pay the ticket. So he challenged the ticket and when he showed up for his court date the police officer was unable to attend and he got off. It is not always about things happening, but how we deal with the aftermath of what happens.” 

Do you really want what you are asking for? – They will shift things and work from the shadows, but you have to make sure that you are in alignment to receive what it is that you have asked for. If you take actions that go against what you ask for it will stalemate it, or cause issues, stagnation or conflict. Make sure you only ask for something you know you want. There is an old saying “Be careful what you wish for” And it is true, When you ask for something remember things have to shift for you to receive it.

Example: If you are married and you ask for your soul mate, you might lose that marriage. Can you handle that? 

So how do you ask them for assistance? 

Well there are simple ways and there are more ceremonial ways.

Simple Method – Just Ask

You can just say their name and ask them for help. But, what I like to do is light a few candles and some incense and invite the Demon I wish to work with to join me. Setting up a little space and offering them something like tea, or candles, or incense, act goes a long way and it just lets then know that you respect and appreciate them.

I will invite them to join me in the sacred space. We will sit across from each other and have a conversation and I will tell them what it is I would like. We usually have a conversation about it and they will tell me different solutions and what they are going to do to help me, they also may offer different idea or things that will be of created benefit. Usually once I am comfortable I tell them to please go forth and help me on this task. I will then thank them and trust them to handle things from their end. This method is easier and can be used my anyone.

You do not need to hear or see them to ask. You can set up and altar, state their name, inviting them to join you, and then make your request to them. The important thing here is to ask something that you truly desire. After you ask, I always like to say something like, “This is what I desire please assist me on this task,” or “This is my will please see it done.” Just remember, manners go a long way and always thank then and show appreciation.

Written Request Ritual

Another way to ask them. Write on a piece of paper what it is that you desire. It can be a blank piece or if you have your Demons’ Sigils you can incorporate that into the ritual.

If you have their Sigil – draw the sigil on one side and write your request on the other side.

If you do not have their Sigil – Just write your request on one side of the paper.

Take a moment to think about what it is that you want. If you want them to protect a place and keep it safe write something like “I would like you to go protect my work space and make sure only positive inspiring people enter this space.” There are many things you can ask for, take some time to really write out what you want and what resonates with you. When you have the wording of the request that you want, write it out on the paper.

Once you have what you want on the paper, you can do this little rituals.

1) Sit in a quiet area and hold the paper in your left hand.

2) Take a candle (any colour that you feel is appropriate) and light it. (you can also decorate this altar space using any crystals of incense that you desire)

3) Ask you demon to join you in this sacred space (they will come if you ask, you don’t need to be able to sense and see them).

4) Take a deep breath and say…

“Thank you so much for joining me,

I have asked you here to help me,

I desire *state your request*

Please see it done in a way that is most beneficial for me and for those around me.

I thank you for your assistance in this matter, go forth and see it done.”

5) Lit the paper on fire (make sure you have a safe place to burn it)

6) Say again

” I ask you ___demons name____*
Grant this request”

You can use this ritual or you can modify it to suit your own personal words and casting style. Really you can just ask them, but sometimes the energy of a ritual goes a long way to making a shift in the energies. If you can hear and communicate with them you can work with them to establish your own form of asking and find out the best way of working with them and asking for help. If you cannot communicate with them, rituals with them can go a long way to assisting with opening up your senses and finding methods of communication. It really is a beneficial process.

Category: Companions

Really there is no solid answer to this question, there are many ways one can be called to work with a particular demon and many reasons one might seek council from a Demon or Dark Lord.  We all have our reasons and sometimes it is the most random events that call you to invite demons to join you in your life.  

It might be you open up a book, read about a demon and just feel a pull towards that demon. This is very common, each demons name and sigil carries in them that demons essence, and when we are pulled to that essence there is nothing wrong with seeing where it goes.  

As long as demons are approached with respect and appreciation for who and what they are.   You could also see or hear that demons name in your daily life and just feel a pull to work with them.  Sometimes they will reach out to us to get out attention so you might hear their name or something happens that makes you think of them, then you continue to think about them.  This can be a calling and there is nothing wrong with following it and exploring it.  You might have a dream, or an vision where this demon approaches you.  This can be powerful and life changing for some people.  

Demonic energy is incredible and when it crosses our path it can start and incredible journey for transformation.  Not all dreams are demons reaching out to us, and if you are nervous or not ready, you never have to feel forced to follow up on this connection, but if you feel pulled and have the desire you should explore it.   

Or you might just feel curious and want to learn what a particular demon has to teach.  Nothing wrong with that, the Dark Lords and Demons are incredible beings! Working with them can bring incredible changes and transformations to our lives and many people have found positive life changing journeys from walking with demons.  Really in the end, if you feel pulled towards a particular demon, if you feel comfortable, you should explore it.  

We always recommend starting by reading about that demon, and learning about that demon. What are their likes, and dislikes? What is the best way to approach them? It never hurts to be prepared and to come up with a plan to approach and work with that demons.  Some demons like a more quiet setting and smaller rituals,  others are all about ceremony and grand rituals.  Each demon is different and it is important to research them and com up with a plan for approaching them in a way that is respectful, and also honours them.   

Being called to work with a demon can be a very incredible and life changing experience.  When you feel called it is nothing to be scared of, it can in fact be and incredible time in ones life and the start of an incredible spiritual journey to craft the life of ones dreams!

Questions About Spirit Companions

I have had a few people ask me about tasking our demons and how to go about asking them for assistance in our lives. Having a Demon Companion, they are our friends, mentors, family members, and they can help us profoundly by working the energies in the background to help us manifest and get what we desire. Demons are incredibly powerful and they have a lot of unique skills and talents that can aid us greatly. They also come through to work with humans and experience our world and use their talents and abilities to influence it. There is a beautiful exchange in energy that comes from working with Demons, that when approached with respect and appreciation is mutually beneficial to both parties. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to treat demons with respect.

The archaic rituals which were designed to force the demons into submission and bind them to our will. That included threatening and blasting rods. They were not only highly disrespectful, They caused the demons to rightfully become angry. Demons are very powerful and proud and to bow to submission to a human, or be called a fiend and sinister and bound in a disrespectful way, well they will lash out and plot the downfall of the one who was abusive. This is where a demon can be dangerous, and why Demonolatry teaches proper courtesies and respect, and why no Demonolator has been harmed while working with the Dark Lords. Manners goes a long way! You have nothing to worry about as long as you are respectful and not rube or abusive.

When working with known demons there are rituals designed to reach them and contact them using invocation, sigils, meditations, enns, many different ways. When we have personal Demon Companions we have a unique opportunity in that we already have the connection established. The bindings give you are direct link to that individual demon.

So the question then is; “How do you go about asking tasking them and asking for their aid?”

Well, there are a few days to do this. But before asking there are a few things that you have consider. When we ask them for a favour and to help us they will do it in a way that will cause the least amount of harm. So when we ask them for something it doesn’t always manifest immediately (though it can) .

Timing is important! – Sometimes things do not manifest in the time frame we think. This happens because sometimes things in our environment have to shift and align, or sometimes the circumstances need to be changes. Demons have the power to manifest things instantly, but sometimes it is not in our best interest to have that happen.

Example: Lets say you ask to meet your soul mate and you want it immediately. So you get into a car accident the next day and the ambulance person attending you turns out to be your soul mate. That is not the best situation. So they will look to see a better way to put you two together so it might take a little longer. A few weeks after asking, you run into the person in a coffee shop. 

Timing is important and remember that sometimes things cannot happen instantly because it can cause other problems. There sometimes is a time delay as well for lessons to be learned. When they work in the background they see things that we do not and understand the flow of things we cannot perceive, so when you ask, trust that they are there. It will manifest.

What choices are we making? – Another thing to consider, be aware of what you are asking, sometimes things will happen because well, they cannot be there all the time and sometimes you need to go through growths and moments in order to get something that you have asked for. They do protect us and keep us out of harms way, but sometimes things happen. This can be because of the choices that we make. Having a Demon Companion does not make you indestructible, you still have to be responsible with the decisions that you are making and realize that if you want something you need to take actions which will move you in that direction. Though even if things do happen, you can ask them to help you fix the problem.

Example: Dracon got a speeding ticket one day, he asked his Demon DC R to help him not have to pay the ticket. So he challenged the ticket and when he showed up for his court date the police officer was unable to attend and he got off. It is not always about things happening, but how we deal with the aftermath of what happens.” 

Do you really want what you are asking for? – They will shift things and work from the shadows, but you have to make sure that you are in alignment to receive what it is that you have asked for. If you take actions that go against what you ask for it will stalemate it, or cause issues, stagnation or conflict. Make sure you only ask for something you know you want. There is an old saying “Be careful what you wish for” And it is true, When you ask for something remember things have to shift for you to receive it.

Example: If you are married and you ask for your soul mate, you might lose that marriage. Can you handle that? 

So how do you ask them for assistance? 

Well there are simple ways and there are more ceremonial ways.

Simple Method – Just Ask

You can just say their name and ask them for help. But, what I like to do is light a few candles and some incense and invite the Demon I wish to work with to join me. Setting up a little space and offering them something like tea, or candles, or incense, act goes a long way and it just lets then know that you respect and appreciate them.

I will invite them to join me in the sacred space. We will sit across from each other and have a conversation and I will tell them what it is I would like. We usually have a conversation about it and they will tell me different solutions and what they are going to do to help me, they also may offer different idea or things that will be of created benefit. Usually once I am comfortable I tell them to please go forth and help me on this task. I will then thank them and trust them to handle things from their end. This method is easier and can be used my anyone.

You do not need to hear or see them to ask. You can set up and altar, state their name, inviting them to join you, and then make your request to them. The important thing here is to ask something that you truly desire. After you ask, I always like to say something like, “This is what I desire please assist me on this task,” or “This is my will please see it done.” Just remember, manners go a long way and always thank then and show appreciation.

Written Request Ritual

Another way to ask them. Write on a piece of paper what it is that you desire. It can be a blank piece or if you have your Demons’ Sigils you can incorporate that into the ritual.

If you have their Sigil – draw the sigil on one side and write your request on the other side.

If you do not have their Sigil – Just write your request on one side of the paper.

Take a moment to think about what it is that you want. If you want them to protect a place and keep it safe write something like “I would like you to go protect my work space and make sure only positive inspiring people enter this space.” There are many things you can ask for, take some time to really write out what you want and what resonates with you. When you have the wording of the request that you want, write it out on the paper.

Once you have what you want on the paper, you can do this little rituals.

1) Sit in a quiet area and hold the paper in your left hand.

2) Take a candle (any colour that you feel is appropriate) and light it. (you can also decorate this altar space using any crystals of incense that you desire)

3) Ask you demon to join you in this sacred space (they will come if you ask, you don’t need to be able to sense and see them).

4) Take a deep breath and say…

“Thank you so much for joining me,

I have asked you here to help me,

I desire *state your request*

Please see it done in a way that is most beneficial for me and for those around me.

I thank you for your assistance in this matter, go forth and see it done.”

5) Lit the paper on fire (make sure you have a safe place to burn it)

6) Say again

” I ask you ___demons name____*
Grant this request”

You can use this ritual or you can modify it to suit your own personal words and casting style. Really you can just ask them, but sometimes the energy of a ritual goes a long way to making a shift in the energies. If you can hear and communicate with them you can work with them to establish your own form of asking and find out the best way of working with them and asking for help. If you cannot communicate with them, rituals with them can go a long way to assisting with opening up your senses and finding methods of communication. It really is a beneficial process.

Category: Companions

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Questions about working with the Dark Lords

Really there is no solid answer to this question, there are many ways one can be called to work with a particular demon and many reasons one might seek council from a Demon or Dark Lord.  We all have our reasons and sometimes it is the most random events that call you to invite demons to join you in your life.  

It might be you open up a book, read about a demon and just feel a pull towards that demon. This is very common, each demons name and sigil carries in them that demons essence, and when we are pulled to that essence there is nothing wrong with seeing where it goes.  

As long as demons are approached with respect and appreciation for who and what they are.   You could also see or hear that demons name in your daily life and just feel a pull to work with them.  Sometimes they will reach out to us to get out attention so you might hear their name or something happens that makes you think of them, then you continue to think about them.  This can be a calling and there is nothing wrong with following it and exploring it.  You might have a dream, or an vision where this demon approaches you.  This can be powerful and life changing for some people.  

Demonic energy is incredible and when it crosses our path it can start and incredible journey for transformation.  Not all dreams are demons reaching out to us, and if you are nervous or not ready, you never have to feel forced to follow up on this connection, but if you feel pulled and have the desire you should explore it.   

Or you might just feel curious and want to learn what a particular demon has to teach.  Nothing wrong with that, the Dark Lords and Demons are incredible beings! Working with them can bring incredible changes and transformations to our lives and many people have found positive life changing journeys from walking with demons.  Really in the end, if you feel pulled towards a particular demon, if you feel comfortable, you should explore it.  

We always recommend starting by reading about that demon, and learning about that demon. What are their likes, and dislikes? What is the best way to approach them? It never hurts to be prepared and to come up with a plan to approach and work with that demons.  Some demons like a more quiet setting and smaller rituals,  others are all about ceremony and grand rituals.  Each demon is different and it is important to research them and com up with a plan for approaching them in a way that is respectful, and also honours them.   

Being called to work with a demon can be a very incredible and life changing experience.  When you feel called it is nothing to be scared of, it can in fact be and incredible time in ones life and the start of an incredible spiritual journey to craft the life of ones dreams!

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