Most Popular Frequently Asked Questions

If you feel that you are being haunted and or tormented by a spirit we take the approach of returning power to the individual.  We believe strongly in the development of the spiritual foundation so that you can take back the power from these forces, reclaim your space and your life. 

Building your spiritual foundation will also help you to take control of your space and decide what energies move in and out of it.  We highly recommend that anyone who is having trouble with spiritual forces begin immediately working on their spiritual foundation. 

The Spiritual Foundation consists of Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Warding, Focusing and Mental Mastery.  The development and investment in these skills with give you the power to take back your space and remove any unwanted force in your life.  

We have written some booklets here that can help you to begin this process and begin to really take control of your life and reclaim your power.  Remember that you are powerful and you are a divine being and that a lot of forces like to use fear to take your power away, but the second you stop being afraid of them they lose that power and you can stop them. 

You will find the booklets below.  

Shielding 101

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101

Warding 101

Grounding 101  

If you need a little boost for your shields we have an incredible magickal which we have created that can give you an incredible powerful shield right off the bat while you are developing and crafting your own shields.  This shield s created with demonic energies and is designed to help you deal with troublesome forces in your life.  Our Demonic Curse Breaker and Shield of Shadows. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Belials Unshakable Force Magickal, to boost your own power and help bring you confidence and strength when dealing with unseen forces.  Click here to see them!

If you find that this recourses do not help, we recommend reading this article as sometimes there are shadows in our mind that are causing the problems around us.    

Article can be found here!

The first question I always ask when this situation comes up is, How do you know it is a demon? When summoning and conjuring it takes years to determine what exactly you are working with and what energies are coming through. This is one of the reason that we recommend building your spiritual foundation and learning how to shield yourself and protect your space. There are lot of malicious entities out there that will take the opportunity of sporadic summoning to come through and feed.

When we are working with the Dark Lords we take the time to learn their energies and attune ourselves to their vibrations through end chanting and working with their sigil. These preparations before the invocation is designed to help attune you to their energies. These practises are also designed to help us define sacred space and create a place where we can communicate undisturbed with the Dark Lord/Demon.

When you are dealing with unknown demons and succubi and incubi you don’t have a clear lock on their energies because they are not written about and defined. This is why true conjurers take years to develop their skills and learn how to read and interpret energies. Those who have accidentally invited sludge into their life, masquerading as, let’s say a Son of Satan, have found their lives fall apart, they end up in terrible pain, and even have had people around them who are close to them get sick and die. Sludge entities are terribly and in some situations encounters with them can lead to sever illness. Conjuring is not something that should be taken frivolously. When you are trying to summon or conjure something that is unknown you need to have clear defined protections and know how to protect yourself if something goes wrong.

There are many spiritual beings out there and many of them are unfriendly and wish to cause us harm. Malicious Sludge Entities and Astral Parasites seek out our energies for their consumption and can cause a lot of issues when they get in. It is important to have means to defend yourself and define your space. We recommend learning about and developing your spiritual foundation, especially the area of cleansing and shielding. We have booklets here for free that you can download and use to begin to develop your spiritual foundation.


If it is a demon that comes through and it won’t leave you alone, it is important to note that demons are sentient beings with their own views and perspectives. They are powerful and incredible beings and if you act in a way that is disrespectful to them, they might be annoyed and trying to teach you a lesson. This is especially true if you are demanding or rude to them.

If it is a demon, apologizing to them and trying to rectify the situation and making it right. Once you have apologized continue to define and protect your space and take the time to learn what you need to to properly work with and connect with demons. Demons are Dark and some of them are dangerous, especially when you approach them in a cruel and abusive manner. It is important to know how to approach them and work with them and to show them respect. When working with demons, being courteous and polite goes a long way.

I get asked this question a lot,  how does one begin working with demons? How does one begin learning about and casting black magick?  The truth is that these questions all have the same answer…

Before one embarks on any spiritual path they need to commit time to read, to educate themselves and to get a solid understanding of the path that they wish to walk.

Spiritual paths are not something to be taken lightly.  They are a serious part of our practise and serious part of our journey.  Having a solid spiritual foundation is essential! The thing about one’s spiritual foundation is that it never stops developing and we can alway go deeper into our spiritual foundation.  We can also practise our skills, we can alway push ourselves to develop more.

This is one of the greatest secrets in magick.  Pushing yourself and your mind to do more.  Developing and mastering your skills and abilities and through that understanding and embracing yourself.  This is how you grow and develop.  This is how you master your life and what it is that you desire.  Our spiritual foundation is Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Focusing, Mental Mastery,  but committing to a daily routine you will master yourself and master your skill and be able to use all of those skills to enhance and awaken different levels within your spiritual path.  An investestment in your spiritual foundation is an investment in yourself.

I did a video on it here..

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Darkest Blessings!
Akelta, Satyra & Yllidra

Q: I am being haunted, tormented, abused by a spiritual force! Can you help me?

A: This is one question that we get a lot and the reality is that there is not a single fix all solution. Often times individual haunted cases have to be assessed and the solution has to come from figuring out what is happening and laying a foundation for a clear recovery path. 

There are several first steps to take when you think/feel you are being harassed by a spirit or entity.

Ruling Out Medical…

The first and foremost is to make sure there is nothing wrong with your physical health. There are many times where a physical ailment, or chemical imbalance can cause sensations and hallucinations on this level. It is wise to seek a medical examination by a qualified doctor to rule any physical/chemical issues. This is the first step and we advise anyone who is in this situation to make sure that you are always working with a physician just to rule out any physical factors. 

If you’ve done that the next step is Spiritual Foundation.

The Spiritual Foundation…

When working in the metaphysical /spiritual world or having any interactions with spirits/entities/magick, it is recommended to practice a solid spiritual foundation. The spiritual foundation will keep you safe in your dealings and working with the spiritual world and is recommended for anyone who walks any spiritual path.  It is important to learn these foundational skills, magick and the spirit world are not a joke, they are dangerous and there are lots of things that can harm you, it is important to learn to defend yourself. 

This requires learning to; 

~ Shield (a barrier protecting you from negative energies/spirits/entities/magick) 

~ Ground (the process of bringing you back to the physical world after any interaction with spirit/entities/magick) , 

~ Cleanse (cleaning your space where you are having interactions/magickal workings), 

~ Ward (protecting your property and/or self with sigils , crystals, or larger shields). 

When you start to develop your spiritual foundation you will start to take control over your space and be able to claim your space and remove any unwanted forces or presences. The first step with any harassing spirits or entities is to claim spiritual authority over yourself and your property. 

We have a resource website where we have written short free downloadable PDF’s that have basic foundational skills and instructions on how to implement them. Please see the link below: 

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101 ~ This booklet was written as a beginning guild to cleansing and energy clearing to assist you with building the important foundation for learning to cleanse yourself and your space of unwanted energies and entities.

Shielding 101 ~ This booklet was written to assist with the development of your shielding as shielding and learning to protect your energies and self from any negative entities or energies is essential for any spiritual practise.  There are lots of dangerous entities out there that can cause harm and the first line of the defence is your personal protection shield!

Warding 101 ~ This Booklet is written to assist with the development of your warding skills.  Just as personal shields are important it is very important to learn to protect your space and shield your home and your environment from unwanted forces and energies.  This can give you a safe space for working and developing your skills, and gives you the tools to keep your family safe from dangerous entities and hauntings.

Grounding 101 ~ This booklet is written to assist with Grounding.  This essential skill is important for all those who practise rituals, spirit communication or any activity where you have to raise your energy vibration.  Grounding helps to bring you back down to Earth and stabilize your energies and reconnect with yourself and your body.  It is a super important foundational tool.

If you begin to implement a spiritual foundation remember that it can take time for these things to take effect.  These entities spent years gaining access to your energies so it can take some time to undo what was done.  Be consistent with your foundational practises and you will notice that the effects will get less and less. 

The Living Shadow

If after developing a spiritual foundation you still find yourself tormented and you still are having the same trouble as before then the cause is probably internal.  This means that there is an element of your shadow self that has manifested its own consciousness and is tormenting you for some reason.  This reason is something that is deep and buried deep in your subconscious.  Some say that demons are in our head and this is true in this regard, there are personifications that manifest and arise inside of us and scream to be heard. The more they are repressed and ignored the louder they can become from the shadow element. In society we are taught to repress a lot of what we feel, and these repressions can manifest as living shadows.  

A spiritual foundation will have no effect on these shadows, as they are not external, they are internal.  A spiritual foundation works to protect you from the external.  When there are living manifestations that are formed from part of your shadow psyche then they are internal and the only way to go about removing them is shadow work. 

Shadow work, also called referred to as the journey into the underworld.  This is where you have to journey into the depth of your mind and basically heal past abuse and damage that has been done.  You have to go into yourself and work with your shadow side to uncover this side and work to heal it.  This can be very painful and challenging work and we recommend that you educate yourself on shadow work and find a practitioner who has understanding of the shadow work and knows how to help you navigate it.  This is very life changing and profound work and it can help you to heal the sides that are tormenting you.

This questions has been asked a few ties during the group rituals.  Really the answer is there are a bunch of ways that one can dispose of the ritual remains.  It can depend on a number of things;

What traditions you follow? 

Some tradition or spells have a very specific way in which the offerings should be disposed of.  If you are following that tradition you should honour that method of offering disposal.

Wha is your personal preference?  

If you are working a modified system that is your own then the end result is yours on how you dispose of your rituals offerings, make sure that this method aligns with you and with the goals that you hope to attain.

What is the deity you are working with’s personal preference? 

Are you working with a deity or demon?  If you are, they may inform you of how they want their ritual offerings disposed of.

What type of offering you are using?  

Some offers can remain on their altar indefinitely, such as crystals,  which others like food will rot and will have to be disposed of after a certain amount of time.

Does the ritual have a preferred method of disposal? 

If the ritual calls for the offerings to be disposed of in a certain way, then it is best to follow what is recommended.

What type of spell you are working? 

If you are working a banishing ritual  there are many different factors to consider when disposing of ritual materials, and there are many factors to consider when disposing of offerings.

Here are some suggestions that I have used in my practise, though like most things I say follow what feels comfortable and right for you.  Rituals and spells are often very personalized and it is important to follow what aligns with your work.


Yes you can burn the offerings. Some rituals to call for this and some offerings it makes perfect sense to burn them at the end of the ritual, especially if you have a hearth or fire pit included in your ritual.  Food offerings such as meat and bread can easily be burnt.  Fire works great with rituals of banishment releasing and cleansing.  When you burn something you banish it permanently never to return, you alter it and alter yourself in such a profound way that it never will return to you.  Poppets, or other ritual dolls especially ones that might be tied to things that you wish to remove from your life can easily be burned.


If your offering is organic then placing them in a body of moving water such as a stream or river to wash them away is a perfectly acceptable way to dispose of ritual offerings.  You can also place some organic offerings on the beach to be swept away by the tides. Though please use common sense, our oceans and bodies of water contain enough garbage, make sure you only dispose of organic offerings.


If your offering is organic such as food, drink, blood, plant materials then there is no harm in burying it at the end of the ritual.  This returns it to nature and returns the energy to the one that it was presented to.  If you have a garden or compost this can be a great place to dispose of ritual offerings.  Some offerings or ritual items require you to bury the item in certain places, like burying them on the property of your target, or burying them in your own yard.

Leaving for wildlife 

If you are working with food items and they are not poisoned or contaminated through the working it is perfectly acceptable to leave them for wildlife and insects.  This can be a great way to honour the energy of the ritual and the entities involved.  This is great for gratitude rituals or rituals honouring a specific time of the year.   If you work with a food item, it can be scattered and left for the local wildlife to consume.  Some rituals even call for leaving such offerings for the nature spirits and the gods of the wild.  It really depends on the nature of the ritual you are performing.

Self Consumption. 

This is a strange one but if you are doing any translocation work or any work where you invite the entity into you some of them may ask you to consume the offering.  This should only be done if the offering is not toxic and is in fact ok for consumption.  I have done this during transvocation work with my companions to allow them to have the offering through my body.

Letting nature take its course

If you offer a bowl of water or do a ritual with herbs outside you can just leave them.  The water will naturally evaporate and the herbs will decompose into the Earth.  Nature knows how to take care of these things and some offers are completely safe to leave.   Flowers will wither and return to the Earth and the passage of time will take its course.  Some things are best left for nature to do with it what it will.

Leaving it on their altar.

Some offerings are permanent offerings.  They are gifts for the beings that you work with and you can keep them on their alter indefinitely. This is good for offerings like Crystals, candle holders or items that will not decay.  These offerings can be gifts to your companions and deities and they make the altars incredible beautiful.  The nice thing about these items is that they can be used with any work that you do with them and their energies build over time.


Ok some rituals call for this.  If you are doing a curse working, a banishment working or working with offerings that are not so nice you can and should feel free to dispose of them in the garage.  This will work especially well for banishments because hey, you want them removed from your life anyway!  Some items are best to be disposed of as far away from you as possible.   The garbage is a very efficient way to dispose of many offerings that you need removed from you.

How you dispose of your items will depend on the working you are doing as well as what the ritual is for.  Think about the ritual that you are doing and what makes the most sense for disposing of the offerings.  Don’t be afraid to get creative and follow your own thoughts and inspirations, but always use common sense.

Questions About Spirit Companions

I get asked this question a lot,  how does one begin working with demons? How does one begin learning about and casting black magick?  The truth is that these questions all have the same answer…

Before one embarks on any spiritual path they need to commit time to read, to educate themselves and to get a solid understanding of the path that they wish to walk.

Spiritual paths are not something to be taken lightly.  They are a serious part of our practise and serious part of our journey.  Having a solid spiritual foundation is essential! The thing about one’s spiritual foundation is that it never stops developing and we can alway go deeper into our spiritual foundation.  We can also practise our skills, we can alway push ourselves to develop more.

This is one of the greatest secrets in magick.  Pushing yourself and your mind to do more.  Developing and mastering your skills and abilities and through that understanding and embracing yourself.  This is how you grow and develop.  This is how you master your life and what it is that you desire.  Our spiritual foundation is Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Focusing, Mental Mastery,  but committing to a daily routine you will master yourself and master your skill and be able to use all of those skills to enhance and awaken different levels within your spiritual path.  An investestment in your spiritual foundation is an investment in yourself.

I did a video on it here..

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Darkest Blessings!
Akelta, Satyra & Yllidra

This questions has been asked a few ties during the group rituals.  Really the answer is there are a bunch of ways that one can dispose of the ritual remains.  It can depend on a number of things;

What traditions you follow? 

Some tradition or spells have a very specific way in which the offerings should be disposed of.  If you are following that tradition you should honour that method of offering disposal.

Wha is your personal preference?  

If you are working a modified system that is your own then the end result is yours on how you dispose of your rituals offerings, make sure that this method aligns with you and with the goals that you hope to attain.

What is the deity you are working with’s personal preference? 

Are you working with a deity or demon?  If you are, they may inform you of how they want their ritual offerings disposed of.

What type of offering you are using?  

Some offers can remain on their altar indefinitely, such as crystals,  which others like food will rot and will have to be disposed of after a certain amount of time.

Does the ritual have a preferred method of disposal? 

If the ritual calls for the offerings to be disposed of in a certain way, then it is best to follow what is recommended.

What type of spell you are working? 

If you are working a banishing ritual  there are many different factors to consider when disposing of ritual materials, and there are many factors to consider when disposing of offerings.

Here are some suggestions that I have used in my practise, though like most things I say follow what feels comfortable and right for you.  Rituals and spells are often very personalized and it is important to follow what aligns with your work.


Yes you can burn the offerings. Some rituals to call for this and some offerings it makes perfect sense to burn them at the end of the ritual, especially if you have a hearth or fire pit included in your ritual.  Food offerings such as meat and bread can easily be burnt.  Fire works great with rituals of banishment releasing and cleansing.  When you burn something you banish it permanently never to return, you alter it and alter yourself in such a profound way that it never will return to you.  Poppets, or other ritual dolls especially ones that might be tied to things that you wish to remove from your life can easily be burned.


If your offering is organic then placing them in a body of moving water such as a stream or river to wash them away is a perfectly acceptable way to dispose of ritual offerings.  You can also place some organic offerings on the beach to be swept away by the tides. Though please use common sense, our oceans and bodies of water contain enough garbage, make sure you only dispose of organic offerings.


If your offering is organic such as food, drink, blood, plant materials then there is no harm in burying it at the end of the ritual.  This returns it to nature and returns the energy to the one that it was presented to.  If you have a garden or compost this can be a great place to dispose of ritual offerings.  Some offerings or ritual items require you to bury the item in certain places, like burying them on the property of your target, or burying them in your own yard.

Leaving for wildlife 

If you are working with food items and they are not poisoned or contaminated through the working it is perfectly acceptable to leave them for wildlife and insects.  This can be a great way to honour the energy of the ritual and the entities involved.  This is great for gratitude rituals or rituals honouring a specific time of the year.   If you work with a food item, it can be scattered and left for the local wildlife to consume.  Some rituals even call for leaving such offerings for the nature spirits and the gods of the wild.  It really depends on the nature of the ritual you are performing.

Self Consumption. 

This is a strange one but if you are doing any translocation work or any work where you invite the entity into you some of them may ask you to consume the offering.  This should only be done if the offering is not toxic and is in fact ok for consumption.  I have done this during transvocation work with my companions to allow them to have the offering through my body.

Letting nature take its course

If you offer a bowl of water or do a ritual with herbs outside you can just leave them.  The water will naturally evaporate and the herbs will decompose into the Earth.  Nature knows how to take care of these things and some offers are completely safe to leave.   Flowers will wither and return to the Earth and the passage of time will take its course.  Some things are best left for nature to do with it what it will.

Leaving it on their altar.

Some offerings are permanent offerings.  They are gifts for the beings that you work with and you can keep them on their alter indefinitely. This is good for offerings like Crystals, candle holders or items that will not decay.  These offerings can be gifts to your companions and deities and they make the altars incredible beautiful.  The nice thing about these items is that they can be used with any work that you do with them and their energies build over time.


Ok some rituals call for this.  If you are doing a curse working, a banishment working or working with offerings that are not so nice you can and should feel free to dispose of them in the garage.  This will work especially well for banishments because hey, you want them removed from your life anyway!  Some items are best to be disposed of as far away from you as possible.   The garbage is a very efficient way to dispose of many offerings that you need removed from you.

How you dispose of your items will depend on the working you are doing as well as what the ritual is for.  Think about the ritual that you are doing and what makes the most sense for disposing of the offerings.  Don’t be afraid to get creative and follow your own thoughts and inspirations, but always use common sense.

Q: How do I begin on this path learning about magick? 

A: I have been wanting to do a topic on this for a long time as I get asked this a lot. Magick doesn’t happen instantly, it involves a lot of work and study. Reading and studying, as forming any path requires quite a lot of that! It’s good not to pigeon hole yourself too early as you may end up feeling unfulfilled. You are doing the right thing- exploring many different sites and fields of study. You will find *your path* this way and it’s ok if it is different to everyone else’s!

Besides Satan and Suns, another good website is http://www.demonolatry.org. This website is packed with information on demonolatry, Satan and how to respectfully practice walking with the Demonic. Their site focuses on Demonolatry and they have many amazing books that are great for building a solid foundation for working with and connecting with demons.

~The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly
~The Demonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly
~The Keys of Ocat by S . Connolly
~Infernal Colopatiron – S. Connolly

To name a few….

Michael Ford is another Author who published a lot of really great foundational books for those interesting in the Left Hand Path..

~ Luciferian Witchcraft,
~ Liber Hvhi
~ Adamu: Luciferian Tantra and Sex Magick
~ Beginning Luciferian Magick

Here are a couple of sites that tend to publish really good books on the left hand path, though be aware, the LHP definition encompasses HUNDREDS of paths!

http://www.nephilimpress.com: A good general grimoire publishing site on dark LHP

http://www.aeonsophiapress.com: for darker black magick and anti cosmic theurgical books.

http://www.scarletimprint.com: this is a very good broad based publisher and also offers e books of many of its publications including Jake Stratton Kent’s books.

http://www.primalcraft.com: This is Mark Alan Smith’s personal publishing company where he discusses the darker aspect of Hekate in such books as Queen of Hell, The Red King and Scorpion God.  Mark Alan Smith is a genius and is incredible in his work on the Darker Paths. He is amazing to learn from.

http://www.ixaxaar.com: a bit pricey as grimoires go, however, their stuff is solid and they have quite a good reseller section on there.

And of course http://amazon.com: Is always a great resource for writers I personally enjoy reading like S. Connolly, Michael Ford, B Morlan, etc etc

There is a book called The Power of Concentration by Theron Q Dumont that we HIGHLY recommend to learn to harness and maintain your focus and concentration. It gives exercises, explanations and the best part for me, it’s not an overwhelming size. Using it has allowed my workings to improve, my ability to retain information has increased, and meditations are easier.   Theron Dumont is a pen name for William Walker Atkinson and a list of his complete collection of books can be found here… 

You do not have to be a *proper Black Sorcerer* to practice and make magick part of your life! Or rather should i say, if you practice magick on any level, you are *proper* ? A good book that mixes neuroscience and magick is Brain Magick by Philip Farber. I really like this one- it may be worth you checking out!

Other books that make incredible reads and can help you learn about the different paths and embrace different perspectives on this path are….

Phantasmagoria: A Compendium Of Monsters
Black Magick Evocation of the Shem Ha Mephorash – G. De Laval
~Witchblood Grail by Mark Alan Smith 
~The Equinox – Aleister Crowley
~Magick Without Tears – Aleister Crowley

[i]***Really any of the books by Aleister Crowley can give you insights on his perspective but he is not for everyone. We have a lot of Crowley’s books here…  [/i]

~ Esoteric Mind Power – Vernon Howard
~ Thomas Karlsson – Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magick
Lemegeton: Lesser Keys of Solomon 
~ The Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon the King – Aleister Crowley and S. L. MacGregor Mathers
Heptameron, or Elements of Magick
~ Sacred Magick of Abramelin
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy (3 books)
Agrippa: fourth book of Occult Philosophy
Ars Notoria
The Grande Grimoire
Grimorium Verum -Joseph H. Peterson
Initiation to Hermetic – Franz Bardon
~ The Book of Forbidden Knowledge: Black Magic, Superstition, Charms, and Divination – Johnson Smith &co
~ The Three Magical Books of Solomon – S.L. MacGregor Mathers
~ The Magus: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy – Francis Barrett
~ The Practice of Magical Evocation – Franz Bardon

There are so many books.  Really not all these books are going to align with what you believe.  Many of these books do not align with my beliefs but they are good to learn about to build your foundation and learn about the different elements of magick, and also to learn more about what resonates with you and the direction that you wish to go. The best way to begin is to just start reading and challenging yourself to learn as much as you can. The more you learn the more you will find what resonates with you and before you know it you will have a solid foundation of knowledge and your path will open up to you!

You can also check out our Youtube Channel, we have a lot of great resources and recommendations.  This video is all about where to begin…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Q: I am being haunted, tormented, abused by a spiritual force! Can you help me?

A: This is one question that we get a lot and the reality is that there is not a single fix all solution. Often times individual haunted cases have to be assessed and the solution has to come from figuring out what is happening and laying a foundation for a clear recovery path. 

There are several first steps to take when you think/feel you are being harassed by a spirit or entity.

Ruling Out Medical…

The first and foremost is to make sure there is nothing wrong with your physical health. There are many times where a physical ailment, or chemical imbalance can cause sensations and hallucinations on this level. It is wise to seek a medical examination by a qualified doctor to rule any physical/chemical issues. This is the first step and we advise anyone who is in this situation to make sure that you are always working with a physician just to rule out any physical factors. 

If you’ve done that the next step is Spiritual Foundation.

The Spiritual Foundation…

When working in the metaphysical /spiritual world or having any interactions with spirits/entities/magick, it is recommended to practice a solid spiritual foundation. The spiritual foundation will keep you safe in your dealings and working with the spiritual world and is recommended for anyone who walks any spiritual path.  It is important to learn these foundational skills, magick and the spirit world are not a joke, they are dangerous and there are lots of things that can harm you, it is important to learn to defend yourself. 

This requires learning to; 

~ Shield (a barrier protecting you from negative energies/spirits/entities/magick) 

~ Ground (the process of bringing you back to the physical world after any interaction with spirit/entities/magick) , 

~ Cleanse (cleaning your space where you are having interactions/magickal workings), 

~ Ward (protecting your property and/or self with sigils , crystals, or larger shields). 

When you start to develop your spiritual foundation you will start to take control over your space and be able to claim your space and remove any unwanted forces or presences. The first step with any harassing spirits or entities is to claim spiritual authority over yourself and your property. 

We have a resource website where we have written short free downloadable PDF’s that have basic foundational skills and instructions on how to implement them. Please see the link below: 

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101 ~ This booklet was written as a beginning guild to cleansing and energy clearing to assist you with building the important foundation for learning to cleanse yourself and your space of unwanted energies and entities.

Shielding 101 ~ This booklet was written to assist with the development of your shielding as shielding and learning to protect your energies and self from any negative entities or energies is essential for any spiritual practise.  There are lots of dangerous entities out there that can cause harm and the first line of the defence is your personal protection shield!

Warding 101 ~ This Booklet is written to assist with the development of your warding skills.  Just as personal shields are important it is very important to learn to protect your space and shield your home and your environment from unwanted forces and energies.  This can give you a safe space for working and developing your skills, and gives you the tools to keep your family safe from dangerous entities and hauntings.

Grounding 101 ~ This booklet is written to assist with Grounding.  This essential skill is important for all those who practise rituals, spirit communication or any activity where you have to raise your energy vibration.  Grounding helps to bring you back down to Earth and stabilize your energies and reconnect with yourself and your body.  It is a super important foundational tool.

If you begin to implement a spiritual foundation remember that it can take time for these things to take effect.  These entities spent years gaining access to your energies so it can take some time to undo what was done.  Be consistent with your foundational practises and you will notice that the effects will get less and less. 

The Living Shadow

If after developing a spiritual foundation you still find yourself tormented and you still are having the same trouble as before then the cause is probably internal.  This means that there is an element of your shadow self that has manifested its own consciousness and is tormenting you for some reason.  This reason is something that is deep and buried deep in your subconscious.  Some say that demons are in our head and this is true in this regard, there are personifications that manifest and arise inside of us and scream to be heard. The more they are repressed and ignored the louder they can become from the shadow element. In society we are taught to repress a lot of what we feel, and these repressions can manifest as living shadows.  

A spiritual foundation will have no effect on these shadows, as they are not external, they are internal.  A spiritual foundation works to protect you from the external.  When there are living manifestations that are formed from part of your shadow psyche then they are internal and the only way to go about removing them is shadow work. 

Shadow work, also called referred to as the journey into the underworld.  This is where you have to journey into the depth of your mind and basically heal past abuse and damage that has been done.  You have to go into yourself and work with your shadow side to uncover this side and work to heal it.  This can be very painful and challenging work and we recommend that you educate yourself on shadow work and find a practitioner who has understanding of the shadow work and knows how to help you navigate it.  This is very life changing and profound work and it can help you to heal the sides that are tormenting you.

The first question I always ask when this situation comes up is, How do you know it is a demon? When summoning and conjuring it takes years to determine what exactly you are working with and what energies are coming through. This is one of the reason that we recommend building your spiritual foundation and learning how to shield yourself and protect your space. There are lot of malicious entities out there that will take the opportunity of sporadic summoning to come through and feed.

When we are working with the Dark Lords we take the time to learn their energies and attune ourselves to their vibrations through end chanting and working with their sigil. These preparations before the invocation is designed to help attune you to their energies. These practises are also designed to help us define sacred space and create a place where we can communicate undisturbed with the Dark Lord/Demon.

When you are dealing with unknown demons and succubi and incubi you don’t have a clear lock on their energies because they are not written about and defined. This is why true conjurers take years to develop their skills and learn how to read and interpret energies. Those who have accidentally invited sludge into their life, masquerading as, let’s say a Son of Satan, have found their lives fall apart, they end up in terrible pain, and even have had people around them who are close to them get sick and die. Sludge entities are terribly and in some situations encounters with them can lead to sever illness. Conjuring is not something that should be taken frivolously. When you are trying to summon or conjure something that is unknown you need to have clear defined protections and know how to protect yourself if something goes wrong.

There are many spiritual beings out there and many of them are unfriendly and wish to cause us harm. Malicious Sludge Entities and Astral Parasites seek out our energies for their consumption and can cause a lot of issues when they get in. It is important to have means to defend yourself and define your space. We recommend learning about and developing your spiritual foundation, especially the area of cleansing and shielding. We have booklets here for free that you can download and use to begin to develop your spiritual foundation.


If it is a demon that comes through and it won’t leave you alone, it is important to note that demons are sentient beings with their own views and perspectives. They are powerful and incredible beings and if you act in a way that is disrespectful to them, they might be annoyed and trying to teach you a lesson. This is especially true if you are demanding or rude to them.

If it is a demon, apologizing to them and trying to rectify the situation and making it right. Once you have apologized continue to define and protect your space and take the time to learn what you need to to properly work with and connect with demons. Demons are Dark and some of them are dangerous, especially when you approach them in a cruel and abusive manner. It is important to know how to approach them and work with them and to show them respect. When working with demons, being courteous and polite goes a long way.

If you feel that you are being haunted and or tormented by a spirit we take the approach of returning power to the individual.  We believe strongly in the development of the spiritual foundation so that you can take back the power from these forces, reclaim your space and your life. 

Building your spiritual foundation will also help you to take control of your space and decide what energies move in and out of it.  We highly recommend that anyone who is having trouble with spiritual forces begin immediately working on their spiritual foundation. 

The Spiritual Foundation consists of Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Warding, Focusing and Mental Mastery.  The development and investment in these skills with give you the power to take back your space and remove any unwanted force in your life.  

We have written some booklets here that can help you to begin this process and begin to really take control of your life and reclaim your power.  Remember that you are powerful and you are a divine being and that a lot of forces like to use fear to take your power away, but the second you stop being afraid of them they lose that power and you can stop them. 

You will find the booklets below.  

Shielding 101

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101

Warding 101

Grounding 101  

If you need a little boost for your shields we have an incredible magickal which we have created that can give you an incredible powerful shield right off the bat while you are developing and crafting your own shields.  This shield s created with demonic energies and is designed to help you deal with troublesome forces in your life.  Our Demonic Curse Breaker and Shield of Shadows. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Belials Unshakable Force Magickal, to boost your own power and help bring you confidence and strength when dealing with unseen forces.  Click here to see them!

If you find that this recourses do not help, we recommend reading this article as sometimes there are shadows in our mind that are causing the problems around us.    

Article can be found here!

Questions About our Order Process

I get asked this question a lot,  how does one begin working with demons? How does one begin learning about and casting black magick?  The truth is that these questions all have the same answer…

Before one embarks on any spiritual path they need to commit time to read, to educate themselves and to get a solid understanding of the path that they wish to walk.

Spiritual paths are not something to be taken lightly.  They are a serious part of our practise and serious part of our journey.  Having a solid spiritual foundation is essential! The thing about one’s spiritual foundation is that it never stops developing and we can alway go deeper into our spiritual foundation.  We can also practise our skills, we can alway push ourselves to develop more.

This is one of the greatest secrets in magick.  Pushing yourself and your mind to do more.  Developing and mastering your skills and abilities and through that understanding and embracing yourself.  This is how you grow and develop.  This is how you master your life and what it is that you desire.  Our spiritual foundation is Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Focusing, Mental Mastery,  but committing to a daily routine you will master yourself and master your skill and be able to use all of those skills to enhance and awaken different levels within your spiritual path.  An investestment in your spiritual foundation is an investment in yourself.

I did a video on it here..

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Darkest Blessings!
Akelta, Satyra & Yllidra

This questions has been asked a few ties during the group rituals.  Really the answer is there are a bunch of ways that one can dispose of the ritual remains.  It can depend on a number of things;

What traditions you follow? 

Some tradition or spells have a very specific way in which the offerings should be disposed of.  If you are following that tradition you should honour that method of offering disposal.

Wha is your personal preference?  

If you are working a modified system that is your own then the end result is yours on how you dispose of your rituals offerings, make sure that this method aligns with you and with the goals that you hope to attain.

What is the deity you are working with’s personal preference? 

Are you working with a deity or demon?  If you are, they may inform you of how they want their ritual offerings disposed of.

What type of offering you are using?  

Some offers can remain on their altar indefinitely, such as crystals,  which others like food will rot and will have to be disposed of after a certain amount of time.

Does the ritual have a preferred method of disposal? 

If the ritual calls for the offerings to be disposed of in a certain way, then it is best to follow what is recommended.

What type of spell you are working? 

If you are working a banishing ritual  there are many different factors to consider when disposing of ritual materials, and there are many factors to consider when disposing of offerings.

Here are some suggestions that I have used in my practise, though like most things I say follow what feels comfortable and right for you.  Rituals and spells are often very personalized and it is important to follow what aligns with your work.


Yes you can burn the offerings. Some rituals to call for this and some offerings it makes perfect sense to burn them at the end of the ritual, especially if you have a hearth or fire pit included in your ritual.  Food offerings such as meat and bread can easily be burnt.  Fire works great with rituals of banishment releasing and cleansing.  When you burn something you banish it permanently never to return, you alter it and alter yourself in such a profound way that it never will return to you.  Poppets, or other ritual dolls especially ones that might be tied to things that you wish to remove from your life can easily be burned.


If your offering is organic then placing them in a body of moving water such as a stream or river to wash them away is a perfectly acceptable way to dispose of ritual offerings.  You can also place some organic offerings on the beach to be swept away by the tides. Though please use common sense, our oceans and bodies of water contain enough garbage, make sure you only dispose of organic offerings.


If your offering is organic such as food, drink, blood, plant materials then there is no harm in burying it at the end of the ritual.  This returns it to nature and returns the energy to the one that it was presented to.  If you have a garden or compost this can be a great place to dispose of ritual offerings.  Some offerings or ritual items require you to bury the item in certain places, like burying them on the property of your target, or burying them in your own yard.

Leaving for wildlife 

If you are working with food items and they are not poisoned or contaminated through the working it is perfectly acceptable to leave them for wildlife and insects.  This can be a great way to honour the energy of the ritual and the entities involved.  This is great for gratitude rituals or rituals honouring a specific time of the year.   If you work with a food item, it can be scattered and left for the local wildlife to consume.  Some rituals even call for leaving such offerings for the nature spirits and the gods of the wild.  It really depends on the nature of the ritual you are performing.

Self Consumption. 

This is a strange one but if you are doing any translocation work or any work where you invite the entity into you some of them may ask you to consume the offering.  This should only be done if the offering is not toxic and is in fact ok for consumption.  I have done this during transvocation work with my companions to allow them to have the offering through my body.

Letting nature take its course

If you offer a bowl of water or do a ritual with herbs outside you can just leave them.  The water will naturally evaporate and the herbs will decompose into the Earth.  Nature knows how to take care of these things and some offers are completely safe to leave.   Flowers will wither and return to the Earth and the passage of time will take its course.  Some things are best left for nature to do with it what it will.

Leaving it on their altar.

Some offerings are permanent offerings.  They are gifts for the beings that you work with and you can keep them on their alter indefinitely. This is good for offerings like Crystals, candle holders or items that will not decay.  These offerings can be gifts to your companions and deities and they make the altars incredible beautiful.  The nice thing about these items is that they can be used with any work that you do with them and their energies build over time.


Ok some rituals call for this.  If you are doing a curse working, a banishment working or working with offerings that are not so nice you can and should feel free to dispose of them in the garage.  This will work especially well for banishments because hey, you want them removed from your life anyway!  Some items are best to be disposed of as far away from you as possible.   The garbage is a very efficient way to dispose of many offerings that you need removed from you.

How you dispose of your items will depend on the working you are doing as well as what the ritual is for.  Think about the ritual that you are doing and what makes the most sense for disposing of the offerings.  Don’t be afraid to get creative and follow your own thoughts and inspirations, but always use common sense.

Q: How do I begin on this path learning about magick? 

A: I have been wanting to do a topic on this for a long time as I get asked this a lot. Magick doesn’t happen instantly, it involves a lot of work and study. Reading and studying, as forming any path requires quite a lot of that! It’s good not to pigeon hole yourself too early as you may end up feeling unfulfilled. You are doing the right thing- exploring many different sites and fields of study. You will find *your path* this way and it’s ok if it is different to everyone else’s!

Besides Satan and Suns, another good website is http://www.demonolatry.org. This website is packed with information on demonolatry, Satan and how to respectfully practice walking with the Demonic. Their site focuses on Demonolatry and they have many amazing books that are great for building a solid foundation for working with and connecting with demons.

~The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly
~The Demonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly
~The Keys of Ocat by S . Connolly
~Infernal Colopatiron – S. Connolly

To name a few….

Michael Ford is another Author who published a lot of really great foundational books for those interesting in the Left Hand Path..

~ Luciferian Witchcraft,
~ Liber Hvhi
~ Adamu: Luciferian Tantra and Sex Magick
~ Beginning Luciferian Magick

Here are a couple of sites that tend to publish really good books on the left hand path, though be aware, the LHP definition encompasses HUNDREDS of paths!

http://www.nephilimpress.com: A good general grimoire publishing site on dark LHP

http://www.aeonsophiapress.com: for darker black magick and anti cosmic theurgical books.

http://www.scarletimprint.com: this is a very good broad based publisher and also offers e books of many of its publications including Jake Stratton Kent’s books.

http://www.primalcraft.com: This is Mark Alan Smith’s personal publishing company where he discusses the darker aspect of Hekate in such books as Queen of Hell, The Red King and Scorpion God.  Mark Alan Smith is a genius and is incredible in his work on the Darker Paths. He is amazing to learn from.

http://www.ixaxaar.com: a bit pricey as grimoires go, however, their stuff is solid and they have quite a good reseller section on there.

And of course http://amazon.com: Is always a great resource for writers I personally enjoy reading like S. Connolly, Michael Ford, B Morlan, etc etc

There is a book called The Power of Concentration by Theron Q Dumont that we HIGHLY recommend to learn to harness and maintain your focus and concentration. It gives exercises, explanations and the best part for me, it’s not an overwhelming size. Using it has allowed my workings to improve, my ability to retain information has increased, and meditations are easier.   Theron Dumont is a pen name for William Walker Atkinson and a list of his complete collection of books can be found here… 

You do not have to be a *proper Black Sorcerer* to practice and make magick part of your life! Or rather should i say, if you practice magick on any level, you are *proper* ? A good book that mixes neuroscience and magick is Brain Magick by Philip Farber. I really like this one- it may be worth you checking out!

Other books that make incredible reads and can help you learn about the different paths and embrace different perspectives on this path are….

Phantasmagoria: A Compendium Of Monsters
Black Magick Evocation of the Shem Ha Mephorash – G. De Laval
~Witchblood Grail by Mark Alan Smith 
~The Equinox – Aleister Crowley
~Magick Without Tears – Aleister Crowley

[i]***Really any of the books by Aleister Crowley can give you insights on his perspective but he is not for everyone. We have a lot of Crowley’s books here…  [/i]

~ Esoteric Mind Power – Vernon Howard
~ Thomas Karlsson – Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magick
Lemegeton: Lesser Keys of Solomon 
~ The Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon the King – Aleister Crowley and S. L. MacGregor Mathers
Heptameron, or Elements of Magick
~ Sacred Magick of Abramelin
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy (3 books)
Agrippa: fourth book of Occult Philosophy
Ars Notoria
The Grande Grimoire
Grimorium Verum -Joseph H. Peterson
Initiation to Hermetic – Franz Bardon
~ The Book of Forbidden Knowledge: Black Magic, Superstition, Charms, and Divination – Johnson Smith &co
~ The Three Magical Books of Solomon – S.L. MacGregor Mathers
~ The Magus: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy – Francis Barrett
~ The Practice of Magical Evocation – Franz Bardon

There are so many books.  Really not all these books are going to align with what you believe.  Many of these books do not align with my beliefs but they are good to learn about to build your foundation and learn about the different elements of magick, and also to learn more about what resonates with you and the direction that you wish to go. The best way to begin is to just start reading and challenging yourself to learn as much as you can. The more you learn the more you will find what resonates with you and before you know it you will have a solid foundation of knowledge and your path will open up to you!

You can also check out our Youtube Channel, we have a lot of great resources and recommendations.  This video is all about where to begin…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Q: I am being haunted, tormented, abused by a spiritual force! Can you help me?

A: This is one question that we get a lot and the reality is that there is not a single fix all solution. Often times individual haunted cases have to be assessed and the solution has to come from figuring out what is happening and laying a foundation for a clear recovery path. 

There are several first steps to take when you think/feel you are being harassed by a spirit or entity.

Ruling Out Medical…

The first and foremost is to make sure there is nothing wrong with your physical health. There are many times where a physical ailment, or chemical imbalance can cause sensations and hallucinations on this level. It is wise to seek a medical examination by a qualified doctor to rule any physical/chemical issues. This is the first step and we advise anyone who is in this situation to make sure that you are always working with a physician just to rule out any physical factors. 

If you’ve done that the next step is Spiritual Foundation.

The Spiritual Foundation…

When working in the metaphysical /spiritual world or having any interactions with spirits/entities/magick, it is recommended to practice a solid spiritual foundation. The spiritual foundation will keep you safe in your dealings and working with the spiritual world and is recommended for anyone who walks any spiritual path.  It is important to learn these foundational skills, magick and the spirit world are not a joke, they are dangerous and there are lots of things that can harm you, it is important to learn to defend yourself. 

This requires learning to; 

~ Shield (a barrier protecting you from negative energies/spirits/entities/magick) 

~ Ground (the process of bringing you back to the physical world after any interaction with spirit/entities/magick) , 

~ Cleanse (cleaning your space where you are having interactions/magickal workings), 

~ Ward (protecting your property and/or self with sigils , crystals, or larger shields). 

When you start to develop your spiritual foundation you will start to take control over your space and be able to claim your space and remove any unwanted forces or presences. The first step with any harassing spirits or entities is to claim spiritual authority over yourself and your property. 

We have a resource website where we have written short free downloadable PDF’s that have basic foundational skills and instructions on how to implement them. Please see the link below: 

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101 ~ This booklet was written as a beginning guild to cleansing and energy clearing to assist you with building the important foundation for learning to cleanse yourself and your space of unwanted energies and entities.

Shielding 101 ~ This booklet was written to assist with the development of your shielding as shielding and learning to protect your energies and self from any negative entities or energies is essential for any spiritual practise.  There are lots of dangerous entities out there that can cause harm and the first line of the defence is your personal protection shield!

Warding 101 ~ This Booklet is written to assist with the development of your warding skills.  Just as personal shields are important it is very important to learn to protect your space and shield your home and your environment from unwanted forces and energies.  This can give you a safe space for working and developing your skills, and gives you the tools to keep your family safe from dangerous entities and hauntings.

Grounding 101 ~ This booklet is written to assist with Grounding.  This essential skill is important for all those who practise rituals, spirit communication or any activity where you have to raise your energy vibration.  Grounding helps to bring you back down to Earth and stabilize your energies and reconnect with yourself and your body.  It is a super important foundational tool.

If you begin to implement a spiritual foundation remember that it can take time for these things to take effect.  These entities spent years gaining access to your energies so it can take some time to undo what was done.  Be consistent with your foundational practises and you will notice that the effects will get less and less. 

The Living Shadow

If after developing a spiritual foundation you still find yourself tormented and you still are having the same trouble as before then the cause is probably internal.  This means that there is an element of your shadow self that has manifested its own consciousness and is tormenting you for some reason.  This reason is something that is deep and buried deep in your subconscious.  Some say that demons are in our head and this is true in this regard, there are personifications that manifest and arise inside of us and scream to be heard. The more they are repressed and ignored the louder they can become from the shadow element. In society we are taught to repress a lot of what we feel, and these repressions can manifest as living shadows.  

A spiritual foundation will have no effect on these shadows, as they are not external, they are internal.  A spiritual foundation works to protect you from the external.  When there are living manifestations that are formed from part of your shadow psyche then they are internal and the only way to go about removing them is shadow work. 

Shadow work, also called referred to as the journey into the underworld.  This is where you have to journey into the depth of your mind and basically heal past abuse and damage that has been done.  You have to go into yourself and work with your shadow side to uncover this side and work to heal it.  This can be very painful and challenging work and we recommend that you educate yourself on shadow work and find a practitioner who has understanding of the shadow work and knows how to help you navigate it.  This is very life changing and profound work and it can help you to heal the sides that are tormenting you.

The first question I always ask when this situation comes up is, How do you know it is a demon? When summoning and conjuring it takes years to determine what exactly you are working with and what energies are coming through. This is one of the reason that we recommend building your spiritual foundation and learning how to shield yourself and protect your space. There are lot of malicious entities out there that will take the opportunity of sporadic summoning to come through and feed.

When we are working with the Dark Lords we take the time to learn their energies and attune ourselves to their vibrations through end chanting and working with their sigil. These preparations before the invocation is designed to help attune you to their energies. These practises are also designed to help us define sacred space and create a place where we can communicate undisturbed with the Dark Lord/Demon.

When you are dealing with unknown demons and succubi and incubi you don’t have a clear lock on their energies because they are not written about and defined. This is why true conjurers take years to develop their skills and learn how to read and interpret energies. Those who have accidentally invited sludge into their life, masquerading as, let’s say a Son of Satan, have found their lives fall apart, they end up in terrible pain, and even have had people around them who are close to them get sick and die. Sludge entities are terribly and in some situations encounters with them can lead to sever illness. Conjuring is not something that should be taken frivolously. When you are trying to summon or conjure something that is unknown you need to have clear defined protections and know how to protect yourself if something goes wrong.

There are many spiritual beings out there and many of them are unfriendly and wish to cause us harm. Malicious Sludge Entities and Astral Parasites seek out our energies for their consumption and can cause a lot of issues when they get in. It is important to have means to defend yourself and define your space. We recommend learning about and developing your spiritual foundation, especially the area of cleansing and shielding. We have booklets here for free that you can download and use to begin to develop your spiritual foundation.


If it is a demon that comes through and it won’t leave you alone, it is important to note that demons are sentient beings with their own views and perspectives. They are powerful and incredible beings and if you act in a way that is disrespectful to them, they might be annoyed and trying to teach you a lesson. This is especially true if you are demanding or rude to them.

If it is a demon, apologizing to them and trying to rectify the situation and making it right. Once you have apologized continue to define and protect your space and take the time to learn what you need to to properly work with and connect with demons. Demons are Dark and some of them are dangerous, especially when you approach them in a cruel and abusive manner. It is important to know how to approach them and work with them and to show them respect. When working with demons, being courteous and polite goes a long way.

If you feel that you are being haunted and or tormented by a spirit we take the approach of returning power to the individual.  We believe strongly in the development of the spiritual foundation so that you can take back the power from these forces, reclaim your space and your life. 

Building your spiritual foundation will also help you to take control of your space and decide what energies move in and out of it.  We highly recommend that anyone who is having trouble with spiritual forces begin immediately working on their spiritual foundation. 

The Spiritual Foundation consists of Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Warding, Focusing and Mental Mastery.  The development and investment in these skills with give you the power to take back your space and remove any unwanted force in your life.  

We have written some booklets here that can help you to begin this process and begin to really take control of your life and reclaim your power.  Remember that you are powerful and you are a divine being and that a lot of forces like to use fear to take your power away, but the second you stop being afraid of them they lose that power and you can stop them. 

You will find the booklets below.  

Shielding 101

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101

Warding 101

Grounding 101  

If you need a little boost for your shields we have an incredible magickal which we have created that can give you an incredible powerful shield right off the bat while you are developing and crafting your own shields.  This shield s created with demonic energies and is designed to help you deal with troublesome forces in your life.  Our Demonic Curse Breaker and Shield of Shadows. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Belials Unshakable Force Magickal, to boost your own power and help bring you confidence and strength when dealing with unseen forces.  Click here to see them!

If you find that this recourses do not help, we recommend reading this article as sometimes there are shadows in our mind that are causing the problems around us.    

Article can be found here!

Questions About Shipping

I get asked this question a lot,  how does one begin working with demons? How does one begin learning about and casting black magick?  The truth is that these questions all have the same answer…

Before one embarks on any spiritual path they need to commit time to read, to educate themselves and to get a solid understanding of the path that they wish to walk.

Spiritual paths are not something to be taken lightly.  They are a serious part of our practise and serious part of our journey.  Having a solid spiritual foundation is essential! The thing about one’s spiritual foundation is that it never stops developing and we can alway go deeper into our spiritual foundation.  We can also practise our skills, we can alway push ourselves to develop more.

This is one of the greatest secrets in magick.  Pushing yourself and your mind to do more.  Developing and mastering your skills and abilities and through that understanding and embracing yourself.  This is how you grow and develop.  This is how you master your life and what it is that you desire.  Our spiritual foundation is Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Focusing, Mental Mastery,  but committing to a daily routine you will master yourself and master your skill and be able to use all of those skills to enhance and awaken different levels within your spiritual path.  An investestment in your spiritual foundation is an investment in yourself.

I did a video on it here..

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Darkest Blessings!
Akelta, Satyra & Yllidra

This questions has been asked a few ties during the group rituals.  Really the answer is there are a bunch of ways that one can dispose of the ritual remains.  It can depend on a number of things;

What traditions you follow? 

Some tradition or spells have a very specific way in which the offerings should be disposed of.  If you are following that tradition you should honour that method of offering disposal.

Wha is your personal preference?  

If you are working a modified system that is your own then the end result is yours on how you dispose of your rituals offerings, make sure that this method aligns with you and with the goals that you hope to attain.

What is the deity you are working with’s personal preference? 

Are you working with a deity or demon?  If you are, they may inform you of how they want their ritual offerings disposed of.

What type of offering you are using?  

Some offers can remain on their altar indefinitely, such as crystals,  which others like food will rot and will have to be disposed of after a certain amount of time.

Does the ritual have a preferred method of disposal? 

If the ritual calls for the offerings to be disposed of in a certain way, then it is best to follow what is recommended.

What type of spell you are working? 

If you are working a banishing ritual  there are many different factors to consider when disposing of ritual materials, and there are many factors to consider when disposing of offerings.

Here are some suggestions that I have used in my practise, though like most things I say follow what feels comfortable and right for you.  Rituals and spells are often very personalized and it is important to follow what aligns with your work.


Yes you can burn the offerings. Some rituals to call for this and some offerings it makes perfect sense to burn them at the end of the ritual, especially if you have a hearth or fire pit included in your ritual.  Food offerings such as meat and bread can easily be burnt.  Fire works great with rituals of banishment releasing and cleansing.  When you burn something you banish it permanently never to return, you alter it and alter yourself in such a profound way that it never will return to you.  Poppets, or other ritual dolls especially ones that might be tied to things that you wish to remove from your life can easily be burned.


If your offering is organic then placing them in a body of moving water such as a stream or river to wash them away is a perfectly acceptable way to dispose of ritual offerings.  You can also place some organic offerings on the beach to be swept away by the tides. Though please use common sense, our oceans and bodies of water contain enough garbage, make sure you only dispose of organic offerings.


If your offering is organic such as food, drink, blood, plant materials then there is no harm in burying it at the end of the ritual.  This returns it to nature and returns the energy to the one that it was presented to.  If you have a garden or compost this can be a great place to dispose of ritual offerings.  Some offerings or ritual items require you to bury the item in certain places, like burying them on the property of your target, or burying them in your own yard.

Leaving for wildlife 

If you are working with food items and they are not poisoned or contaminated through the working it is perfectly acceptable to leave them for wildlife and insects.  This can be a great way to honour the energy of the ritual and the entities involved.  This is great for gratitude rituals or rituals honouring a specific time of the year.   If you work with a food item, it can be scattered and left for the local wildlife to consume.  Some rituals even call for leaving such offerings for the nature spirits and the gods of the wild.  It really depends on the nature of the ritual you are performing.

Self Consumption. 

This is a strange one but if you are doing any translocation work or any work where you invite the entity into you some of them may ask you to consume the offering.  This should only be done if the offering is not toxic and is in fact ok for consumption.  I have done this during transvocation work with my companions to allow them to have the offering through my body.

Letting nature take its course

If you offer a bowl of water or do a ritual with herbs outside you can just leave them.  The water will naturally evaporate and the herbs will decompose into the Earth.  Nature knows how to take care of these things and some offers are completely safe to leave.   Flowers will wither and return to the Earth and the passage of time will take its course.  Some things are best left for nature to do with it what it will.

Leaving it on their altar.

Some offerings are permanent offerings.  They are gifts for the beings that you work with and you can keep them on their alter indefinitely. This is good for offerings like Crystals, candle holders or items that will not decay.  These offerings can be gifts to your companions and deities and they make the altars incredible beautiful.  The nice thing about these items is that they can be used with any work that you do with them and their energies build over time.


Ok some rituals call for this.  If you are doing a curse working, a banishment working or working with offerings that are not so nice you can and should feel free to dispose of them in the garage.  This will work especially well for banishments because hey, you want them removed from your life anyway!  Some items are best to be disposed of as far away from you as possible.   The garbage is a very efficient way to dispose of many offerings that you need removed from you.

How you dispose of your items will depend on the working you are doing as well as what the ritual is for.  Think about the ritual that you are doing and what makes the most sense for disposing of the offerings.  Don’t be afraid to get creative and follow your own thoughts and inspirations, but always use common sense.

Q: How do I begin on this path learning about magick? 

A: I have been wanting to do a topic on this for a long time as I get asked this a lot. Magick doesn’t happen instantly, it involves a lot of work and study. Reading and studying, as forming any path requires quite a lot of that! It’s good not to pigeon hole yourself too early as you may end up feeling unfulfilled. You are doing the right thing- exploring many different sites and fields of study. You will find *your path* this way and it’s ok if it is different to everyone else’s!

Besides Satan and Suns, another good website is http://www.demonolatry.org. This website is packed with information on demonolatry, Satan and how to respectfully practice walking with the Demonic. Their site focuses on Demonolatry and they have many amazing books that are great for building a solid foundation for working with and connecting with demons.

~The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly
~The Demonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly
~The Keys of Ocat by S . Connolly
~Infernal Colopatiron – S. Connolly

To name a few….

Michael Ford is another Author who published a lot of really great foundational books for those interesting in the Left Hand Path..

~ Luciferian Witchcraft,
~ Liber Hvhi
~ Adamu: Luciferian Tantra and Sex Magick
~ Beginning Luciferian Magick

Here are a couple of sites that tend to publish really good books on the left hand path, though be aware, the LHP definition encompasses HUNDREDS of paths!

http://www.nephilimpress.com: A good general grimoire publishing site on dark LHP

http://www.aeonsophiapress.com: for darker black magick and anti cosmic theurgical books.

http://www.scarletimprint.com: this is a very good broad based publisher and also offers e books of many of its publications including Jake Stratton Kent’s books.

http://www.primalcraft.com: This is Mark Alan Smith’s personal publishing company where he discusses the darker aspect of Hekate in such books as Queen of Hell, The Red King and Scorpion God.  Mark Alan Smith is a genius and is incredible in his work on the Darker Paths. He is amazing to learn from.

http://www.ixaxaar.com: a bit pricey as grimoires go, however, their stuff is solid and they have quite a good reseller section on there.

And of course http://amazon.com: Is always a great resource for writers I personally enjoy reading like S. Connolly, Michael Ford, B Morlan, etc etc

There is a book called The Power of Concentration by Theron Q Dumont that we HIGHLY recommend to learn to harness and maintain your focus and concentration. It gives exercises, explanations and the best part for me, it’s not an overwhelming size. Using it has allowed my workings to improve, my ability to retain information has increased, and meditations are easier.   Theron Dumont is a pen name for William Walker Atkinson and a list of his complete collection of books can be found here… 

You do not have to be a *proper Black Sorcerer* to practice and make magick part of your life! Or rather should i say, if you practice magick on any level, you are *proper* ? A good book that mixes neuroscience and magick is Brain Magick by Philip Farber. I really like this one- it may be worth you checking out!

Other books that make incredible reads and can help you learn about the different paths and embrace different perspectives on this path are….

Phantasmagoria: A Compendium Of Monsters
Black Magick Evocation of the Shem Ha Mephorash – G. De Laval
~Witchblood Grail by Mark Alan Smith 
~The Equinox – Aleister Crowley
~Magick Without Tears – Aleister Crowley

[i]***Really any of the books by Aleister Crowley can give you insights on his perspective but he is not for everyone. We have a lot of Crowley’s books here…  [/i]

~ Esoteric Mind Power – Vernon Howard
~ Thomas Karlsson – Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magick
Lemegeton: Lesser Keys of Solomon 
~ The Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon the King – Aleister Crowley and S. L. MacGregor Mathers
Heptameron, or Elements of Magick
~ Sacred Magick of Abramelin
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy (3 books)
Agrippa: fourth book of Occult Philosophy
Ars Notoria
The Grande Grimoire
Grimorium Verum -Joseph H. Peterson
Initiation to Hermetic – Franz Bardon
~ The Book of Forbidden Knowledge: Black Magic, Superstition, Charms, and Divination – Johnson Smith &co
~ The Three Magical Books of Solomon – S.L. MacGregor Mathers
~ The Magus: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy – Francis Barrett
~ The Practice of Magical Evocation – Franz Bardon

There are so many books.  Really not all these books are going to align with what you believe.  Many of these books do not align with my beliefs but they are good to learn about to build your foundation and learn about the different elements of magick, and also to learn more about what resonates with you and the direction that you wish to go. The best way to begin is to just start reading and challenging yourself to learn as much as you can. The more you learn the more you will find what resonates with you and before you know it you will have a solid foundation of knowledge and your path will open up to you!

You can also check out our Youtube Channel, we have a lot of great resources and recommendations.  This video is all about where to begin…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Q: I am being haunted, tormented, abused by a spiritual force! Can you help me?

A: This is one question that we get a lot and the reality is that there is not a single fix all solution. Often times individual haunted cases have to be assessed and the solution has to come from figuring out what is happening and laying a foundation for a clear recovery path. 

There are several first steps to take when you think/feel you are being harassed by a spirit or entity.

Ruling Out Medical…

The first and foremost is to make sure there is nothing wrong with your physical health. There are many times where a physical ailment, or chemical imbalance can cause sensations and hallucinations on this level. It is wise to seek a medical examination by a qualified doctor to rule any physical/chemical issues. This is the first step and we advise anyone who is in this situation to make sure that you are always working with a physician just to rule out any physical factors. 

If you’ve done that the next step is Spiritual Foundation.

The Spiritual Foundation…

When working in the metaphysical /spiritual world or having any interactions with spirits/entities/magick, it is recommended to practice a solid spiritual foundation. The spiritual foundation will keep you safe in your dealings and working with the spiritual world and is recommended for anyone who walks any spiritual path.  It is important to learn these foundational skills, magick and the spirit world are not a joke, they are dangerous and there are lots of things that can harm you, it is important to learn to defend yourself. 

This requires learning to; 

~ Shield (a barrier protecting you from negative energies/spirits/entities/magick) 

~ Ground (the process of bringing you back to the physical world after any interaction with spirit/entities/magick) , 

~ Cleanse (cleaning your space where you are having interactions/magickal workings), 

~ Ward (protecting your property and/or self with sigils , crystals, or larger shields). 

When you start to develop your spiritual foundation you will start to take control over your space and be able to claim your space and remove any unwanted forces or presences. The first step with any harassing spirits or entities is to claim spiritual authority over yourself and your property. 

We have a resource website where we have written short free downloadable PDF’s that have basic foundational skills and instructions on how to implement them. Please see the link below: 

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101 ~ This booklet was written as a beginning guild to cleansing and energy clearing to assist you with building the important foundation for learning to cleanse yourself and your space of unwanted energies and entities.

Shielding 101 ~ This booklet was written to assist with the development of your shielding as shielding and learning to protect your energies and self from any negative entities or energies is essential for any spiritual practise.  There are lots of dangerous entities out there that can cause harm and the first line of the defence is your personal protection shield!

Warding 101 ~ This Booklet is written to assist with the development of your warding skills.  Just as personal shields are important it is very important to learn to protect your space and shield your home and your environment from unwanted forces and energies.  This can give you a safe space for working and developing your skills, and gives you the tools to keep your family safe from dangerous entities and hauntings.

Grounding 101 ~ This booklet is written to assist with Grounding.  This essential skill is important for all those who practise rituals, spirit communication or any activity where you have to raise your energy vibration.  Grounding helps to bring you back down to Earth and stabilize your energies and reconnect with yourself and your body.  It is a super important foundational tool.

If you begin to implement a spiritual foundation remember that it can take time for these things to take effect.  These entities spent years gaining access to your energies so it can take some time to undo what was done.  Be consistent with your foundational practises and you will notice that the effects will get less and less. 

The Living Shadow

If after developing a spiritual foundation you still find yourself tormented and you still are having the same trouble as before then the cause is probably internal.  This means that there is an element of your shadow self that has manifested its own consciousness and is tormenting you for some reason.  This reason is something that is deep and buried deep in your subconscious.  Some say that demons are in our head and this is true in this regard, there are personifications that manifest and arise inside of us and scream to be heard. The more they are repressed and ignored the louder they can become from the shadow element. In society we are taught to repress a lot of what we feel, and these repressions can manifest as living shadows.  

A spiritual foundation will have no effect on these shadows, as they are not external, they are internal.  A spiritual foundation works to protect you from the external.  When there are living manifestations that are formed from part of your shadow psyche then they are internal and the only way to go about removing them is shadow work. 

Shadow work, also called referred to as the journey into the underworld.  This is where you have to journey into the depth of your mind and basically heal past abuse and damage that has been done.  You have to go into yourself and work with your shadow side to uncover this side and work to heal it.  This can be very painful and challenging work and we recommend that you educate yourself on shadow work and find a practitioner who has understanding of the shadow work and knows how to help you navigate it.  This is very life changing and profound work and it can help you to heal the sides that are tormenting you.

The first question I always ask when this situation comes up is, How do you know it is a demon? When summoning and conjuring it takes years to determine what exactly you are working with and what energies are coming through. This is one of the reason that we recommend building your spiritual foundation and learning how to shield yourself and protect your space. There are lot of malicious entities out there that will take the opportunity of sporadic summoning to come through and feed.

When we are working with the Dark Lords we take the time to learn their energies and attune ourselves to their vibrations through end chanting and working with their sigil. These preparations before the invocation is designed to help attune you to their energies. These practises are also designed to help us define sacred space and create a place where we can communicate undisturbed with the Dark Lord/Demon.

When you are dealing with unknown demons and succubi and incubi you don’t have a clear lock on their energies because they are not written about and defined. This is why true conjurers take years to develop their skills and learn how to read and interpret energies. Those who have accidentally invited sludge into their life, masquerading as, let’s say a Son of Satan, have found their lives fall apart, they end up in terrible pain, and even have had people around them who are close to them get sick and die. Sludge entities are terribly and in some situations encounters with them can lead to sever illness. Conjuring is not something that should be taken frivolously. When you are trying to summon or conjure something that is unknown you need to have clear defined protections and know how to protect yourself if something goes wrong.

There are many spiritual beings out there and many of them are unfriendly and wish to cause us harm. Malicious Sludge Entities and Astral Parasites seek out our energies for their consumption and can cause a lot of issues when they get in. It is important to have means to defend yourself and define your space. We recommend learning about and developing your spiritual foundation, especially the area of cleansing and shielding. We have booklets here for free that you can download and use to begin to develop your spiritual foundation.


If it is a demon that comes through and it won’t leave you alone, it is important to note that demons are sentient beings with their own views and perspectives. They are powerful and incredible beings and if you act in a way that is disrespectful to them, they might be annoyed and trying to teach you a lesson. This is especially true if you are demanding or rude to them.

If it is a demon, apologizing to them and trying to rectify the situation and making it right. Once you have apologized continue to define and protect your space and take the time to learn what you need to to properly work with and connect with demons. Demons are Dark and some of them are dangerous, especially when you approach them in a cruel and abusive manner. It is important to know how to approach them and work with them and to show them respect. When working with demons, being courteous and polite goes a long way.

If you feel that you are being haunted and or tormented by a spirit we take the approach of returning power to the individual.  We believe strongly in the development of the spiritual foundation so that you can take back the power from these forces, reclaim your space and your life. 

Building your spiritual foundation will also help you to take control of your space and decide what energies move in and out of it.  We highly recommend that anyone who is having trouble with spiritual forces begin immediately working on their spiritual foundation. 

The Spiritual Foundation consists of Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Warding, Focusing and Mental Mastery.  The development and investment in these skills with give you the power to take back your space and remove any unwanted force in your life.  

We have written some booklets here that can help you to begin this process and begin to really take control of your life and reclaim your power.  Remember that you are powerful and you are a divine being and that a lot of forces like to use fear to take your power away, but the second you stop being afraid of them they lose that power and you can stop them. 

You will find the booklets below.  

Shielding 101

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101

Warding 101

Grounding 101  

If you need a little boost for your shields we have an incredible magickal which we have created that can give you an incredible powerful shield right off the bat while you are developing and crafting your own shields.  This shield s created with demonic energies and is designed to help you deal with troublesome forces in your life.  Our Demonic Curse Breaker and Shield of Shadows. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Belials Unshakable Force Magickal, to boost your own power and help bring you confidence and strength when dealing with unseen forces.  Click here to see them!

If you find that this recourses do not help, we recommend reading this article as sometimes there are shadows in our mind that are causing the problems around us.    

Article can be found here!

Questions About Layaways

I get asked this question a lot,  how does one begin working with demons? How does one begin learning about and casting black magick?  The truth is that these questions all have the same answer…

Before one embarks on any spiritual path they need to commit time to read, to educate themselves and to get a solid understanding of the path that they wish to walk.

Spiritual paths are not something to be taken lightly.  They are a serious part of our practise and serious part of our journey.  Having a solid spiritual foundation is essential! The thing about one’s spiritual foundation is that it never stops developing and we can alway go deeper into our spiritual foundation.  We can also practise our skills, we can alway push ourselves to develop more.

This is one of the greatest secrets in magick.  Pushing yourself and your mind to do more.  Developing and mastering your skills and abilities and through that understanding and embracing yourself.  This is how you grow and develop.  This is how you master your life and what it is that you desire.  Our spiritual foundation is Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Focusing, Mental Mastery,  but committing to a daily routine you will master yourself and master your skill and be able to use all of those skills to enhance and awaken different levels within your spiritual path.  An investestment in your spiritual foundation is an investment in yourself.

I did a video on it here..

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Darkest Blessings!
Akelta, Satyra & Yllidra

This questions has been asked a few ties during the group rituals.  Really the answer is there are a bunch of ways that one can dispose of the ritual remains.  It can depend on a number of things;

What traditions you follow? 

Some tradition or spells have a very specific way in which the offerings should be disposed of.  If you are following that tradition you should honour that method of offering disposal.

Wha is your personal preference?  

If you are working a modified system that is your own then the end result is yours on how you dispose of your rituals offerings, make sure that this method aligns with you and with the goals that you hope to attain.

What is the deity you are working with’s personal preference? 

Are you working with a deity or demon?  If you are, they may inform you of how they want their ritual offerings disposed of.

What type of offering you are using?  

Some offers can remain on their altar indefinitely, such as crystals,  which others like food will rot and will have to be disposed of after a certain amount of time.

Does the ritual have a preferred method of disposal? 

If the ritual calls for the offerings to be disposed of in a certain way, then it is best to follow what is recommended.

What type of spell you are working? 

If you are working a banishing ritual  there are many different factors to consider when disposing of ritual materials, and there are many factors to consider when disposing of offerings.

Here are some suggestions that I have used in my practise, though like most things I say follow what feels comfortable and right for you.  Rituals and spells are often very personalized and it is important to follow what aligns with your work.


Yes you can burn the offerings. Some rituals to call for this and some offerings it makes perfect sense to burn them at the end of the ritual, especially if you have a hearth or fire pit included in your ritual.  Food offerings such as meat and bread can easily be burnt.  Fire works great with rituals of banishment releasing and cleansing.  When you burn something you banish it permanently never to return, you alter it and alter yourself in such a profound way that it never will return to you.  Poppets, or other ritual dolls especially ones that might be tied to things that you wish to remove from your life can easily be burned.


If your offering is organic then placing them in a body of moving water such as a stream or river to wash them away is a perfectly acceptable way to dispose of ritual offerings.  You can also place some organic offerings on the beach to be swept away by the tides. Though please use common sense, our oceans and bodies of water contain enough garbage, make sure you only dispose of organic offerings.


If your offering is organic such as food, drink, blood, plant materials then there is no harm in burying it at the end of the ritual.  This returns it to nature and returns the energy to the one that it was presented to.  If you have a garden or compost this can be a great place to dispose of ritual offerings.  Some offerings or ritual items require you to bury the item in certain places, like burying them on the property of your target, or burying them in your own yard.

Leaving for wildlife 

If you are working with food items and they are not poisoned or contaminated through the working it is perfectly acceptable to leave them for wildlife and insects.  This can be a great way to honour the energy of the ritual and the entities involved.  This is great for gratitude rituals or rituals honouring a specific time of the year.   If you work with a food item, it can be scattered and left for the local wildlife to consume.  Some rituals even call for leaving such offerings for the nature spirits and the gods of the wild.  It really depends on the nature of the ritual you are performing.

Self Consumption. 

This is a strange one but if you are doing any translocation work or any work where you invite the entity into you some of them may ask you to consume the offering.  This should only be done if the offering is not toxic and is in fact ok for consumption.  I have done this during transvocation work with my companions to allow them to have the offering through my body.

Letting nature take its course

If you offer a bowl of water or do a ritual with herbs outside you can just leave them.  The water will naturally evaporate and the herbs will decompose into the Earth.  Nature knows how to take care of these things and some offers are completely safe to leave.   Flowers will wither and return to the Earth and the passage of time will take its course.  Some things are best left for nature to do with it what it will.

Leaving it on their altar.

Some offerings are permanent offerings.  They are gifts for the beings that you work with and you can keep them on their alter indefinitely. This is good for offerings like Crystals, candle holders or items that will not decay.  These offerings can be gifts to your companions and deities and they make the altars incredible beautiful.  The nice thing about these items is that they can be used with any work that you do with them and their energies build over time.


Ok some rituals call for this.  If you are doing a curse working, a banishment working or working with offerings that are not so nice you can and should feel free to dispose of them in the garage.  This will work especially well for banishments because hey, you want them removed from your life anyway!  Some items are best to be disposed of as far away from you as possible.   The garbage is a very efficient way to dispose of many offerings that you need removed from you.

How you dispose of your items will depend on the working you are doing as well as what the ritual is for.  Think about the ritual that you are doing and what makes the most sense for disposing of the offerings.  Don’t be afraid to get creative and follow your own thoughts and inspirations, but always use common sense.

Q: How do I begin on this path learning about magick? 

A: I have been wanting to do a topic on this for a long time as I get asked this a lot. Magick doesn’t happen instantly, it involves a lot of work and study. Reading and studying, as forming any path requires quite a lot of that! It’s good not to pigeon hole yourself too early as you may end up feeling unfulfilled. You are doing the right thing- exploring many different sites and fields of study. You will find *your path* this way and it’s ok if it is different to everyone else’s!

Besides Satan and Suns, another good website is http://www.demonolatry.org. This website is packed with information on demonolatry, Satan and how to respectfully practice walking with the Demonic. Their site focuses on Demonolatry and they have many amazing books that are great for building a solid foundation for working with and connecting with demons.

~The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly
~The Demonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly
~The Keys of Ocat by S . Connolly
~Infernal Colopatiron – S. Connolly

To name a few….

Michael Ford is another Author who published a lot of really great foundational books for those interesting in the Left Hand Path..

~ Luciferian Witchcraft,
~ Liber Hvhi
~ Adamu: Luciferian Tantra and Sex Magick
~ Beginning Luciferian Magick

Here are a couple of sites that tend to publish really good books on the left hand path, though be aware, the LHP definition encompasses HUNDREDS of paths!

http://www.nephilimpress.com: A good general grimoire publishing site on dark LHP

http://www.aeonsophiapress.com: for darker black magick and anti cosmic theurgical books.

http://www.scarletimprint.com: this is a very good broad based publisher and also offers e books of many of its publications including Jake Stratton Kent’s books.

http://www.primalcraft.com: This is Mark Alan Smith’s personal publishing company where he discusses the darker aspect of Hekate in such books as Queen of Hell, The Red King and Scorpion God.  Mark Alan Smith is a genius and is incredible in his work on the Darker Paths. He is amazing to learn from.

http://www.ixaxaar.com: a bit pricey as grimoires go, however, their stuff is solid and they have quite a good reseller section on there.

And of course http://amazon.com: Is always a great resource for writers I personally enjoy reading like S. Connolly, Michael Ford, B Morlan, etc etc

There is a book called The Power of Concentration by Theron Q Dumont that we HIGHLY recommend to learn to harness and maintain your focus and concentration. It gives exercises, explanations and the best part for me, it’s not an overwhelming size. Using it has allowed my workings to improve, my ability to retain information has increased, and meditations are easier.   Theron Dumont is a pen name for William Walker Atkinson and a list of his complete collection of books can be found here… 

You do not have to be a *proper Black Sorcerer* to practice and make magick part of your life! Or rather should i say, if you practice magick on any level, you are *proper* ? A good book that mixes neuroscience and magick is Brain Magick by Philip Farber. I really like this one- it may be worth you checking out!

Other books that make incredible reads and can help you learn about the different paths and embrace different perspectives on this path are….

Phantasmagoria: A Compendium Of Monsters
Black Magick Evocation of the Shem Ha Mephorash – G. De Laval
~Witchblood Grail by Mark Alan Smith 
~The Equinox – Aleister Crowley
~Magick Without Tears – Aleister Crowley

[i]***Really any of the books by Aleister Crowley can give you insights on his perspective but he is not for everyone. We have a lot of Crowley’s books here…  [/i]

~ Esoteric Mind Power – Vernon Howard
~ Thomas Karlsson – Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magick
Lemegeton: Lesser Keys of Solomon 
~ The Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon the King – Aleister Crowley and S. L. MacGregor Mathers
Heptameron, or Elements of Magick
~ Sacred Magick of Abramelin
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy (3 books)
Agrippa: fourth book of Occult Philosophy
Ars Notoria
The Grande Grimoire
Grimorium Verum -Joseph H. Peterson
Initiation to Hermetic – Franz Bardon
~ The Book of Forbidden Knowledge: Black Magic, Superstition, Charms, and Divination – Johnson Smith &co
~ The Three Magical Books of Solomon – S.L. MacGregor Mathers
~ The Magus: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy – Francis Barrett
~ The Practice of Magical Evocation – Franz Bardon

There are so many books.  Really not all these books are going to align with what you believe.  Many of these books do not align with my beliefs but they are good to learn about to build your foundation and learn about the different elements of magick, and also to learn more about what resonates with you and the direction that you wish to go. The best way to begin is to just start reading and challenging yourself to learn as much as you can. The more you learn the more you will find what resonates with you and before you know it you will have a solid foundation of knowledge and your path will open up to you!

You can also check out our Youtube Channel, we have a lot of great resources and recommendations.  This video is all about where to begin…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Q: I am being haunted, tormented, abused by a spiritual force! Can you help me?

A: This is one question that we get a lot and the reality is that there is not a single fix all solution. Often times individual haunted cases have to be assessed and the solution has to come from figuring out what is happening and laying a foundation for a clear recovery path. 

There are several first steps to take when you think/feel you are being harassed by a spirit or entity.

Ruling Out Medical…

The first and foremost is to make sure there is nothing wrong with your physical health. There are many times where a physical ailment, or chemical imbalance can cause sensations and hallucinations on this level. It is wise to seek a medical examination by a qualified doctor to rule any physical/chemical issues. This is the first step and we advise anyone who is in this situation to make sure that you are always working with a physician just to rule out any physical factors. 

If you’ve done that the next step is Spiritual Foundation.

The Spiritual Foundation…

When working in the metaphysical /spiritual world or having any interactions with spirits/entities/magick, it is recommended to practice a solid spiritual foundation. The spiritual foundation will keep you safe in your dealings and working with the spiritual world and is recommended for anyone who walks any spiritual path.  It is important to learn these foundational skills, magick and the spirit world are not a joke, they are dangerous and there are lots of things that can harm you, it is important to learn to defend yourself. 

This requires learning to; 

~ Shield (a barrier protecting you from negative energies/spirits/entities/magick) 

~ Ground (the process of bringing you back to the physical world after any interaction with spirit/entities/magick) , 

~ Cleanse (cleaning your space where you are having interactions/magickal workings), 

~ Ward (protecting your property and/or self with sigils , crystals, or larger shields). 

When you start to develop your spiritual foundation you will start to take control over your space and be able to claim your space and remove any unwanted forces or presences. The first step with any harassing spirits or entities is to claim spiritual authority over yourself and your property. 

We have a resource website where we have written short free downloadable PDF’s that have basic foundational skills and instructions on how to implement them. Please see the link below: 

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101 ~ This booklet was written as a beginning guild to cleansing and energy clearing to assist you with building the important foundation for learning to cleanse yourself and your space of unwanted energies and entities.

Shielding 101 ~ This booklet was written to assist with the development of your shielding as shielding and learning to protect your energies and self from any negative entities or energies is essential for any spiritual practise.  There are lots of dangerous entities out there that can cause harm and the first line of the defence is your personal protection shield!

Warding 101 ~ This Booklet is written to assist with the development of your warding skills.  Just as personal shields are important it is very important to learn to protect your space and shield your home and your environment from unwanted forces and energies.  This can give you a safe space for working and developing your skills, and gives you the tools to keep your family safe from dangerous entities and hauntings.

Grounding 101 ~ This booklet is written to assist with Grounding.  This essential skill is important for all those who practise rituals, spirit communication or any activity where you have to raise your energy vibration.  Grounding helps to bring you back down to Earth and stabilize your energies and reconnect with yourself and your body.  It is a super important foundational tool.

If you begin to implement a spiritual foundation remember that it can take time for these things to take effect.  These entities spent years gaining access to your energies so it can take some time to undo what was done.  Be consistent with your foundational practises and you will notice that the effects will get less and less. 

The Living Shadow

If after developing a spiritual foundation you still find yourself tormented and you still are having the same trouble as before then the cause is probably internal.  This means that there is an element of your shadow self that has manifested its own consciousness and is tormenting you for some reason.  This reason is something that is deep and buried deep in your subconscious.  Some say that demons are in our head and this is true in this regard, there are personifications that manifest and arise inside of us and scream to be heard. The more they are repressed and ignored the louder they can become from the shadow element. In society we are taught to repress a lot of what we feel, and these repressions can manifest as living shadows.  

A spiritual foundation will have no effect on these shadows, as they are not external, they are internal.  A spiritual foundation works to protect you from the external.  When there are living manifestations that are formed from part of your shadow psyche then they are internal and the only way to go about removing them is shadow work. 

Shadow work, also called referred to as the journey into the underworld.  This is where you have to journey into the depth of your mind and basically heal past abuse and damage that has been done.  You have to go into yourself and work with your shadow side to uncover this side and work to heal it.  This can be very painful and challenging work and we recommend that you educate yourself on shadow work and find a practitioner who has understanding of the shadow work and knows how to help you navigate it.  This is very life changing and profound work and it can help you to heal the sides that are tormenting you.

The first question I always ask when this situation comes up is, How do you know it is a demon? When summoning and conjuring it takes years to determine what exactly you are working with and what energies are coming through. This is one of the reason that we recommend building your spiritual foundation and learning how to shield yourself and protect your space. There are lot of malicious entities out there that will take the opportunity of sporadic summoning to come through and feed.

When we are working with the Dark Lords we take the time to learn their energies and attune ourselves to their vibrations through end chanting and working with their sigil. These preparations before the invocation is designed to help attune you to their energies. These practises are also designed to help us define sacred space and create a place where we can communicate undisturbed with the Dark Lord/Demon.

When you are dealing with unknown demons and succubi and incubi you don’t have a clear lock on their energies because they are not written about and defined. This is why true conjurers take years to develop their skills and learn how to read and interpret energies. Those who have accidentally invited sludge into their life, masquerading as, let’s say a Son of Satan, have found their lives fall apart, they end up in terrible pain, and even have had people around them who are close to them get sick and die. Sludge entities are terribly and in some situations encounters with them can lead to sever illness. Conjuring is not something that should be taken frivolously. When you are trying to summon or conjure something that is unknown you need to have clear defined protections and know how to protect yourself if something goes wrong.

There are many spiritual beings out there and many of them are unfriendly and wish to cause us harm. Malicious Sludge Entities and Astral Parasites seek out our energies for their consumption and can cause a lot of issues when they get in. It is important to have means to defend yourself and define your space. We recommend learning about and developing your spiritual foundation, especially the area of cleansing and shielding. We have booklets here for free that you can download and use to begin to develop your spiritual foundation.


If it is a demon that comes through and it won’t leave you alone, it is important to note that demons are sentient beings with their own views and perspectives. They are powerful and incredible beings and if you act in a way that is disrespectful to them, they might be annoyed and trying to teach you a lesson. This is especially true if you are demanding or rude to them.

If it is a demon, apologizing to them and trying to rectify the situation and making it right. Once you have apologized continue to define and protect your space and take the time to learn what you need to to properly work with and connect with demons. Demons are Dark and some of them are dangerous, especially when you approach them in a cruel and abusive manner. It is important to know how to approach them and work with them and to show them respect. When working with demons, being courteous and polite goes a long way.

If you feel that you are being haunted and or tormented by a spirit we take the approach of returning power to the individual.  We believe strongly in the development of the spiritual foundation so that you can take back the power from these forces, reclaim your space and your life. 

Building your spiritual foundation will also help you to take control of your space and decide what energies move in and out of it.  We highly recommend that anyone who is having trouble with spiritual forces begin immediately working on their spiritual foundation. 

The Spiritual Foundation consists of Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Warding, Focusing and Mental Mastery.  The development and investment in these skills with give you the power to take back your space and remove any unwanted force in your life.  

We have written some booklets here that can help you to begin this process and begin to really take control of your life and reclaim your power.  Remember that you are powerful and you are a divine being and that a lot of forces like to use fear to take your power away, but the second you stop being afraid of them they lose that power and you can stop them. 

You will find the booklets below.  

Shielding 101

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101

Warding 101

Grounding 101  

If you need a little boost for your shields we have an incredible magickal which we have created that can give you an incredible powerful shield right off the bat while you are developing and crafting your own shields.  This shield s created with demonic energies and is designed to help you deal with troublesome forces in your life.  Our Demonic Curse Breaker and Shield of Shadows. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Belials Unshakable Force Magickal, to boost your own power and help bring you confidence and strength when dealing with unseen forces.  Click here to see them!

If you find that this recourses do not help, we recommend reading this article as sometimes there are shadows in our mind that are causing the problems around us.    

Article can be found here!

Questions About Our Work

I get asked this question a lot,  how does one begin working with demons? How does one begin learning about and casting black magick?  The truth is that these questions all have the same answer…

Before one embarks on any spiritual path they need to commit time to read, to educate themselves and to get a solid understanding of the path that they wish to walk.

Spiritual paths are not something to be taken lightly.  They are a serious part of our practise and serious part of our journey.  Having a solid spiritual foundation is essential! The thing about one’s spiritual foundation is that it never stops developing and we can alway go deeper into our spiritual foundation.  We can also practise our skills, we can alway push ourselves to develop more.

This is one of the greatest secrets in magick.  Pushing yourself and your mind to do more.  Developing and mastering your skills and abilities and through that understanding and embracing yourself.  This is how you grow and develop.  This is how you master your life and what it is that you desire.  Our spiritual foundation is Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Focusing, Mental Mastery,  but committing to a daily routine you will master yourself and master your skill and be able to use all of those skills to enhance and awaken different levels within your spiritual path.  An investestment in your spiritual foundation is an investment in yourself.

I did a video on it here..

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Darkest Blessings!
Akelta, Satyra & Yllidra

This questions has been asked a few ties during the group rituals.  Really the answer is there are a bunch of ways that one can dispose of the ritual remains.  It can depend on a number of things;

What traditions you follow? 

Some tradition or spells have a very specific way in which the offerings should be disposed of.  If you are following that tradition you should honour that method of offering disposal.

Wha is your personal preference?  

If you are working a modified system that is your own then the end result is yours on how you dispose of your rituals offerings, make sure that this method aligns with you and with the goals that you hope to attain.

What is the deity you are working with’s personal preference? 

Are you working with a deity or demon?  If you are, they may inform you of how they want their ritual offerings disposed of.

What type of offering you are using?  

Some offers can remain on their altar indefinitely, such as crystals,  which others like food will rot and will have to be disposed of after a certain amount of time.

Does the ritual have a preferred method of disposal? 

If the ritual calls for the offerings to be disposed of in a certain way, then it is best to follow what is recommended.

What type of spell you are working? 

If you are working a banishing ritual  there are many different factors to consider when disposing of ritual materials, and there are many factors to consider when disposing of offerings.

Here are some suggestions that I have used in my practise, though like most things I say follow what feels comfortable and right for you.  Rituals and spells are often very personalized and it is important to follow what aligns with your work.


Yes you can burn the offerings. Some rituals to call for this and some offerings it makes perfect sense to burn them at the end of the ritual, especially if you have a hearth or fire pit included in your ritual.  Food offerings such as meat and bread can easily be burnt.  Fire works great with rituals of banishment releasing and cleansing.  When you burn something you banish it permanently never to return, you alter it and alter yourself in such a profound way that it never will return to you.  Poppets, or other ritual dolls especially ones that might be tied to things that you wish to remove from your life can easily be burned.


If your offering is organic then placing them in a body of moving water such as a stream or river to wash them away is a perfectly acceptable way to dispose of ritual offerings.  You can also place some organic offerings on the beach to be swept away by the tides. Though please use common sense, our oceans and bodies of water contain enough garbage, make sure you only dispose of organic offerings.


If your offering is organic such as food, drink, blood, plant materials then there is no harm in burying it at the end of the ritual.  This returns it to nature and returns the energy to the one that it was presented to.  If you have a garden or compost this can be a great place to dispose of ritual offerings.  Some offerings or ritual items require you to bury the item in certain places, like burying them on the property of your target, or burying them in your own yard.

Leaving for wildlife 

If you are working with food items and they are not poisoned or contaminated through the working it is perfectly acceptable to leave them for wildlife and insects.  This can be a great way to honour the energy of the ritual and the entities involved.  This is great for gratitude rituals or rituals honouring a specific time of the year.   If you work with a food item, it can be scattered and left for the local wildlife to consume.  Some rituals even call for leaving such offerings for the nature spirits and the gods of the wild.  It really depends on the nature of the ritual you are performing.

Self Consumption. 

This is a strange one but if you are doing any translocation work or any work where you invite the entity into you some of them may ask you to consume the offering.  This should only be done if the offering is not toxic and is in fact ok for consumption.  I have done this during transvocation work with my companions to allow them to have the offering through my body.

Letting nature take its course

If you offer a bowl of water or do a ritual with herbs outside you can just leave them.  The water will naturally evaporate and the herbs will decompose into the Earth.  Nature knows how to take care of these things and some offers are completely safe to leave.   Flowers will wither and return to the Earth and the passage of time will take its course.  Some things are best left for nature to do with it what it will.

Leaving it on their altar.

Some offerings are permanent offerings.  They are gifts for the beings that you work with and you can keep them on their alter indefinitely. This is good for offerings like Crystals, candle holders or items that will not decay.  These offerings can be gifts to your companions and deities and they make the altars incredible beautiful.  The nice thing about these items is that they can be used with any work that you do with them and their energies build over time.


Ok some rituals call for this.  If you are doing a curse working, a banishment working or working with offerings that are not so nice you can and should feel free to dispose of them in the garage.  This will work especially well for banishments because hey, you want them removed from your life anyway!  Some items are best to be disposed of as far away from you as possible.   The garbage is a very efficient way to dispose of many offerings that you need removed from you.

How you dispose of your items will depend on the working you are doing as well as what the ritual is for.  Think about the ritual that you are doing and what makes the most sense for disposing of the offerings.  Don’t be afraid to get creative and follow your own thoughts and inspirations, but always use common sense.

Q: How do I begin on this path learning about magick? 

A: I have been wanting to do a topic on this for a long time as I get asked this a lot. Magick doesn’t happen instantly, it involves a lot of work and study. Reading and studying, as forming any path requires quite a lot of that! It’s good not to pigeon hole yourself too early as you may end up feeling unfulfilled. You are doing the right thing- exploring many different sites and fields of study. You will find *your path* this way and it’s ok if it is different to everyone else’s!

Besides Satan and Suns, another good website is http://www.demonolatry.org. This website is packed with information on demonolatry, Satan and how to respectfully practice walking with the Demonic. Their site focuses on Demonolatry and they have many amazing books that are great for building a solid foundation for working with and connecting with demons.

~The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly
~The Demonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly
~The Keys of Ocat by S . Connolly
~Infernal Colopatiron – S. Connolly

To name a few….

Michael Ford is another Author who published a lot of really great foundational books for those interesting in the Left Hand Path..

~ Luciferian Witchcraft,
~ Liber Hvhi
~ Adamu: Luciferian Tantra and Sex Magick
~ Beginning Luciferian Magick

Here are a couple of sites that tend to publish really good books on the left hand path, though be aware, the LHP definition encompasses HUNDREDS of paths!

http://www.nephilimpress.com: A good general grimoire publishing site on dark LHP

http://www.aeonsophiapress.com: for darker black magick and anti cosmic theurgical books.

http://www.scarletimprint.com: this is a very good broad based publisher and also offers e books of many of its publications including Jake Stratton Kent’s books.

http://www.primalcraft.com: This is Mark Alan Smith’s personal publishing company where he discusses the darker aspect of Hekate in such books as Queen of Hell, The Red King and Scorpion God.  Mark Alan Smith is a genius and is incredible in his work on the Darker Paths. He is amazing to learn from.

http://www.ixaxaar.com: a bit pricey as grimoires go, however, their stuff is solid and they have quite a good reseller section on there.

And of course http://amazon.com: Is always a great resource for writers I personally enjoy reading like S. Connolly, Michael Ford, B Morlan, etc etc

There is a book called The Power of Concentration by Theron Q Dumont that we HIGHLY recommend to learn to harness and maintain your focus and concentration. It gives exercises, explanations and the best part for me, it’s not an overwhelming size. Using it has allowed my workings to improve, my ability to retain information has increased, and meditations are easier.   Theron Dumont is a pen name for William Walker Atkinson and a list of his complete collection of books can be found here… 

You do not have to be a *proper Black Sorcerer* to practice and make magick part of your life! Or rather should i say, if you practice magick on any level, you are *proper* ? A good book that mixes neuroscience and magick is Brain Magick by Philip Farber. I really like this one- it may be worth you checking out!

Other books that make incredible reads and can help you learn about the different paths and embrace different perspectives on this path are….

Phantasmagoria: A Compendium Of Monsters
Black Magick Evocation of the Shem Ha Mephorash – G. De Laval
~Witchblood Grail by Mark Alan Smith 
~The Equinox – Aleister Crowley
~Magick Without Tears – Aleister Crowley

[i]***Really any of the books by Aleister Crowley can give you insights on his perspective but he is not for everyone. We have a lot of Crowley’s books here…  [/i]

~ Esoteric Mind Power – Vernon Howard
~ Thomas Karlsson – Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magick
Lemegeton: Lesser Keys of Solomon 
~ The Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon the King – Aleister Crowley and S. L. MacGregor Mathers
Heptameron, or Elements of Magick
~ Sacred Magick of Abramelin
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy (3 books)
Agrippa: fourth book of Occult Philosophy
Ars Notoria
The Grande Grimoire
Grimorium Verum -Joseph H. Peterson
Initiation to Hermetic – Franz Bardon
~ The Book of Forbidden Knowledge: Black Magic, Superstition, Charms, and Divination – Johnson Smith &co
~ The Three Magical Books of Solomon – S.L. MacGregor Mathers
~ The Magus: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy – Francis Barrett
~ The Practice of Magical Evocation – Franz Bardon

There are so many books.  Really not all these books are going to align with what you believe.  Many of these books do not align with my beliefs but they are good to learn about to build your foundation and learn about the different elements of magick, and also to learn more about what resonates with you and the direction that you wish to go. The best way to begin is to just start reading and challenging yourself to learn as much as you can. The more you learn the more you will find what resonates with you and before you know it you will have a solid foundation of knowledge and your path will open up to you!

You can also check out our Youtube Channel, we have a lot of great resources and recommendations.  This video is all about where to begin…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Q: I am being haunted, tormented, abused by a spiritual force! Can you help me?

A: This is one question that we get a lot and the reality is that there is not a single fix all solution. Often times individual haunted cases have to be assessed and the solution has to come from figuring out what is happening and laying a foundation for a clear recovery path. 

There are several first steps to take when you think/feel you are being harassed by a spirit or entity.

Ruling Out Medical…

The first and foremost is to make sure there is nothing wrong with your physical health. There are many times where a physical ailment, or chemical imbalance can cause sensations and hallucinations on this level. It is wise to seek a medical examination by a qualified doctor to rule any physical/chemical issues. This is the first step and we advise anyone who is in this situation to make sure that you are always working with a physician just to rule out any physical factors. 

If you’ve done that the next step is Spiritual Foundation.

The Spiritual Foundation…

When working in the metaphysical /spiritual world or having any interactions with spirits/entities/magick, it is recommended to practice a solid spiritual foundation. The spiritual foundation will keep you safe in your dealings and working with the spiritual world and is recommended for anyone who walks any spiritual path.  It is important to learn these foundational skills, magick and the spirit world are not a joke, they are dangerous and there are lots of things that can harm you, it is important to learn to defend yourself. 

This requires learning to; 

~ Shield (a barrier protecting you from negative energies/spirits/entities/magick) 

~ Ground (the process of bringing you back to the physical world after any interaction with spirit/entities/magick) , 

~ Cleanse (cleaning your space where you are having interactions/magickal workings), 

~ Ward (protecting your property and/or self with sigils , crystals, or larger shields). 

When you start to develop your spiritual foundation you will start to take control over your space and be able to claim your space and remove any unwanted forces or presences. The first step with any harassing spirits or entities is to claim spiritual authority over yourself and your property. 

We have a resource website where we have written short free downloadable PDF’s that have basic foundational skills and instructions on how to implement them. Please see the link below: 

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101 ~ This booklet was written as a beginning guild to cleansing and energy clearing to assist you with building the important foundation for learning to cleanse yourself and your space of unwanted energies and entities.

Shielding 101 ~ This booklet was written to assist with the development of your shielding as shielding and learning to protect your energies and self from any negative entities or energies is essential for any spiritual practise.  There are lots of dangerous entities out there that can cause harm and the first line of the defence is your personal protection shield!

Warding 101 ~ This Booklet is written to assist with the development of your warding skills.  Just as personal shields are important it is very important to learn to protect your space and shield your home and your environment from unwanted forces and energies.  This can give you a safe space for working and developing your skills, and gives you the tools to keep your family safe from dangerous entities and hauntings.

Grounding 101 ~ This booklet is written to assist with Grounding.  This essential skill is important for all those who practise rituals, spirit communication or any activity where you have to raise your energy vibration.  Grounding helps to bring you back down to Earth and stabilize your energies and reconnect with yourself and your body.  It is a super important foundational tool.

If you begin to implement a spiritual foundation remember that it can take time for these things to take effect.  These entities spent years gaining access to your energies so it can take some time to undo what was done.  Be consistent with your foundational practises and you will notice that the effects will get less and less. 

The Living Shadow

If after developing a spiritual foundation you still find yourself tormented and you still are having the same trouble as before then the cause is probably internal.  This means that there is an element of your shadow self that has manifested its own consciousness and is tormenting you for some reason.  This reason is something that is deep and buried deep in your subconscious.  Some say that demons are in our head and this is true in this regard, there are personifications that manifest and arise inside of us and scream to be heard. The more they are repressed and ignored the louder they can become from the shadow element. In society we are taught to repress a lot of what we feel, and these repressions can manifest as living shadows.  

A spiritual foundation will have no effect on these shadows, as they are not external, they are internal.  A spiritual foundation works to protect you from the external.  When there are living manifestations that are formed from part of your shadow psyche then they are internal and the only way to go about removing them is shadow work. 

Shadow work, also called referred to as the journey into the underworld.  This is where you have to journey into the depth of your mind and basically heal past abuse and damage that has been done.  You have to go into yourself and work with your shadow side to uncover this side and work to heal it.  This can be very painful and challenging work and we recommend that you educate yourself on shadow work and find a practitioner who has understanding of the shadow work and knows how to help you navigate it.  This is very life changing and profound work and it can help you to heal the sides that are tormenting you.

The first question I always ask when this situation comes up is, How do you know it is a demon? When summoning and conjuring it takes years to determine what exactly you are working with and what energies are coming through. This is one of the reason that we recommend building your spiritual foundation and learning how to shield yourself and protect your space. There are lot of malicious entities out there that will take the opportunity of sporadic summoning to come through and feed.

When we are working with the Dark Lords we take the time to learn their energies and attune ourselves to their vibrations through end chanting and working with their sigil. These preparations before the invocation is designed to help attune you to their energies. These practises are also designed to help us define sacred space and create a place where we can communicate undisturbed with the Dark Lord/Demon.

When you are dealing with unknown demons and succubi and incubi you don’t have a clear lock on their energies because they are not written about and defined. This is why true conjurers take years to develop their skills and learn how to read and interpret energies. Those who have accidentally invited sludge into their life, masquerading as, let’s say a Son of Satan, have found their lives fall apart, they end up in terrible pain, and even have had people around them who are close to them get sick and die. Sludge entities are terribly and in some situations encounters with them can lead to sever illness. Conjuring is not something that should be taken frivolously. When you are trying to summon or conjure something that is unknown you need to have clear defined protections and know how to protect yourself if something goes wrong.

There are many spiritual beings out there and many of them are unfriendly and wish to cause us harm. Malicious Sludge Entities and Astral Parasites seek out our energies for their consumption and can cause a lot of issues when they get in. It is important to have means to defend yourself and define your space. We recommend learning about and developing your spiritual foundation, especially the area of cleansing and shielding. We have booklets here for free that you can download and use to begin to develop your spiritual foundation.


If it is a demon that comes through and it won’t leave you alone, it is important to note that demons are sentient beings with their own views and perspectives. They are powerful and incredible beings and if you act in a way that is disrespectful to them, they might be annoyed and trying to teach you a lesson. This is especially true if you are demanding or rude to them.

If it is a demon, apologizing to them and trying to rectify the situation and making it right. Once you have apologized continue to define and protect your space and take the time to learn what you need to to properly work with and connect with demons. Demons are Dark and some of them are dangerous, especially when you approach them in a cruel and abusive manner. It is important to know how to approach them and work with them and to show them respect. When working with demons, being courteous and polite goes a long way.

If you feel that you are being haunted and or tormented by a spirit we take the approach of returning power to the individual.  We believe strongly in the development of the spiritual foundation so that you can take back the power from these forces, reclaim your space and your life. 

Building your spiritual foundation will also help you to take control of your space and decide what energies move in and out of it.  We highly recommend that anyone who is having trouble with spiritual forces begin immediately working on their spiritual foundation. 

The Spiritual Foundation consists of Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Warding, Focusing and Mental Mastery.  The development and investment in these skills with give you the power to take back your space and remove any unwanted force in your life.  

We have written some booklets here that can help you to begin this process and begin to really take control of your life and reclaim your power.  Remember that you are powerful and you are a divine being and that a lot of forces like to use fear to take your power away, but the second you stop being afraid of them they lose that power and you can stop them. 

You will find the booklets below.  

Shielding 101

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101

Warding 101

Grounding 101  

If you need a little boost for your shields we have an incredible magickal which we have created that can give you an incredible powerful shield right off the bat while you are developing and crafting your own shields.  This shield s created with demonic energies and is designed to help you deal with troublesome forces in your life.  Our Demonic Curse Breaker and Shield of Shadows. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Belials Unshakable Force Magickal, to boost your own power and help bring you confidence and strength when dealing with unseen forces.  Click here to see them!

If you find that this recourses do not help, we recommend reading this article as sometimes there are shadows in our mind that are causing the problems around us.    

Article can be found here!

Questions about Our Spells and Workings 

I get asked this question a lot,  how does one begin working with demons? How does one begin learning about and casting black magick?  The truth is that these questions all have the same answer…

Before one embarks on any spiritual path they need to commit time to read, to educate themselves and to get a solid understanding of the path that they wish to walk.

Spiritual paths are not something to be taken lightly.  They are a serious part of our practise and serious part of our journey.  Having a solid spiritual foundation is essential! The thing about one’s spiritual foundation is that it never stops developing and we can alway go deeper into our spiritual foundation.  We can also practise our skills, we can alway push ourselves to develop more.

This is one of the greatest secrets in magick.  Pushing yourself and your mind to do more.  Developing and mastering your skills and abilities and through that understanding and embracing yourself.  This is how you grow and develop.  This is how you master your life and what it is that you desire.  Our spiritual foundation is Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Focusing, Mental Mastery,  but committing to a daily routine you will master yourself and master your skill and be able to use all of those skills to enhance and awaken different levels within your spiritual path.  An investestment in your spiritual foundation is an investment in yourself.

I did a video on it here..

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Darkest Blessings!
Akelta, Satyra & Yllidra

This questions has been asked a few ties during the group rituals.  Really the answer is there are a bunch of ways that one can dispose of the ritual remains.  It can depend on a number of things;

What traditions you follow? 

Some tradition or spells have a very specific way in which the offerings should be disposed of.  If you are following that tradition you should honour that method of offering disposal.

Wha is your personal preference?  

If you are working a modified system that is your own then the end result is yours on how you dispose of your rituals offerings, make sure that this method aligns with you and with the goals that you hope to attain.

What is the deity you are working with’s personal preference? 

Are you working with a deity or demon?  If you are, they may inform you of how they want their ritual offerings disposed of.

What type of offering you are using?  

Some offers can remain on their altar indefinitely, such as crystals,  which others like food will rot and will have to be disposed of after a certain amount of time.

Does the ritual have a preferred method of disposal? 

If the ritual calls for the offerings to be disposed of in a certain way, then it is best to follow what is recommended.

What type of spell you are working? 

If you are working a banishing ritual  there are many different factors to consider when disposing of ritual materials, and there are many factors to consider when disposing of offerings.

Here are some suggestions that I have used in my practise, though like most things I say follow what feels comfortable and right for you.  Rituals and spells are often very personalized and it is important to follow what aligns with your work.


Yes you can burn the offerings. Some rituals to call for this and some offerings it makes perfect sense to burn them at the end of the ritual, especially if you have a hearth or fire pit included in your ritual.  Food offerings such as meat and bread can easily be burnt.  Fire works great with rituals of banishment releasing and cleansing.  When you burn something you banish it permanently never to return, you alter it and alter yourself in such a profound way that it never will return to you.  Poppets, or other ritual dolls especially ones that might be tied to things that you wish to remove from your life can easily be burned.


If your offering is organic then placing them in a body of moving water such as a stream or river to wash them away is a perfectly acceptable way to dispose of ritual offerings.  You can also place some organic offerings on the beach to be swept away by the tides. Though please use common sense, our oceans and bodies of water contain enough garbage, make sure you only dispose of organic offerings.


If your offering is organic such as food, drink, blood, plant materials then there is no harm in burying it at the end of the ritual.  This returns it to nature and returns the energy to the one that it was presented to.  If you have a garden or compost this can be a great place to dispose of ritual offerings.  Some offerings or ritual items require you to bury the item in certain places, like burying them on the property of your target, or burying them in your own yard.

Leaving for wildlife 

If you are working with food items and they are not poisoned or contaminated through the working it is perfectly acceptable to leave them for wildlife and insects.  This can be a great way to honour the energy of the ritual and the entities involved.  This is great for gratitude rituals or rituals honouring a specific time of the year.   If you work with a food item, it can be scattered and left for the local wildlife to consume.  Some rituals even call for leaving such offerings for the nature spirits and the gods of the wild.  It really depends on the nature of the ritual you are performing.

Self Consumption. 

This is a strange one but if you are doing any translocation work or any work where you invite the entity into you some of them may ask you to consume the offering.  This should only be done if the offering is not toxic and is in fact ok for consumption.  I have done this during transvocation work with my companions to allow them to have the offering through my body.

Letting nature take its course

If you offer a bowl of water or do a ritual with herbs outside you can just leave them.  The water will naturally evaporate and the herbs will decompose into the Earth.  Nature knows how to take care of these things and some offers are completely safe to leave.   Flowers will wither and return to the Earth and the passage of time will take its course.  Some things are best left for nature to do with it what it will.

Leaving it on their altar.

Some offerings are permanent offerings.  They are gifts for the beings that you work with and you can keep them on their alter indefinitely. This is good for offerings like Crystals, candle holders or items that will not decay.  These offerings can be gifts to your companions and deities and they make the altars incredible beautiful.  The nice thing about these items is that they can be used with any work that you do with them and their energies build over time.


Ok some rituals call for this.  If you are doing a curse working, a banishment working or working with offerings that are not so nice you can and should feel free to dispose of them in the garage.  This will work especially well for banishments because hey, you want them removed from your life anyway!  Some items are best to be disposed of as far away from you as possible.   The garbage is a very efficient way to dispose of many offerings that you need removed from you.

How you dispose of your items will depend on the working you are doing as well as what the ritual is for.  Think about the ritual that you are doing and what makes the most sense for disposing of the offerings.  Don’t be afraid to get creative and follow your own thoughts and inspirations, but always use common sense.

Q: How do I begin on this path learning about magick? 

A: I have been wanting to do a topic on this for a long time as I get asked this a lot. Magick doesn’t happen instantly, it involves a lot of work and study. Reading and studying, as forming any path requires quite a lot of that! It’s good not to pigeon hole yourself too early as you may end up feeling unfulfilled. You are doing the right thing- exploring many different sites and fields of study. You will find *your path* this way and it’s ok if it is different to everyone else’s!

Besides Satan and Suns, another good website is http://www.demonolatry.org. This website is packed with information on demonolatry, Satan and how to respectfully practice walking with the Demonic. Their site focuses on Demonolatry and they have many amazing books that are great for building a solid foundation for working with and connecting with demons.

~The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly
~The Demonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly
~The Keys of Ocat by S . Connolly
~Infernal Colopatiron – S. Connolly

To name a few….

Michael Ford is another Author who published a lot of really great foundational books for those interesting in the Left Hand Path..

~ Luciferian Witchcraft,
~ Liber Hvhi
~ Adamu: Luciferian Tantra and Sex Magick
~ Beginning Luciferian Magick

Here are a couple of sites that tend to publish really good books on the left hand path, though be aware, the LHP definition encompasses HUNDREDS of paths!

http://www.nephilimpress.com: A good general grimoire publishing site on dark LHP

http://www.aeonsophiapress.com: for darker black magick and anti cosmic theurgical books.

http://www.scarletimprint.com: this is a very good broad based publisher and also offers e books of many of its publications including Jake Stratton Kent’s books.

http://www.primalcraft.com: This is Mark Alan Smith’s personal publishing company where he discusses the darker aspect of Hekate in such books as Queen of Hell, The Red King and Scorpion God.  Mark Alan Smith is a genius and is incredible in his work on the Darker Paths. He is amazing to learn from.

http://www.ixaxaar.com: a bit pricey as grimoires go, however, their stuff is solid and they have quite a good reseller section on there.

And of course http://amazon.com: Is always a great resource for writers I personally enjoy reading like S. Connolly, Michael Ford, B Morlan, etc etc

There is a book called The Power of Concentration by Theron Q Dumont that we HIGHLY recommend to learn to harness and maintain your focus and concentration. It gives exercises, explanations and the best part for me, it’s not an overwhelming size. Using it has allowed my workings to improve, my ability to retain information has increased, and meditations are easier.   Theron Dumont is a pen name for William Walker Atkinson and a list of his complete collection of books can be found here… 

You do not have to be a *proper Black Sorcerer* to practice and make magick part of your life! Or rather should i say, if you practice magick on any level, you are *proper* ? A good book that mixes neuroscience and magick is Brain Magick by Philip Farber. I really like this one- it may be worth you checking out!

Other books that make incredible reads and can help you learn about the different paths and embrace different perspectives on this path are….

Phantasmagoria: A Compendium Of Monsters
Black Magick Evocation of the Shem Ha Mephorash – G. De Laval
~Witchblood Grail by Mark Alan Smith 
~The Equinox – Aleister Crowley
~Magick Without Tears – Aleister Crowley

[i]***Really any of the books by Aleister Crowley can give you insights on his perspective but he is not for everyone. We have a lot of Crowley’s books here…  [/i]

~ Esoteric Mind Power – Vernon Howard
~ Thomas Karlsson – Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magick
Lemegeton: Lesser Keys of Solomon 
~ The Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon the King – Aleister Crowley and S. L. MacGregor Mathers
Heptameron, or Elements of Magick
~ Sacred Magick of Abramelin
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy (3 books)
Agrippa: fourth book of Occult Philosophy
Ars Notoria
The Grande Grimoire
Grimorium Verum -Joseph H. Peterson
Initiation to Hermetic – Franz Bardon
~ The Book of Forbidden Knowledge: Black Magic, Superstition, Charms, and Divination – Johnson Smith &co
~ The Three Magical Books of Solomon – S.L. MacGregor Mathers
~ The Magus: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy – Francis Barrett
~ The Practice of Magical Evocation – Franz Bardon

There are so many books.  Really not all these books are going to align with what you believe.  Many of these books do not align with my beliefs but they are good to learn about to build your foundation and learn about the different elements of magick, and also to learn more about what resonates with you and the direction that you wish to go. The best way to begin is to just start reading and challenging yourself to learn as much as you can. The more you learn the more you will find what resonates with you and before you know it you will have a solid foundation of knowledge and your path will open up to you!

You can also check out our Youtube Channel, we have a lot of great resources and recommendations.  This video is all about where to begin…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Q: I am being haunted, tormented, abused by a spiritual force! Can you help me?

A: This is one question that we get a lot and the reality is that there is not a single fix all solution. Often times individual haunted cases have to be assessed and the solution has to come from figuring out what is happening and laying a foundation for a clear recovery path. 

There are several first steps to take when you think/feel you are being harassed by a spirit or entity.

Ruling Out Medical…

The first and foremost is to make sure there is nothing wrong with your physical health. There are many times where a physical ailment, or chemical imbalance can cause sensations and hallucinations on this level. It is wise to seek a medical examination by a qualified doctor to rule any physical/chemical issues. This is the first step and we advise anyone who is in this situation to make sure that you are always working with a physician just to rule out any physical factors. 

If you’ve done that the next step is Spiritual Foundation.

The Spiritual Foundation…

When working in the metaphysical /spiritual world or having any interactions with spirits/entities/magick, it is recommended to practice a solid spiritual foundation. The spiritual foundation will keep you safe in your dealings and working with the spiritual world and is recommended for anyone who walks any spiritual path.  It is important to learn these foundational skills, magick and the spirit world are not a joke, they are dangerous and there are lots of things that can harm you, it is important to learn to defend yourself. 

This requires learning to; 

~ Shield (a barrier protecting you from negative energies/spirits/entities/magick) 

~ Ground (the process of bringing you back to the physical world after any interaction with spirit/entities/magick) , 

~ Cleanse (cleaning your space where you are having interactions/magickal workings), 

~ Ward (protecting your property and/or self with sigils , crystals, or larger shields). 

When you start to develop your spiritual foundation you will start to take control over your space and be able to claim your space and remove any unwanted forces or presences. The first step with any harassing spirits or entities is to claim spiritual authority over yourself and your property. 

We have a resource website where we have written short free downloadable PDF’s that have basic foundational skills and instructions on how to implement them. Please see the link below: 

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101 ~ This booklet was written as a beginning guild to cleansing and energy clearing to assist you with building the important foundation for learning to cleanse yourself and your space of unwanted energies and entities.

Shielding 101 ~ This booklet was written to assist with the development of your shielding as shielding and learning to protect your energies and self from any negative entities or energies is essential for any spiritual practise.  There are lots of dangerous entities out there that can cause harm and the first line of the defence is your personal protection shield!

Warding 101 ~ This Booklet is written to assist with the development of your warding skills.  Just as personal shields are important it is very important to learn to protect your space and shield your home and your environment from unwanted forces and energies.  This can give you a safe space for working and developing your skills, and gives you the tools to keep your family safe from dangerous entities and hauntings.

Grounding 101 ~ This booklet is written to assist with Grounding.  This essential skill is important for all those who practise rituals, spirit communication or any activity where you have to raise your energy vibration.  Grounding helps to bring you back down to Earth and stabilize your energies and reconnect with yourself and your body.  It is a super important foundational tool.

If you begin to implement a spiritual foundation remember that it can take time for these things to take effect.  These entities spent years gaining access to your energies so it can take some time to undo what was done.  Be consistent with your foundational practises and you will notice that the effects will get less and less. 

The Living Shadow

If after developing a spiritual foundation you still find yourself tormented and you still are having the same trouble as before then the cause is probably internal.  This means that there is an element of your shadow self that has manifested its own consciousness and is tormenting you for some reason.  This reason is something that is deep and buried deep in your subconscious.  Some say that demons are in our head and this is true in this regard, there are personifications that manifest and arise inside of us and scream to be heard. The more they are repressed and ignored the louder they can become from the shadow element. In society we are taught to repress a lot of what we feel, and these repressions can manifest as living shadows.  

A spiritual foundation will have no effect on these shadows, as they are not external, they are internal.  A spiritual foundation works to protect you from the external.  When there are living manifestations that are formed from part of your shadow psyche then they are internal and the only way to go about removing them is shadow work. 

Shadow work, also called referred to as the journey into the underworld.  This is where you have to journey into the depth of your mind and basically heal past abuse and damage that has been done.  You have to go into yourself and work with your shadow side to uncover this side and work to heal it.  This can be very painful and challenging work and we recommend that you educate yourself on shadow work and find a practitioner who has understanding of the shadow work and knows how to help you navigate it.  This is very life changing and profound work and it can help you to heal the sides that are tormenting you.

The first question I always ask when this situation comes up is, How do you know it is a demon? When summoning and conjuring it takes years to determine what exactly you are working with and what energies are coming through. This is one of the reason that we recommend building your spiritual foundation and learning how to shield yourself and protect your space. There are lot of malicious entities out there that will take the opportunity of sporadic summoning to come through and feed.

When we are working with the Dark Lords we take the time to learn their energies and attune ourselves to their vibrations through end chanting and working with their sigil. These preparations before the invocation is designed to help attune you to their energies. These practises are also designed to help us define sacred space and create a place where we can communicate undisturbed with the Dark Lord/Demon.

When you are dealing with unknown demons and succubi and incubi you don’t have a clear lock on their energies because they are not written about and defined. This is why true conjurers take years to develop their skills and learn how to read and interpret energies. Those who have accidentally invited sludge into their life, masquerading as, let’s say a Son of Satan, have found their lives fall apart, they end up in terrible pain, and even have had people around them who are close to them get sick and die. Sludge entities are terribly and in some situations encounters with them can lead to sever illness. Conjuring is not something that should be taken frivolously. When you are trying to summon or conjure something that is unknown you need to have clear defined protections and know how to protect yourself if something goes wrong.

There are many spiritual beings out there and many of them are unfriendly and wish to cause us harm. Malicious Sludge Entities and Astral Parasites seek out our energies for their consumption and can cause a lot of issues when they get in. It is important to have means to defend yourself and define your space. We recommend learning about and developing your spiritual foundation, especially the area of cleansing and shielding. We have booklets here for free that you can download and use to begin to develop your spiritual foundation.


If it is a demon that comes through and it won’t leave you alone, it is important to note that demons are sentient beings with their own views and perspectives. They are powerful and incredible beings and if you act in a way that is disrespectful to them, they might be annoyed and trying to teach you a lesson. This is especially true if you are demanding or rude to them.

If it is a demon, apologizing to them and trying to rectify the situation and making it right. Once you have apologized continue to define and protect your space and take the time to learn what you need to to properly work with and connect with demons. Demons are Dark and some of them are dangerous, especially when you approach them in a cruel and abusive manner. It is important to know how to approach them and work with them and to show them respect. When working with demons, being courteous and polite goes a long way.

If you feel that you are being haunted and or tormented by a spirit we take the approach of returning power to the individual.  We believe strongly in the development of the spiritual foundation so that you can take back the power from these forces, reclaim your space and your life. 

Building your spiritual foundation will also help you to take control of your space and decide what energies move in and out of it.  We highly recommend that anyone who is having trouble with spiritual forces begin immediately working on their spiritual foundation. 

The Spiritual Foundation consists of Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Warding, Focusing and Mental Mastery.  The development and investment in these skills with give you the power to take back your space and remove any unwanted force in your life.  

We have written some booklets here that can help you to begin this process and begin to really take control of your life and reclaim your power.  Remember that you are powerful and you are a divine being and that a lot of forces like to use fear to take your power away, but the second you stop being afraid of them they lose that power and you can stop them. 

You will find the booklets below.  

Shielding 101

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101

Warding 101

Grounding 101  

If you need a little boost for your shields we have an incredible magickal which we have created that can give you an incredible powerful shield right off the bat while you are developing and crafting your own shields.  This shield s created with demonic energies and is designed to help you deal with troublesome forces in your life.  Our Demonic Curse Breaker and Shield of Shadows. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Belials Unshakable Force Magickal, to boost your own power and help bring you confidence and strength when dealing with unseen forces.  Click here to see them!

If you find that this recourses do not help, we recommend reading this article as sometimes there are shadows in our mind that are causing the problems around us.    

Article can be found here!

Questions about Our Magickals and Enchanted Items

I get asked this question a lot,  how does one begin working with demons? How does one begin learning about and casting black magick?  The truth is that these questions all have the same answer…

Before one embarks on any spiritual path they need to commit time to read, to educate themselves and to get a solid understanding of the path that they wish to walk.

Spiritual paths are not something to be taken lightly.  They are a serious part of our practise and serious part of our journey.  Having a solid spiritual foundation is essential! The thing about one’s spiritual foundation is that it never stops developing and we can alway go deeper into our spiritual foundation.  We can also practise our skills, we can alway push ourselves to develop more.

This is one of the greatest secrets in magick.  Pushing yourself and your mind to do more.  Developing and mastering your skills and abilities and through that understanding and embracing yourself.  This is how you grow and develop.  This is how you master your life and what it is that you desire.  Our spiritual foundation is Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Focusing, Mental Mastery,  but committing to a daily routine you will master yourself and master your skill and be able to use all of those skills to enhance and awaken different levels within your spiritual path.  An investestment in your spiritual foundation is an investment in yourself.

I did a video on it here..

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Darkest Blessings!
Akelta, Satyra & Yllidra

This questions has been asked a few ties during the group rituals.  Really the answer is there are a bunch of ways that one can dispose of the ritual remains.  It can depend on a number of things;

What traditions you follow? 

Some tradition or spells have a very specific way in which the offerings should be disposed of.  If you are following that tradition you should honour that method of offering disposal.

Wha is your personal preference?  

If you are working a modified system that is your own then the end result is yours on how you dispose of your rituals offerings, make sure that this method aligns with you and with the goals that you hope to attain.

What is the deity you are working with’s personal preference? 

Are you working with a deity or demon?  If you are, they may inform you of how they want their ritual offerings disposed of.

What type of offering you are using?  

Some offers can remain on their altar indefinitely, such as crystals,  which others like food will rot and will have to be disposed of after a certain amount of time.

Does the ritual have a preferred method of disposal? 

If the ritual calls for the offerings to be disposed of in a certain way, then it is best to follow what is recommended.

What type of spell you are working? 

If you are working a banishing ritual  there are many different factors to consider when disposing of ritual materials, and there are many factors to consider when disposing of offerings.

Here are some suggestions that I have used in my practise, though like most things I say follow what feels comfortable and right for you.  Rituals and spells are often very personalized and it is important to follow what aligns with your work.


Yes you can burn the offerings. Some rituals to call for this and some offerings it makes perfect sense to burn them at the end of the ritual, especially if you have a hearth or fire pit included in your ritual.  Food offerings such as meat and bread can easily be burnt.  Fire works great with rituals of banishment releasing and cleansing.  When you burn something you banish it permanently never to return, you alter it and alter yourself in such a profound way that it never will return to you.  Poppets, or other ritual dolls especially ones that might be tied to things that you wish to remove from your life can easily be burned.


If your offering is organic then placing them in a body of moving water such as a stream or river to wash them away is a perfectly acceptable way to dispose of ritual offerings.  You can also place some organic offerings on the beach to be swept away by the tides. Though please use common sense, our oceans and bodies of water contain enough garbage, make sure you only dispose of organic offerings.


If your offering is organic such as food, drink, blood, plant materials then there is no harm in burying it at the end of the ritual.  This returns it to nature and returns the energy to the one that it was presented to.  If you have a garden or compost this can be a great place to dispose of ritual offerings.  Some offerings or ritual items require you to bury the item in certain places, like burying them on the property of your target, or burying them in your own yard.

Leaving for wildlife 

If you are working with food items and they are not poisoned or contaminated through the working it is perfectly acceptable to leave them for wildlife and insects.  This can be a great way to honour the energy of the ritual and the entities involved.  This is great for gratitude rituals or rituals honouring a specific time of the year.   If you work with a food item, it can be scattered and left for the local wildlife to consume.  Some rituals even call for leaving such offerings for the nature spirits and the gods of the wild.  It really depends on the nature of the ritual you are performing.

Self Consumption. 

This is a strange one but if you are doing any translocation work or any work where you invite the entity into you some of them may ask you to consume the offering.  This should only be done if the offering is not toxic and is in fact ok for consumption.  I have done this during transvocation work with my companions to allow them to have the offering through my body.

Letting nature take its course

If you offer a bowl of water or do a ritual with herbs outside you can just leave them.  The water will naturally evaporate and the herbs will decompose into the Earth.  Nature knows how to take care of these things and some offers are completely safe to leave.   Flowers will wither and return to the Earth and the passage of time will take its course.  Some things are best left for nature to do with it what it will.

Leaving it on their altar.

Some offerings are permanent offerings.  They are gifts for the beings that you work with and you can keep them on their alter indefinitely. This is good for offerings like Crystals, candle holders or items that will not decay.  These offerings can be gifts to your companions and deities and they make the altars incredible beautiful.  The nice thing about these items is that they can be used with any work that you do with them and their energies build over time.


Ok some rituals call for this.  If you are doing a curse working, a banishment working or working with offerings that are not so nice you can and should feel free to dispose of them in the garage.  This will work especially well for banishments because hey, you want them removed from your life anyway!  Some items are best to be disposed of as far away from you as possible.   The garbage is a very efficient way to dispose of many offerings that you need removed from you.

How you dispose of your items will depend on the working you are doing as well as what the ritual is for.  Think about the ritual that you are doing and what makes the most sense for disposing of the offerings.  Don’t be afraid to get creative and follow your own thoughts and inspirations, but always use common sense.

Q: How do I begin on this path learning about magick? 

A: I have been wanting to do a topic on this for a long time as I get asked this a lot. Magick doesn’t happen instantly, it involves a lot of work and study. Reading and studying, as forming any path requires quite a lot of that! It’s good not to pigeon hole yourself too early as you may end up feeling unfulfilled. You are doing the right thing- exploring many different sites and fields of study. You will find *your path* this way and it’s ok if it is different to everyone else’s!

Besides Satan and Suns, another good website is http://www.demonolatry.org. This website is packed with information on demonolatry, Satan and how to respectfully practice walking with the Demonic. Their site focuses on Demonolatry and they have many amazing books that are great for building a solid foundation for working with and connecting with demons.

~The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly
~The Demonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly
~The Keys of Ocat by S . Connolly
~Infernal Colopatiron – S. Connolly

To name a few….

Michael Ford is another Author who published a lot of really great foundational books for those interesting in the Left Hand Path..

~ Luciferian Witchcraft,
~ Liber Hvhi
~ Adamu: Luciferian Tantra and Sex Magick
~ Beginning Luciferian Magick

Here are a couple of sites that tend to publish really good books on the left hand path, though be aware, the LHP definition encompasses HUNDREDS of paths!

http://www.nephilimpress.com: A good general grimoire publishing site on dark LHP

http://www.aeonsophiapress.com: for darker black magick and anti cosmic theurgical books.

http://www.scarletimprint.com: this is a very good broad based publisher and also offers e books of many of its publications including Jake Stratton Kent’s books.

http://www.primalcraft.com: This is Mark Alan Smith’s personal publishing company where he discusses the darker aspect of Hekate in such books as Queen of Hell, The Red King and Scorpion God.  Mark Alan Smith is a genius and is incredible in his work on the Darker Paths. He is amazing to learn from.

http://www.ixaxaar.com: a bit pricey as grimoires go, however, their stuff is solid and they have quite a good reseller section on there.

And of course http://amazon.com: Is always a great resource for writers I personally enjoy reading like S. Connolly, Michael Ford, B Morlan, etc etc

There is a book called The Power of Concentration by Theron Q Dumont that we HIGHLY recommend to learn to harness and maintain your focus and concentration. It gives exercises, explanations and the best part for me, it’s not an overwhelming size. Using it has allowed my workings to improve, my ability to retain information has increased, and meditations are easier.   Theron Dumont is a pen name for William Walker Atkinson and a list of his complete collection of books can be found here… 

You do not have to be a *proper Black Sorcerer* to practice and make magick part of your life! Or rather should i say, if you practice magick on any level, you are *proper* ? A good book that mixes neuroscience and magick is Brain Magick by Philip Farber. I really like this one- it may be worth you checking out!

Other books that make incredible reads and can help you learn about the different paths and embrace different perspectives on this path are….

Phantasmagoria: A Compendium Of Monsters
Black Magick Evocation of the Shem Ha Mephorash – G. De Laval
~Witchblood Grail by Mark Alan Smith 
~The Equinox – Aleister Crowley
~Magick Without Tears – Aleister Crowley

[i]***Really any of the books by Aleister Crowley can give you insights on his perspective but he is not for everyone. We have a lot of Crowley’s books here…  [/i]

~ Esoteric Mind Power – Vernon Howard
~ Thomas Karlsson – Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magick
Lemegeton: Lesser Keys of Solomon 
~ The Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon the King – Aleister Crowley and S. L. MacGregor Mathers
Heptameron, or Elements of Magick
~ Sacred Magick of Abramelin
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy (3 books)
Agrippa: fourth book of Occult Philosophy
Ars Notoria
The Grande Grimoire
Grimorium Verum -Joseph H. Peterson
Initiation to Hermetic – Franz Bardon
~ The Book of Forbidden Knowledge: Black Magic, Superstition, Charms, and Divination – Johnson Smith &co
~ The Three Magical Books of Solomon – S.L. MacGregor Mathers
~ The Magus: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy – Francis Barrett
~ The Practice of Magical Evocation – Franz Bardon

There are so many books.  Really not all these books are going to align with what you believe.  Many of these books do not align with my beliefs but they are good to learn about to build your foundation and learn about the different elements of magick, and also to learn more about what resonates with you and the direction that you wish to go. The best way to begin is to just start reading and challenging yourself to learn as much as you can. The more you learn the more you will find what resonates with you and before you know it you will have a solid foundation of knowledge and your path will open up to you!

You can also check out our Youtube Channel, we have a lot of great resources and recommendations.  This video is all about where to begin…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Q: I am being haunted, tormented, abused by a spiritual force! Can you help me?

A: This is one question that we get a lot and the reality is that there is not a single fix all solution. Often times individual haunted cases have to be assessed and the solution has to come from figuring out what is happening and laying a foundation for a clear recovery path. 

There are several first steps to take when you think/feel you are being harassed by a spirit or entity.

Ruling Out Medical…

The first and foremost is to make sure there is nothing wrong with your physical health. There are many times where a physical ailment, or chemical imbalance can cause sensations and hallucinations on this level. It is wise to seek a medical examination by a qualified doctor to rule any physical/chemical issues. This is the first step and we advise anyone who is in this situation to make sure that you are always working with a physician just to rule out any physical factors. 

If you’ve done that the next step is Spiritual Foundation.

The Spiritual Foundation…

When working in the metaphysical /spiritual world or having any interactions with spirits/entities/magick, it is recommended to practice a solid spiritual foundation. The spiritual foundation will keep you safe in your dealings and working with the spiritual world and is recommended for anyone who walks any spiritual path.  It is important to learn these foundational skills, magick and the spirit world are not a joke, they are dangerous and there are lots of things that can harm you, it is important to learn to defend yourself. 

This requires learning to; 

~ Shield (a barrier protecting you from negative energies/spirits/entities/magick) 

~ Ground (the process of bringing you back to the physical world after any interaction with spirit/entities/magick) , 

~ Cleanse (cleaning your space where you are having interactions/magickal workings), 

~ Ward (protecting your property and/or self with sigils , crystals, or larger shields). 

When you start to develop your spiritual foundation you will start to take control over your space and be able to claim your space and remove any unwanted forces or presences. The first step with any harassing spirits or entities is to claim spiritual authority over yourself and your property. 

We have a resource website where we have written short free downloadable PDF’s that have basic foundational skills and instructions on how to implement them. Please see the link below: 

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101 ~ This booklet was written as a beginning guild to cleansing and energy clearing to assist you with building the important foundation for learning to cleanse yourself and your space of unwanted energies and entities.

Shielding 101 ~ This booklet was written to assist with the development of your shielding as shielding and learning to protect your energies and self from any negative entities or energies is essential for any spiritual practise.  There are lots of dangerous entities out there that can cause harm and the first line of the defence is your personal protection shield!

Warding 101 ~ This Booklet is written to assist with the development of your warding skills.  Just as personal shields are important it is very important to learn to protect your space and shield your home and your environment from unwanted forces and energies.  This can give you a safe space for working and developing your skills, and gives you the tools to keep your family safe from dangerous entities and hauntings.

Grounding 101 ~ This booklet is written to assist with Grounding.  This essential skill is important for all those who practise rituals, spirit communication or any activity where you have to raise your energy vibration.  Grounding helps to bring you back down to Earth and stabilize your energies and reconnect with yourself and your body.  It is a super important foundational tool.

If you begin to implement a spiritual foundation remember that it can take time for these things to take effect.  These entities spent years gaining access to your energies so it can take some time to undo what was done.  Be consistent with your foundational practises and you will notice that the effects will get less and less. 

The Living Shadow

If after developing a spiritual foundation you still find yourself tormented and you still are having the same trouble as before then the cause is probably internal.  This means that there is an element of your shadow self that has manifested its own consciousness and is tormenting you for some reason.  This reason is something that is deep and buried deep in your subconscious.  Some say that demons are in our head and this is true in this regard, there are personifications that manifest and arise inside of us and scream to be heard. The more they are repressed and ignored the louder they can become from the shadow element. In society we are taught to repress a lot of what we feel, and these repressions can manifest as living shadows.  

A spiritual foundation will have no effect on these shadows, as they are not external, they are internal.  A spiritual foundation works to protect you from the external.  When there are living manifestations that are formed from part of your shadow psyche then they are internal and the only way to go about removing them is shadow work. 

Shadow work, also called referred to as the journey into the underworld.  This is where you have to journey into the depth of your mind and basically heal past abuse and damage that has been done.  You have to go into yourself and work with your shadow side to uncover this side and work to heal it.  This can be very painful and challenging work and we recommend that you educate yourself on shadow work and find a practitioner who has understanding of the shadow work and knows how to help you navigate it.  This is very life changing and profound work and it can help you to heal the sides that are tormenting you.

The first question I always ask when this situation comes up is, How do you know it is a demon? When summoning and conjuring it takes years to determine what exactly you are working with and what energies are coming through. This is one of the reason that we recommend building your spiritual foundation and learning how to shield yourself and protect your space. There are lot of malicious entities out there that will take the opportunity of sporadic summoning to come through and feed.

When we are working with the Dark Lords we take the time to learn their energies and attune ourselves to their vibrations through end chanting and working with their sigil. These preparations before the invocation is designed to help attune you to their energies. These practises are also designed to help us define sacred space and create a place where we can communicate undisturbed with the Dark Lord/Demon.

When you are dealing with unknown demons and succubi and incubi you don’t have a clear lock on their energies because they are not written about and defined. This is why true conjurers take years to develop their skills and learn how to read and interpret energies. Those who have accidentally invited sludge into their life, masquerading as, let’s say a Son of Satan, have found their lives fall apart, they end up in terrible pain, and even have had people around them who are close to them get sick and die. Sludge entities are terribly and in some situations encounters with them can lead to sever illness. Conjuring is not something that should be taken frivolously. When you are trying to summon or conjure something that is unknown you need to have clear defined protections and know how to protect yourself if something goes wrong.

There are many spiritual beings out there and many of them are unfriendly and wish to cause us harm. Malicious Sludge Entities and Astral Parasites seek out our energies for their consumption and can cause a lot of issues when they get in. It is important to have means to defend yourself and define your space. We recommend learning about and developing your spiritual foundation, especially the area of cleansing and shielding. We have booklets here for free that you can download and use to begin to develop your spiritual foundation.


If it is a demon that comes through and it won’t leave you alone, it is important to note that demons are sentient beings with their own views and perspectives. They are powerful and incredible beings and if you act in a way that is disrespectful to them, they might be annoyed and trying to teach you a lesson. This is especially true if you are demanding or rude to them.

If it is a demon, apologizing to them and trying to rectify the situation and making it right. Once you have apologized continue to define and protect your space and take the time to learn what you need to to properly work with and connect with demons. Demons are Dark and some of them are dangerous, especially when you approach them in a cruel and abusive manner. It is important to know how to approach them and work with them and to show them respect. When working with demons, being courteous and polite goes a long way.

If you feel that you are being haunted and or tormented by a spirit we take the approach of returning power to the individual.  We believe strongly in the development of the spiritual foundation so that you can take back the power from these forces, reclaim your space and your life. 

Building your spiritual foundation will also help you to take control of your space and decide what energies move in and out of it.  We highly recommend that anyone who is having trouble with spiritual forces begin immediately working on their spiritual foundation. 

The Spiritual Foundation consists of Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Warding, Focusing and Mental Mastery.  The development and investment in these skills with give you the power to take back your space and remove any unwanted force in your life.  

We have written some booklets here that can help you to begin this process and begin to really take control of your life and reclaim your power.  Remember that you are powerful and you are a divine being and that a lot of forces like to use fear to take your power away, but the second you stop being afraid of them they lose that power and you can stop them. 

You will find the booklets below.  

Shielding 101

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101

Warding 101

Grounding 101  

If you need a little boost for your shields we have an incredible magickal which we have created that can give you an incredible powerful shield right off the bat while you are developing and crafting your own shields.  This shield s created with demonic energies and is designed to help you deal with troublesome forces in your life.  Our Demonic Curse Breaker and Shield of Shadows. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Belials Unshakable Force Magickal, to boost your own power and help bring you confidence and strength when dealing with unseen forces.  Click here to see them!

If you find that this recourses do not help, we recommend reading this article as sometimes there are shadows in our mind that are causing the problems around us.    

Article can be found here!

Questions about working with the Dark Lords

I get asked this question a lot,  how does one begin working with demons? How does one begin learning about and casting black magick?  The truth is that these questions all have the same answer…

Before one embarks on any spiritual path they need to commit time to read, to educate themselves and to get a solid understanding of the path that they wish to walk.

Spiritual paths are not something to be taken lightly.  They are a serious part of our practise and serious part of our journey.  Having a solid spiritual foundation is essential! The thing about one’s spiritual foundation is that it never stops developing and we can alway go deeper into our spiritual foundation.  We can also practise our skills, we can alway push ourselves to develop more.

This is one of the greatest secrets in magick.  Pushing yourself and your mind to do more.  Developing and mastering your skills and abilities and through that understanding and embracing yourself.  This is how you grow and develop.  This is how you master your life and what it is that you desire.  Our spiritual foundation is Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Focusing, Mental Mastery,  but committing to a daily routine you will master yourself and master your skill and be able to use all of those skills to enhance and awaken different levels within your spiritual path.  An investestment in your spiritual foundation is an investment in yourself.

I did a video on it here..

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Darkest Blessings!
Akelta, Satyra & Yllidra

This questions has been asked a few ties during the group rituals.  Really the answer is there are a bunch of ways that one can dispose of the ritual remains.  It can depend on a number of things;

What traditions you follow? 

Some tradition or spells have a very specific way in which the offerings should be disposed of.  If you are following that tradition you should honour that method of offering disposal.

Wha is your personal preference?  

If you are working a modified system that is your own then the end result is yours on how you dispose of your rituals offerings, make sure that this method aligns with you and with the goals that you hope to attain.

What is the deity you are working with’s personal preference? 

Are you working with a deity or demon?  If you are, they may inform you of how they want their ritual offerings disposed of.

What type of offering you are using?  

Some offers can remain on their altar indefinitely, such as crystals,  which others like food will rot and will have to be disposed of after a certain amount of time.

Does the ritual have a preferred method of disposal? 

If the ritual calls for the offerings to be disposed of in a certain way, then it is best to follow what is recommended.

What type of spell you are working? 

If you are working a banishing ritual  there are many different factors to consider when disposing of ritual materials, and there are many factors to consider when disposing of offerings.

Here are some suggestions that I have used in my practise, though like most things I say follow what feels comfortable and right for you.  Rituals and spells are often very personalized and it is important to follow what aligns with your work.


Yes you can burn the offerings. Some rituals to call for this and some offerings it makes perfect sense to burn them at the end of the ritual, especially if you have a hearth or fire pit included in your ritual.  Food offerings such as meat and bread can easily be burnt.  Fire works great with rituals of banishment releasing and cleansing.  When you burn something you banish it permanently never to return, you alter it and alter yourself in such a profound way that it never will return to you.  Poppets, or other ritual dolls especially ones that might be tied to things that you wish to remove from your life can easily be burned.


If your offering is organic then placing them in a body of moving water such as a stream or river to wash them away is a perfectly acceptable way to dispose of ritual offerings.  You can also place some organic offerings on the beach to be swept away by the tides. Though please use common sense, our oceans and bodies of water contain enough garbage, make sure you only dispose of organic offerings.


If your offering is organic such as food, drink, blood, plant materials then there is no harm in burying it at the end of the ritual.  This returns it to nature and returns the energy to the one that it was presented to.  If you have a garden or compost this can be a great place to dispose of ritual offerings.  Some offerings or ritual items require you to bury the item in certain places, like burying them on the property of your target, or burying them in your own yard.

Leaving for wildlife 

If you are working with food items and they are not poisoned or contaminated through the working it is perfectly acceptable to leave them for wildlife and insects.  This can be a great way to honour the energy of the ritual and the entities involved.  This is great for gratitude rituals or rituals honouring a specific time of the year.   If you work with a food item, it can be scattered and left for the local wildlife to consume.  Some rituals even call for leaving such offerings for the nature spirits and the gods of the wild.  It really depends on the nature of the ritual you are performing.

Self Consumption. 

This is a strange one but if you are doing any translocation work or any work where you invite the entity into you some of them may ask you to consume the offering.  This should only be done if the offering is not toxic and is in fact ok for consumption.  I have done this during transvocation work with my companions to allow them to have the offering through my body.

Letting nature take its course

If you offer a bowl of water or do a ritual with herbs outside you can just leave them.  The water will naturally evaporate and the herbs will decompose into the Earth.  Nature knows how to take care of these things and some offers are completely safe to leave.   Flowers will wither and return to the Earth and the passage of time will take its course.  Some things are best left for nature to do with it what it will.

Leaving it on their altar.

Some offerings are permanent offerings.  They are gifts for the beings that you work with and you can keep them on their alter indefinitely. This is good for offerings like Crystals, candle holders or items that will not decay.  These offerings can be gifts to your companions and deities and they make the altars incredible beautiful.  The nice thing about these items is that they can be used with any work that you do with them and their energies build over time.


Ok some rituals call for this.  If you are doing a curse working, a banishment working or working with offerings that are not so nice you can and should feel free to dispose of them in the garage.  This will work especially well for banishments because hey, you want them removed from your life anyway!  Some items are best to be disposed of as far away from you as possible.   The garbage is a very efficient way to dispose of many offerings that you need removed from you.

How you dispose of your items will depend on the working you are doing as well as what the ritual is for.  Think about the ritual that you are doing and what makes the most sense for disposing of the offerings.  Don’t be afraid to get creative and follow your own thoughts and inspirations, but always use common sense.

Q: How do I begin on this path learning about magick? 

A: I have been wanting to do a topic on this for a long time as I get asked this a lot. Magick doesn’t happen instantly, it involves a lot of work and study. Reading and studying, as forming any path requires quite a lot of that! It’s good not to pigeon hole yourself too early as you may end up feeling unfulfilled. You are doing the right thing- exploring many different sites and fields of study. You will find *your path* this way and it’s ok if it is different to everyone else’s!

Besides Satan and Suns, another good website is http://www.demonolatry.org. This website is packed with information on demonolatry, Satan and how to respectfully practice walking with the Demonic. Their site focuses on Demonolatry and they have many amazing books that are great for building a solid foundation for working with and connecting with demons.

~The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly
~The Demonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly
~The Keys of Ocat by S . Connolly
~Infernal Colopatiron – S. Connolly

To name a few….

Michael Ford is another Author who published a lot of really great foundational books for those interesting in the Left Hand Path..

~ Luciferian Witchcraft,
~ Liber Hvhi
~ Adamu: Luciferian Tantra and Sex Magick
~ Beginning Luciferian Magick

Here are a couple of sites that tend to publish really good books on the left hand path, though be aware, the LHP definition encompasses HUNDREDS of paths!

http://www.nephilimpress.com: A good general grimoire publishing site on dark LHP

http://www.aeonsophiapress.com: for darker black magick and anti cosmic theurgical books.

http://www.scarletimprint.com: this is a very good broad based publisher and also offers e books of many of its publications including Jake Stratton Kent’s books.

http://www.primalcraft.com: This is Mark Alan Smith’s personal publishing company where he discusses the darker aspect of Hekate in such books as Queen of Hell, The Red King and Scorpion God.  Mark Alan Smith is a genius and is incredible in his work on the Darker Paths. He is amazing to learn from.

http://www.ixaxaar.com: a bit pricey as grimoires go, however, their stuff is solid and they have quite a good reseller section on there.

And of course http://amazon.com: Is always a great resource for writers I personally enjoy reading like S. Connolly, Michael Ford, B Morlan, etc etc

There is a book called The Power of Concentration by Theron Q Dumont that we HIGHLY recommend to learn to harness and maintain your focus and concentration. It gives exercises, explanations and the best part for me, it’s not an overwhelming size. Using it has allowed my workings to improve, my ability to retain information has increased, and meditations are easier.   Theron Dumont is a pen name for William Walker Atkinson and a list of his complete collection of books can be found here… 

You do not have to be a *proper Black Sorcerer* to practice and make magick part of your life! Or rather should i say, if you practice magick on any level, you are *proper* ? A good book that mixes neuroscience and magick is Brain Magick by Philip Farber. I really like this one- it may be worth you checking out!

Other books that make incredible reads and can help you learn about the different paths and embrace different perspectives on this path are….

Phantasmagoria: A Compendium Of Monsters
Black Magick Evocation of the Shem Ha Mephorash – G. De Laval
~Witchblood Grail by Mark Alan Smith 
~The Equinox – Aleister Crowley
~Magick Without Tears – Aleister Crowley

[i]***Really any of the books by Aleister Crowley can give you insights on his perspective but he is not for everyone. We have a lot of Crowley’s books here…  [/i]

~ Esoteric Mind Power – Vernon Howard
~ Thomas Karlsson – Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magick
Lemegeton: Lesser Keys of Solomon 
~ The Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon the King – Aleister Crowley and S. L. MacGregor Mathers
Heptameron, or Elements of Magick
~ Sacred Magick of Abramelin
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy (3 books)
Agrippa: fourth book of Occult Philosophy
Ars Notoria
The Grande Grimoire
Grimorium Verum -Joseph H. Peterson
Initiation to Hermetic – Franz Bardon
~ The Book of Forbidden Knowledge: Black Magic, Superstition, Charms, and Divination – Johnson Smith &co
~ The Three Magical Books of Solomon – S.L. MacGregor Mathers
~ The Magus: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy – Francis Barrett
~ The Practice of Magical Evocation – Franz Bardon

There are so many books.  Really not all these books are going to align with what you believe.  Many of these books do not align with my beliefs but they are good to learn about to build your foundation and learn about the different elements of magick, and also to learn more about what resonates with you and the direction that you wish to go. The best way to begin is to just start reading and challenging yourself to learn as much as you can. The more you learn the more you will find what resonates with you and before you know it you will have a solid foundation of knowledge and your path will open up to you!

You can also check out our Youtube Channel, we have a lot of great resources and recommendations.  This video is all about where to begin…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Q: I am being haunted, tormented, abused by a spiritual force! Can you help me?

A: This is one question that we get a lot and the reality is that there is not a single fix all solution. Often times individual haunted cases have to be assessed and the solution has to come from figuring out what is happening and laying a foundation for a clear recovery path. 

There are several first steps to take when you think/feel you are being harassed by a spirit or entity.

Ruling Out Medical…

The first and foremost is to make sure there is nothing wrong with your physical health. There are many times where a physical ailment, or chemical imbalance can cause sensations and hallucinations on this level. It is wise to seek a medical examination by a qualified doctor to rule any physical/chemical issues. This is the first step and we advise anyone who is in this situation to make sure that you are always working with a physician just to rule out any physical factors. 

If you’ve done that the next step is Spiritual Foundation.

The Spiritual Foundation…

When working in the metaphysical /spiritual world or having any interactions with spirits/entities/magick, it is recommended to practice a solid spiritual foundation. The spiritual foundation will keep you safe in your dealings and working with the spiritual world and is recommended for anyone who walks any spiritual path.  It is important to learn these foundational skills, magick and the spirit world are not a joke, they are dangerous and there are lots of things that can harm you, it is important to learn to defend yourself. 

This requires learning to; 

~ Shield (a barrier protecting you from negative energies/spirits/entities/magick) 

~ Ground (the process of bringing you back to the physical world after any interaction with spirit/entities/magick) , 

~ Cleanse (cleaning your space where you are having interactions/magickal workings), 

~ Ward (protecting your property and/or self with sigils , crystals, or larger shields). 

When you start to develop your spiritual foundation you will start to take control over your space and be able to claim your space and remove any unwanted forces or presences. The first step with any harassing spirits or entities is to claim spiritual authority over yourself and your property. 

We have a resource website where we have written short free downloadable PDF’s that have basic foundational skills and instructions on how to implement them. Please see the link below: 

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101 ~ This booklet was written as a beginning guild to cleansing and energy clearing to assist you with building the important foundation for learning to cleanse yourself and your space of unwanted energies and entities.

Shielding 101 ~ This booklet was written to assist with the development of your shielding as shielding and learning to protect your energies and self from any negative entities or energies is essential for any spiritual practise.  There are lots of dangerous entities out there that can cause harm and the first line of the defence is your personal protection shield!

Warding 101 ~ This Booklet is written to assist with the development of your warding skills.  Just as personal shields are important it is very important to learn to protect your space and shield your home and your environment from unwanted forces and energies.  This can give you a safe space for working and developing your skills, and gives you the tools to keep your family safe from dangerous entities and hauntings.

Grounding 101 ~ This booklet is written to assist with Grounding.  This essential skill is important for all those who practise rituals, spirit communication or any activity where you have to raise your energy vibration.  Grounding helps to bring you back down to Earth and stabilize your energies and reconnect with yourself and your body.  It is a super important foundational tool.

If you begin to implement a spiritual foundation remember that it can take time for these things to take effect.  These entities spent years gaining access to your energies so it can take some time to undo what was done.  Be consistent with your foundational practises and you will notice that the effects will get less and less. 

The Living Shadow

If after developing a spiritual foundation you still find yourself tormented and you still are having the same trouble as before then the cause is probably internal.  This means that there is an element of your shadow self that has manifested its own consciousness and is tormenting you for some reason.  This reason is something that is deep and buried deep in your subconscious.  Some say that demons are in our head and this is true in this regard, there are personifications that manifest and arise inside of us and scream to be heard. The more they are repressed and ignored the louder they can become from the shadow element. In society we are taught to repress a lot of what we feel, and these repressions can manifest as living shadows.  

A spiritual foundation will have no effect on these shadows, as they are not external, they are internal.  A spiritual foundation works to protect you from the external.  When there are living manifestations that are formed from part of your shadow psyche then they are internal and the only way to go about removing them is shadow work. 

Shadow work, also called referred to as the journey into the underworld.  This is where you have to journey into the depth of your mind and basically heal past abuse and damage that has been done.  You have to go into yourself and work with your shadow side to uncover this side and work to heal it.  This can be very painful and challenging work and we recommend that you educate yourself on shadow work and find a practitioner who has understanding of the shadow work and knows how to help you navigate it.  This is very life changing and profound work and it can help you to heal the sides that are tormenting you.

The first question I always ask when this situation comes up is, How do you know it is a demon? When summoning and conjuring it takes years to determine what exactly you are working with and what energies are coming through. This is one of the reason that we recommend building your spiritual foundation and learning how to shield yourself and protect your space. There are lot of malicious entities out there that will take the opportunity of sporadic summoning to come through and feed.

When we are working with the Dark Lords we take the time to learn their energies and attune ourselves to their vibrations through end chanting and working with their sigil. These preparations before the invocation is designed to help attune you to their energies. These practises are also designed to help us define sacred space and create a place where we can communicate undisturbed with the Dark Lord/Demon.

When you are dealing with unknown demons and succubi and incubi you don’t have a clear lock on their energies because they are not written about and defined. This is why true conjurers take years to develop their skills and learn how to read and interpret energies. Those who have accidentally invited sludge into their life, masquerading as, let’s say a Son of Satan, have found their lives fall apart, they end up in terrible pain, and even have had people around them who are close to them get sick and die. Sludge entities are terribly and in some situations encounters with them can lead to sever illness. Conjuring is not something that should be taken frivolously. When you are trying to summon or conjure something that is unknown you need to have clear defined protections and know how to protect yourself if something goes wrong.

There are many spiritual beings out there and many of them are unfriendly and wish to cause us harm. Malicious Sludge Entities and Astral Parasites seek out our energies for their consumption and can cause a lot of issues when they get in. It is important to have means to defend yourself and define your space. We recommend learning about and developing your spiritual foundation, especially the area of cleansing and shielding. We have booklets here for free that you can download and use to begin to develop your spiritual foundation.


If it is a demon that comes through and it won’t leave you alone, it is important to note that demons are sentient beings with their own views and perspectives. They are powerful and incredible beings and if you act in a way that is disrespectful to them, they might be annoyed and trying to teach you a lesson. This is especially true if you are demanding or rude to them.

If it is a demon, apologizing to them and trying to rectify the situation and making it right. Once you have apologized continue to define and protect your space and take the time to learn what you need to to properly work with and connect with demons. Demons are Dark and some of them are dangerous, especially when you approach them in a cruel and abusive manner. It is important to know how to approach them and work with them and to show them respect. When working with demons, being courteous and polite goes a long way.

If you feel that you are being haunted and or tormented by a spirit we take the approach of returning power to the individual.  We believe strongly in the development of the spiritual foundation so that you can take back the power from these forces, reclaim your space and your life. 

Building your spiritual foundation will also help you to take control of your space and decide what energies move in and out of it.  We highly recommend that anyone who is having trouble with spiritual forces begin immediately working on their spiritual foundation. 

The Spiritual Foundation consists of Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Warding, Focusing and Mental Mastery.  The development and investment in these skills with give you the power to take back your space and remove any unwanted force in your life.  

We have written some booklets here that can help you to begin this process and begin to really take control of your life and reclaim your power.  Remember that you are powerful and you are a divine being and that a lot of forces like to use fear to take your power away, but the second you stop being afraid of them they lose that power and you can stop them. 

You will find the booklets below.  

Shielding 101

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101

Warding 101

Grounding 101  

If you need a little boost for your shields we have an incredible magickal which we have created that can give you an incredible powerful shield right off the bat while you are developing and crafting your own shields.  This shield s created with demonic energies and is designed to help you deal with troublesome forces in your life.  Our Demonic Curse Breaker and Shield of Shadows. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Belials Unshakable Force Magickal, to boost your own power and help bring you confidence and strength when dealing with unseen forces.  Click here to see them!

If you find that this recourses do not help, we recommend reading this article as sometimes there are shadows in our mind that are causing the problems around us.    

Article can be found here!

Questions about Spiritual Foundation and Development

I get asked this question a lot,  how does one begin working with demons? How does one begin learning about and casting black magick?  The truth is that these questions all have the same answer…

Before one embarks on any spiritual path they need to commit time to read, to educate themselves and to get a solid understanding of the path that they wish to walk.

Spiritual paths are not something to be taken lightly.  They are a serious part of our practise and serious part of our journey.  Having a solid spiritual foundation is essential! The thing about one’s spiritual foundation is that it never stops developing and we can alway go deeper into our spiritual foundation.  We can also practise our skills, we can alway push ourselves to develop more.

This is one of the greatest secrets in magick.  Pushing yourself and your mind to do more.  Developing and mastering your skills and abilities and through that understanding and embracing yourself.  This is how you grow and develop.  This is how you master your life and what it is that you desire.  Our spiritual foundation is Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Focusing, Mental Mastery,  but committing to a daily routine you will master yourself and master your skill and be able to use all of those skills to enhance and awaken different levels within your spiritual path.  An investestment in your spiritual foundation is an investment in yourself.

I did a video on it here..

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Darkest Blessings!
Akelta, Satyra & Yllidra

This questions has been asked a few ties during the group rituals.  Really the answer is there are a bunch of ways that one can dispose of the ritual remains.  It can depend on a number of things;

What traditions you follow? 

Some tradition or spells have a very specific way in which the offerings should be disposed of.  If you are following that tradition you should honour that method of offering disposal.

Wha is your personal preference?  

If you are working a modified system that is your own then the end result is yours on how you dispose of your rituals offerings, make sure that this method aligns with you and with the goals that you hope to attain.

What is the deity you are working with’s personal preference? 

Are you working with a deity or demon?  If you are, they may inform you of how they want their ritual offerings disposed of.

What type of offering you are using?  

Some offers can remain on their altar indefinitely, such as crystals,  which others like food will rot and will have to be disposed of after a certain amount of time.

Does the ritual have a preferred method of disposal? 

If the ritual calls for the offerings to be disposed of in a certain way, then it is best to follow what is recommended.

What type of spell you are working? 

If you are working a banishing ritual  there are many different factors to consider when disposing of ritual materials, and there are many factors to consider when disposing of offerings.

Here are some suggestions that I have used in my practise, though like most things I say follow what feels comfortable and right for you.  Rituals and spells are often very personalized and it is important to follow what aligns with your work.


Yes you can burn the offerings. Some rituals to call for this and some offerings it makes perfect sense to burn them at the end of the ritual, especially if you have a hearth or fire pit included in your ritual.  Food offerings such as meat and bread can easily be burnt.  Fire works great with rituals of banishment releasing and cleansing.  When you burn something you banish it permanently never to return, you alter it and alter yourself in such a profound way that it never will return to you.  Poppets, or other ritual dolls especially ones that might be tied to things that you wish to remove from your life can easily be burned.


If your offering is organic then placing them in a body of moving water such as a stream or river to wash them away is a perfectly acceptable way to dispose of ritual offerings.  You can also place some organic offerings on the beach to be swept away by the tides. Though please use common sense, our oceans and bodies of water contain enough garbage, make sure you only dispose of organic offerings.


If your offering is organic such as food, drink, blood, plant materials then there is no harm in burying it at the end of the ritual.  This returns it to nature and returns the energy to the one that it was presented to.  If you have a garden or compost this can be a great place to dispose of ritual offerings.  Some offerings or ritual items require you to bury the item in certain places, like burying them on the property of your target, or burying them in your own yard.

Leaving for wildlife 

If you are working with food items and they are not poisoned or contaminated through the working it is perfectly acceptable to leave them for wildlife and insects.  This can be a great way to honour the energy of the ritual and the entities involved.  This is great for gratitude rituals or rituals honouring a specific time of the year.   If you work with a food item, it can be scattered and left for the local wildlife to consume.  Some rituals even call for leaving such offerings for the nature spirits and the gods of the wild.  It really depends on the nature of the ritual you are performing.

Self Consumption. 

This is a strange one but if you are doing any translocation work or any work where you invite the entity into you some of them may ask you to consume the offering.  This should only be done if the offering is not toxic and is in fact ok for consumption.  I have done this during transvocation work with my companions to allow them to have the offering through my body.

Letting nature take its course

If you offer a bowl of water or do a ritual with herbs outside you can just leave them.  The water will naturally evaporate and the herbs will decompose into the Earth.  Nature knows how to take care of these things and some offers are completely safe to leave.   Flowers will wither and return to the Earth and the passage of time will take its course.  Some things are best left for nature to do with it what it will.

Leaving it on their altar.

Some offerings are permanent offerings.  They are gifts for the beings that you work with and you can keep them on their alter indefinitely. This is good for offerings like Crystals, candle holders or items that will not decay.  These offerings can be gifts to your companions and deities and they make the altars incredible beautiful.  The nice thing about these items is that they can be used with any work that you do with them and their energies build over time.


Ok some rituals call for this.  If you are doing a curse working, a banishment working or working with offerings that are not so nice you can and should feel free to dispose of them in the garage.  This will work especially well for banishments because hey, you want them removed from your life anyway!  Some items are best to be disposed of as far away from you as possible.   The garbage is a very efficient way to dispose of many offerings that you need removed from you.

How you dispose of your items will depend on the working you are doing as well as what the ritual is for.  Think about the ritual that you are doing and what makes the most sense for disposing of the offerings.  Don’t be afraid to get creative and follow your own thoughts and inspirations, but always use common sense.

Q: How do I begin on this path learning about magick? 

A: I have been wanting to do a topic on this for a long time as I get asked this a lot. Magick doesn’t happen instantly, it involves a lot of work and study. Reading and studying, as forming any path requires quite a lot of that! It’s good not to pigeon hole yourself too early as you may end up feeling unfulfilled. You are doing the right thing- exploring many different sites and fields of study. You will find *your path* this way and it’s ok if it is different to everyone else’s!

Besides Satan and Suns, another good website is http://www.demonolatry.org. This website is packed with information on demonolatry, Satan and how to respectfully practice walking with the Demonic. Their site focuses on Demonolatry and they have many amazing books that are great for building a solid foundation for working with and connecting with demons.

~The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly
~The Demonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly
~The Keys of Ocat by S . Connolly
~Infernal Colopatiron – S. Connolly

To name a few….

Michael Ford is another Author who published a lot of really great foundational books for those interesting in the Left Hand Path..

~ Luciferian Witchcraft,
~ Liber Hvhi
~ Adamu: Luciferian Tantra and Sex Magick
~ Beginning Luciferian Magick

Here are a couple of sites that tend to publish really good books on the left hand path, though be aware, the LHP definition encompasses HUNDREDS of paths!

http://www.nephilimpress.com: A good general grimoire publishing site on dark LHP

http://www.aeonsophiapress.com: for darker black magick and anti cosmic theurgical books.

http://www.scarletimprint.com: this is a very good broad based publisher and also offers e books of many of its publications including Jake Stratton Kent’s books.

http://www.primalcraft.com: This is Mark Alan Smith’s personal publishing company where he discusses the darker aspect of Hekate in such books as Queen of Hell, The Red King and Scorpion God.  Mark Alan Smith is a genius and is incredible in his work on the Darker Paths. He is amazing to learn from.

http://www.ixaxaar.com: a bit pricey as grimoires go, however, their stuff is solid and they have quite a good reseller section on there.

And of course http://amazon.com: Is always a great resource for writers I personally enjoy reading like S. Connolly, Michael Ford, B Morlan, etc etc

There is a book called The Power of Concentration by Theron Q Dumont that we HIGHLY recommend to learn to harness and maintain your focus and concentration. It gives exercises, explanations and the best part for me, it’s not an overwhelming size. Using it has allowed my workings to improve, my ability to retain information has increased, and meditations are easier.   Theron Dumont is a pen name for William Walker Atkinson and a list of his complete collection of books can be found here… 

You do not have to be a *proper Black Sorcerer* to practice and make magick part of your life! Or rather should i say, if you practice magick on any level, you are *proper* ? A good book that mixes neuroscience and magick is Brain Magick by Philip Farber. I really like this one- it may be worth you checking out!

Other books that make incredible reads and can help you learn about the different paths and embrace different perspectives on this path are….

Phantasmagoria: A Compendium Of Monsters
Black Magick Evocation of the Shem Ha Mephorash – G. De Laval
~Witchblood Grail by Mark Alan Smith 
~The Equinox – Aleister Crowley
~Magick Without Tears – Aleister Crowley

[i]***Really any of the books by Aleister Crowley can give you insights on his perspective but he is not for everyone. We have a lot of Crowley’s books here…  [/i]

~ Esoteric Mind Power – Vernon Howard
~ Thomas Karlsson – Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magick
Lemegeton: Lesser Keys of Solomon 
~ The Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon the King – Aleister Crowley and S. L. MacGregor Mathers
Heptameron, or Elements of Magick
~ Sacred Magick of Abramelin
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy (3 books)
Agrippa: fourth book of Occult Philosophy
Ars Notoria
The Grande Grimoire
Grimorium Verum -Joseph H. Peterson
Initiation to Hermetic – Franz Bardon
~ The Book of Forbidden Knowledge: Black Magic, Superstition, Charms, and Divination – Johnson Smith &co
~ The Three Magical Books of Solomon – S.L. MacGregor Mathers
~ The Magus: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy – Francis Barrett
~ The Practice of Magical Evocation – Franz Bardon

There are so many books.  Really not all these books are going to align with what you believe.  Many of these books do not align with my beliefs but they are good to learn about to build your foundation and learn about the different elements of magick, and also to learn more about what resonates with you and the direction that you wish to go. The best way to begin is to just start reading and challenging yourself to learn as much as you can. The more you learn the more you will find what resonates with you and before you know it you will have a solid foundation of knowledge and your path will open up to you!

You can also check out our Youtube Channel, we have a lot of great resources and recommendations.  This video is all about where to begin…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coI4HqKT_s4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=3840&h=2160]

Q: I am being haunted, tormented, abused by a spiritual force! Can you help me?

A: This is one question that we get a lot and the reality is that there is not a single fix all solution. Often times individual haunted cases have to be assessed and the solution has to come from figuring out what is happening and laying a foundation for a clear recovery path. 

There are several first steps to take when you think/feel you are being harassed by a spirit or entity.

Ruling Out Medical…

The first and foremost is to make sure there is nothing wrong with your physical health. There are many times where a physical ailment, or chemical imbalance can cause sensations and hallucinations on this level. It is wise to seek a medical examination by a qualified doctor to rule any physical/chemical issues. This is the first step and we advise anyone who is in this situation to make sure that you are always working with a physician just to rule out any physical factors. 

If you’ve done that the next step is Spiritual Foundation.

The Spiritual Foundation…

When working in the metaphysical /spiritual world or having any interactions with spirits/entities/magick, it is recommended to practice a solid spiritual foundation. The spiritual foundation will keep you safe in your dealings and working with the spiritual world and is recommended for anyone who walks any spiritual path.  It is important to learn these foundational skills, magick and the spirit world are not a joke, they are dangerous and there are lots of things that can harm you, it is important to learn to defend yourself. 

This requires learning to; 

~ Shield (a barrier protecting you from negative energies/spirits/entities/magick) 

~ Ground (the process of bringing you back to the physical world after any interaction with spirit/entities/magick) , 

~ Cleanse (cleaning your space where you are having interactions/magickal workings), 

~ Ward (protecting your property and/or self with sigils , crystals, or larger shields). 

When you start to develop your spiritual foundation you will start to take control over your space and be able to claim your space and remove any unwanted forces or presences. The first step with any harassing spirits or entities is to claim spiritual authority over yourself and your property. 

We have a resource website where we have written short free downloadable PDF’s that have basic foundational skills and instructions on how to implement them. Please see the link below: 

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101 ~ This booklet was written as a beginning guild to cleansing and energy clearing to assist you with building the important foundation for learning to cleanse yourself and your space of unwanted energies and entities.

Shielding 101 ~ This booklet was written to assist with the development of your shielding as shielding and learning to protect your energies and self from any negative entities or energies is essential for any spiritual practise.  There are lots of dangerous entities out there that can cause harm and the first line of the defence is your personal protection shield!

Warding 101 ~ This Booklet is written to assist with the development of your warding skills.  Just as personal shields are important it is very important to learn to protect your space and shield your home and your environment from unwanted forces and energies.  This can give you a safe space for working and developing your skills, and gives you the tools to keep your family safe from dangerous entities and hauntings.

Grounding 101 ~ This booklet is written to assist with Grounding.  This essential skill is important for all those who practise rituals, spirit communication or any activity where you have to raise your energy vibration.  Grounding helps to bring you back down to Earth and stabilize your energies and reconnect with yourself and your body.  It is a super important foundational tool.

If you begin to implement a spiritual foundation remember that it can take time for these things to take effect.  These entities spent years gaining access to your energies so it can take some time to undo what was done.  Be consistent with your foundational practises and you will notice that the effects will get less and less. 

The Living Shadow

If after developing a spiritual foundation you still find yourself tormented and you still are having the same trouble as before then the cause is probably internal.  This means that there is an element of your shadow self that has manifested its own consciousness and is tormenting you for some reason.  This reason is something that is deep and buried deep in your subconscious.  Some say that demons are in our head and this is true in this regard, there are personifications that manifest and arise inside of us and scream to be heard. The more they are repressed and ignored the louder they can become from the shadow element. In society we are taught to repress a lot of what we feel, and these repressions can manifest as living shadows.  

A spiritual foundation will have no effect on these shadows, as they are not external, they are internal.  A spiritual foundation works to protect you from the external.  When there are living manifestations that are formed from part of your shadow psyche then they are internal and the only way to go about removing them is shadow work. 

Shadow work, also called referred to as the journey into the underworld.  This is where you have to journey into the depth of your mind and basically heal past abuse and damage that has been done.  You have to go into yourself and work with your shadow side to uncover this side and work to heal it.  This can be very painful and challenging work and we recommend that you educate yourself on shadow work and find a practitioner who has understanding of the shadow work and knows how to help you navigate it.  This is very life changing and profound work and it can help you to heal the sides that are tormenting you.

The first question I always ask when this situation comes up is, How do you know it is a demon? When summoning and conjuring it takes years to determine what exactly you are working with and what energies are coming through. This is one of the reason that we recommend building your spiritual foundation and learning how to shield yourself and protect your space. There are lot of malicious entities out there that will take the opportunity of sporadic summoning to come through and feed.

When we are working with the Dark Lords we take the time to learn their energies and attune ourselves to their vibrations through end chanting and working with their sigil. These preparations before the invocation is designed to help attune you to their energies. These practises are also designed to help us define sacred space and create a place where we can communicate undisturbed with the Dark Lord/Demon.

When you are dealing with unknown demons and succubi and incubi you don’t have a clear lock on their energies because they are not written about and defined. This is why true conjurers take years to develop their skills and learn how to read and interpret energies. Those who have accidentally invited sludge into their life, masquerading as, let’s say a Son of Satan, have found their lives fall apart, they end up in terrible pain, and even have had people around them who are close to them get sick and die. Sludge entities are terribly and in some situations encounters with them can lead to sever illness. Conjuring is not something that should be taken frivolously. When you are trying to summon or conjure something that is unknown you need to have clear defined protections and know how to protect yourself if something goes wrong.

There are many spiritual beings out there and many of them are unfriendly and wish to cause us harm. Malicious Sludge Entities and Astral Parasites seek out our energies for their consumption and can cause a lot of issues when they get in. It is important to have means to defend yourself and define your space. We recommend learning about and developing your spiritual foundation, especially the area of cleansing and shielding. We have booklets here for free that you can download and use to begin to develop your spiritual foundation.


If it is a demon that comes through and it won’t leave you alone, it is important to note that demons are sentient beings with their own views and perspectives. They are powerful and incredible beings and if you act in a way that is disrespectful to them, they might be annoyed and trying to teach you a lesson. This is especially true if you are demanding or rude to them.

If it is a demon, apologizing to them and trying to rectify the situation and making it right. Once you have apologized continue to define and protect your space and take the time to learn what you need to to properly work with and connect with demons. Demons are Dark and some of them are dangerous, especially when you approach them in a cruel and abusive manner. It is important to know how to approach them and work with them and to show them respect. When working with demons, being courteous and polite goes a long way.

If you feel that you are being haunted and or tormented by a spirit we take the approach of returning power to the individual.  We believe strongly in the development of the spiritual foundation so that you can take back the power from these forces, reclaim your space and your life. 

Building your spiritual foundation will also help you to take control of your space and decide what energies move in and out of it.  We highly recommend that anyone who is having trouble with spiritual forces begin immediately working on their spiritual foundation. 

The Spiritual Foundation consists of Shielding, Grounding, Cleansing, Warding, Focusing and Mental Mastery.  The development and investment in these skills with give you the power to take back your space and remove any unwanted force in your life.  

We have written some booklets here that can help you to begin this process and begin to really take control of your life and reclaim your power.  Remember that you are powerful and you are a divine being and that a lot of forces like to use fear to take your power away, but the second you stop being afraid of them they lose that power and you can stop them. 

You will find the booklets below.  

Shielding 101

Cleansing and Energy Clearing 101

Warding 101

Grounding 101  

If you need a little boost for your shields we have an incredible magickal which we have created that can give you an incredible powerful shield right off the bat while you are developing and crafting your own shields.  This shield s created with demonic energies and is designed to help you deal with troublesome forces in your life.  Our Demonic Curse Breaker and Shield of Shadows. Click here to view them!

We also recommend our Belials Unshakable Force Magickal, to boost your own power and help bring you confidence and strength when dealing with unseen forces.  Click here to see them!

If you find that this recourses do not help, we recommend reading this article as sometimes there are shadows in our mind that are causing the problems around us.    

Article can be found here!