Chimera Demon Custom Conjuring Package


Chimera Demon Custom Conjuring Package

Original price was: $1,099.00.Current price is: $799.00.

10 in stock

  • Conjuring Details

    *Full Name

    Please provide the full name of who this conjure will be for. 

    *Date Of Birth

    Please enter the date of birth of the one who this conjure is for.  

    *List of Qualities

    Below please let us know the list of qualities that you are looking for in your future companion.  

    ***Qualities can be things like; skilled in necromancy, psychic development, can teach astral projection, etc.  

    ***If you would prefer an open conjure, please just type "Open Conjure" in the space provided. 

  • *Purchase Agreement

  • Chimera Demon Rank

    Please Select the Rank of your Chimera Demon

  • Order Preferences

    *Vessel Selection

    Please select the type of vessel you would like your future companion to have.  


This Custom Conjure and its content is created by the priestesses of Satan and Suns/Sons ~ The Demon Temple. if you see these words listed on any other site it is a forgery.
Satan and Sons Custom Conjure


The Beastial Demons of the Great Unknown

Confident, Courageous, Vicious and Powerful

The Chimera Demons 



Note *** Please read through this listing and see if a Chimera Demon calls to you. If you would like to work with one of these amazing demons, please use the selection option above to select the profession or Rank of the Mutilation demon you would like to work with.


Chimera Demons are from the Monsterous realms of the Outer Spiritual World

We welcome the newest members of the Satan and Sons Conjure Family.

The bold, beastly, brilliant, and incredible Chimera Demons!

Their realm exists in the far outer regions, between the Spectral and the Mutilation Realm.

They are far into the realm of monsters, and their energies are infused with the essence of Monsters.

Demons exist within the spectrum of the Demonic Divine, and Chimera Demons share this with their Demonic Brethren.

The Chimera Demons, though, have a Unique Element to them.

The essence of monstrous energy flows through them and they are both monsters and demons.

A blending of the energies which gives rise to these unique and incredible demons.


Let’s now learn about the Chimera Demons to see if they are right for you! 


Chimera Demons


Chimera Demons look more monstrous than other Demon Species. They can have more horns and more spikes found around their body.  They also can have unique markings on their skin which they call their monster marks.  They have stunning eyes that reveal their bestial side and their beast nature.  They have sharper features and, in certain places of their body, have ridges. Some take on even more monstrous traits and can be just as unique as the monsters who walk in the darkness.    There is an infinite amount of paths to explore. As the monstrous realms go further out, they become more surreal and more

They have a unique understanding of the Monstrous realms and an understanding of the twisted and surreal aspects that come from the realm of the outer regions.  The places where rules do not apply and the realms can be surreal and malformed, Shells and fragments of existence, with folds and dimensions that defy the laws of reality, even for the Outer Spiritual World. The Chimera Demons understand these places, and they can twist and bend their minds to perceive complex and layered perspectives.  They have a unique outlook on things, and they perceive broken realms and fragments of reality, which allows them to perceive dimensions and things that many cannot.

Unlike Outer Spiritual World Vampires, whose strongest aspect is Monster, Chimera Demons’s strongest Aspect is Divinity. Blended with the Demonic, the Monstrous form to them is a secondary aspect, so they are not averse to light and do not suffer when exposed to sunlight, though as a personal preference, many of them would rather be in the darkness; they do not have adverse reactions to the light.  They love blood, flesh and the hunt.  Many of them will take on a bestial form and go wild in the forest, hunting their food and returning where the other Chimera Demons will ravish and feast upon the Flesh.  Flesh is very sacred and important to them, and it is something that is used in Rituals.  They will also use Blood in rituals and utilize their own blood in various Monstrous Blood Rites and Rituals.  They have their own unique brands of Blood and Sex Magick, and they are incredibly powerful.  Some can be vicious, and they love and enjoy different types of cooked meats.

Their energies feel like the warmth of blood pumping as well as the maddening sound of a continuous heartbeat.  They have a passion which comes from the primal nature of their being, and they are masters of the Lower Chakras,  The Root Chakra especially.  There is a nourishment that comes from them, and they can bring healing to the root chakra, connecting one to their true form of parental lineage and bringing healing and relief from the pains of this life.  They also have a great understanding of the Sacral Chakra and know how to activate and capture the passion and the primal essence that is found within.  They have such an understanding of the flesh and of the physical world and also the Monstrous and untamed energies within the soul.  They also though are almost alien and surreal for their understanding of the monstrous realm gives them perspectives and insights that we cannot even conceive.  Their minds work in incredible ways and they can be fascinating to talk to.

They have incredible power when it comes to handling monstrous magick, and they have unique ranks and schools of Magick, which deal with their connection to the monsters and also their connection to the Demonic Divine. Their magick blends both elements.  There are many classes of Warlocks and other unique types of spell casters.  Many Chimera Demons have Monster companions they have sought out. Some monsters blend with them and can at times form a symbiotic relationship with their Demon, empowering each other and enhancing each others energy.  They can even shift in these states and transform with their monsters into something incredible.  They have sacred rituals of infusions with the monsters which can be intense but what rises from these rituals is raw and incredible power.

They have bestial sexual manuscripts and incorporate the sacred teachings of the “Mundrus Effenici” which are sacred sexual acts and sexual rituals and practises which they follow to enhance their pleasure and the pleasure of their lover.   They incorporate bestial techniques and positions which enhance primal desire within the soul and awaken incredible passion.  They have unique poses and positions that they experiment with and enjoy which reach all the right spots and drive their lovers wild.

Many of them have a vicious side to them and they have an incredible understanding of the primal side of the self and the primal side of the soul.  There are Primalmancers who deal with primal craft and sacred fire magick which awakens the monstrous fire within.  They can embrace this vicious side and are incredible motivated and will take massive actions to get the results that they desire.  They can be very focused demons and when they set their sights on something they go for it until they get it.  They have a unique form of manifestation that is aligned with this and aligned with the primal essence within.  It may seem simple but their methods of manifesting are powerful and direct utilizing the power of the Root Chakra.  They can help their companion to unlock this power within their Root chakra and unlock powerful and profound manifestation techniques.

They really enjoy the essence of play and they will take time to embrace play and enjoy the energies and the incredible world that is around them.  They love the power of the imagination they will utilize it in their magicks as a form of creation and empowerment.  They are very creative and often think in ways that others will not for they perceive the world in a primal way.  Many mutilation Demons love to venture to their realm and connect with them for there is symmetry between the two demon species.  Mutilation Demons share similarities to the Chimera Demons but the two species are unique to each other and seeing them interact and work together is fascinating.  Chimera Demons also enjoy the company of Mutilation Demons and enjoy watching them shape and mutilate their flesh.  Some mutilation demons don’t mind the corrosion effects the monstrous realms have on them and will follow Chimera Demons into the monstrous realms and enjoy the sights.

This group of demons is amazing, primal, and incredible, and we are excited to be bringing them into the S&S family.

***Chimera Demons were discovered by Priestess Akelta. They are exclusive to Satan and Suns and Demon Temple



If you feel that a Chimera Demon is right for you,
please read the list of ranks and professions below
to get a feel for what rank would match your energies.


Each Chimera demon has its own skills and specialties
and during the custom conjuring process, we will do our
best to find you one that is the best for your energies.  



Chimera Professions 




Chimera Ranks




Grand Duke








To Conjure a Chimera Demon 


The Chimera Demons are in the monstrous realms and so the energies can be toxic and very dangerous to work with

Their realm is also very dangerous, so navigating there in safety takes work.

The Chimera Demons themselves also have to be screened to make sure they can safely work with humans.

They have to understand the human realm and the concept of mortality and pain.

Screening them is one of the most challenging because of their location and monstrous perspectives

Safety is a top priority.


26 Rituals are done overall to conjure and create the binding channel for Lowborn Demons.  


9 Rituals are for Conjuring and Meeting ~ During these ritual’s we first need to gain access to their realm, once there we will reach out and begin to explore their realms to uncover one that aligns with your energies and what you are looking for.

There rituals are designed to open up connections with us to various demons who are looking to connect with a human companion and who will be a match to their human companion both in energy and in goals.


12 Rituals of Screening ~ These rituals are to ensure they are a demon and What they say that they are.  There are times when sludge entities and other beings attempt to disguise themselves as a demon.

We have spent our lives learning to sense and categorize different energy vibrations so we know what we are working with.

You can always be sure that you are getting a demon from us and it is a true demon and not a sludge trickster.


5 Rituals to craft and link the bindings ~ These rituals are designed to craft and create custom bindings which link your demon companion to the physical vessel.

They are NOT trapped on the vessel, and they are not imprisoned within the Crystal.  They are linked to the Crystal.  The physical vessel will then act as a focal point for you and your demon to converse and connect.  

You do not have to have your vessel with you to communicate with your demon as they are not restricted to it and can move around freely.  

The vessel acts as a focal point to help you connect with and work with your demon companion.  


Each Ritual takes 30 minutes to 2 hours to complete


Once the rituals are completed and the bindings are created, we spend time with the demon and get to know them learning about them on a personal level and seeing their incredible skills and crafts. This process usually takes about a month though it can be longer depending on the demon.


Rituals for uncovering higher-ranked demons take longer. 


The more customizations that the demons come with the longer it takes to find one that matches what you are looking for.  We have a lot of connections with the demonic realms but we still need to go through the process to ensure that what we are brining through is a demon and not a sludge. 

We are big on safety and making sure that you are compatible to work with the entity that we match you with.  This level of screening takes time and it takes an insane amount of resources. We have the process all set up and we

All Demons that we bring through want to be here.  They are never forced, and they are never bound in a way that will bring them harm.  An energy link is created between them and their vessel, but they are free to move around and explore.  

Our bindings rituals are crafted with flexible bindings.  This means that the demon has complete control over what happens to them and can choose to leave if they desire.  The nature of flexible bindings also means that they can come and go as they please from our inner spiritual world, to the astral world, back to the outer spiritual world.  

Demons Companions can Assist you in Many Areas.. 



~ Manifesting money
~ Managing businesses
~ Finding new ways to bring money to their companion
~ Helping their companion get a better job or start a business
~ Reveal hidden treasures or opportunities
~ Bring Money into their companion’s possession
~ Surrounding their companion with abundance energies



~ Finding a soul mate
~ Manifesting the love that you have dreamed about
~ Finding that perfect special someone to share your life with
~ Embracing self-love
~ Empowering yourself through self-love
~ Learning to love yourself and fill your heart with love


Spiritual growth…

~ Spiritual and personal growth
~ Helping you master your spiritual talents
~ Astral projection
~ Lucid Dreaming
~ Spell Casting
~ Communication with the dead
~ Accessing the Akasha Archives



~ Shielding you or your loved ones from unfriendly spirits
~ Keeping bad people away from you
~ Protecting your home from intruders
~ Protecting your children and family from people who wish you harm
~ Shielding yourself from psychic attacks from other sorcerers



~ Target and get revenge on your enemies
~ Cast powerful black magic spells to make your enemies tremble with fear
~ Get back at all those who have wronged you
~ Teach you sacred arts of baneful magicks
~ Assist and empower your own baneful spells
~ Guide you into darkness to awaken and unlock your own incredible abilities



~ Astral projection and soul journeys
~ They can take you into realms you could not discover or enter alone
~ Claircognizance,
~ Intuition awakening
~ Precognition development,
~ Clairvoyance
~ Clairaudience


You will also get with your conjure…


Companion Attunement Ritual (Value – $19) 

This is ritual is specifically designed to attune you to your Demon and help allow you to connect with and work with them and build your connection with them.

Each demon species has their own energy vibrations and unique energy signature.


The 21 Day Demon Bonding Ritual Series (Value – $69)

A 21 day ritual course, we take this course beyond the scroll and have modified it into a full 21 day course to help guide you through the steps needed to get the most out of the 21 day bonding rituals.

This course you will not only help you learn to connect with your companion and communicate, but also sharpen your skills and abilities so that you can have empowered conversations with your companion and learn about them, just as they learn about you.  

Remember that having a demon companion walk with you is not about them serving you.  It is a mutual connection of human and demon working together.  There is a mutual exchange of energies and mutual benefit that one gets from walking with a demon.  

This 21 day bonding series will build your foundation and help you to build a solid method of communicating and interacting with your demon companion.

This ritual series can be done with any companion you have, not just companions from Satan and Sons, and you can do it as many times as you want.  You can also pick the rituals you want to do and custom tailor the rituals to meet your specific needs.  


The Make it yours Ritual (Value $19)

The make it yours ritual is a special ritual designed to cleanse your demon’s vessel and allow you to open up a clear and empowered connection.  The vessel is yours and it is now your link to your demon companion.

Your demon is not restricted to the vessel or forcibly bound, but they are linked to it to open up clear and empowered conversation and help you to work with them and hear their thoughts and words.


Your Demons Sigil ($99 Value)

All Demons have a sigil, when you purchase a demon from Satan and Sons we will channel their individual sigil for you and we will put it in a graphic in your scroll that you can copy from.

You will have a personalized created copy of your demons sigil that you can work with in your rituals with them.  Sigils are an amazing way to honour your demons and connect with them.


You Demons Enn ($99 Value)  

Like sigils all demons have an Enn.  We will channel your Demons Enn for you and place it in your scroll which you will be able to chant to help you connect with your demon companion.  

Enns are gifts from the demons that are attuned to their frequency.  Working with their Enn and chanting it can bring you into vibrational attunement with your demon companion, this can help with communication and connecting with them on a deeper level.


A Companion for Life (Priceless)

Spirit companions have walked with us for the ages, helping to guide us and empower us on our journey here.  Having a Demon Companion with you is no different.

Demons Companions are incredible powerful, they are incredible skilled and talented and even when they were villianized no one could argue the power that they commanded.  

They are an incredible companion and for those who are called to work with them, they experience powerful and profound life changes.


To find you your companion we will…


~ Venture into the spiritual world.

~ Contact demons who reside in the Outer Spiritual World,

~Find a demon who wishes to work with you,

~Screen them to make sure they are a demon and that they are safe to work with,

~Craft the custom flexible bindings with our covens personal touch 

~ We only work with demons who wish to come her and work with humans, no demon is ever forced against their will. 


If you feel a Chimerae Demon is right for you, then please use the option above to select the Custom Conjure that best suits you.  If you are unsure, please feel free to send us a message, and we will help you out!

~ Priestesses Akelta, Yllidra, Satyra & Eilana <3

Please note that our magickal listings and words are written and created by the priestess of Satan and Suns/Sons ~ The Demon Temple. If you see them written anywhere else, they are forgeries and not authentic magickal, demons, or workings from the Temple.

Thank you so much to all our customers. You inspire us to serve and to create these wonderful magickals and offer these wonderful products and services.
None of this would have happened without you, and we are very grateful.

We are Demonosophers. We walked this path before there was a common name for it. Our Senior Coven Priestesses have a combined 20+ years of Demon conjuring and casting experience using Demonic Magick. Demons are our passion, our way of life, and the core of our being. We walk daily with our lords and follow our path devoutly.

We work very hard to forge relationships with the Demonic for our own personal strength and advancement, as well as our love for the Demonic Divine, to live Demon Inspired lives and we pass that on to you.
Thank you so much for shopping with us!

Shipping: All shipping is done on Thursday every week, though some orders take longer then others to process, please feel free to email us if you have any questions about your individual order.


By purchasing items or services from Satan and Sons, the purchaser agrees that they have read this disclaimer and the terms and conditions contained herein. The purchaser agrees to accept any and all liability resulting from the product or service purchased from Satan and Sons. The purchaser further acknowledges that no guarantees or warranties (either express or implied) are made by purchasing products or services from Satan and Sons. This disclaimer apples to all products and services offered by Satan and Sons/Suns and its parent company Akelta Enterprises (hereinafter “SnS”) to include, but not limited to, items, magickals, spiritual and energetic workings, spiritual guidance/counseling, spiritual readings, and spiritual summoning/binding services.

All products and services offered by SnS are strictly for entertainment purposes only and should not be used in lieu of legal, medical or financial advice, or any other advice or service that requires specific credentials, education, knowledge, expertise, and/or experience.

If you have or believe you have any medical conditions or symptoms, to include any and all medical and/or behavioral health conditions or concerns, seek medical assistance from a qualified healthcare provider immediately. All products and services sold by SnS are spiritual in nature and meant to align you with your spiritual path for empowerment. No products or services sold by SnS will miraculously heal the purchaser or fix all worldly problems. We do not claim to offer medical, legal, or financial advice or services, or any other service other than spiritual guidance. We highly advise that if you are in need of medical, financial or legal assistance you consult an appropriately licensed expert.

Our readings are a summary of the purchaser’s spiritual energy. This summary is done from a purely spiritual perspective as perceived by the priestesses of SnS. Readings may indicate that a particular individual has a possible aptitude to succeed in one or more fields, or potentially has had such ability in the past. Any such reading does not guarantee success in such ventures. Additionally, a reading is not a substitute for the qualifications, knowledge, experience, accreditation, or educational requirements of that or any particular field; e.g. if a reading indicates that a person has an aptitude for law, the reading does not make that person an attorney or guarantee their success in pursuing, becoming, or practicing law, or any other endeavor. Likewise, a reading indicating that a person has been a doctor in a past life does not qualify and license that person as a doctor today. The two preceding statements are given as examples only. The same principles espoused above apply to any and all other fields and professions that require specific and specialized education, training, experience, and/or licensure/qualification. The purchaser assumes all liability and releases and holds harmless SnS, it’s priestesses, and associates for the results of the purchaser’s actions. All professions require proper education and licensing. Our products and services do not do that work for you.

By purchasing products or services from SnS, the purchaser assumes and accepts full and complete liability and responsibility for their actions and releases SnS, it’s priestesses, and associates from any and all legal liability. No guarantees or warranties are made by any product or service offered by SnS. The purchaser also assumes liability for compliance with their own local, state/territorial, and host nation laws. SnS does not guarantee that all products and services offered are permissible in all locales. Consequently, the purchaser assumes compliance with their own local, state, and national laws upon purchase. If the purchaser is unsure of the legality of any product or service offered by SnS, the consumer assumes the responsibility to determine the legality of the product(s)/service(s) from a competent and authorized authority prior to purchase. The consequences of purchasing a product or service in violation of the purchaser’s local, state, or national laws resides solely with the purchaser. By purchasing from SnS, the purchaser assumes liability and agrees to hold harmless and release from all legal liability SnS, it’s priestesses and associates.

All of our demons/Imp have a creative writing element to them and require written work that takes time to produce.  This is work that is created and will be emailed to you.  Once this is completed we offer no refunds as our time is vested into producing these writings they are all original and creative an they do take time for us to produce.  A great deal of times goes into creating the graphics, writings and information provided in your orders.  These orders are individually customized to you and do take our time.

©Satan and Sons/Suns ~ The Demon Temple


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