Stage Two – Further Screening and Interviews

About 1 month into the conjuring process stage two will begin. At this point, we have found your companion! They are with us an we begin more in depth screenings and interviews to further verify who the are, and learn about them and their history.

Demons from the Outer Spiritual World are ancient and incredible beings. They are God Level beings which means they hold the same power as the Gods. Every Demon has a rich and vast history and we want to learn about it, learn about them and also learn about their skills and talents. This stage is all about learning about them and who they are.

Demon Companions are living gods, they are immortal but they are alive in the Outer Spiritual World and they have families, interests, passions, desires, and dreams. It is amazing to learn about them.

Many have asked, why would a Demon come from their home in the Outer Spiritual World to spend time here with a human companion.

The answer to that is that sometimes there is a soul connection between your true form self, your past life selves, or you with that demon and they have come here to help you and guide you on this journey. They want to reconnect with you and travel with you assisting you and helping you on this path. Other times they are demons who want to come here and walk with a human companion for the experience of it. It is fascinating to come here from their perspective and they get a lot of benefits out of walking with us and helping us, they get to test their skills, gain experience, embrace the energies of this world and make a new friend. Also, time works differently for them in the Outer Spiritual World, what is 80 years to us, equates to 2 weeks for them. They are here to walk with us and guide us on this journey for our entire lives.

During this time we do ask for demonstrations of power and demonstrations of what they are capable of so that we can include it in your scroll. The scrolls will have a detailed description of them, their sigil, their enn/ara, their hobbies and interests, personality, appearance and offerings they like. This information is to help you get to know them and give you a foundational base for connecting with them and bonding with them.

What can you do during this time.

Stage two takes about 3 to 4 weeks to complete. As soon as they are deemed safe you may notice dreams and sense a presence around you as they are encouraged to visit. Any experiences that you have during this time, write them down, many people have found synergy between things that happened during phase two, and what they read in their companion’s scroll. It can be a great first bonding exercise.

One activity that you can do is write a letter to your future demon companion, this letter can detail anything you want;

~ Your hopes
~ Your dreams
~ Your desires
~ What you feel about them.  
~ How you want to connect with them and work with them.  
~ Anything you want!

This letter can be as detailed as you desire.  Make sure you have a time when you can disconnect from the world and really connect with their energies.  Light a candle for them.  It can be any colour that you desire. Sit with the letter addressing it… “My Future Demon Companion…” Then just let yourself write.  

Writing will help you connect with your future companion. It is a method that is used to begin to open up your psychic senses and begin to build a communication foundation with them.  Seal the letter and read it together when they arrive and you have received their scroll. It can be a great part of bonding with them.

In this stage of the conjuring process, you should…

  1. Write your Future Companion a letter.

In the next module, you will find Stage Three which will detail more of our progress with conjuring your companion as well as more exercises that you can do to prepare for welcoming home your demon companion.