What is a Vessel?

The Vessel is a powerful tool for connecting and working with your Demon. Don’t worry if you opted for an Aura Linking, that just means that you are the Vessel and all the rituals will work. Some people have a preference for a physical vessel, while others like the energies of being linked to their companion.

The Different Types of Bindings we offer are…

Aura Linking – Energy from your companion and specially crafted bindings will be linked to you to form a connection. One of the best ways to tap into the energies of your aura linking is to ask your companion to stand in front of you and focus on their energies. Then feel the energies linking you both, the energies that move between you two. This can help you get a lock onto the energies of the Aura Link and help you grow your communication foundation with your companions. Meditating and focusing on the Aura Link daily will increase your connection to it and increase your attunement to your Demon Companion.

Vessel BindingThis is where we use a specific set of energies that are attuned to your Demon Companion to craft a connection between the Vessel and the Demon. The Vessel acts as an intersection point between the spiritual world and the physical world and increases your ability to communicate and connect with your Companion. It creates a spirit bridge and a sacred link where you both can connect and work together. It is a powerful tool for spirit companionship.

Distance Binding – This is basically a vessel binding except that we craft the bindings onto a piece that you already have or something that might be special to you. If you have a piece of Jewellery that is special to you or something that you have selected to be the vessel for your companion, you can send us a picture of that and we will craft the bindings onto that piece. Once the bindings are completed you treat the piece as you would any item shipped by us. It is your Vessel and your connection to your Demon Companion.

The Vessel creates a focal point between the spiritual world and the physical world. While Demons have a type of physical form in the Outer Spiritual World they must take an energetic form to come here to visit us. Much like we must take an energetic form to inhabit our physical bodies, they must take a form that allows them to move through the dimensions of our spiritual world and be able to influence and direct the energies of the physical world.

The bindings, unlike what some will tell you, are not meant to trap the demon, imprison them, bind them, or restrict them in any way. These beliefs are based on the stories of genies in lamps, bound for eternity to their tiny brass home. It also is based on older more archaic methods of binding which use forcible and restrictive bindings to force the demon to obey their master. This comes from the mindset that demons are malicious and horrible creatures who only want our souls and to watch us suffer.

Being Demonosphers we have a more enlightened view of Demons. Demons are a Type of Dark God who are connected to the Dark Aspects of Divinity. The Demonic Divine is Empowered Darkness and it is majestic and incredible. Demons are not malicious creatures trying to get the upper hand on humans, they are Dark Gods who are here to help us on our Journey and who help us to find empowerment and truth. We have no reason to bind and trap them, we honour and respect them and walk with them as friends and family.

We do not use Forcible or Restrictive Bindings, we use flexible bindings to form an energy connection that you can use to communicate with your companion. Your vessel will focus their energies which will enhance your ability to connect with them and communicate with them.

~ Wearing your Vessel will enhance communication.

~ Meditating with your Vessel will enhance communication.

~ Holding and Wearing your Vessel will enhance communication.

~ Leaving it on an Altar will enhance communication.

~ Having specific times to work with it will enhance communication.

~ There are many different ways to utilize the Vessel to help with connection, experiment with it and see which one works best for you.

As your communication foundation with your companion grows the energies linking you both together will become stronger and there may come a time when you do not need the vessel or only work with it at specific times. There will come a point where your communication with your companion will be so clear that you can communicate with them anytime, anyplace, no matter where your Vessel is. The Vessel though is an incredible tool for creating a spirit bridge and bridging the gap between the Physical and the Spiritual World.

We have some blog posts which go into more detail on the Vessels and bindings, they can be found below.