Day 1 – Welcoming Ritual

Day 1 – Welcoming Ritual

The First ritual is a welcome to the family ritual. You need to get attuned to your Demons’ energies but for the first ritual just take the time to honor your demon and thank them for coming to join you on their journey. It is a ritual that welcomes them into your home and marks the beginning of your journey and relationship with them.

***note*** If you get any impressions, feelings, or images during this ritual, make a note of them.

***note** For this ritual, be connected and present and make sure that you honour them.

1. Bring the vessel into a quiet place and light a candle and some incense, or use essential oils.

2. Make the room comfortable and quiet. Our scrolls include a list of likes that your demons has, take a moment to read your demons scroll and pay attention to the words that they have shared with you. Spirits/Entities/Demons, they are all sentient beings with their own feelings and likes and dislikes. They have their own personalities and like any friendship it can take time to get to know them.

3. You will want to set up a space for working with and connecting with your demon. If a permanent altar is not possible have simple items like a candle that you associate with your demon which you can light and set up while doing these rituals.

4. It is also advised to make a copy of your demons sigil. This sigil you create will be used to help connect you to your demon and give you both a focal point for working with each other’s energies. For all of these rituals have your sigil with you.

If you are able to set up a permanent altar take some time to meditate with your demons sigil to gain inspirations from them of what they would like. Let them guide you, lay out candles they like, crystals they like, burn their favourite incense. Take the time to set up their sacred space. If you cannot do this don’t worry but do set aside time daily to do these rituals and connect with your demon and also work with their sigil.

When you have your space set up as you want it. Place the vessel in the altar, or before you. Sit/Stand before the vessel and say…

“Welcome ______Demon’s Name____
I am your Human Companion ______Your Name_____

© Satan and Suns/Sons ~ The Demon Temple



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Satan and Suns/Sons ~ The Demon Temple Demonic Scroll

we have been brought together in this life
I will be kind to you and honour you,
we will work together
I ask you to help me in my endeavours on this journey here, Protect me from harm,

Protect my family.,
Assist me in creating the life I desire.
I am grateful for all you have done and all you will do. I look forward to learning about you,
sharing my life with you,
and accepting the assistance you offer.
Welcome to my spiritual family”




4. Have a journal that will be your journal for working with your demon companion and take a moment to journal the impressions that you got or thoughts you had about your demon during this session.