The Energies of this Magickal

Cast On: Apricot Agate

***Note***(If you have the Infusion the energies will either be cast upon you, or upon the chosen item which will receive the infusions)

Crystal Natural Properties: Apricot Agate is a crystal of the root chakra. It is a very grounded stone that helps you stay centred and in your body.

It is a crystal that offers protection and defence and shields you against nefarious entities.

It nourishes the root chakra and the sacral chakra and it helps to arouse the lower chakras and open up the currents of energies between them.

It brings balance to masculine, feminine and all energies within the body and it helps to balance relationships and bring love and deep connection.

It helps with self love and with honouring and respecting the self. It grounds the energies and help to relieve stress and tension. It shields you from negative energies and is helpful in overwhelming situations.

Crystal Demonic Properties: When using Apricot Agate with Demonic Energies the crystal enhances lust and passion. It is a crystal that helps one to feel empowered and confident in themselves. It aligns you with your core self and helps you to step into your power and claim the brilliance within. It is a great crystal when working with demons as they love the energies and they love

vibrations that honour the self and help one to reclaim their power. This crystal when blended with the essence of the demonic divine will help you to reclaim your power.

The Sacred Lust Enhancement

These beautiful Apricot agate are cast over 9 nights with the amazing energies of Lady Lilith. If you have selected the infusion they will be cast in an intense three days of casting which will infuse the energies either within yourself of the item that you have selected.

Why only three days for the infusions? When we cast upon the Magickals over 9 Days we are casting on a group of them so it is to ensure that the entire group is fully infused with the energies, with the distnce infusions we are focused on one source for the infusion, so less sessions are required.

They are charged with a deep ritual of Sacred Prostitution to embody each one with the essence of Lust and Sacred Sexuality. They are magickals of sex and lust magick and they are crafted with the sublime and empowered energies of Lady Lilith. Anyone who works with Sex Magick can benefit from the energies of this piece.

This Magickal taps into the essence of Lust. Lust and sensual energies are intense and powerful. They are raw and primal, tapping into the dark regions of pleasure and passion within. There is deep power and passion within them. The root chakra, and the sacral chakra, are chakras of arousal, they are chakras of lust.

Lust is a deep desire, lust is a state like any other that is deeply misunderstood, Lust when used in the right way can be empowering and fulfilling, it can Shed shame and allow one to step into their power. Lust unlocks the deep energies of passion and creation from within the root chakra.

This is a sacred magickal of lust and the awakening of primal and empowered sexual energies. It is a magickal of ritualistic sex magick and it is a piece to charge your energies and charge your space with energies of love, lust, and desires.

This magickal is crafted through a sacred sexual ritual with the energies of Lady Lilith. It is a magicka that enhances all forms of sex magick and it brings pleasure and passion to your ritual space.

This magickal will enhance all forms of sexual magic and it works with the energies of arousal and orgasms. It is a powerful magickal crafted with the Goddess of Sacred Prostitution herself. It is a magickal of liberation and sexual surrender and it opens up the currents of arousal and carnal lust within the body.

This Magickal will

~ Enchanted your space with powerful sexual currents from Lady Lilith
~ Amplify and enhance any sexual workings that you perform
~ Amplify the effects of sex magick and rituals
~ Harness the power of the Orgasm for Ritual Purposes

~ Flood the space with passion and desire
~ Arouse your chakras and open the flow of sexual energies within you

~ Empower you with sexual confidence
~ Align you with the sexual nature of Lady Lilith
~ Arouse and stimulate the root and sacral chakra
~ Open the energies of passion within

Used passively: Simply by having the crystal in your home will floor the space it is in with the energies of lust and passion. Lady Lilith has blessed these pieces with her essence and with the energies of arousal and seduction. Adding the energies to any altar or any ritual that you do will bring the vibration of lust and passion into that ritual and amplify the energies with sexual currents.

It will also help you feel love for yourself and connect to the deep layers of your soul. It will help you connect with Lady Lilith and feel her empowerment, guidance and wisdom. It will bring in passionate energies of creation and sacred sexuality and it will help you to feel more enamoured and aroused by life. It is a crystal of arousal.

Used actively: In meditation, holding the Sacred Lust Magickal will fill you full of passion and sexual energies. (If you are infused within it, Meditating with it and Focusing on it will activate the energies) It also can inspire visions from Lady Lilith and allow you to connect with her on a deep and personal level.

When holding the Crystal During Masturbation it will be charged with your sexual energies which can then be used in in different rituals and rites. This magickal can amplify the energies of all sex magick and raise the vibrations to build incredible connections to the spiritual world.

The energies of an orgasm raise the energies of magick and bring powerful and incredible manifestations. It is a powerful piece that you can play with and learn about.

Like all of our Magickals, you can use your Sacred Lust Magickal with magickal items from other sellers to test the results that you get.

The energies of our pieces are open so that you can experiment with them and blend them with different items you have and see what results you get.

© Satan and Suns/Sons ~ Akelta Enterprises